ASH: RAID Shadow Legends

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DS2 - 26.09.2023 16:21

i... dont have any of these

Thomas Wright
Thomas Wright - 09.09.2023 05:57

This is where they should add in missing frags for past fragment events

Jon Beck
Jon Beck - 23.08.2023 21:13

Like start with rares and common-epics that anyone can use!

Jon Beck
Jon Beck - 23.08.2023 21:12

Bro. You tagged this as "for begginers". Start with the basic premise and tell us why a champion like "shameal" is good for that head. I've only ever done hydra to meet challenges and achievements. I've no idea wtf you're talking about.

Tg lego
Tg lego - 07.08.2023 19:28

So based on the fact that I literally don’t have a single one of those champs but Deliana, you’re telling me I am screwed. All this at level 57.

marc drobile
marc drobile - 01.08.2023 22:59

Instructions too difficult. Weenis caught in ceiling fan :(

Gary Jager
Gary Jager - 12.07.2023 18:45

With one of the recent patchets, the "Cursed" armor set bonus changed from heal reduction to placing Hex. Would using this set provide some viability to other champions regarding the Head of Mischief?

Robert Gregory
Robert Gregory - 06.07.2023 02:10

If aoe provoke is up 100% is it necessary to have a hex person on the team?

Stephen Black
Stephen Black - 27.05.2023 07:20

Bro you're looking thick right now

MindlessTube - 18.04.2023 21:31

I got 18 champs at lvl 60 and still cant get first chest thats how hard hydra is.

Milla Thyme
Milla Thyme - 16.04.2023 03:48

Ash, why do you speed up the playback of your videos from how fast they were recorded?

David Borchers
David Borchers - 12.04.2023 19:56

As a rec player I don't even waste my time on Hydra. There is no way for me to compete with the pathetic rare champs I keep getting.

Robby Cheatham
Robby Cheatham - 11.04.2023 18:42

So bro ash my man listen you are starting to make Harrier type comments you know what I mean Best in the game or favorite in the game they all can't be best or your favorite. Every time you do its like you pull a Harrier from shards. It's almost to the point of hearing chalk scraping on a chalk board. Either your editor doesn't hear you say it or its your thing now if its your thing please try and say less everything else great but those best in the game or favorite in the game.too much man lmao😁 keep on putting out the content just edit out the best in the game pretty please I really really really mean it lol

Daddy Dman
Daddy Dman - 28.02.2023 12:47

I haven't tried CB Hydra yet... Actually, I stand corrected... I ran one run and got obliterated, but only reason I ran it, knowing I was going to die; it was the only quest one particular day left to complete in the advanced quests I had, as those are often random on a day to day basis. The objective to the quest simply says to fight in Hydra one time, luckily it does not require a victory, so I did just that... "I fought the law, and the .. law won!!" 🫤😂🤣

and for the first time in a long time, that particular day, I pulled off a daily sweep of all the advanced quests, I don't get that often!

Anyway. I appreciate the video. I've been curious about Hydra! UNFORTUNATELY... I don't have much going for me, but I do have some of those you mentioned! They're just not built up yet...
My account is reaching for the 5 mo daily soon, maybe 1-2 weeks and I grab that 5 mo reward, if I'm on every day. I've played closer to or more than 5 mo, but I've probably missed a total of 5-10 logins in 5 mo, so I've been on almost daily!! BT the only two LEGOS I have, UDK and RONDA (help help me Ronda... Get her out of my .... 🤨🤣) (Yes I loves puns and quotes too!😁). Idk if they would help my potential Hydra team, but they both have potentially useful kits?! Maybe!! 🤔🤣

I also have Uugo, ANIRI, Umbral, Jareg, Steadfast Marshall, Virgos. And. When you mentioned Speed controllers, either buffers or debuffers... You NEVER mentioned HighKat (Khatune)? WHYYYY?¿ How could you Skip out on an EPIC with Dec turn meter in A1, and Speed BUFF + turn Meter Buff ally AOE on A2 + Decrease Speed AOE on A3, on an ATK based Barbarian?? 🤨😲 My HighKat, as I call her, is Max at L50 currently, and I'm considering ranking her up next (HER OR UUGO, who still at L40, been passing her up for others), but she currently deals good damage, has aura speed buff, and helps control speed for my arena teams, many times over.

