Warhammer: The Final Boss of Nerd Stuff

Warhammer: The Final Boss of Nerd Stuff

Obvious Puppet

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Obvious Puppet
Obvious Puppet - 18.08.2023 19:14

Okay so I messed something up. The Dark Age of Technology is evidently the golden age of technology, from 15 to 25k. They call it that because they're scared of technology now. 25-29k, when everything was ACTALLY bad, is called the Age of Strife. Thank you comments for being polite about that.

modern da vinci
modern da vinci - 06.10.2023 02:58


Marcus The Fluffy
Marcus The Fluffy - 05.10.2023 22:03

Just an fyi, as codexes are released the faction rules and datasheets will become inaccessible on the app. Tyranids already have this

WILDGAMER123QWERTY - 05.10.2023 08:59

Try kill team. It's smaller, faster and better in the same setting

WarWeasle - 05.10.2023 04:25

What is that doom mod?

Prof. Sir
Prof. Sir - 05.10.2023 03:56

"Hey! Have you guys tried drugs yet?" -My new favorite Fulgrim quote

Danny Buchanan
Danny Buchanan - 05.10.2023 03:36

Less than 4 minutes in and it's apparent he doesn't know about warhammer fantasy goddamn you've got a rabbit hole to go into

Shoto42 - 05.10.2023 01:29

As a DnD nerd, WH40k is that one thing I don’t dare put my money into, not because I have anything against the game itself. It’s just that me and everyone I play DND with are broke ass nerds who can’t afford to buy anything.

WH40k is also a different breed of ttg compared to DnD so they aren’t really comparable in a true sense.

Daniel Teeuw
Daniel Teeuw - 04.10.2023 23:59

The ai that humanity made didn't turn on them, the humans made the men of stone which then build the men of iron to help humanity and they turned against humanity.

Socky Logic
Socky Logic - 04.10.2023 21:46

Marriage or toy soldiers?
looks at my 6000 points of tyranids
Yeah, I made the right choice.

Azitock - 04.10.2023 21:40

buy a 3d printer and make your own models

The Masked Hobo
The Masked Hobo - 04.10.2023 19:37

😬1 2-way airplane ticket to visit your parents for Christmas, or 1 two-way First Class airplane ticket to visit your parents outside of the holidays 🤣

Commander Boreale
Commander Boreale - 04.10.2023 16:25

This is very heretical

Hannesly - 04.10.2023 16:14


mead813 - 04.10.2023 09:04

This is a good video. I like listening to people just getting into the hobby. I read the lore and paint the minis only these days. Used to play, but not in 20 years.

Lord Nandor
Lord Nandor - 04.10.2023 06:25

The amount of Heresy in this video is outrageous.

shadow - 04.10.2023 04:51

You snake loving bastaterd

Not_A_Commie_Dog - 04.10.2023 03:52

Odyssey two
Would have been better if it had
An odyssey two
Sounds better

Powerofthewaaagh - 04.10.2023 03:33

I highly doubt nobody will care about the math but me, however:

I decided to check on the 'A competitive army on the cheap side will cost 1000+ dollars' thing and found that number to be pessimistically high.

As a control, I found a recent Custodes army that placed well at a grand tournament, (an undefeated list played by Woody Wu in the Battle of the Bush,) and dropped his whole army into a shopping cart. Total MSRP: 888$. This doesn't account for paint costs, so add another ~40 dollars. 920, then.

However, this assumes the units were purchased directly from retailers with no discounts. Buying from your local hobby store almost universally comes with a 10-15% discount, so it's more like 780$.

Trying to find an expensive army, I picked the highest placing Ork list from the same tournament. With that 15% discount applied, the MSRB came to 1,183 dollars, for an army with 9 vehicles and 110 infantry models. So you can go above

However, this also assumes you're exclusively buying individual kits, new, all at once, to try and copy tournament lists - and tournament lists tend to lean towards spamming lots of the same kit.

If you're buying box sets or used models, it's easy to get significantly greater discounts. Core sets tend to range from 400-700 points of minis, most commonly around 500, for 160$ base or ~140 from local stores. It's pretty easy to get a 2000 point army for well under 500$ just by leaning on box sets. Heck, the Age of Darkness box has 1600+ points for 250$ on Amazon right now, if you run the Spartan as a regular Land Raider, or 1350+ otherwise.

Trying to copy a tournament list is a crummy way to start playing regardless, but even if you are, it's easy to stay vastly under 1000$, and for every army in the game you can get 2000 points worth of varied units for under 500$ if you buy locally.

That still ain't cheap, of course, but it's just one refrigerator's worth.

Arische Setmses
Arische Setmses - 04.10.2023 00:20

Tzeentch is pleased with the last line in this video.

