How do we create a better economy?

How do we create a better economy?


1 год назад

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Filip Nikodinovski
Filip Nikodinovski - 23.09.2023 08:12

It’s not sustainable … I get it!
Thank you ❤

Ramsay Bolton
Ramsay Bolton - 08.09.2023 14:28

No answer to question lol

Nature Tech
Nature Tech - 06.09.2023 12:52

Greed is the source of all problems on Earth

I am Fighterman
I am Fighterman - 03.09.2023 05:47

Lots of foods, decent moderately population

R - 01.09.2023 17:30

"Trees don't grow to the sky" - German Proverb

H Saqib
H Saqib - 20.08.2023 11:44

Thank you for sharing

heyitsalanhere - 19.08.2023 02:07

It's the mammoth criminal corporations/governments who perpetuate the plunder of the earth and create strife in order to keep GDP growth. Many of the people involved attend the yearly meeting of the mega rich in that well known quaint little Swiss town and other meetings throughout the year to discuss their "philanthropic" plans for the rest of humanity, like decreasing carbon...oh right...that plan is going quite well at the moment..👎

Ron Lacker
Ron Lacker - 09.08.2023 23:07

“Partnered with the World Economic Forum”
Tells me all I need to know about TED

Sergio Pena
Sergio Pena - 08.08.2023 19:28

Here's the thing, in a truly free market society, you can grow at the rate that you can and want, and central planning always fails.

Charles Leclerc
Charles Leclerc - 21.07.2023 05:54

"This lesson was made in partnership with WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM" 💀💀

Chv Hndrtntlr
Chv Hndrtntlr - 19.07.2023 06:59

It's easy for people that come from developed countries to judge how certain civilization must use their natural resources

But for the most of the country that not yet developed , it's their only chance to be developed to keep up with other nations to be developed one...but unfortunately for them when they try to develop their country people that never know their struggle and suffering.lecture them tomstopmehat they're doing because they damaging the nature, they get sanctions, they get embargo, they get isolated from international community

Then they think everyone want to annihilated them so they go into defense mode try to protect their freedom amd sovereignty with anything they can

King Bagni
King Bagni - 16.07.2023 09:43

The Bagel effect

wightboy12345 - 14.07.2023 02:06

Word games, fear tactics, and buzz words designed to convince you to give power to central planners.

There’s a reason the video ended with the World Economic Forum logo, the people with the “you will own nothing and be happy” sales pitch.

TheSimonMomo - 11.07.2023 06:48


Dirty Mike
Dirty Mike - 11.07.2023 02:33

Thanks for the editorial. This video is useless

Omar Yamid
Omar Yamid - 30.06.2023 22:34

Si hubieran más profesionales así, sería muy bueno formar una política real entre todes

Andreas Reich
Andreas Reich - 28.06.2023 00:55

Happily Sponsored by the WEF 😁

jish55 - 06.06.2023 17:12

The first step we need to take is to acknowledge that the economy is not only bad, but in such a state that it needs to either be completely overhauled or replaced. This means figuring out the issues and then eradicating said issues. We must then focus on moving away from profits and instead move back to making sure everyone can thrive under it, because at the end of the day, the economy is only successful when the people can thrive in it and not how high the profits are.

yassine waterlaw
yassine waterlaw - 05.06.2023 22:05

Paradise or heaven have an extreme high and almost infinite high real gdp per capita which means higher real gdp per capita means that our world tend to be a paradise

yassine waterlaw
yassine waterlaw - 05.06.2023 22:01

Finite resources will eventually run out it doesnt matter if it run out in 2050 or 2100 or 2200 we shouldnt think of futur generation because we cant there is no meaning in saving generation 2100 and after that all generations gonna suffer , for me its like someone sleeping and whem his mother wake him up for school and he says to her please let me sleep only 3 minutes same happens here we trying to save 1 generation and thousands of other generations will suffer

jake dark
jake dark - 22.05.2023 18:06

Sorry to be negative. But this is not a plan at all, because no solution is given. You can't just stop the capitalist system. Then you have to replace it with a well thought-out system. The economy already needs to grow at an average of 3% per year to remain healthy. If we just let the economy shrink, everything will collapse. We now have to work really hard to adjust the system or introduce a completely different system. Unfortunately, left and right would rather quarrel than come to a solution.

MoritzHexagon - 16.05.2023 17:58

growth still is exponential but resource consumption isnt, so why stop growth?

heyitsalanhere - 11.05.2023 12:53

Ridiculous analogy...the growth of a cancer....!!!

