Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimize Your Training Program for Fitness & Longevity | Huberman Lab Guest Series

Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimize Your Training Program for Fitness & Longevity | Huberman Lab Guest Series

Andrew Huberman

1 год назад

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FullMetalFlix - 12.09.2023 13:38

Easily digestable highly informative educational and entertaining. Most of what is discussed here i learned in the 4 hour body by Timothy Ferris years ago. This is basically science catching up to statistics. Amazing podcast

Mike Taylor
Mike Taylor - 06.09.2023 14:11

Thank you Dr Huberman for having such educational material on your show, its really helpful

HK - 03.09.2023 12:33

Does following workouts of fitness influencers help??!

Maria Diabuno
Maria Diabuno - 01.09.2023 01:11

I do stationary bicycle 5 days a week for 45 min. and than do weight lifting, but that is the part that is weak. I really do not have the right exercises for that. My goal is to live healthy as long as I live, to diminish my muscle pain (I have tms), and tighten my body, it's really loose. I do not have weight problems or eating problems. I use the vitamin protocol by the polish Dr.Jan Kwasniewski. I did for 1 year and a half his diet, very strict and got used to these vitamin protocol, I only use it fully every two days. I am really glad I found you. There is so much nonsense and variations of work out, supplements etc. that I just stopped looking. You are a scientist based dr. and I really appreciate it. I am going to try to get to the right strengh muscle exercises, not easy. I am in my sixties, I am very lean, good hair, skin, but with a lot of tragedy, so trying to overcome it. The cold shower helps a lot. I also fast every day, I did it without knowing it. I stop eating at about 6, 7pm and start eating next day 8 or 9am. I did follow your advice with my expresso in the morning and it worked great. I do eat low carb and fresh, most of the time. Thanks for everything.

Jason Jones
Jason Jones - 29.08.2023 04:16

Drop everything and lift?

Sarah Harper
Sarah Harper - 28.08.2023 22:53

Is there an interference chart available that includes muscular endurance?

Sarah Harper
Sarah Harper - 28.08.2023 22:51

Is there an interference chart available that includes muscular endurance?

David Jones
David Jones - 28.08.2023 21:44

I’ve listened to the entire series about three times now, AMAZING!! My question is: How would you recommend designing such a program for “tactical athletes” (service members, police, fire, etc)?

danger_pig - 22.08.2023 04:38

is it a bad idea to do cardio on same day as strength? not sure this was addressed directly

Paul Paynter
Paul Paynter - 17.08.2023 22:29

Please do a deep dive into MYOSTATIN
Age related declines and waystocounter this

Calinovski - 15.08.2023 16:07

Guys, if you want to evolve, set goals you feel like you can't achieve. I disagree pu55y personality, don't back up, just try again, failure means win

Kyle De Waal
Kyle De Waal - 14.08.2023 01:16

I’d love to understand when you have a game day how to revolve your training schedule around that especially of game day shifts throughout the week

Matthew Manzo
Matthew Manzo - 12.08.2023 19:24

Love to see Matt wenning and Andy galpin have a round table with you.

Youno - 06.08.2023 14:41

im training to maximize mu testosterone levels

Nicholas Koenig
Nicholas Koenig - 04.08.2023 16:47

Gotta plan ahead, or we're gonna fail miserably! LoveIt.

Teri Munger
Teri Munger - 03.08.2023 20:33

I have picked up a wealth of information. Thank you!

Nicholas Koenig
Nicholas Koenig - 03.08.2023 02:25

I honestly dont know anyone that does fitness WELL, that doesnt love it. Seems like one is bound to fail if theyre not 'in love' with the benefits.

Grażyna Giersztyn
Grażyna Giersztyn - 23.07.2023 17:00

Please dr. Huberman look closer on Sal Di Stefano's thought's on quiting exercise, diets, self sabotage of healthy habits, combining workouts with everyday life and so on.

pgproductionshd - 23.07.2023 14:28

Okay great

Sarah Livne
Sarah Livne - 22.07.2023 14:48

I'm still ploughing through this series. It is quite amazing to have all this science and detail available for free, so thank you for that. However, could you maybe add a session where Andy would actually concentrate on women, especially menopausal women, especially when you are considering the "bucket" of people who seek long term health, potentially weightloss. I find myself sifting through hours of 2 young-ish men talking about bulking up, weights and gyms and trying to pick and choose what I could apply and always wondering: am I deducing correctly here? Do I just pick what seems to apply to people with my goals out of what you're talking about or is it still going to be calibrated mainly for men with masculine tendencies, abilities and preferences? Do the same nutritional guidelines apply to me? Same numbers? Does it make sense to just take off 15% of every number Andy mentions or is there more science to talk about when it comes to women and their second half of life? All the research mentioned earlier about comparing the Vo2 max of the scandinavian skiers in their 90s to their American sedentary counterparts - was that all done on men? Is it applicable to women?

gtRaven - 20.07.2023 12:07

I used to like listening to your podcasts. But now it always seems like you and your guests just like listening to yourselves talk using college words. And also the ads that take half of your podcast. Unsubscribed.

