3 Mistakes Screenwriters Make In Act 1 That Ruin A Screenplay - Michael Hauge

3 Mistakes Screenwriters Make In Act 1 That Ruin A Screenplay - Michael Hauge

Film Courage

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Sathish R
Sathish R - 23.07.2023 19:40

I didnt understand what Oppenheimer wants to accomplish😂

Paul Mc
Paul Mc - 30.05.2023 14:49

Think "Succession" and how it lost its way.

Massi Nissa
Massi Nissa - 09.05.2023 15:36

there are no rules to follow, because it is art ...it is just how someone is genius to break them down...there are plenty of examples of such sorts...however, nowadays ...with the eager to win more audience with successful work...there are stretching stories that fails the work in the end .

Monty King
Monty King - 19.04.2023 14:29

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justin hunt
justin hunt - 07.02.2023 22:55

Great chanel

Marc Draco
Marc Draco - 28.12.2022 01:23

That six stage plots structure makes WAAAAAY more sense than anything I've seen for the basic 3-act. It's so clear and doesn't mince around.

Fantaztikbeatz - 21.12.2022 04:07

Good writing is good writing, bad writing is bad writing. If it works it works if it doesn't then oh well back to the drawing board.

Justin Hopper
Justin Hopper - 20.10.2022 12:08

Empathy? At the beginning
Lots of the best movies don’t empathize with the character at the start or at all. Taxi driver, one flew over the coo coos next, American history x, there will be blood

He makes some other interesting points. Just curious to see what he’s written. I can’t find anything on his IMDb

Bob Wolf
Bob Wolf - 17.09.2022 23:02

Best one yet. Thank you. So clear and helps me so much. Yes!

TAG - 13.08.2022 04:29

Learned a lot from Michael. Looked up his 3 act formula. It's true how the character really turns into a real person and drives the story. Screenplay n books are quite different

Trey Baird
Trey Baird - 03.07.2022 16:11

Okay, so maybe I’m a total newbie to this process, but what are they referring to when they say “stage one and stage two” and “25%”?

I understand three act structure, but this sounds like they’re referencing a specific writing process.

Avifor - 23.06.2022 02:56

Thank you

Alistair Forsyth
Alistair Forsyth - 20.06.2022 00:49

She’s a brilliant interviewer. Love hearing her thoughts and ideas along the way. Storytelling interview.

Vin Chenzo
Vin Chenzo - 12.05.2022 02:37

Lets see...
1.Disney Star Wars
2.Disney Star Wars
3.Disney Star Wars

coffeefrog - 07.04.2022 16:01

For once I feel like I achieved what one of these pros said!

BlueSideUp77 - 06.04.2022 22:14

His first comment on a thicket - that has been me! Probably a core issue for writer's block.

Brown Jonny
Brown Jonny - 19.03.2022 22:54

I'm confused. He says writers have to show main character's daily life before something happens even briefly. Yet in Rambo the protagonist visits straight to a new place; the place he doesn't spend his daily life.

Chris West
Chris West - 09.02.2022 04:48

Personally I've never liked films that start with a bang. I love the slow build up, showing our protagonist at work rest or play- their equilibrium, THEN they have the rug pulled out under their feet for greater contrast. Let the games vegin

Eric Bickernicks
Eric Bickernicks - 23.01.2022 05:58

What if a writer is attempting to create a story where nothing much happens, where people don't change, they don't have any epiphanies? They struggle and are frustrated and nothing is resolved. More like a reflection of the real world..

Charles W Jansen II
Charles W Jansen II - 11.01.2022 02:03

Thre act story explained in old Hollywood terms (MGM).
Act 1. Boy meets girl
Act 2. Boy loses girl
Act 3. Boy sing song and gets girl back.
What we see is something new, followed by a setback or something lost and finally action taken to overcome setback or win back what was lost.

محمد عبدالوهاب عبدالحليم
محمد عبدالوهاب عبدالحليم - 01.01.2022 02:28

I have a question I wish you really give it to john truby ♥️, William Martel ,dr ken ,peter russel, Michael hauge
I have a plan and I would like to have comments on it
1-write around 20 short story because great stories have smaller ones in each scene
2- writing around 3 films to improve my writing
3 -writing my dream story (my big project)
Is that a good way to start?
Thanks 💙🧡

Common Sense
Common Sense - 18.12.2021 10:01


swaminathan srikanthan
swaminathan srikanthan - 13.12.2021 19:46

What if the logline will reveal the important twist without which it is a simple story. Its difficult to layout a logline. Kindly advise

Tom Chaney
Tom Chaney - 24.10.2021 18:27

Thank you!