Commander - 03.10.2023 22:17

i got into this because of a fan animation
i liked it that much and 3 dreams later i got really into it
its fun being a battle sister now

Tonechild - 03.10.2023 21:01

I enjoy all the virtual stuff but the tabletop and painting part is not for me. Even so I still recommend warhammer video games, and have thousands of hour spread between them all. Maybe in another life where I like painting stuff :D

meaningless life
meaningless life - 03.10.2023 19:34

when I was 6 and my dad bought me my first PC, it came with dawn of war dark crusade, I loved the game, wasn't really good at it, took me about 8-10 years to realize it was actually a table top game, and I got into the lore, everybody made fun of me because Asasins Creed and other fandoms where popular, now I'm 23 and I'm deep into the lore ( but i don't have the money to build and army ) I'm from romania ok, 10 or 15 dollars for a figurine is a lot

Rutgaur XI
Rutgaur XI - 03.10.2023 14:54

If you ever decide to get into the gaming and modelling side of it all: avoid all the newer editions (5th onwards), don't buy anything straight from GDubbs print, get second hand or recast. Finally don't under any circumstances give GW any money, you will be better off for it.

T, long time Necromunda enjoyer.

Nigel West
Nigel West - 03.10.2023 12:17

Bro really said $4,000 is a cheap engagement ring

Telmach - 03.10.2023 06:05

Hello fellow Emperor's Children player. Always love to see it. I'd like to make a couple of points.

Proxy everything. Not just models too. Sure you can use chess pieces rocks or bottlecaps (Just so long as it's clear what the proxies are supposed to be). That's the simple kind of proxy. You can also "proxy" paint schemes. You paint your EC Pink, I paint mine purple, someone else will probably paint them white - You don't have to go with official models or paint schemes. Do what you enjoy, not what you think you have to do.

You don't need to have balanced games to have a game. Older editions where better about this, but there are specific missions designed for mismatched armies. So you don't need to have a big complicated army to have fun.

The Indexes for 10th edition are free, but the codex books (The official rules) won't be. However, Wahapedia is your friend. It's a wiki that hosts all the rules for free, including older editions of the game. People still buy the codex books, because we like them - but no one actually uses them. Especially since the books are out of date before you even buy it. To that end, you definitely want to have a 3rd party army builder app to keep track of your army. The go to answer used to be Battlescribe, but the community doesn't like that one anymore for complex reasons - so far New Recruit seems to be the front runner for free 3rd party army builder apps (this one is only available online at the moment though).

Kaleb - 03.10.2023 00:56

GW says the rules are no longer free once the faction codex comes out

Geoffrey Bronson
Geoffrey Bronson - 03.10.2023 00:20

"Fulgrim's my favourite" I'm painting my Emperor's Children right now and I appreciated that

MagusManders - 02.10.2023 22:53

Can anyone point me to where the CGI clips are from? Thanks!

Theodore Hodbor
Theodore Hodbor - 02.10.2023 04:39

The only issue I can kinda see playing the game competitively is that between different editions and frankly even between updates different factions can vary wildly in power. Like for example when they debuted in 9th edition the space dwarves were so fucking cracked people got to the point they were refusing to play against them in games, however come 10th edition they got beaten half to death with the nerf stick to the point they're now considered probably the weakest faction in the game currently and can only compete at all due to abusing their faction-specific rules. If you're not into competitive play at all it probably ain't that big of a deal but given the amount of time and money invested in a single faction I can see some people getting kinda annoyed that their initially well-balanced army can be reduced to barely functional against others with very little warning.

One Of Many
One Of Many - 01.10.2023 23:53

It's not just goofy and over the top, but it is also a platform for great horror stories.

Mr.Wepx - 01.10.2023 23:20

One of us, one of us, one of us

The Hunter
The Hunter - 01.10.2023 23:10

Well Warhammer is actually just a combination of older sci-fi, literally. It gets the the Imperium of man from Dune, as with the Emperor and its hate of AI, it takes elves from every fantasy setting as with orks. Imperial knights were probably based off of battletech, Ta'u were probably influenced by some of the stereotypical aliens of pop culture and also battletech. Necrons are literally robot skeleton egyptians etc etc.

Pattern Recon
Pattern Recon - 01.10.2023 21:10

Keith Woods: "russian" oligarchs.
Igor Kolomoisky.

Great russian famine, Holodomor, Famine in Khazakhstan, Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Yakov Agranov, Aron Solts, Filipp Goloshchyokin, Yakov Yurovsky, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Naftaly Frenkel, Salomon Morel, Helena Brus.

