12 Signs Your Spirit Guides Are Trying To Communicate With You

12 Signs Your Spirit Guides Are Trying To Communicate With You

The Minds Journal

3 года назад

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Jacob Melendez
Jacob Melendez - 07.10.2023 00:47

I mean kitchen

Jacob Melendez
Jacob Melendez - 07.10.2023 00:46

When I was six I come into the cities for dinner and head some one calling my name I said that some one was calling me and she said nobody said any thing but now I revise that it have might been my spirit guid

Sock. - 29.09.2023 05:36

I’ve heard a faint scream at school, no kids, just faint screams, no one else heard anything and I was the farthest from the door

Antonio Valencia
Antonio Valencia - 27.09.2023 06:51

I find dimes in specific random places is very particular wondering if they are trying to comunicate or what that means is being very present lately?

Does God Love You YES !
Does God Love You YES ! - 25.09.2023 23:04

I would like to leave a comment on what Gifts I have received and about how powerful I got after God touched me when I did a great deed for him when he asked me to help a child and I followed through with what he wanted done.
But the reason I wont right now is because every time I tell anyone about my experiences I get looked down upon as if I am crazy just because God gave me very unusually gifts and I don't know if anyone else who has these gifts. I do have most of these you mention but I have extras that I have not found anyone and or information about them.
When you mention ORBS I had a experience with one that I am sure nobody from this time period has ever had but like I said I don't think I will share it at this time, The orb is not the only experiences I have had that I can't explain.
The reason I am not going to share is it's seems that nobody really believes in the actual power of God.
I have tried contacting 100's of Spiritual you tube sites that tell you to leave a comment and we will get back to you, These so called sites are anywhere from talking about orbs to stating they are a Church and many other type of spiritual sites and are here to help or they believe in signs and miracles and if you have these certain powers contact us, But so far all I have run across are you tubers that all they do is tell lies just to get thumbs up and subscriber's they never respond back.
Although I have just about given up on everything now and what I mean by that is my powers are just about gone because I have been perusing and trying to find out why me because of these powers that have and I can't find anyone that is like me anywhere I mean it hurts when I am looked at as a demon and or crazy person when the thought of God continually crosses my mind although those thoughts have slowed down quite a bit.
I have even stopped tithing to a Church that I was member for over 10years and when I asked for help they to abandoned me and when I first received these gifts this Church is the one I chose to attend and many of my experiences accrued while attending CCV and this abandonment from this Church has been the clincher it's my worst bad experience from a Church that's supposed to help when someone reaches out to them but instead I get 100% ignored.
It's not the only church that I have reached out to and all of them are the same they just ignore me, This is taking a toll on me now I am to the point I don't want to be here anymore what's the use I get these powers and all they have done is consume me making me feel worthless.
In the last 8 years I have been bombarded with evil and hate and I know it's coming from demon's they have been trying to stop me and they are succeeding because I really think I have been chosen for something that's coming or is already here and I have nobody to help me fight this battle I have been searching but nobody's out there to help since God has stepped aside and left me to rot, I really feel kind of like JOB which I stopped at and have not continued reading because it hurts me inside so much to know that JOB suffered so much but kept his faith through it all to God.
I hate to say it but again I feel this comment will fall on deaf ears.
I have a 2 other you tube channel and when anyone makes a comment I always answer back because it's the right thing to do.

Melissa Coley
Melissa Coley - 19.09.2023 03:06

I have most of those signs

bohemianwriter1 - 16.09.2023 14:29

I want to know whether my deceased father was under the influence of his house keeper the last yeas of his life to change his will to include her while he was not 100%
I need to know if someone are around to keep her honest and not sell the apt. in Spain that was supposed to be mine.
Many dark things happened before, under and after his funeral.

Alexandru Dragan
Alexandru Dragan - 12.09.2023 07:19

Thank you for sharing these messages.

Tesha Thorpe
Tesha Thorpe - 12.09.2023 01:53

Y of White feather

Tesha Thorpe
Tesha Thorpe - 12.09.2023 01:53

Y espn square y after White featherA White ver Cedar

Lisa Sullivan
Lisa Sullivan - 08.09.2023 10:00

I must be in real trouble because I have absolutely none of these signs... Now I'm really bummed out.

