Want a Longer Penis? w/ Dr. Trish Leigh

Want a Longer Penis? w/ Dr. Trish Leigh

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smarthalayla - 22.09.2023 20:51

This video is not for guys. This video is for women who thing that big penis is better.

Paul Martin
Paul Martin - 21.09.2023 17:53

To be honest, I believe I have my best erections when having healthy sex with my wife
So masturbation doesn't come close
So actual intercourse might be the best length you will ever get

RagingRejectTV - 17.09.2023 22:43

No porn hasn't ever been the reason I or many guys I know want to be bigger. I remember many guys having 7 inch penises. With mine being 5 and being fat, I always felt insecure. But what porn has done is increase my overall insecurity. And it's also deceased length as my libido is down. Weight also has another factor in the blood flow department. I believe it's a diabetic issue. But when I'm on no fap and losing weight, I get MUCH thicker and eventually longer. Became 10 times easier to make a girl cum and way easier to do doggy style and other positions. I gained my weight back and still addicted to porn so now I'm working on both addictions. And it's almost back to normal. But it'll take awhile as I've only been at it 2 weeks.

sisco3404 - 04.09.2023 19:16

The world wide average is 5.1 inches. 7 inches is on the upper end and only 3 percent of men are 7 inches.Bigger is even less. Saying 7 is in the avg does not help someone with 4 or 5 inches feel normal.

Saziz.10 - 02.09.2023 09:21

My is 6.7 inches 😮

coarselyground - 31.08.2023 16:40

Love the clickbait title! Ha-ha!

Captain Snarky
Captain Snarky - 30.08.2023 23:18

It’s amazing what pops into my feed when I didn’t search for it ( I do look for men’s improvement content though), but interesting to know about the study involving women cheating on the guys who have the bigger ones. It makes sense, especially considering that a lot of those guys are so proud of what they have that they perform aggressively with it. Another example of porn’s bad influence.

Shawna Austin
Shawna Austin - 30.08.2023 08:11

She didn’t discuss what I thought she would and she should have. Because it’s 100% true and proven by science. It’s that men who masterbate to porn regularly, have a smaller penis. That is, P&M shrinks your penis. Look it up guys! You’re damaging yourself mentally as well as physically.

Swiss blader
Swiss blader - 29.08.2023 21:00

Very good clip.👍👍👍

Enlightened - 29.08.2023 11:21

Why do women want bigger breasts? Are they consuming too much pornography too?

DAL96 - 28.08.2023 22:30

I dont understand, it is really someone who has insecurity about this? I mean, even if you have a small penis. Whatever, is not something you can control or improve with training skills. Not your fault, just accept it and go on. No one cares, you will be fine.

The Truth
The Truth - 26.08.2023 06:53

This video opened the eyes of my stupidity

DemonEnrgd - 25.08.2023 00:56

If anything, I need a shorter penis. Mine is too big.

Allan Willis
Allan Willis - 19.08.2023 14:46

She's amazing!!!!!!!!!

Adrian Haynes
Adrian Haynes - 15.08.2023 04:25

Right frontal lobe? I have a a meningioma on mine I started to watch porn about three years ago now I'm on meds I don't bother with it. Since I started meds so just wondering if the brain tumour on right frontal lobe can cause sexual desires and porn addiction

Bryant Cofty
Bryant Cofty - 14.08.2023 12:08

In my opinion, If you have a 3 - 4.9 inch penis, it's TOTALLY reasonable and you have every right to want to "safely" and effectively increase the size of your penis to over 5 inches. It's really more about girth though.

Reo Ner
Reo Ner - 14.08.2023 02:01

That is Not true if you have 12-14 cm is Not fine

Robbie Gibson
Robbie Gibson - 11.08.2023 04:25

I want shorter vaginas. Lol. Just kidding. This has little to do with an orgasm. Maybe a fetish. I've never had any complaints. Learn what the G spot and clitoris are and how to play them together like a finely tuned instrument.

jorge carvajal
jorge carvajal - 30.07.2023 21:13

Wow, I’m amazed at how accurate you are on this topic. You described me on this video, it wasn’t till I stopped watching porn that I noticed that I really didn’t have an erection problem, it was more of a pornographic mental issue. Sadly now I believe I have Peyronie’s disease and now I’m back with the insecurities, but as long as I can sustain an erection, I think that I’ll be fine.

