STOP Shooting Vertical Videos (Do this Instead)

STOP Shooting Vertical Videos (Do this Instead)

Anthony Gugliotta

1 год назад

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Anthony Gugliotta
Anthony Gugliotta - 26.08.2022 08:58

Which way do you shoot more often? Horizontal or Vertical?

Manuel Justo
Manuel Justo - 09.11.2023 22:05

I just spent the rest of my afternoon trying to figure out what L-brackets or whatever solutions there are for shooting vertically on my Weebil-S, only to realise it won't even balance well with those. I'm done with it and have just decided on my vertical filming workflow for the coming times, because it all comes down to workflow, the way I see it.

Let's keep it simple:
If I shoot on a tripod or handheld, I will turn the camera vertically, because I can. This will allow me to use the full potential of my lens and sensor. Easy.
If I shoot on my gimbal, I will leave the camera horizontal, because there's no money, time, nor patience that can justify the trouble of setting the camera vertically on my gimbal.

I'm glad to say this video helped me make my decision, but I don't appreciate the partiality of it. I wouldn't say one way is better than the other or demand people to stop doing something for the sake of a catchy title. In the end both options are useful depending on the workflow you are going for and the equipment that you have.

Also, I don't think vertical video will stop being important anytime soon, on the contrary, it's only proving to be more and more relevant. This doesn't mean that horizontal video will be rendered obsolete, I don't believe that either.

Elyana Shukri
Elyana Shukri - 05.11.2023 21:14

what software do you use to crop the video from horizontal to vertical?

TN Films
TN Films - 03.11.2023 12:50

I don't have a camera that shoots 4k but still need to do it? Is there a way to not mess up the quality?

Mark-Hutt Bennett
Mark-Hutt Bennett - 01.11.2023 07:59

Thank you for this video I was just about to shoot a video which I don't typically do it was going to be horizontal I just be a professional photographer in the past life so I have an idea of what you're saying I can follow along but that's what's still show images not my video your video was great you're very concise you know exactly what you're talking about you get your point across I appreciate that thank you I'm going to watch more of your videos definitely and I subscribed but what I want to know specifically which ever since I've had a camera cuz I'm going to sorry I'm going to do this on my phone I don't have a camera is whether it's pictures or video that the content is so huge I can't send it I don't have it a business account so I'm limited to the size I can send through email through texting I have an Evernote account though I've not been able to figure out how to send large content through Evernote it has gotten better you can't send things to someone who doesn't have an Evernote account but that's my problem I have a family member who can assist me with that but for example this video I'm going to make now for a friend it's going to be 5 or 10 minutes and it's not going to go through email or whatever it's going to be too large of a so I'll have to go through Evernote somehow so please tell me what is the best way to send something that is larger that just provide the space I guess it doesn't matter because you've if I don't have the platform it's not going to happen but if you know something or some method I totally appreciate it with still pictures you could break it up and send 10 or 20 to get everything off that you want but with a video it's a little different so specifically I'm going to make this great video to send to a friend who requested it and I'm not going to exactly know how to get it to him I'm afraid of that and I don't have any problem researching but if you know a way that I've got this 5 minute 10 minute 15 minute video that I have a Google Gmail but I'm pretty sure it's not going to allow me to send this video I'm about to make then hopefully be able to send it through Evernote and figure that out like I said previously said something they had happened ever on a camp but now they don't but they're still it's like a link or something you can't just send the it's a link that's in Evernote it's not just like them receiving the actual video which is frustrating I mean I want to see the video I don't want to have to link it's not as convenient or easy didn't mean to make this so long but I think you understand thanks for the video I don't know the technical is about the making horizontal and make it easier to Vertical but I do know that everybody shoots in vertical it's crazy thanks again I look forward to seeing some of your other videos obviously I know that I'm going to learn something what are the thought I guess in terms of posting your video on a website and then allowing so many to see if they're in that format I have a couch at Vimeo and I think that at a minimum I've never uploaded a video to them but I think free account gives you a minimal space and then they give you they charge you for a different levels after that have you ever used Vimeo used Vimeo I guess I realize just now thinking about this that that might be one way to show the person the video instead of having to send it to him uploading and posting it on website and that way they can see it but I'm not really interested in how do you spend a bunch of money because I'm not going to use it that much Haley's first video cuz I just don't make videos that much I do still all the time so maybe if you know the website that I can upload a video to you and then they could be seen by the public that would be a good help for me possibly sorry I didn't mean to make this so long so long I have a problem with that I was sick it's easier to just talk on the phone it's crazy I don't know how to ever shorten it when it comes to texting or what ever thank you my friend good night

saxinat0r - 31.10.2023 11:40

This is a solid video and answered every question I had (including questions I haven't thought of yet). Thanks for making it!

