Renewable Energy 101 | National Geographic

Renewable Energy 101 | National Geographic

National Geographic

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Crypto Saffa
Crypto Saffa - 07.10.2023 16:09

Really? What about the ‘Turbine graveyards’ sprawled across Texas as covered by SkyNews Australia? Are they "renewable?"

No. Common Sense 101.

Simon Bowman
Simon Bowman - 03.10.2023 04:04

As of today Green energy is in real jeopardy of loosing its credibility.
The public are becoming aware of the issues of having landfill made of green technology waist Wind farm blades today being cut up and placed in landfill Or Even worst ground up and added to wet concrete and solar is no better than wind for recycling.
Now other ideas are growing but are they good? Pump hydro requires 40% more power than is returned so the power bill rises.
Now i am not saying make more dams before those that know my tech far from it Just Make It More Efficient... My system is retrofittable to water and hydro dams to make more power from the same current flow rate. Now let me add 100yrs life and dam near 100% recyclable.

Mako Daniel
Mako Daniel - 30.09.2023 02:24

Wind Turbines are not renewable energy.

Simon Bowman
Simon Bowman - 16.09.2023 11:30

If you wish to call it green technology in the field of electrical power then it MUST last long enough to return all the energy it consumes for digging it up to the time it hits the recycling plant. wind & solar are not even close to the green technology label.

Simon Bowman
Simon Bowman - 09.09.2023 03:58

looking at Wind AND Solar ... Both are Green right?
well No both have a life of about 20yrs and both are at the 60% recyclable limit. So what is a better bet ''YOUR NOT GOING TO BELIVE IT'' but a dam is. Now lets be clear NOT pump hydro that needs 40% more energy to push the water up to the lake than is made when it falls to the turbines so your power bill rises 25%. I am on about the old dams the ones the government has said are efficient well there not look at the energy thrown away at the outlet(tailrace) a big spray of water and that's power lost. Now at this point i have to tell you i have skin in this game as RDP Marine Australia so i can tell you since 2016 i have learned that green is not wanted and i am proof of that. A Dam lasts 100plus years returns more power than and is 99% renewable recyclable REMEMBER I MEAN THE DAMS THAT EXIST RIGHT NOW NOT NEW BUILDS

Aaron E
Aaron E - 03.09.2023 19:02

The worse part of all this is; water is hydrogen and oxygen (h2o; hydrogen is a fuel. We already have the knowledge to separate hydrogen from oxygen. Therefore build a powerplant that strips the H from the O; burn the H to produce the steam to turn the generators turbines to make electricity! Now why do you suppose the non renewable energy sectors would not want this to happen?!!!!! For all of you who think this is bull, think about this; we are trying to find water on the moon in order to send ships there with this technology to then use the hydrogen to power the ships to do the next leap through space! Bill Nye the science guy demonstrated how simple the extraction of hydrogen is on one of his shows! It is so simple even little kids can grasp the technique! Now; lets see... Who would not want us to have machines that burn (in essence) water?! hmmmm...

SpoonRaccoon - 14.08.2023 00:37

Who else sent here by the Ghost of Christmas Past? 😂

Arab Topics | مواضيع بالعربي
Arab Topics | مواضيع بالعربي - 30.06.2023 22:05

are there translate for this video

몽상가 - 25.06.2023 19:43

I prefer the term renewable than green because green is more of a ratio for me, huw much green does the generator generate energy and there is no such thing as 100% green since the generator it self need materials from mining and mining never go 100% green, even closing to 60 is very hard unless the material price got raise

Pulley Energy
Pulley Energy - 09.06.2023 22:29


Michael - 08.06.2023 03:17

One in heaven knows it can be controlled. Especially from heavenly. Beings not earth bound just ones.

Michael - 08.06.2023 03:15

Let's talk fusion and cyladoscope

Lara aralita
Lara aralita - 25.05.2023 12:44

Somebody can share the class working lesson?

Andrew Palim
Andrew Palim - 30.04.2023 22:16

Thank you for the informative video, but wind and solar can produce lots of pollution and emissions during production, installation and maintenance. Additionally, the large reservoirs created by dams produce methane, a potent greenhouse gas, on top of disrupting the riparian ecosystem.

The People Place and Nature Podcast
The People Place and Nature Podcast - 28.04.2023 18:07

I hope we can replace the traditional source of power with renewable energy resources asap! 💪🌱

JESSIEE - 25.04.2023 16:38

I was becuse My techter told me to

Mahad Khan
Mahad Khan - 14.03.2023 15:53

But they rely on weather that changes it's colour like girgit

Sang Min
Sang Min - 12.03.2023 22:24


Benji Arizmendi
Benji Arizmendi - 10.03.2023 19:51

Soy Benjamin de 1D teacher Carrasco

Emman and Ashir
Emman and Ashir - 13.02.2023 10:05

watch my project on renewable wind power and give me ideas on how can i improve it? ...