Poppy - 08.09.2023 07:21

The guidance and lessons from our spirit guides can be trusted and are often with us because of those spiritually close to us. 🥰🌈🌟🙂🙏🏽❤️

Lebogang - 07.09.2023 00:21

Why arent they there when people commit suicide

Hharuka - 05.09.2023 07:37

I have photographs taken in the motel room where i had visitations of my two sons when they were very young. The place wasbr On some of them, were white orbs surrounding around my sons and i always wondered about those. Now i know....spirit guides were trying to tell me not worry about them for they were so protected by them.

Hharuka - 05.09.2023 07:37

I have photographs taken in the motel room where i had visitations of my two sons when they were very young. The place wasbr On some of them, were white orbs surrounding around my sons and i always wondered about those. Now i know....spirit guides were trying to tell me not worry about them for they were so protected by them.

Cynthia Cupler
Cynthia Cupler - 05.09.2023 05:38

I believe in spirit guides.

Give peas a chance
Give peas a chance - 04.09.2023 20:27

The god you ask is within you already it’s your higher self

Try conscious breathing
Innnnnn fill your head
Ouuuuuut empty you chest

And relax

If you try hard enough you will see everything you need to in your dreams , audio visual feelings signs everything

Good luck 😉

Sarah Boan
Sarah Boan - 04.09.2023 19:30

Thank you guides for showing me this ❤ thank you for sharing this

Melissa Bryant
Melissa Bryant - 03.09.2023 19:53

Spirit guides are not necessary for the children of God. Consult your creator directly, never use any spirit guides.

Monica Verma 🍀
Monica Verma 🍀 - 02.09.2023 20:30

Gratitude 🙏.. All signs resonates..

JsArora - 02.09.2023 13:55

I have experienced Chills many atimes when I see emotional scenes and tuoch feeling to wake me up early morning to meditate 😌

Karen Brauch
Karen Brauch - 30.08.2023 16:22

I get lights flickering and gentle touches. I get feathers at times, intuitive thoughts and , messages through music. I'm open to those kinds of things.

Jeremy Andrews
Jeremy Andrews - 30.08.2023 15:11

In my family, I am the one human that my deceased relatives have returned to. Now a days, I live in a 2 room apartment. And usually late at night, when I sit alone at my computer, that sits against a wall, facing it, the rest of the apartment is behind me. With the bedroom door closed I am alone in the large "Great Room." I often feel the air around me shift, and a distinct breeze flows behind me, that is perceptible. It is like someone is walking past me, from behind, and I always notice that. When sitting in a room where there is no draft nor air flow from the AC in the bedroom, very often, this "Spirit or Person" comes to visit. Then by surprise, I hear the chair that sits to my right as I face the wall, creaks, like someone is sitting in it and it shifts the chair across the floor, with perceptible noise that I recognize as the chair being moved ever so slightly. This has happened often over the past few months.

plovecat - 30.08.2023 13:21

I always see number 49 all day. I have no idea what does it mean. Does my spirit try to connect me?

Envy My Life
Envy My Life - 30.08.2023 05:11

I need help learning how to communicate with my Spirit guides and understand their messages more clearly so I don't walk in the wrong path

Tricia Figaro
Tricia Figaro - 29.08.2023 12:47

Another sign heightened activity in your periphery

Marie Fernando
Marie Fernando - 27.08.2023 22:53

Thank you for this beautiful video ❤

EmpireBreedingCo. com
EmpireBreedingCo. com - 24.08.2023 10:36

you dont know if any of this is true. yall is crazy!

Faith - 20.08.2023 23:45

This is ridiculous! 😂

Yasmin Gemme
Yasmin Gemme - 17.08.2023 13:14

Yes I just got one ☝️ yesterday, I took picture of it , I usually play around editing to see it better to eye 👁️ view and was checking the meaning of a spiritual white elephant with blue head when ur video poped up, cause I have been on my own very journey…
bless it be..
You are right about the orbs, but some carry a little surprise inside…of wonders

Anthony Baransky
Anthony Baransky - 16.08.2023 23:46

The only guide to Spirit is oneself or information that motivates one to move closer to Spirit. Or... it is God Him/Her Self that is guiding you towards...