Steel Legion
Steel Legion - 30.10.2023 06:20

Would not have the same resolution shooting vertical as your just flipping the camera?

Daniel Ayoub
Daniel Ayoub - 26.10.2023 17:16

Great video Ant, I'm filming so much more horizontal now. It's just better!

PaulPaPlay - 25.10.2023 23:13

Thank you for making this video

SG Gaming
SG Gaming - 23.10.2023 14:06

Editing Apps: shows aspect ratio of 1:1 with a picture of instagram(without colour)

J M - 21.10.2023 15:57

lol canon + no open gate for video = the problems u listed

Rockel's Journals
Rockel's Journals - 15.10.2023 18:24

I actually never shoot vertically, unless it's like a portrait. And I really hate the way why vertically shootings are pushed by social media platforms. However I'm not a big fan of social media and actually don't use it (much).
It seems social media is mainly focused on smartphone content. And since you normally hold a phone vertically, it's logically to take the media vertically aswell. But it's stupid, since when you rotate a phone, content also rotates. So horizontal content would have worked just fine. Vertical content is probably just for lazy people :p

So I prefer shooting horizontally. Reframing is a good a good thing, considering the distance. I sometimes also forget to keep enough distance. With making photos for instance. Photo's are in 4:3, so I tend to get the shot completely filled in the frame, because it just looks good.

But you have a problem then when using a picture in a 16:9 video. Then you have to make comprises a the top or bottom to get it framed. So I must also learn to automatically take more distance. When you have more space around the subject it's always easier to get it framed perfectly after cropping it either to 4:3 or 16:9.

I'm actually experimenting with using my actioncam in either 4:3 or 8:7 (gopro) instead of 16:9. When hiking it's always holding the framing in mind. And you would like to change the stance of the camera up or down when walking up or downwards a hill. Otherwise you're looking at the ground the whole time when looking the footage back. Recording in 4:3 or 8:7 would probably give some more room to reframe it later a bit in post. But it gives as disadvantage that you always need to crop and not being able to use the footage directly from the cam. But this is actually a bit what you're doing with 360 camera's too.

Mando Grogu
Mando Grogu - 15.10.2023 17:15

Thanks for reminding me that I might want to make horizontal stuff later to make a portfolio 💼

Mando Grogu
Mando Grogu - 15.10.2023 17:14

That’s true things change

Mando Grogu
Mando Grogu - 15.10.2023 17:13

Thank you, I have dogs and I’m not able to zoom in enough yet, but perhaps someday my skills will get there and I will be able to shoot horizontal and crop but it’s a lot of work lol 😂

Davide Sodini
Davide Sodini - 14.10.2023 04:00

Is it true that if you record horizontally and then with Premiere Pro you edit and transform it vertically are you still cutting the video and therefore will lose some pixels? while you record directly vertically you will not lose your pixels on premiere because the video is already vertical

Keith Thornburgh
Keith Thornburgh - 12.10.2023 17:31

I hate the vertical craze however... if you shoot everything horizontal wide with intent to crop, that footage is garbage if you decide you want to use it for a horizontal format. Deadspace, no depth, framing...

LutherMoore - 07.10.2023 17:50

A lot of people now are shooting their video horizontally and posting it on Instagram sideways so you can turn your phone to see the whole video horizontally.

John Adams
John Adams - 05.10.2023 06:01

This was so helpful!!!! Thank you!!

Kenny Advocat
Kenny Advocat - 03.10.2023 21:30

I hate cropping videos. I like my vertical videos to be native 4k. They need to make a camera that has two sensors so we can film vertical and horizontal at the same time.