Kahun - 18.07.2023 14:19

Excellent video, does here or any other interview discuss something like " mike mentzer " heavy duty? low volume training?

Arif - 14.07.2023 12:17

Hi, not sure what episode to put this on but the chart of interference has either some errors or I’m not using it correctly. If I follow the vertical axis then ‘rehab’ matches ‘speed’. On the horizontal axis, the reverse is true. Is this to do with order and using one axis first?

Marcus Davidson
Marcus Davidson - 07.07.2023 19:03

I have a question regarding using heart rate zones to train. I know Dr. Galpin has stated previously that he doesn't use zones much but my question is this: if my zone 2 upper end is 146 bpm and my session is a long zone 2 run for the day (let's say 2 hours): should I keep my heart rate in zone 2 for the entire duration (which in my case would require stopping to walk occasionally after about 1/3 of the way through) or should I maybe care less about the heart rate in the latter half and instead try to stick to the pace I kept for the first third while my heart rate was at 146 or below? if I were to think about my breathing gears in this situation: in the final 30 minutes of this hypothetical run, I could still be nasal only breathing but my heart rate could be up to 155 or so. What does the science suggest?

Su Nami
Su Nami - 03.07.2023 07:55

The sponsorships are killing me and has me instantly disinterested. Just too many

The Good News
The Good News - 02.07.2023 13:39

On the Chart of Interference I can see which workouts I could combine. Does it matter which one I do first though? For example Anaerobic Endurance and Aerobic Endurance can be done together but does it matter which one I do first?

onewinone - 25.06.2023 17:27

What a great podcast. Something for everybody, I’m 75 started weight training again after seeing how much muscle I was losing even though I could do long hikes. The last hour or so was informative and clear . Absolutely spot on. Always love to listen to Dctr Huberman andAndy in podcasts. Thank you. From over the pond.👍

Brandi McNeil
Brandi McNeil - 22.06.2023 03:45

Wondering if any thought has been given to how an ideal exercise program might adjust according to a woman’s menstrual cycle. During certain phases, a woman might have more energy to push and lift hard or do HIIT than during other phases, etc.

K B - 19.06.2023 23:07

After your de load week do you jump your load back up to where you were prior to deload or just start building up again from that 70% de load?

Naim - 19.06.2023 21:28

Close family member who likes to dance : yep that's your sister :)

Spencer - 19.06.2023 00:18

great content! what I don't get is the point of progressive overload if you give back gains after switching programs?

Héctor Lamaña i Sánchez
Héctor Lamaña i Sánchez - 13.06.2023 16:39


Melissa Williams
Melissa Williams - 11.06.2023 04:01

I'm trying to get comfortable with fat gain while trying to increase muscle mass but it's stressful for women. I focused for nearly a year. I put on nearly 10 lbs of muscle but also put on about 10-15 lbs of fat. Spring time came and all I could think about was losing the fat so I started fasting again. I still want to gain more muscle but it's hard to see the extra fluff. I am thankful for the increased strength and to have some glutes again. I want more and I know that's not going to happen with restricted eating.

Captain Mutumbo
Captain Mutumbo - 08.06.2023 19:19


Move with Paul
Move with Paul - 04.06.2023 22:07

This podcast series is amazing. You guys are beasts. Thanks for the clear, structured, awesome dialogue!

Travis Anderson
Travis Anderson - 04.06.2023 10:28

❤hello I’m Travis Anderson 53stroke recoveringperson needing help with food and exercise

Gu1d0 - 03.06.2023 18:18

You're the man bro.

Sarah Daymon
Sarah Daymon - 01.06.2023 05:24


High Performance Lifestyle
High Performance Lifestyle - 25.05.2023 23:35

Incredibly much value for a freely accessible video, truly mastered the sharing mindset

Sean Smith
Sean Smith - 25.05.2023 05:17

Question I'm about 20 months post op from a spinal fusion. I'm 47. I recently started listening to your awesome podcasts and you finally motivated me to get into a gym. I'm wanting to bulk up to burn fat. I do ride a bike and I do pushups. I'm focusing on my legs, back, core and shoulders. I listened to the show with galpin I believe who spoke about seniors power lifting to ward off osteoporosis. Is this practice available to me? How can I improve bone density in my back and legs safely?

Miękkie Kapcie
Miękkie Kapcie - 13.05.2023 14:01

