The shocking transformation of the UK household diet since 1980  BBC

The shocking transformation of the UK household diet since 1980 BBC


3 года назад

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Eldred - 03.11.2023 17:05

Fat people should be left out of NHS.

Raymond Soon
Raymond Soon - 03.11.2023 16:55

ultra processed food is engineered to get people to eat more and more, benefiting the food industries and eventually the pharma when people gets sick and need to depend on meds for life support. for the scientists who don't belive, let them consume ultra processed food and see what happens. most probably got bought over by the food and pharma.

Show me vids 1984
Show me vids 1984 - 03.11.2023 02:13

‘’ And some ‘ $cientists ‘ don’t believe ultra processed food is related to obesity’’

Dawn Elder
Dawn Elder - 01.11.2023 19:15

Crock pots are a wonderful invention. I use to work split shifts. I could put toger the meal for the next day or do it during the few hours I was home. So dinner was ready when the family got home.
If I had used process food I would have been just working to buy it.

Dawn Elder
Dawn Elder - 01.11.2023 19:06

Every country was effected by the food pyramid.
The nutritionalist who did the research for the food pyramid refused to have her name on it after the senator in charge let his Adventist buddies change it to the monstrosity that came out. She warned them if they put it out and people followed it that there would be a massive increase in obesity, diabetics, heart attacks, strokes, depression, dementia, autoimmune disease, cancer, etc. She was right. But instead of admitting their mistake they did the vegan gaslighting thing of blaming the victims of their bad advice and pointing out the few that could stay slim, if not healthy on their death diet.
Add Poly Ovarian Syndrom, PMS, autism, ADHD, low testosterone, messed up thyroid and likely much more to the list.
Most people can not lose weight and keep it off on the same diet advice that farmers use to fatten livestock cheaply.
If you look in the prologue of Good Calories, Bad Calories you can find the diet recommended in the late 40s and early 50s in Britain.
This is the diet recommendations from a nursing textbook in the late 40s, early 50s in Canada. For pregnant women
Meat, fish, poultry, eggs and cheese. At least one egg a day. Cheese at least 3 times a week. Liver once a week.
4 glasses whole milk, would not have had the protein changed by homogenizing.
1 serving whole grain cereal for breakfast
1 slice whole wheat bread with butter for lunch
One green and one yellow vegetable with butter
One small salad, the bowls held 1 cup
1 small potatoe
2 fruit, one citrus, may be tomatoe
If you put on too much poundage remove the grains.
Another issue is the use of cancer causing, heart attack and stroke causing, pancreas destroying seed oils. Not food.

blackvirus9 - 29.10.2023 15:38

This is what happens when you copy the US

Satu Smith
Satu Smith - 27.10.2023 06:27

I visit UK in see my 91 years old mum in law.
Portions sizes were big,in ready meals &eating out in bup
In Finland they smaler
Your milks contain more fat ,than here Finland(we have 0%milk too)

Ares highst is full fat milk 3%
I remember yours 3,6%
Yes there is war more ready meals in shops,than here.

Mr Knarf
Mr Knarf - 26.10.2023 15:56

The name of the song at the beginning should be "Pretty Happy" by Kate Nash, I remember it from Community

Nicholas Dickens
Nicholas Dickens - 26.10.2023 00:35

These foods are only designed to make manufacturers a lot of money.

Q A - 25.10.2023 16:24

Commercials on TV pushed processed foods down our throat. We were manipulated by big business.
Now with social media we see a very wide selection of humans, many of them eating healthy. We are leaving all that junk behind. Come back in 20 years.

Tim Hanser
Tim Hanser - 25.10.2023 13:20

Get off the meat and dairy and all that saturated fat and your health will improve .

Kasun Chathuranga
Kasun Chathuranga - 25.10.2023 04:11

Just experiment spices. Spices are awesome, It should be your way out from this dead ultraprocessed food

Robot killer
Robot killer - 25.10.2023 00:13

Another thing is that I drastically cut down the amount of potatoes I was eating and replaced them with more portions of vegetables l. Don't miss it at all, feel drastically healthier and get sick less, and on the rare occasion I eat potatoes, I appreciate them more.

Turkey Family
Turkey Family - 24.10.2023 23:53

I would suggest they put the lung/heart/blood vessel sample since 1980 to nowadays or coffin that is caused by diabetes related disease so to let people know how bad is processed food.

Mark Heneghan
Mark Heneghan - 24.10.2023 12:00

What is interesting is that there seems to be little consensus as to the mechanism of obesity. Theories suggested often reflect the bias of the theorist, thus vegans blame animal fats, keto/low carb enthusiasts blame the sugar and starch. I think that sugar is the chief culprit, but I think that taste engineering plays a big rôle. It’s hard to see how salt per se can make you fat.

Ron - 24.10.2023 11:46

Idiots CHOOSE to eat rubbish. Thanks!

Tom - 23.10.2023 18:17

Introduction of high fructose corn syrup, soy everything, and other obesogens in all those processed foods causes ovesity.

masonmason22 - 23.10.2023 02:11

They say convenience foods. I wonder how many households had a stay at home mother cooking food in the 80s compared to now. In general we have to work more to earn less these days, so it's not a huge wonder that many people are leaning on processed foods to help make that up. Properly cooking food requires time and headspace which some people just don't have.

(Btw if you're having trouble, start with getting a rice cooker and learning to cook lentils, it won't help with not having enough time or money for fresh ingredients, but it will help transition some of your processed food to whole-foods without too much time investment (rice and lentils are super cheap)).

m33265 - 22.10.2023 09:55

Carnivore. All natural. And not veggies at all. And you are healthy and slim within a year.

Ákos Turi
Ákos Turi - 21.10.2023 21:27

You forgot the caffe & coke diet