Samuel Romo
Samuel Romo - 16.08.2023 19:18

Ha ha ha what a lie they are demonic don't believe this crap 😂

Daisy - 14.08.2023 23:24

Thanks for this beautiful video 🧚🏻‍♀️💕

MarcioJ - 10.08.2023 17:45


Cathy Rae
Cathy Rae - 10.08.2023 00:12

Several times, especially waking up from sleep, I have smelled a very wonderful fragrance and I have woken up hearing a beautiful woman's voice singing to me. I have seen orbs with my physical eye and in pictures I have taken. I enjoyed the video.

Wakashana 💞💫
Wakashana 💞💫 - 08.08.2023 13:24

Yes thank you for making thos informative video. Ive had multiple Visions either while showering or just layingdown for a nap, body chills for no reason a few times a day, enhanced intuition that's proven accurate, I feel a Devine source pulling me to find my purpose.. ❤❤❤ I accept and invite guidance from my guides daily 🙏

Joel Franklin
Joel Franklin - 07.08.2023 04:12

I lost my wife and 2 daughters to a cult almost 20 years ago. Every night I have physical interactions with something I cannot see. Sometimes it’s as strong as someone walking on my bed. Other times it is through my mattress and is like a massage. The coolest thing is when I have my feet rubbed. All I have to do is think the thought and it communicates with me. I’m a christian and had a really hard time with this at first. Now I have accepted it and never have I felt like it would harm me.
Another thing that happens is I feel an animal walking over me on my bed. I even picked up a white something on my ring camera.
The first experience I had was laying on a mattress on the floor(7 years ago) and felt something pushing on all 4 corners. It was as if it wanted me to pay attention.
I’m an ordained minister & I really have not fully understood what has happened to me.

indira - 04.08.2023 15:16

Thank you universe 🙏💖💖

Ned Costello
Ned Costello - 03.08.2023 01:45

Background music too severe ,and makes the commentary difficult to grasp .

Mailanie | FamBamVlog
Mailanie | FamBamVlog - 31.07.2023 12:48

Thanks for sharing. but I do experienced many of the signs, many years ago but still happening to me at present specially the vivid dreams and visions, feathers, butterflies around and following me, electric signs a lot of times the radio pause, a very very light shade specially when I`m in the church looking at the altar but when it appears I get feared and worried that I may faint.

Sharlene Lightbody
Sharlene Lightbody - 31.07.2023 12:08


Sharlene Lightbody
Sharlene Lightbody - 31.07.2023 12:05

I get that lot my dad with me around me

Misty Ellis
Misty Ellis - 30.07.2023 20:08

As a child I saw swirly colors quite frequently and images would pop in & out of them. Never knew what they were and never knew that orbs were a thing til recently!

Heather - 30.07.2023 19:13

There’s a guy I like, and we flirt over the phone where I work. Recently there was crazy electrical interference over the line. It was like someone putting a microphone next to a speaker. I had to hang up. It happened like twice, and to no one else. I wonder if spirit are steering me away, or the sexual chemistry affected the phone line. It was truly bizarre. I also see the word grace everywhere. Truly bonkers. Fascinated by my spirit team. Thank you.

calipdis2 - 30.07.2023 05:05

I found a white feather in my bedsheets last week.

R A 777
R A 777 - 26.07.2023 18:51

Thank you. I’ve experienced all and think my spirit guide put this on my feed because I am not listening to the messages … wow and thank you

Merve@lanya#21 - 19.07.2023 17:21

I once had this experience of booking an appointment with passport office to get a new one. But it was full booked. But seconds after I stayed that I need this, I heard a bell in my ear and at the same time the lady on the phone sayed that she got one who cancelled their appoyntment. That was definitely my spirits, angel, God, universal who had a finger lift in the game. I'm so grateful and happy that this happened to me at the right time. Thank you ❤