Bread Butter
Bread Butter - 10.05.2023 13:16

Developed countries produce more CO₂ emissions than developing ones while actually they should be producing more and the developed ones should be producing such a negligible amount that it limits to zero. The current condtion pf earth has been done by the developments done by the currently developed countries in the previous centuries. They are to blame (and yes, climate change is a blame game and should be). Obviously every other country would want to be developed and it will take the same amount of destruction of the planet that the developed countries did to develop themselves. Is there anything even minutely wrong in that? Infact all expectations to preserve the nature should be solely (only) done with the developed countries ONLY. However the developed countries harm the nature more than the developing ones even today (after being developed still). The video gives the wrong answer to the right question.

Amir Ridzuan Bahari
Amir Ridzuan Bahari - 07.05.2023 04:07

{ وَلَقَدۡ مَكَّنَّٰكُمۡ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ وَجَعَلۡنَا لَكُمۡ فِيهَا مَعَٰيِشَۗ قَلِيلٗا مَّا تَشۡكُرُونَ }
[Surah Al-Aʿrāf: 10]

Dr. Mustafa Khattab:
We have indeed established you on earth and provided you with a means of livelihood. ˹Yet˺ you seldom give any thanks.

MK Uis
MK Uis - 06.05.2023 17:59

Human = cancer, pest, invasive species to planet Earth

heyitsalanhere - 30.04.2023 10:51

Ahhhh...the wef cares so much for our collective well being...🤔

Kim Castro
Kim Castro - 28.04.2023 11:17

My mom and I make huge profit on our investment with Mrs KATHERNANN her set skills are amazing

Logan S
Logan S - 26.04.2023 03:54

You will never achieve equilibrium under capitalism as it incentivizes growth at any cost, less your competition out perform you.

JESUS rose to life
JESUS rose to life - 25.04.2023 16:42

❤ thanks i learned a lot

Jacob - 25.04.2023 13:39

🙋🏻‍♂️ I’ll do the honours: @LizTruss @ConservstivesUK

Rico - 25.04.2023 09:19

I think you're clearly excluding world superpowers. There were countries that stood economically dominant for centuries.

This is how most economies go. But for the largest and best at any given time growth is absolutely key.

Growth transfers from one place to another. Right now it's shifting to China because of US domestic policies. That needs to change ASAP.

Durjoy Maitra
Durjoy Maitra - 20.04.2023 06:39

Will the capitalist aristocracy that has a vice grip on the world ever allow this drastic change to happen? In this new economy, not only would endless growth no longer be the goal, endless profits and power wouldnt. Ultimately taking massive amounts of power away from those who control our world currently. I'm not sure we can do it without force.

mssn316 - 19.04.2023 18:18

this video did not answer the question. Spend more time talking about climate and ecological degradation. disappointed.

Recup Data
Recup Data - 12.04.2023 12:25

I deeply disagree with her conclusion. Humanity is nowhere near the limit of our potential. Our quest for progress and the betterment of our species SHOULD be eternal. The minute we stop because some people decide "this is good enough", we condemn our future.

Tanner - 12.04.2023 04:57


Tong Lu
Tong Lu - 11.04.2023 02:51

Not to diminish this brilliant author's work, but what she preaches is actually something that used to be common sense. If we look into the history of human thoughts, we can see different versions of this wisdom across many cultures. It only seem to be novel because what we call Economics today, is but a thinly veiled, sophisticated elaboration of colonialism.

Lord Event Horizon
Lord Event Horizon - 10.04.2023 21:29

So how do we implement that into the stock market? Should stable companies be more rewarded?

carloscastañeda - 01.04.2023 17:17

We need a mr beast elon musk podcast

grow your own food.
grow your own food. - 29.03.2023 18:39

Why, when she put the flower behind her ear did she turn into Glenn Quagmire?

Tennison Chan
Tennison Chan - 25.03.2023 16:13

It’s incorrect to think that economic growth means using more, which is not always the case.
Economic growth also means using our resources more efficiently

We need economic growth and innovation to create technologies like direct air capture to reduce our carbon footprint

Economic growth and ecological preservation are not mutually exclusive

Tennison Chan
Tennison Chan - 25.03.2023 16:01

Economic growth includes using less resources to achieve more
I.e. getting more value in the same amount of resources

Jacob Hebert
Jacob Hebert - 25.03.2023 03:20

It's almost like the idea that all things should be profitable is too short term focused to be efficient, safe, or stable in the long run

Vladan Lausevic
Vladan Lausevic - 18.03.2023 20:32

Yes, doughnut economics is glocal

Vladan Lausevic
Vladan Lausevic - 18.03.2023 20:32

Such a system can also be created by applying decentralised democracy and green cryptocurrencies

David Lambrich
David Lambrich - 14.03.2023 22:04

Why do I love watching something of that kind

Jason Wells
Jason Wells - 10.03.2023 16:30

Kind of an elaboration of the question rather than a real tangible answer.

taylormit - 27.02.2023 04:23

WEF sellouts
