S O O T H E - Deep Ethereal Ambient Music - Beautiful Healing Soundscape

S O O T H E - Deep Ethereal Ambient Music - Beautiful Healing Soundscape

Ethereal Odyssey

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@Adilkhan-Rph - 24.06.2024 14:53

No doubt hard work begets mastery at your hands! My friend

@Oraphel - 24.06.2024 16:07

A very lovely sound, visual, and narrative. Thank you Orlando.

@TheLadc5 - 24.06.2024 17:03

Great sounds and as usual, another clear result of your creative imagination at work.

@NasdaqTec - 24.06.2024 17:11

This is beyond amazing , thanks for sharing Mr. Ethereal :)

@ascendinguniversalbutterfly - 24.06.2024 17:28

Soothe does thou, as thy words reel,
Outside the parted lips, they deeply seep,
Oozing into the conscious labyrinth,
Tethering on an imminent expressive explosion,
Hear not, but the words encapsulate,
Emptiness and now space to explore and grow.

@adarshvazhakandy6734 - 24.06.2024 18:25


@kristinahristova8328 - 24.06.2024 21:16

Fantastic work, Orlando! I feel the magic. It seems like this short break you took made your creative juices flow even more naturally. Don't put too much strain on yourself, and take care ❤

@arikschoessow2325 - 25.06.2024 02:35

I really love your work and I know you've made Chronicles, which is the compilation of shorter versions of these tracks. However, I would really love if you made separate videos, each 20 min long, of your tracks like Nirvana and this last one Soothe. My wife and I own and operate a massage spa and my clients really enjoy your work but my playlist needs to be a bit more mixed up and an hour or more straight of the same ambient music is too long.
I would be deeply honored if you felt like making a playlist on your channel of 20 or 30 min versions as individual videos that I could add to my NorthStar Soundtrack Playlist. Plus, if you're ever in TX I would love to offer you a complimentary massage at our spa. Your music has helped thousands of people relax and heal and my clients have even mentioned in reviews online how amazing the ambience is at our place, in part due to your soundscapes.
Bless you and seriously, if you are near San Antonio or Austin TX my spa is in between so please reach out!

@HardcoreGamerVG - 25.06.2024 08:10

Wonderful sounds!! 🥰🥰 Thank you for sharing 🙏🙏

@gewinaaa - 25.06.2024 09:17

The quality of love you receive from your fans. Special.

@gewinaaa - 25.06.2024 09:23

You are... !

@b.d.y.k.1081 - 25.06.2024 09:54


@cassianofigueira4971 - 26.06.2024 17:46

Fantastic experience of magic and mystique. Thank you👌🙏

@TecOneself - 27.06.2024 02:40

🐬🐌🐞🐬🦋🐞🐬🐌🐞🐬🦋 Thank you for sharing this pure bliss...

@ForeverYoung45 - 28.06.2024 04:18

Your channel is awesome 🕊️ ❤

@ClovisBelle - 29.06.2024 12:32

I feel so good when I'm listening your music, thank you so much from France, 🙏🇨🇵

@darkethos - 30.06.2024 18:38

Absolutely fantastic as always 🖤

@Brayen777Productions - 30.06.2024 19:17

Amazing soothing track , pls check out my music ❤

@vxkkwins_12544 - 01.07.2024 10:11

Thank you Orlando

@garygallegos8355 - 02.07.2024 17:11

Brings it to the mind

@gregoryscott. - 02.07.2024 19:52

Hope, a world of infinite possibility. This profound composition inspires a vision of emotional and spiritual exhilaration and well-being. Your artistic vision continues to amaze, your aesthetic creativity has no bounds. 🙏🙏😊

@loveoftruthtarot8888 - 08.07.2024 04:10

It's almost as if this sound describes a secret world that only few know of 😉✨🌙

@AstterZenith - 13.07.2024 23:26

You're truly covered, this creation of yours is a healer and a beautiful soft ethereal soundscape 💚💚

@etherealodysseymusic - 24.06.2024 13:11

Story Time:

Jean-Michel Rousseau was a man trapped in a labyrinth of glass and steel. Every morning, he donned his gray suit, blending into the corporate herd that shuffled through the streets of Néo-Lumière. This was a city where the skies were perpetually overcast, the buildings stood tall and foreboding, and the air smelled faintly of burnt plastic. Natural beauty was a myth; green spaces had long been replaced by concrete and holographic trees.

Jean-Michel’s life was a routine, a clockwork existence ticking away the seconds of his dwindling hope. He worked for ParadigmTech, a monolithic corporation that dominated the city's skyline and its citizens' lives. The company’s slogan, "Innovate Tomorrow," felt like a cruel joke to him, a reminder that his own tomorrows were bleak and uninspired.

One particularly dreary morning, as he was walking to work, Jean-Michel felt a sudden dizziness. His vision blurred, the gray cityscape dissolving into a wash of vibrant green. He stumbled, grabbing a lamppost for support. The world around him began to morph; the harsh lines of buildings softened into rolling hills, the pavement underfoot transformed into a soft, dewy sponge. He blinked hard, but the vision persisted.

As he steadied himself, he realized he was no longer in Néo-Lumière. He stood in an ethereal landscape, mossy hills undulating in every direction, thick mist gliding across the ground like spectral serpents. He tried to move, to orient himself, but his feet seemed to have a will of their own, propelling him forward without his command.

He walked, or rather, was walked, over a small hill and into a clearing. There, in stark contrast to the natural beauty around him, stood a striking chrome head. The sculpture was larger than life, its polished surface reflecting the verdant surroundings in a distorted dance of light and shadow. Jean-Michel’s heart pounded in his chest, a mix of fear and curiosity gripping him.

The chrome head began to speak, its voice resonating deep within Jean-Michel’s mind. The words came as riddles, enigmatic yet profoundly wise:

"In the heart of steel, seek the soul of green.
In the land of dreams, find what is unseen."

Jean-Michel listened, each riddle weaving a tapestry of calm within him. The more the head spoke, the more his anxiety melted away, replaced by a serene clarity he had never known. Time seemed to stretch and bend; hours felt like moments, moments like hours.

As the final riddle echoed in his mind, the vibrant green world began to fade. The mist dissipated, the mossy hills blurred into shadows, and soon, the familiar dullness of Néo-Lumière encroached upon his vision. He found himself back on his commute, standing at the same lamppost he had grabbed for support. But something was different. The oppressive weight of his existence had lifted, replaced by a burgeoning sense of hope.

Jean-Michel continued to ParadigmTech, but this time, his steps were lighter. The drudgery of his work seemed less daunting, his colleagues less robotic. He smiled for the first time in years, a genuine, heartfelt smile. The chrome oracle’s riddles echoed in his mind, their meaning elusive yet empowering.

He realised that the beauty of the natural world wasn’t entirely lost, even in this dystopian reality. It existed in his mind, in his spirit, and perhaps, if he looked hard enough, in the hidden corners of Néo-Lumière. Jean-Michel had found a reason to live, a spark of rebellion against the monotony of his corporate life. He had glimpsed a different world, a world of possibility, and it had changed him forever.

As he sat at his desk, Jean-Michel opened a new document. He titled it "Project Green." It was the beginning of a plan, a vision to bring a touch of the ethereal green landscape into the heart of the city. A whisper of the chrome oracle’s wisdom guided his fingers as he typed, a new lease on life fuelling his every word.