Yuanyuan Cao
Yuanyuan Cao - 09.02.2023 14:56

This video helped me

Simon Bowman
Simon Bowman - 02.02.2023 07:56

What is green power?
the real true definition of green power is not the one stated by the media or the gov forums these are only a catchphrase.
the REAL definition of green power is whatever energy was needed to remove it from the earth and ship it then refine it engineer it THEN assemble it to sell it to you (which by the way is a shed load of power) Must be recouped.
Then the life of the item must in the case of wind or solar be long enough to make twice the energy consumed in its manufacture AND at end of life never see landfill.
As things stand wind and solar are NOT filling any these standards a basic internet search will show wind turbine blades being cut into three and dumped into landfill
And solar panels are also in the same boat for avoiding landfill
Now your saying my new electric car is Green Right !! Well No it is not look at the car and remove all the plastics and fiberglass or carbon fiber from the car and it's life AT BEST is 8-10yrs then a new battery is needed. a cost that is not going to drop anytime soon. Now as for running costs may be low but your purchase price is not the true reflection of the cars true cost to make it because of the gov rebate! (brand not withstanding)
So your in a car that has 20yrs of life so about 200thousand ks on the clock then dead due to cost to keep it running due to wear and tear low battery capacity Ect.
Now i drive a 2002 Landcruiser v8 second hand $16k to buy @100thou ks on it and with good maintenance will run up 300 thou more and be more recyclable. YES i hear you the fuel the oil.
but the oil can and is reused and very little of the car ends up in landfill now don't get my message wrong I am ALL in for green truly i am but Don't call it green until it IS green energy a paper Bag is actually greener than a electric car or wind or solar.

Green - 23.01.2023 17:28


Dr.zeeeee - 14.01.2023 12:07

Nariman Mais
Nariman Mais - 14.01.2023 11:40


mrm prm
mrm prm - 11.12.2022 10:58

Surface power density of each of Natural Gas, Crude Oil, Coal and nuclear is at least 3 orders of magnitude times higher than that of each of solar, geothermal, wind, hydropower and biomass. Land area as well as water area and air space are finite valued assets on Earth which has a human population as high as 800 crores plus currently as well as scarcity of housing, food, drinking or farming water and even frequent power cuts or daily load shedding in many of it's regions. Refrigerator needs to run 24 hours per day, computer needs to run for at least 8 hours per day of office shift. Aluminium smelting needs continuous supply of power for at least 5 hours. Coal, Natural Gas & Nuclear have been handling base load and peak load demands ok from a long time 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Life is Carbon, Food is Carbon, Plastic is Carbon, Ethylene is Carbon, High surface power density source is carbon. Human life has thrived on Earth only because of Carbon as each human body has 18.5% mass of Carbon on an average could not stop human population of Earth from rising to a level as high as 800crores plus by Dec 2022. In many nations of Earth humans have and are proving to be excessive consumers of resources. If at all Carbon is problem then CO2 emission per capita in nations of UAE, Saudi, Qatar, USA, Canada and many more are much higher than that of each of India & African nations

green commando
green commando - 17.11.2022 11:18

4:17 PM Malaysia Thursday 17 November 2022 4G LTE Bateri 🔋 86 % percent left

James Scallop Arquivos
James Scallop Arquivos - 15.11.2022 18:13

Spherical earth is the biggest brainwashing already seen so far

A.E.I.0.U - 15.11.2022 07:01


AMP Ayden
AMP Ayden - 04.11.2022 20:36


Omarr Koroma
Omarr Koroma - 02.11.2022 14:17

okoroma25 - Forge of Empires

vasi - 23.10.2022 05:39

why do i keep getting distracted by the comments ive been here for 30 minutes

Safa Mol
Safa Mol - 09.10.2022 13:54

Piezo electricity

Pedro Henrique Pessoa Pellicano (STG)
Pedro Henrique Pessoa Pellicano (STG) - 03.10.2022 17:58

loved the video

super cool info

Ayat - 26.09.2022 01:38

It is an interested subject really need to know about it more in to details and make more researches maybe later on can help in changing also as well.
(I came from my teacher but really liked the subject and so interested about it)

julien leyers
julien leyers - 07.09.2022 15:52

Who’s here to get a general knowledge before investing into green stocks?

Baruch Avramov
Baruch Avramov - 03.09.2022 10:05

All the power plants are powered by steam why not to stick a long grafit tube to the soil as closer as you can to the planet core and use that heat instead of coal or oil

am i the only one ? :)

Tableta 51
Tableta 51 - 29.08.2022 17:01

Nice job , I love it☺🥰😍😍😍😍😍

Jonathan Mathias
Jonathan Mathias - 19.08.2022 07:54

Its worth all the down sides

Baja Waste
Baja Waste - 08.08.2022 23:55

8 agosto 2022 💂‍♀️🗽💫📡🛰️🛰️🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸

J1 - 29.07.2022 03:16

bruh my teacher a bozo

RC Truck Remember
RC Truck Remember - 21.07.2022 07:58

wow ...Good News for me 👍

shadab baks
shadab baks - 20.06.2022 08:47

Anyone tell how to make like this video

Wan Chai🍊
Wan Chai🍊 - 15.06.2022 11:07


Mr. John Zussino
Mr. John Zussino - 14.06.2022 16:15

Great video - thanks.

Chicken Cockatoo
Chicken Cockatoo - 08.06.2022 23:11

Watch Planet of the Humans documentary

Eller Ellerek
Eller Ellerek - 04.06.2022 07:18

Nuclear energy is the only effective way of saving the planet

Səid Cabbarov -2
Səid Cabbarov -2 - 29.05.2022 09:03


Taku Celestin Julius
Taku Celestin Julius - 19.05.2022 04:16

The best opium for all American is the tailpipes and over ten decades they have advertently kick their messiness to the entire globe, with dreary smiles but only renewable energy solutions is a an irrevocable moppers of the planet , or we must end up with an extraordinary developed planet with well coffered posterity the earth

Matteo Daporti
Matteo Daporti - 04.05.2022 11:48