I've also got ELHAIN, and Galek, obviously both starter Rares... But it's my understanding those starters who reach L60 and Fully loaded become near endgame essential champs!? My Elhain, whom I started with, Is L60, max Ascended, fully booked and Mastered with Giant Slayer, And she's a hard hitter!! Wondering how she would do with the Hydra team?? Also has Kill streak, Methodical, Life Drinker, Whirlwind Death, Keen Strike, Shield Breaker, and Deadly Precision for her ATK side. DEF side started at Defiant, straight to Shadow Heal and than to Retribution. Kept it simple, do lots of damage, let others focus on Defense!

She and ANIRI are the only two at L60, and both are Fully booked, and fully mastered. From what you know, and seen here... Do I have a plausible Hydra Team pending??

I'm 50 Frags away from Yannica. Also been working Faction crypts daily, hoping I get that guarantee Lego, and also working on MISSIONS tab as well, their is 1-2 Legos there guaranteed, when I reach the progress! But those are in the near to distant future, but HOPEFUL at minimum!

From your perspective, do I have a chance at Hydra? Of what I have, who should I work on, for Hydra? What levels should I reach all the members on the team to? Best if all L60? Can be done if some are L50? That's another thing. When discussing champs of any kind, for any objective, in any video, most of you guys suggest Champs... But don't give us goals to reach for them! Granted, it'd be great if all my champs were L60 with absolute gear of all 6 star, +16 fully ascended gear, right?? We know that's not happening all at once, andwill take time, so it'd be nice if we had goals set as suggestions from the CC YT'rs making the video!
You suggested Uugo, and mentioned gear, so it be nice if you said "Get Uugo to L50, with minimum 5 star gear at +12, and she can handle the job" or if L60, 6 star gear, Max at +16 is absolutely necessary, than mention that too, so w at least know how long to plan it! My Uugo I mentioned, is still Max 40, but mastered, and partially booked, and I think +12 to +16 on Relentless (or could be Reflex, i forget) and Perception gear. So obviously, she's probably not ready for Hydra, but without you mentioning a goal for Champs, I'm left to think it has to be max everything as you had her, but hoping that's not the case. Just a thought.

Hopefully you can let me know what you think!? Thanks again for the video.

Lord Dman Doom, L48 on Raid, in Way of The Warrior clan!

Honor ThyName
Honor ThyName - 21.02.2023 17:16

I'm not trying to be a smart ass but you only told us which champions we're good to use. Please could you possibly walk us through the fight against the HYDRA and explain how and what as you go?? I'm ftp but I do have NINJA, Scicia and Drexthar. . . . . . The problem is that if I can get the HP burn on ALL the heads, every time the damage ticks I get attacked, well I've been getting 2,000,000. So I'm at least getting my chest on my accounts but I am having to wait til the poison cloud is gone. Even when I manage to place block buffs the one HYDRA head removes it. I have been disabling the auto function and that's when I was finally able to get a chest the last 6-7 times. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! CAN you walk us through the battle on normal....... I wish they would have a EASY mode, I want Mythralla sooooo bad. TY Ash!! P.S. I WAS DOING OKAY UNTIL THEY NERFED BRIMSTONE!!!! DAMN IT, COME ON PLARIUM.

Leonard Quattlebaum
Leonard Quattlebaum - 19.02.2023 23:01

The edits they 😂😂😂😂

Morgan Karlsson
Morgan Karlsson - 31.01.2023 00:00

I use Deliana and her Block Buffs. I love her in my team ❤

Chill Ones
Chill Ones - 21.01.2023 20:13

Ninja slaps and is my overall best Hydro champ.

DaddyBearFox - 12.01.2023 23:51

I'm very good on clan boss, I usually take the top rank up to brutal / nightmare, but hydra! I can't even do 1 million damage, on normal.

Boston Lay
Boston Lay - 17.12.2022 10:47

long story 42 minutes short, AOE on A1 is very important S+++++ for beginners.

Matt Kite
Matt Kite - 06.12.2022 20:23

I feel the whole extension of de/buff masteries has become a bit of a rule of thumb in general for me since I hit the LV20+ dungeons on bosses, my builds that don't have them feel really underwhelming- particularly buffers.

puffitaround - 05.12.2022 17:29

lol i have a really hard time setting up teams for normal stuff never mind hydra "never even done over 500k" I just put what ever together just to get the missions done.

Salted Bagel
Salted Bagel - 01.12.2022 06:23

Great vid Ash! #1 thing i gathered from this is you need SPECIFIC hydra only champs (basically champs you are not using in other parts of the game). I dont mind this as I have a lot of champs I just never use. I think I'll max out 1 team and go from there with the spare champs I have

Matthis Couinet
Matthis Couinet - 01.12.2022 00:39

Hello, thanks for your videos. Did you go on attack for Riho masteries? Thank you

Ancient Behemoth
Ancient Behemoth - 29.11.2022 09:46

Tyrant the MVP - HP lead, tank, solo Spider and IGolem, Def up + ally protect + 3 turn burns AoE... what do you need more. :)

Ancient Behemoth
Ancient Behemoth - 29.11.2022 09:44

Arbiter relentless + support speed/heal and she crazy. She takes extra turns if she revives so... it stacks amazing. It can get you out of so many situations, everywhere.