Mister Ed
Mister Ed - 23.07.2023 15:34

I measure 9 inches from my pubic bone to the tip. and believe me, it does matter. It's great for my ego but not for sex. I'm too big,

Warren Ivie
Warren Ivie - 18.07.2023 01:04

You do a really great job, but let’s be honest 2.9 is a tiny penis, I doubt if most men and women would be satisfied at this level…….you think you would?

Jack is Black
Jack is Black - 17.07.2023 11:01

Eh debatable.

Adrian Haynes
Adrian Haynes - 10.07.2023 06:59

Dr Trlsh what areas of the brain control sexual desires/ etc I was watching much porn , it turns out that I have a brain tumour on my right frontal lobe, since the tumour has been diagnosed that came about after I suffered from a massive siezuure on the 06/05 , and I'm getting treatment for the swelling of the tumor and on antiseazure meds, I have literally had no desire at all for porn!
Have you ever came across this before?

Your Cultures
Your Cultures - 09.07.2023 01:08

Men should also be able to feel pleasure in the room
But it’s as if we can’t because of what these women prefer most of the time or are going to prefer if they find out other women are jumping to 8 inches and 7 inches.
That are slightly above average and yet you act as if you know where are reasons are made from.

So much pain in this world and it’s forced on us to accept our own humiliation if we want a promise or something “more peaceful “

I’d rather die than to get involved with women or sex. It is something that has truly ruined my own self image and the fact that we men have less options than that of 20 percent of men
Just means that 20 percent of men are more likely pleasure the average woman than That majority of us without using dildos probably.
And dildos are a main part of the humiliation of men and how porn induced erectile dysfunction affects even the image of a man’s own capabilities to please the woman he’s with

You can say— “oh that’s not what your partner wants” but what are you basing your ideas and reasons off of in particular?

I base mine off of how there was a study that said women are more likely to reach orgasm using 8 inches during and after clitoral stimulation

And therefore it completely ruins us men and makes us only able to rely on making money or something just to be pleasurable.

Men would rather fuck another man’s wife than be married at this point.

Your Cultures
Your Cultures - 09.07.2023 01:05

“To some extent “

You deliver like you’re helpful

Your Cultures
Your Cultures - 09.07.2023 00:28

I feel genetically humiliated and hopeless because of how much more likely women are pleased by what I can’t afford without relying on toys that match other men’s traits …

Women set the standards and whenever we men respond you advisors have done nothing but increase your male suicide rates

There’s less respect towards the male body and reassurance regarding it
And yet 8 inches is what makes most women fulfilled and that’s not what we have at all

I hate my body and I hate the fact that her pleasure derives from what I don’t have
And because it’s an outnumbering amount of women who will play with those men more than us men because curiosity gets the best of them…
I can’t believe there are no support systems fore male sexual health and how one sided it is

It’s degrading and I keep reminding myself of my weakness that they themselves have made out of my body.
These women want me only after their fun time only for my fun time to not be synonymous with theirs and how easy they were pleased by those men and ruining the stability of bonds further more,
I feel humiliated
Please someone help us

Ra'sheen Turpin
Ra'sheen Turpin - 06.07.2023 06:26

As one who was in professional Adult Film, yea they only select guys like us, but not the reasons most think. It's easier to see the intercourse with a longer guy.

Andrew Wats
Andrew Wats - 30.06.2023 13:38

Please and I can flf,lllllllllll

Animeshdaspro - 29.06.2023 15:42

Hello My Name's Animesh From India 🇳🇪 I've a Question Nowadays I Feel Like My Penis Vibration What does it mean in case What's the solution Please Help Me I Want to Know.

L manzzz
L manzzz - 26.06.2023 05:29

Is it bad that my penis is 10inches at 12

Alessandro Al Pacino
Alessandro Al Pacino - 22.06.2023 23:22

This is trash

louie avila
louie avila - 21.06.2023 10:06

So true .. when I consume a lot of porn, 5 1/2 inches mid hard. But when I come weeks clean, forsure around 7 inches and way better performance.