Balfour Declaration 1917
November Revolution 1918
Germany loses WW1 1918
Spartacist uprising 1919

Russian Liberation Army
Andrey Vlasov
Kaminski Brigade
Bronislav Kaminski

"You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the "Russian Revolution." It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators."
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Pattern Recon
Pattern Recon - 01.10.2023 21:10

Minimum replacement birth rate: 2.1
Israel birth rate: 3.00
EU birth rate: 1.53
Canada birth rate: 1.47
USA birth rate: 1.70
Australia birth rate: 1.66
Russia birth rate: 1.50
Ukraine birth rate: 1.23
Moldova: 1.28
Belarus: 1.38
Serbia: 1.48
Bulgaria: 1.56
Romania: 1.60
Albania: 1.58

Israel education minister Rafi Peretz on intermarriage.

Israel justice minister Ayelet Shaked on keeping the jewish majority even at the expense of human rights.

CNN: Joe Biden: Im a zionist, you don't have to be a jew to be a zionist.

Angry foreigner: Joe Biden: it's a good thing that whites will be an absolute minority in the USA

Loxism, Kalergi plan
Noel Ignatiev, George Soros, Peter Sutherland, Wesley Clark, David Schwarz, Robert Aschberg, Peter Wolodarski, Barbara Lerner Spectre, Kier Starmer, Anthony Lester, Barbara Roche, Peter Mandelson, Jack Straw, David Miliband, Lajos Bokros, Emanuel Celler, Jacob Javits, Norbert A. Schlei, Elizabeth Holtzman, Chuck Schumer, Laurence Fabius, Harlem Désir, Bernard-Henri Levy, Josef Schuster, Gregor Gysi, Anetta Kahane, Walter Lippmann, David Manne, Alan Schatter, Ronit Lentin, Franca Eckert Coen, Job Cohen, Ervin Kohn, Richar von Coudenhove-Kalergi

franwex - 01.10.2023 21:07

I mostly stick with the books. I’m not into arts and crafts or table top RPGs.

The new upcoming game looks good. Reminds me of gears of war.

Devastation OfMankind
Devastation OfMankind - 01.10.2023 19:58

Warhammer fans: bro we´re totally not gay...
Me: sure buddy, keep telling yourself that...

Mr.Mobenix - 01.10.2023 19:49

I prefer the fantasy warhammer

Archie Gault
Archie Gault - 01.10.2023 17:23

Remember models are pretty easy to strip paint off, so there's never a risk of ruining a figure by painting it. Doesn't make it any cheaper but it's good to know

Thomas Walmsley
Thomas Walmsley - 01.10.2023 12:08

Great video! It was fun and interesting to hear the viewpoint of someone coming fresh to tabletop wargaming. Please try out Infinity the Game, a skirmish scale wargame by Corvus Belli, it would be very interesting to hear how it compares to GW games for a relative outsider. I was into Games Workshop for most of my life, but when I discovered Infinity I dropped 40K and all related games and have not looked back. Infinity is cooler, much cheaper to get into, and is a much more compelling game; and it has all the nice hobby painting stuff, too.

Kudosbudo - 30.09.2023 20:33

if you want a cheaper easier to learn game that has lore as silly and deep buy the Battletech Alphastrike box set. you get everything you need in one box for months of play.

The Questbro
The Questbro - 30.09.2023 19:21

40k is NOT a satire. What the fuck is it satirizing? Every single aspect of it is meant to be taken at face value. It's DESIGNED to be that way. Every threat the imperium faces is legitimate, every action they take is almost entirely justifiable in the setting. Not even 20 seconds in and this video is spouting nonsense. Holy shit.

Chuck Stares At Things
Chuck Stares At Things - 30.09.2023 16:28

You sound a lot like Pancreasnowork

Meatbalsweat - 30.09.2023 13:19

Papa nurgle came to drop a phat shit on u

skrotosd - 30.09.2023 12:50

how to play 40k: 1)downlload steam. 2) buy Dawn of War 2 complete edition 3) play.

holling harris
holling harris - 30.09.2023 06:45

ngl i tried to get into warhammer but the lore is just, so fucking depressing it makes it hard to care about anything else. like idk man my first impression of 40k's universe is that litterally anyone and everyone in it is just better off offing themselves as soon as possible.

endplanets - 30.09.2023 05:09

W40K is NOT a 'satire' of the military industrial complex. At all.
Its full command economy without a shred of capitalism except for traders I guess but those are more mercantile.

Ronald P
Ronald P - 30.09.2023 02:46

If you want funny and ridiculous, I recommend the Caiphas Cain novels.

Derek Sleeper
Derek Sleeper - 29.09.2023 23:02

Aaaaaaaand subbed. Goofy bananas for the god damn empower.
