3 சென்டில் | 2100 SQ.FT-ல் கிழக்கு பார்த்த, 3BHK தனி வீடு 9500770333 #saravanampatti #forsale

3 சென்டில் | 2100 SQ.FT-ல் கிழக்கு பார்த்த, 3BHK தனி வீடு 9500770333 #saravanampatti #forsale

KSR Properties

55 лет назад

2,371 Просмотров

We, KSR Properties help you to search properties in Coimbatore. Our objective is to provide end to end solutions in real estate ranging from transaction services and investment advisory, thereby providing all the services under one roof.

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Place👉 Kovilpalayam, Saravananpatti COIMBATORE

For Details call 📞 8838 172 988 | 9500770333

—————House details—————-

Site: West Facing
Main Door: North Facing
Land Size: 3 cent
Builtup Area: 2100 Sq.ft.
Location: SARAVANAMPATTI Coimbatore.
Total budget - 95 LAKH (negotiable).

200 Feet Bore
7000 Ltrs Water Tank
2000 Ltrs Over Head Tank

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