Beyond Proficient: IFR Series | Stabilized IFR Approach

Beyond Proficient: IFR Series | Stabilized IFR Approach

Air Safety Institute

1 год назад

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M - 19.07.2023 23:17

thank you

Collin Smith
Collin Smith - 11.07.2023 10:00

Great stuff!!! 🤙

James Braun
James Braun - 14.06.2023 22:51

N. Korea would be the easiest. . If the rocket misses just follow trail down to the launch site . From there on you are on your own , don't expect to see happy people .

Señor Bones
Señor Bones - 14.06.2023 20:08

Student instrument pilot here. Would someone kindly explain why Dan used 80 knots IAS for the final approach when the TPS and approach plate use 90 ground speed as standard? Is it a personal minimum preference or advanced technique? I also understand that 90GS is for non precision MAP timing, but I thought it also applied in general for all approaches.

Jim Mork
Jim Mork - 13.06.2023 05:48

This is interesting. At a very young age I thought being a flyboy would be the best. But years teach a person maybe those youthful enthusiasm reflect an imperfect understanding who you really are. That being said, the comment that answering ATC with its rapid fire quality may add to workload saturation. So hearing that, my instant question is, hey, this is the computer age. Can't software just emulate this forcing pilots to PRACTICE absorbing this and let the mind respond in a safe way? In the 1950s-60s, there really wasn't a substitute than learning on the job. But 70 years later, simulators and even personal computer software can "program" the pilot brain to slide into exactly what normally happens. Heck, controllers can WRITE the software!

Tom - 13.05.2023 23:34

IFR pilots take notice...please. Let me tell you something about spatial disorientation that I NEVER hear anyone talk about, but it was enough to convince me to never get my instrument rating. Many years ago I was at Universal City in LA taking a tram ride through the park. We stopped inside this round tunnel that was painted white with a black helical stripe painted through the length of the tunnel. The tram was dead still. Then the tunnel began rotating around us. Within seconds my head was slammed hard over onto my left shoulder and with all my strength I could not raise my head to the vertical. I was effectively paralyzed. The tram was right side up and stationary the entire time!! I believe this probably occurs in many such accidents attributed to spatial can become completely physically incapacitated and unable to manipulate the controls. Imho, single pilot IFR is simply too dangerous, especially if one is not aware of this risk. It's not simply a matter of flying the instruments. If one is paralyzed, you're probably going to die.

Shay Johnson
Shay Johnson - 23.04.2023 17:16

The sad fact is most GA pilots watching this still will screw up.
Too many egos flying aircraft beyond their abilities.
We have pilots with over 10,000 hrs crashing & killing all on board so never think it cannot happen to you & take your ego with it.

Lying Cat
Lying Cat - 16.04.2023 22:41

I believe the missed portion of the approach is equally important and easily as challenging probably more so(whole lot happening in a short period of time). I’m wondering why you guys chose to omit that section of your SOP in this video?

Lying Cat
Lying Cat - 16.04.2023 22:23

Don’t do anything dumb, different or dangerous.

I like to emphasize the “different” aspect. It’s very easy to F up when doing something different from anything you’ve trained before. Everything is way harder to first time around.

Ryan LeGrand
Ryan LeGrand - 14.04.2023 17:21

Why not have the aircraft fully configured and on speed for landing by 1000'? The aircraft I've trained on has a final approach speed of 65kt, and I always thought it bizarre to be taught to fly an approach at flaps 10°, 90kt all the way to mins then make a last minute configuration and speed change which to me is the definition of an unstabalized approach

Andi K
Andi K - 11.04.2023 20:24

As a retired military pilot I suggest to do one step at a time, ie read the clearance back then turn, once rolled out decent. In other words: Don't make a descending turn while talking to ATC.

Dg 27
Dg 27 - 31.03.2023 12:44

i think you need to have ifr to fly period

Bucephalus Adorado
Bucephalus Adorado - 31.03.2023 09:48

Excellent !

hannibaltexter - 30.03.2023 18:12

This guy is a great teacher. AOPA, please bring back case studies.

Airplanegeek - 24.03.2023 22:27

This is great content. Great move by ASI. Thanks for making this interesting videos.

Jake W
Jake W - 18.03.2023 14:12

Great video. Thanks

Tom Swanton
Tom Swanton - 14.03.2023 19:23

Great work as always, Dan! And congrats on ASI recognizing your fantastic teaching chops. Hopefully they're paying you! :)

Ramon J. Hontanon
Ramon J. Hontanon - 13.03.2023 19:52

Great move by the ASI. FlightInsight is the gold standard in one-line ground school content right now. Nobody goes as deep, but yet, explains concepts with such a structured, intuitive delivery. Dan is making aviation safer with his work, which lines up perfectly with ASI's charter. Kudos!

Rbrt - 12.03.2023 22:53

Thanks for the video! What Flight SIM did you use for this demonstration?

EverettEngineers - 03.03.2023 05:40

Is that FlightInsight?! Please do more with him!