Ja9pwnw11 - 20.06.2023 05:00

Thankyou fof this

Leroy Bryant
Leroy Bryant - 11.06.2023 14:30

Will you take a look at it

Leroy Bryant
Leroy Bryant - 11.06.2023 14:29

Is mine small?

Lalrindika Ralte
Lalrindika Ralte - 11.06.2023 12:52

What medicice i good im pemis 4 n half inch only . I wanna inch log big penis.give me advïce

Kidnapping Victims and Family
Kidnapping Victims and Family - 09.06.2023 03:16

her medical license should be taken away people need to know that this is a f**** left agenda message from a doctor it only promotes pharmaceutical it only promotes sexual diseases and marriage or babies out of marriage it only promotes things that hurt our society as a whole and it hurts the family which hurts children this doctor is a phony fake

Kidnapping Victims and Family
Kidnapping Victims and Family - 09.06.2023 03:14

you contradict yourself as a doctor you do not make any sense at all, watching p***doesn't make men want larger penis, like we desire what the man has on the pornography that is just retarded conclusion very superficial very idiot-based thinking because if that were the case human life wouldn't really exist to this point we desire what the women have on the pornography just to make that clear, in the go a little further on that point it's the women who watch p***, or listen to stupid female doctors left a agenda, that want women to tell their man, wish he have larger penises cuz they think it makes that big of a difference to the happiness and security of a relationship that probably facilitate the inner workings of their family, and so children, and wouldn't you know it it's in line with attack the family.
and to pretend that you're not saying what you're saying is just a left way to to do business and cause harm, ignore the fact that you are degrading women across the board on all terms and in all time you've ever worked for equality and love and fairness and to be not superficial, because you're asking men not to look at women's breast size, not to look at their weight, not to look at their looks, but to look at them as a whole person...that's the whole package that men need to do to be respectful and to teach our kids to be quality men ,
but women now openly can speak about a physical attribute of a man as being desired less or more even in terms of cheating on them, or or waving monogamy in a relationship, and no relationship of vows marriage ridiculous you should be telling the women your sisters, Hey sisters be a w***. if you don't chase big cock you are not a feminist if you leave a marriage for big cock that's ok, what you should be saying, I am trying to brainwash you into making really big mistakes so you wrecks your life and we could take over your children's lives your money your value and destroy this country faster so listen to us the doctors who will give you the Pharmaceuticals that will make you imagine you have a bigger penis and will give your wife something to so that she's not such a b***

Richard Andrews
Richard Andrews - 17.05.2023 23:37



12 inch big enough for me seeing i have this size with a big head.Genetics in my family we have big penis size.

Shadowjester1985 - 10.05.2023 07:15

I dont know why, but hearing this lady say "penis" just makes me feel like im a foot long. 😊

George Speth
George Speth - 09.05.2023 00:13

Then how come the majority of women want a well endowed man???

George Speth
George Speth - 09.05.2023 00:09

Is that five inches erect or flaccid??

abdolhamed sharef
abdolhamed sharef - 06.05.2023 18:15

Dr. Trish, I have a burning question is it ok if someone is using penis pump, and mutrbate or be sexually aroused without ejaculatulion?

Monk Pool
Monk Pool - 02.05.2023 04:20

My eggplant used to be 4.9 in erect and now it’s 6.0 in erect

Chuck Collins
Chuck Collins - 01.05.2023 02:56

This is a bunch of bullshit,some stupid lady giving men false hope...stop already and accept whatever your born with.

top pop adz
top pop adz - 29.04.2023 11:32

A vacuum device slowly increases my penis length.

Kent Andersson
Kent Andersson - 27.04.2023 15:20

Never. Its perfect. I love my penis and everyone has. I feel sorry for them. Must be horrible

Dr. Von’s Life Investing
Dr. Von’s Life Investing - 27.04.2023 07:59

I’ll just put this out there but while practicing semen retention it appears longer and has more girth .
