[Eternal Return Black Survival] Shoichi 1v17 Gameplay

[Eternal Return Black Survival] Shoichi 1v17 Gameplay


55 лет назад

42,695 Просмотров

I recently got top 1k in duos and decided it was time to get top 1k in solos playing primarily Shoichi. These are the 2 games that got me the ~100 lp I needed to break into the top one thousand. Enjoy the gameplay!

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Shoichi Eternal Return
Shoichi Black Survival
Shoichi Build
Shoichi Route
Shoichi Gameplay
Eternal Return: Black Survival
Shoichi ERBS


##ERBS ##SHOICHI ##ETERNALRETURN #[Eternal_Return_Black_Survival]_Shoichi_1v17_Gameplay #Eternal_Return_Black_Survival #Guide #Shoichi #1v17 #Gameplay #ERBS #Massacre #Eternal_Return #Black_Survival
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@isntrem - 23.12.2020 04:41

You streamed this? Must've missed it, woulda liked to see u reach top 1k :(

@yurimendes8052 - 30.12.2020 23:09

Posta mais vídeos

@acyrosriven - 09.02.2021 17:39

can we talk about your build names for a second?
Because this is a culture i can get behind

@j3nki541 - 21.02.2021 22:42

Love that they put Katarina in this game. Maybe i'll try

@DeVILNoob2nd - 04.03.2021 08:02

Like your gameplay! Really learned a thing or two with Shoichi

@invidia44 - 26.03.2021 11:07

Why am I getting third partied? It's a battle royale amigo. If you want a 1v1 go play a fighting game.

@evannieva6161 - 23.04.2021 06:57

I started recently ER BS and i want to main shoichi so bad (katarina reference)
But i'm having a trouble playing him
Probably because i don't know what are the keypoints playing him as well as what are the items i should prioritize after building the weapon and continuing throughout the mid game to late game
Mind giving me some advice? 🥺
GREAT VIDEO BTW you have an instant subscriber
keep up the great vids coming

@coomartist - 30.05.2021 13:10

Awesome man, hope you start up again one day. The devs seem committed to this game and it's only in early access, so I'm sure one day the rank system and playerbase activity will both be pretty good

@murderousgaming6706 - 28.06.2021 02:17

I see you're a man of culture as well

@Seraficamente - 22.01.2022 20:15

Non è male come gioco...

@monbreau7306 - 18.08.2022 20:50

Sad clickbait.

It's 1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1.

Nice try, though. 😴
