2 Mistakes You NEED to Stop Making - DBD Tips & Tricks (per Killer)

2 Mistakes You NEED to Stop Making - DBD Tips & Tricks (per Killer)


1 год назад

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LiussDBD - 25.12.2022 01:34

For the Spirit's second tip about colliding with Survivor's, that's been patched out.

For the Knight part that says "6 Seconds", it was supposed to say "Hunt Speed: 6 m/s"

bioshock369 - 21.11.2023 20:54

nice video, watching from bangladesh

SavRex - 21.11.2023 04:31

just main blight loool

Ivan Fernandez
Ivan Fernandez - 11.11.2023 19:25

"I dont know what it means cause im american"


Alvin Whitehead
Alvin Whitehead - 09.11.2023 17:47

What about the skull merchant,the demogorgon, and the singularity?

Deadman 4679
Deadman 4679 - 04.11.2023 22:47

Why must survivors click

Like it could be a greeting but to a killer who is having a bad game we see the worst and feel like crushing our mouse at the sight of it XD

asd417 - 04.11.2023 13:19

Slinger tip: pulling the speared ones will bring them closer than you walking toward them

Jose C
Jose C - 03.11.2023 01:11

Stop slugging doesn’t work most of the time. Be smart with your hooks.

God of gaming
God of gaming - 29.10.2023 22:29

I play on mobile phone and have only "Trapper" that video will help me a lot with my trap placement 😈👺💀

muichiro tokito
muichiro tokito - 19.10.2023 21:46

Another tip for ghostface. Always lean while stalking, its mich more effective. And it goes lighting fast

William Kraus
William Kraus - 18.10.2023 01:08

Deathslinger isn’t just a true American he’s a true Irish-American

slingerspet - 05.10.2023 11:26

Never sleep pills is the only way to play legion

EerieEntertainment - 28.09.2023 17:36

As a Wraith main I ring my bell in chase to asert dominance. They will be shakin in their boots.

Youevenpexbro? - 28.09.2023 14:58

I literally get to red ranks then troll survivors for all the suffering it took to get there 😂 “bubba basement camp”

Bradley Henrique
Bradley Henrique - 26.09.2023 22:02

i swear i saw this entire video script off somewhere else

Nihi - 24.09.2023 15:17

"I don't know what that means, I am american but I do know that number is higher than the normal speed" 😂

Guncat - 23.09.2023 01:43

Twins ha I hardly know um

San Crispino
San Crispino - 22.09.2023 16:52

Wesker tip: every fully infected surv reduces the time it takes to recharge the power by 0.5 seconds, meaning with no surv a full recharge is 12 seconds and all infected is 8 seconds

The Guy
The Guy - 19.09.2023 22:17

First most common mistake: don't forget to have fun and not be over-competitive

Reza Fauzi
Reza Fauzi - 19.09.2023 12:03

the wraith part where you "intimidate" survivor by spamming the bell sound dont work in my experience, honestly i dont think survivors think much of the bell sounds unless it have the "whoosh" sound to know that the wraith really is cloaking/uncloaking

Firefox 2091
Firefox 2091 - 15.09.2023 17:55

Deathslinger tip: walk backwards when you chain a survivor it makes them come to you much faster

Ross Albane
Ross Albane - 15.09.2023 06:58

Anyone else notice the subscribe button get shiny when he says to subscribe?

Cookie Creep
Cookie Creep - 14.09.2023 10:23

I miss bumping into survivors as spirit... my tinnitus does not allow me to play at ultra high volume, since one done gen will give me a headache, so I can't rely on sound...

Human Ngan
Human Ngan - 13.09.2023 18:03

For the specific killer you want to get better,
I highly recommend you to play against them as a survivor

Me as a hag main: can't get a single hag as opponent in public matches for years

Brody Manis
Brody Manis - 10.09.2023 17:02

Trickster on Haddonfield is broken

Cursed Hawkins
Cursed Hawkins - 10.09.2023 03:24

I feel like there should be a disclaimer on the Huntress section that's as follows.
"Just be ready for the barrage of accusations of being a cheater coming your way all because you were good at landing your hatchets"

SteakWithBBQ - 08.09.2023 17:19

The intro was really effective

Chris W
Chris W - 03.09.2023 18:47

Forgot the third tip stop playing dbd lol

Barnaby Stubbs
Barnaby Stubbs - 02.09.2023 20:27

the twins can hold lockers shut

goatmagnum - 02.09.2023 07:01

Here's a better tip for Myers: You have no collision while stalking. This means that, so long you arent in Evil Within III, you can't be body blocked.