Ari H-Man
Ari H-Man - 28.11.2022 16:30

And Var-Gall hard-counters 3 nastiest heads: Mischief, Wrath and Decay... why no luuv?

Ari H-Man
Ari H-Man - 28.11.2022 16:25

Shamrock's getting no love on speed buffs front? :)

And he steals buffs with A1

Dr. Thunder
Dr. Thunder - 18.11.2022 08:39


David Andrade
David Andrade - 12.11.2022 18:46

Hahaha, I only have one of those champions. I'm screwed... Lol

Keep it Fix it
Keep it Fix it - 04.11.2022 18:37

Rewards need a buff in most areas of this game,it would be cool if we could trade rewards for other rewards that we could use nothing crazy but like maybe 10 books for a shard depending on its rarity of xp brews for double xp idk something along those lines.and can we get some new god like in uncommons

Aaron G
Aaron G - 01.11.2022 23:44

I like hydra clan boss too, they just need to cut down on the amount of time that it takes to play. That said the most beastly toon for hydra is Master Butcher. He's my #2 pick for Bommal and my #1 pick for Hydra. He beat out warchief because of his affinity. One day Warchief was resisted 4 times in a row, so i replaced his ass. Anyone who can keep the dispel head taunted solo 100% of the time is worth gearing up.

Junior Nxumalo
Junior Nxumalo - 01.11.2022 18:23

This guide made a lot of sense. A lot of the other videos were complicated and made me turn away from Hydra for a while cause I was like "yeesh, I came here to play a game, not to do physics"

j.erlandsson - 30.10.2022 15:19

Seriously - all the rewards in this game tends to be a big pile of doo-doo. Now I'll continue watching. :P

Auxik - 24.10.2022 00:41

Head of mischief is so annoying I rage quit so many times.. If they at least got rid of his turn meter reduction that would be great. We can't manipulate their turn meter so he shouldn't be able to manipulate ours.

Get l3usy l3oys
Get l3usy l3oys - 23.10.2022 02:37

Yooo The Editing Ohhh My GWADDD HAD ME WEAK Make Ya Mind Up Ash 😂😭

Troy Body
Troy Body - 22.10.2022 20:04

I hardly have any if the champions you are talking about.

MikePro8 - 20.10.2022 20:32

Good video bud. Thanks. I also use demy bc I have here so fast for my cb team. Keep up the good content

Erik Janso
Erik Janso - 18.10.2022 15:22

no info about ressist I need

D3AD End
D3AD End - 10.10.2022 21:42

I still can't get to nitemare clan, I'm getting nowhere in hydra.

David Drotos
David Drotos - 06.10.2022 23:41

RIP headphone uses for every segway cut, dam

David A Hunt
David A Hunt - 29.09.2022 18:42

This video was super helpful! Much appreciated!

mathew yerry
mathew yerry - 27.09.2022 19:35

I have 500 resistance, and 80 to 100,000 HP, 300+ accuracy on my team and I’m still getting my butt kicked on normal

Youtub - 26.09.2022 16:04

Rewards make hydra almost a waste of time… I’ve been playing raid 2 years now and can only 1 key normal. Hydra is almost making me want to quit this game

Chris - 23.09.2022 11:54

The game isn't even fun anymore. It's a grind striving for champions most of us will never have, teams we will never be able to achieve and arena levels we will never get to without sinking 1000's of dollars into the game. If you didn't get in on the game at launch, good luck.

JP III - 17.09.2022 04:08

Thanks. Coming back after a break to a clan boss I never faced. Alot of good info

Echelon - 15.09.2022 14:58

Is there any benefit to running 2x Inquisitor Shamael? Would Acolyte be any good for Hydra? EDIT - LMAO at the pic of Bulwark. wtff

Mr-Slayer-Sir - 12.09.2022 16:55

When You Know You Have Solid Champ Butt Need Like So Much To Upgrade Them As Fully Free To Play 😢 Life

kenny roberts
kenny roberts - 12.09.2022 15:58

Hydra is insanely difficult, and so rewards should b worthy of the challenge, however they lack, jus like raid game creator mentality. Give up the goods creators 4 we gamers who pay, pay, pay 2 play !