Gyrocopter Girl
Gyrocopter Girl - 03.03.2023 00:14

Great Video :-)

James Braun
James Braun - 01.03.2023 00:49

In a 172 with standard instrument radios I made a few IFR approach and landings . I requested vectors to the localizer , entered the clouds at 4,500 , was guided to the localizer , entered the outer marker , kept my glide slope needles squared and at 400 feet popped out of the clouds on final and landed . It really isn't that hard at least for me .

J B - 21.02.2023 22:43

Not a pilot, seasoned controller though. Great video! Like the advice to ask for delay vector or be boxed back around to buy some more time for whatever reason. That could save your life. Don’t ever hesitate to ask, even if controller may sound annoyed (but hopefully not). Doesn’t happen often but occasionally my turn to final/intercept is not good and I’d rather set someone up for the safest approach possible.

Daniel Creasey
Daniel Creasey - 17.02.2023 02:14

Thanks for the structure to take it to the next level. I’m in the middle of IFR training now with no autopilot so this is great.

Panthros - 16.02.2023 09:17

FlightInsight is amazing as always! It is great to see the collaboration with AOPA!!! I hope there is more to come in the series.

Jim Jernigan
Jim Jernigan - 15.02.2023 19:01

FlightInsight videos are awesome. Very detailed, yet clear and easy to understand. AOPA would do well to have you make many more!

Jim Hanna
Jim Hanna - 13.02.2023 21:20

Great video, very similar to things I was doing on the multi for my IFR fligth test - and very useful now that's done and I'm back to flying approaches in a Warrior. Is that graphic available as a PDF?

JustSayN2O - 12.02.2023 00:25

What's the deal with that 2+ story apartment building right before the approach end of RWY 8 ???

Karl Sandin
Karl Sandin - 11.02.2023 03:18

Dan is the real deal.

R3KT Hoops
R3KT Hoops - 10.02.2023 23:15

Great video and excited for the series 👍

Tom Yuhas
Tom Yuhas - 10.02.2023 22:07

Dan your content is always spot on!
Flightinsight has been my number one resource for this IFR student pilot.
Thank you for your time and effort.

Ingram Leedy
Ingram Leedy - 10.02.2023 18:43

Dan provides a clear, simple, but yet detailed approach to teaching. I've taken all his courses for my own pilot journey!

Drew Myers
Drew Myers - 10.02.2023 17:25

As an instrument rated pilot who doesn't fly approaches as often as I would like to, I needed to see this. Thanks for another great video!

Jim Allen
Jim Allen - 10.02.2023 16:21

Not a pilot here... so there's no downwind leg required on an IFR clearance? Sorry to be so obtuse. Also, why turn off the autopilot? Great video, thanks.

Vejitasei - 10.02.2023 14:18

Thanks, good refresher and repeat or core concepts. Just got my Instrument rating in Oct 2021 and I really (and I mean really) love hand flying approaches. Not sure why, just fun. Live in the Seattle area so lots of good practice conditions during the fall (before the freezing level drops, keeping me grounded).

Based Alaskan
Based Alaskan - 10.02.2023 10:31

Great video, nicely timed given that I’ll be working on my CFII in the near future.

Pierre-Alexandre Girard
Pierre-Alexandre Girard - 10.02.2023 08:48

Excellent video. Question: at the FAF, you mention reducing power and maintaining the pitch up to bleed up airspeed in order to pu the flaps. But with the autopilot activated and in approach mode, how do you hold the pitch ? Isn't the autopilot going to trim to keep the vertical speed you entered ?

ALK - 10.02.2023 08:29

On the missed, do we want to maintain the final approach course heading or the heading that autopilot used to maintain the localizer course like you recommend? What's the legal meaning of "climb straight ahead"?

Paul Temple
Paul Temple - 10.02.2023 05:52

I thought I recognized that voice from when I was prepping for my check ride. Thanks for putting this together, it was really informative and insightful.

Raccoon Air Aviation
Raccoon Air Aviation - 10.02.2023 02:20

Well presented; thanks for sharing.

Ed Cew
Ed Cew - 10.02.2023 02:00

A holding pattern will take a lot of attention and not necessarily give you breathing room to figure out the first problem. Also, "ARM" isn't well-defined in all the manuals. You might have stated what ARM does in this system. And at many airports with jet traffic, ATC may appreciate a decelerating approach. On an ILS, is it decision altitude or decision height?

N1611n RP
N1611n RP - 10.02.2023 02:00

Always have a map in your head on approach.

King - 10.02.2023 01:54

Accountability is tough when you are by yourself. Airline is much easier than a 172.

AntiqueHealbot - 10.02.2023 01:47

Great to see Dan here. I love it.

Paul Korpas
Paul Korpas - 10.02.2023 01:45

Outstanding info!!!👍👍

Smudent - 10.02.2023 01:41

I want some McDonalds now...

Hector W Padilla
Hector W Padilla - 10.02.2023 01:18

