The 10 WORST Wave Control MISTAKES to AVOID in SEASON 14! - League of Legends

The 10 WORST Wave Control MISTAKES to AVOID in SEASON 14! - League of Legends

Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides

3 месяца назад

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@huandrew3874 - 12.04.2024 03:58

What’s next,10 roaming/ganking mistake? 10 midgame/late game mistake?

@garagavia - 12.04.2024 01:12

The duality of this channel amazes me. Fantastic top tier edu content like this, and then a bunch of shovel-ware tier list garbage. I guess the latter just get more views, even though they are mostly useless

@wojciechtomaszewski8594 - 10.04.2024 16:11

Lol that fizz R

@MrNeuroMind - 10.04.2024 02:07

now please some higher elo tutorial than gold ;)

@ngocnhutnguyen4351 - 09.04.2024 10:58

This is such a good video. Thank Skill Capped a lot.

@thijsjagt8842 - 08.04.2024 17:21

can you pay the annual per month or is it 80 for once?

@shurikenzed9107 - 08.04.2024 13:03

In low elo they will miss 40 cs just to be at a dragon fight, they are so confusing and bad it makes no sense and bronze and below only a few of these work I swear😂

@Drialux - 08.04.2024 05:41

I see, sometimes it's better not to defend the outer turret in order to engage in an outnumbered teamfight elsewhere

@Drialux - 08.04.2024 05:29

Oh I didnt know exp from minion doesnt scale 😅

@burritogod59 - 07.04.2024 18:56

Freezing the wave is generally not a good strategy since the introduction of turret plates. Plates and tempo are just more valuable.

@kenzies292 - 07.04.2024 13:47

Nice video but too much hard for somebody that has slower brain as me

@yummygopher1065 - 06.04.2024 21:07

Damn this is actually super useful

@ReachSaviour123 - 06.04.2024 15:24

When you do a cheater recall, by the time you get back the enemy generally has a slow push built up and a level lead. Do you still contest it?

@malao1476 - 06.04.2024 13:48

How to phd minions in League

@briansmith3566 - 06.04.2024 09:06

#3 is great, but they should mention some champs will punish it, like siver, nilah, yas. Even if you crash a cannon wave, they will have the wave under your turret before you get back to lane. They can often do it even if you've killed them, crash and back. It's kind of ridiculous the advantage these champs can get from it.

@rjerry7218 - 06.04.2024 08:03

I cancelled my subscription yesterday, and yet I hasn't got my refund. Please deal with this ASAP.

@Bagel12321 - 06.04.2024 04:18

that bonus tip at the beginning was pretty huge, I thought the only way to accomplish the same goal was pulling the whole wave at the first bush and taking 100-200 damage. hitting a single ranged creep and walking away looks like it cuts that to as low as 0 damage

@TMC_TimeLine - 06.04.2024 03:29

Hmm, I kinda disagree with mistake 7. Unless you're in diamond+ you can win any lane regardless of having a weak early game champ or you are playing against a ranger champ. And you do this by baiting them to walk up just when you hit your level 2 (first wave + melee or 4 melee + 2 casters). You can get a good trade this way, push wave into them and recall. They then have to push the wave out with lower hp with the fear of getting ganked.
That's why you especially look for priority to your level 2 when playing melee vs ranged.

Ty for the fundamentals goat AloisNL for teaching me this. Even against hardcounters you can still easily win lane when abusing level up timers

@zegrated - 06.04.2024 02:33

Anyone else not even play League but still watching this?

@razvandragomirskysoundradi1586 - 06.04.2024 01:25

This game is absolutely dead because players using hacks and cheats for scripting and riot does absolutely nothing about it if they donate. I am pro level player one of the best in repeat gg and its absolutely impossible to win a game anymore because hackers and cheaters with scripting. 5% win rate suddenly end up 5398423423234 kills 0 deaths 4509802w39e8409234804 assists. Total pay to win game. Dead game. RIP League of Scripting

@VirtuaWaves - 06.04.2024 01:01

Wait this is the REAL "Ultimate" Wave Management guide, even explained from a "mistakes" standpoint y'all went over every possible wave state in lane, im impressed.

@User-data-unknown - 05.04.2024 23:10

Can you make a video about ganking 😭. I always get ganked and my jungler never ganks my lane. Then he gets mad at me for feeding. Bro I can’t 2v1 every fight I get into

@shangerdanger - 05.04.2024 20:33

how do i stop my teammates from throwing the entire game because i take 3 cs as jungle after ganking and killing their opponent lol

@jonahcortes3680 - 05.04.2024 18:13

Good video, actually I was looking for a video about wave management, because I started top lane and I know that wave management is very important in that role. Any advise, champion or video to watch to get better in the role? Thank you

@caelnhonig69420 - 05.04.2024 17:26

My team ganks bot then mess up our wave and the game is so hard for the next few minutes. Because all they had to do was continue pushing. Not just half ass get some minions than stop. The biggest problem with ranked is just how many people don't look up anything and just play as if it's a PvE game. Going into games saying things like "TF ADC a thing?" YESS! It is.

@keldor8302 - 05.04.2024 16:52

I think that last one was a bad example. Yes, the overall lane management was correct. But ahri going bot was likely to also stop Smolder from freely stacking his passive on the uncontested minion waves. Keeping him from stacking (just like with nasus) is a win condition. As even if she went top and they won that fight. Smolder would be several minion waves closer to his final passive tier. With burn damage and execute. Let alone bonus damage on his abilities. Unless you know that a play elsewhere will lead to a snowball and early win. Shutting down or at least contesting his stacking is more important. For the same reason you may give up roaming on a pushed lane against a nasus. Because you need to punish and contest his stacking. Or he'll show up later and truck your team.

@josellanes4089 - 05.04.2024 16:48

man this was really helpful

@kevinhoglass - 05.04.2024 16:46

Hello, I would like to know where you got the HD new map image ?

@hyabusa22 - 05.04.2024 16:40

One of the best/funniest statements by skill capped when they were talking about one thing in each role to focus on “now onto top lane. The role where you have to watch 50 wave control guides to master” 😂😂

@cristinelu8522 - 05.04.2024 16:38

Average wave control virgin:☝️🤓
Average chad tower dive enthusiast🗿🗿🗿🍷🍷🍷

@loopedrope - 05.04.2024 15:55

"To how not letting your outer towers fall on purpose might actually be what's losing you games"
Is this what dyslexia feels like?

@IOSALive - 05.04.2024 15:51

Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides, This made me laugh so much! Thanks for sharing!

@Coolrocksta - 05.04.2024 15:47

Thanks, i think i learned some neat tricks :D

@DuduMolica - 05.04.2024 15:24

Hey bro, if you want more sales and help each other I have an idea, I can copy your videos and translate them into Portuguese and sell them with an alternative link to see the sales made by me on my channel that I will create to do this work Specifically, your videos are great and offer very valuable content for our region, which is not so good at the game, but there are many players so it would be a good partnership.

@IOSALive - 05.04.2024 15:12

Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides, You're so cool! Let's be friends and have fun!

@ShamelessConsumption - 05.04.2024 15:07

Id say that learning wave control has helped me more than any single league micro or macro mechanic

Edit: one told me I wrote "medhanic"

@pirateskulls6732 - 05.04.2024 15:02

That's what I wanted a vid about also first