Anwesh KP
Anwesh KP - 08.10.2021 05:45

Is it okay to have 40pages act 1 in a 120 page script. 40-60-20
I am writing a romantic drama and it's taking me time to establish the characters before they meet. Is this okay? Someone please help.

Jo Ann Kelly
Jo Ann Kelly - 24.09.2021 06:29

Thank you, God bless,

Green Lantern
Green Lantern - 15.09.2021 20:13

This guy sees my mind. He’s probably seen it so many times before in others.

Gaurav Jain
Gaurav Jain - 09.09.2021 08:09

Thanks a lot, Sir.

Christos Katra
Christos Katra - 25.08.2021 16:18


papi en fuego
papi en fuego - 13.07.2021 21:16

Fun talk, though his “summary” of Inception was a little too scant. Yes, it’s about a group of people who want to infiltrate someone’s dreams to change their mind, but Cobb’s struggle with his wife and getting back home to his children also drives the story.

Freid Leming, Worlds Rootin'est Tootin'est Milkman
Freid Leming, Worlds Rootin'est Tootin'est Milkman - 09.07.2021 00:58

If you're Chuck Norris, you have a page and a half of day to day life, and then introduce armed enemies that lasts the rest of the hour, with no goal, desire, motivation, or inner battle coming within a ten mile radius.

محمد عبدالوهاب عبدالحليم
محمد عبدالوهاب عبدالحليم - 05.07.2021 21:09

I have a clue about the beginning and ending actually a good insight but it is hard for me to write the middle events.
Any advice 🧡

Johnny - 04.07.2021 01:44

What if the characters goal changes throughout the story?

Laws Won
Laws Won - 30.06.2021 08:19

Inception is about a man who cannot physically be with his children, so he finds a way to trick himself into believing he has been reunited with them. The fact that so many people think it's about the dream heist is what makes Inception such a great movie. The audience is being 'incepted'.

John Robinson
John Robinson - 31.05.2021 13:57

Inception?? Complex??? I keep hearing this but, having seen the movie, I cannot grasp how anyone with a pulse would call it 'complex'. Matryoshka dolls. The movie is simply Russian nesting dolls. That's all.

Koty - 29.05.2021 09:51

To be fair here, a visible goal CAN be something inside the hero.
But it needs to be visible :)

Tim Bragg
Tim Bragg - 23.05.2021 05:38

I try to write the three acts equally, the goal is always ninety minutes, act I figure 20-25 minutes, act II 30-35, act III bring it to a climax.

Charles Smith
Charles Smith - 25.04.2021 20:43

Take Lethal Weapon 1. How can I cut them into acts?
Act 1 is when the twosome cops face a criminal - at least one of them and uses the service revolver, and then, the great introduction - Hunsacker's daughter commits suicide by killing herself on the 25th or so floor and the cops investigate the matter.
Act 2 is when one of the cop's daughters get kidnapped as they try to stop the criminals, and both cops try to stop them, but they get caught by the kidnappers and tortured.
Act 3 is how the cops escape the torture, kill the rest of the bad guys, but there is one final conflict they have to face--the evil nemesis--General Mcallister's tough sideman, Joshua--where one of the cops does a martial arts fight and the cop wins the fight. The big finish is when Joshua - upon arrest, grabs the policeman's firearm and the cops react quickly - killing off Joshua with their service guns--and the conflict--is finally resolved!

DbJ - 23.04.2021 08:05

If you watch movies stop at different time points and you begin to see where thing happen how pacing works. Breaking down films is really good way to learn we did that in film school it was so helpful. Plus read as many scripts as possible!

James Mathews
James Mathews - 30.03.2021 14:44

Great advice. Just had a script putter out at page seventy... wouldn't you know it... I thrust them into ACT II by page 15... hahaha. Has this guy been looking over my shoulder or what...

Nice Happy Shirt Nice Happy Shirt
Nice Happy Shirt Nice Happy Shirt - 26.03.2021 05:16

Doesn't apply to Rick and Morty either...

Nice Happy Shirt Nice Happy Shirt
Nice Happy Shirt Nice Happy Shirt - 26.03.2021 05:16

This doesn't apply to the plot against America... And yet is amazing

ZZZ - 23.03.2021 04:57

Today I spent 5 hours in s coffee shop writing with my co writer. It was amazing. I feel on top of the world. It was really successful today 😍

Yerch McYerchikins
Yerch McYerchikins - 13.02.2021 09:29

What's Will Hunting's visible goal in Good Will Hunting?

Marla Singer
Marla Singer - 08.02.2021 21:03

Not making it about a woman.

Dark Scorpion
Dark Scorpion - 08.02.2021 05:34

I vould listen to this guy for hours. The wealth of knowledge he must have...