Liam Wallace
Liam Wallace - 01.09.2023 03:06

I like how he shows most clips against bots bruh 💀💀💀

L'Incubo - 28.08.2023 21:42

Nemesis tip: move on the side while using whip so u cover a lot of area and get hits way easier

average lore enthusiast
average lore enthusiast - 28.08.2023 08:03

Knight tips (and this is a long one because I have so many, sorry): Pressure, pressure, PRESSURE!! The Knight is able to provide great amounts of pressure with his guards, so take full advantage of it. You are able to use them to make survivors run away from loops that are unsavory to deal with as killer, you can force them to stop healing, force them to get off gens, etc etc. Survivors being aware of where your boys are at is a blessing in disguise, because you can essentially push them over someplace that you can corner them in. Your guards chasing after them is a bonus.

PAY ATTENTION TO WHERE YOUR GUARD IS GOING ONCE THEY ARE HUNTING A SURVIVOR. Look where they’re facing, what loops they are going through. Use this to your advantage by going over to where the survivor is running to. Even if you can’t feasibly go over to them in the moment, pay attention because that tells you the direction to go next.

You want your guards to jump scare survivors when they are doing an action- healing, repairing, cleansing, whatever. Put your guards just a bit behind a nearby object at the end of the patrol route, that way they can take the survivors off guard and very potentially get a quick hit in.

While CAJ is very important to keep in mind, sometimes you have to say fuck it during a chase. You will need the extra hands to make a survivor exit a loop or corner them or whatever at points, so don’t just ignore your power just because assassin isn’t ready. Get your boy out, even if he has a tiny patrol route. That can give you a huge advantage if used properly.

And one final tip; know how to predict. If you’ve played Spirit, then you already know how to put yourself in the mindset of listening for every little noise and every little blade of grass being pushed aside. Use this mentality while you send your boys out to patrol. Their patrol route starts at the very end of your power, meaning that what you want is for the survivor to run into them. This also means getting into the mentality of survivors as well, figuring out what loop they may want to go to, if they’re going to just run forward, whatever. Patrols can become hunts very easily that way.

DarkMaximuss - 21.08.2023 19:58

Two VERY IMPORTANT tips for nemesis (as a Nemesis main itself): Don't try to move the camera when you're going to hit a tentacle on a survivor and he's moving from side to side, just wait for him to move to the center of the hitbox or move from side to side (without moving the camera, that means A and D on the keyboard) because your tentacle's hitbox is constant, while the hitting animation is in action the hitbox is like four cylinders one on top of the other and it will remain there and if the survivor touching it will take the hit, and lastly if you see that the zombies are VERY poorly positioned, that they are bugged or are in the middle of nowhere don't miss the chance to hit them with your tentacle and gain more infection in addition to positioning- them better.

AlexDeFoc - 21.08.2023 03:18

Misinformed and accidentally became a survivor 😂

Jk, also as a trapper i kill everyone withing 9 mins..

Alexander Z
Alexander Z - 20.08.2023 22:40

A tip I discovered as a knight main, if you are about to pick up a downed survivor and think someone has a flashlight, put down a guard then pick the survivor up. There has been so many times someone goes in for a flashlight save and then they run away because a guard located them!

PedroGamer404 - 20.08.2023 05:13

As a main huntress, and a sniper for the best shot moments only in other games, this has helped me a lot.

Clown - 19.08.2023 18:59

Victor never should have been made vulnerable after a successful down.

Ate - 16.08.2023 17:18

Pub player guide, pop Oni power from across the map and pray to fucking god you are not gonna get stealthed out :)

Yosef Otb
Yosef Otb - 13.08.2023 05:18

1 tim for death slinger if you shot the survivor go back and he will kame faster then you go to him

Cheezy McPardin
Cheezy McPardin - 10.08.2023 06:46

Also, the same tip from Huntress could also be applied to the Nurse. Many Nurse tend to break dropped pallets which I felt that it could be used as a disadvantage against survivors since it slows them down during vaulting..

Cheezy McPardin
Cheezy McPardin - 10.08.2023 06:44

As someone who used to main the Oni, I totally agree with your second point about him.
Usually we get into blood fury when we know where the survivor(s) are, and this is the part that scares me the most as a survivor because I am always uncertain if the Oni is coming to me. So I get very paranoid with sweaty palms whenever I'm doing gens and I start to hear the Oni roaring, hence as you've correctly pointed out, it's one of the more chilling things.

evolution gamer
evolution gamer - 06.08.2023 10:13

For nemesis you can use the tentacle when a surviver is about to drop a pallet to break it and keep the chase going
