Update Review: Update 1.5

Update Review: Update 1.5

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@filipeantunes5428 - 02.05.2019 01:44

The only reason why you still have so many players is because most of them have spend money in this game, the others that keep playing are just kids.
Istead of add maps, even some good old ones, you add options to remove them.
You speak about the arty rework as if it was a great thing, in the end we're just tired of arty at all, specially since you added the stun mechanics, it's honestly boring to with or against it.
Also you insist in nerfing in a way you make people want to stop searching the branch. Making an fv less accurate and keep that huge reload is just disappointing. Nerfing mobility is also since that armor is almost an HE magnet to some tanks.
Someday you will starting to lose all of the people who still wasting some money in this game because they will be tired. It's happening already, and it will get worst surely.
Oh, BTW, matchmaking is actually good now, and I'm almost absolutely certain that you will also nerf that.

@SoulmanOne - 02.05.2019 02:10

Decrease the number of arty Is to difficoult to do????????????
The game is always less playable....I will stop soon...
The number of players in EU serverà is every day lower....

@tonisestan9043 - 02.05.2019 02:12

Well let's see. You buffed Japanese HT tanks after i researched them u nerfed, You buffed FV 4005 i researched FV4005 then again u nerfed Fv4005 and now u expect that ppl go for sweden HT's. What? ill spend my time to research them and then u will nerf them in next few patches. NO TY WG!!!!!

@pete531 - 02.05.2019 02:31

The biggest problem i have with this game are maps... same old maps, i have 12k battles and i would like to see all the old maps like hidden valley etc again... I dont care that they are not balanced i just want to play something different.

@vincentferrer3770 - 02.05.2019 03:43

How about reducing the number of spgs from 3 to 2. They can cover an entire open map if they know where to go at.

@alendelon4384 - 02.05.2019 03:50

wz-111 and is 6 only for tire VI-VII, no way they go in tire VIII vs defender,lowe and others, give them 200 pen

@ryomario90 - 02.05.2019 04:30

I like the changes being made in this patch, I already farmed more than enough XP on the Leo for the new tier VIII medium, I also like the changes to the Swedish heavies and the option to exclude maps, Malinovka and Prokhorovka will finally go to the place they deserve. I don't really care about the vault or the FV nerf what I do like to see is the removal of SPGs, but that ain't gonna happen sadly, overall it's a good update.

@stefann.6101 - 02.05.2019 06:50

R.I.P artillery 😢

@gh-yf4go - 02.05.2019 09:55

I love this game. I wish more people play it.

@danielpercent5434 - 02.05.2019 10:17

Hmmm. They buffed my type 5s movement a tad. They nerfed my derp gun? Idk. I was listening and reading the changes but my mind literally couldn't grasp the information haha.

@yavuzkonak2824 - 02.05.2019 10:33

fv4005 nooooooooooooooooooo :(((((

@banzaibanzai5901 - 02.05.2019 10:46

Emil 1 😤🔚👎👎👎

@derschratling5604 - 02.05.2019 11:07

The highlight is the map exclusion feature, no more ruinberg! :D

@sirnikola7567 - 02.05.2019 11:18

no ranked?

@GreatOne_1 - 02.05.2019 12:06

I mean, arty can have longer reload but precision must be high. But the stun duration and demage is balanced now.

@ltdn5084 - 02.05.2019 12:42

No ranked battle ?? :'(

@whiterhino3781 - 02.05.2019 13:13

What about americans? No changes :(

@martinbrund - 02.05.2019 13:44

Wargaming, why not just change arty to max 1 pr game, and this was not needed mayb?

@popnorbert6668 - 02.05.2019 14:55

WG nerf the wrong tanks. Kv2 , m44 , and Hummel ruin the game

@user-propositionjoe - 02.05.2019 15:43

I've got a good idea, instead of allowing players to veto a map and getting an extra veta with 'wot premium' why not just make all the maps good? Instead of going through cycles of 'nerfing/buffing' tanks with each update; just to make a tank OP for half a year to encourage players to put in real money to research it asap so they can be 'winners'. You could instead just do one big update and balance the whole game? I've got another idea, instead of 'rebalancing' arty 100 times you just limit them to one per battle and remove xvm focus like the community has wanted for years.

Instead of being just another money grabbing game developer why don't you show the community you actually still care and still have a shred of passion left for your game? Maybe if you did these things you might recover players and ensure the future of the game, because as far as I can see you don't have that long left. Twitch viewers of Wot= <5000 each day at a given time, interest is dying out. Player numbers trickling away non stop. US servers already dead. You kept the numbers this long because their was no alternative game, but even that won't save you for much longer. I'm not just saying this to be negative, Wot was my favourite game for years until you ruined it. Sort it out while there is still time.

@andrebarreto9177 - 02.05.2019 15:58

Question: If Strv keeps binoculars and camo net active on while on siege mode, does this mean that these new MT's will also keep them active if under 10km/h?

If so, why play the much less versatile TD if you can exploit the same mechanics in the MT?

@beni2270 - 02.05.2019 16:24

The new update just came in and I can't see the bonds shop!!!!!

@beni2270 - 02.05.2019 16:25

That bond shop where I can buy premiumtnks for bonds

@8112160419 - 02.05.2019 16:40

nice bullshit!

@shiwoon7071 - 02.05.2019 18:52


@laithmeister - 02.05.2019 19:32

Unless you fix premium ammo aka gold ammo I am staying away from WOT. Sorry WG gold ammo ruins the game for me.

@Kettu51 - 02.05.2019 19:38

Take out the whole SPG class if you feel constant need to Nerf it. Fucking rebalance all the time for worse. Several of them are already totally useless.

@silverlira - 02.05.2019 21:35

are you kidding me ?!!! you destroyed whole Japanese tanks, they are useless now( worst update ever( give me back my time spent on that game((((

@StationZeroOne - 02.05.2019 21:48

ok ok let's summarise this update: - germans still suck in most cases

@a18i92k - 02.05.2019 22:40

As usual, the main WOT idea is more gold, less fun.. We are used to your updates and the destruction of the gameplay!

@zendori228 - 02.05.2019 23:32

ага русские аххаха

@zendori228 - 02.05.2019 23:33

чо ты написал ?

@JMiguelzzz - 03.05.2019 07:14

"pay to win"

@cryohellinc - 03.05.2019 07:29

430 and 430u - disgustingly OP tanks. Love how a planned Nerf for them magically vanishes from the patch notes. Biased Wargaming.

Вы совсем уже обозрели там?

@KristijanSremec - 03.05.2019 13:12

I didnt play over Two month because i dont't have time. I hope that WG didn't take my acc? By the way this new update is sick. Well done WG. 😎

@borisbo7929 - 03.05.2019 20:53

The waiting after every games is so long...

@antman4935 - 03.05.2019 21:31

Wot is some be realistic, please .

@Czech-Zess - 03.05.2019 21:44

Just say : We are nerfing arty again and making it even less enjoyable. Instead some "rebalance" bs.

@unkown1512 - 04.05.2019 12:42

stb 1 buff ?

@SinNombreBiH - 05.05.2019 21:27

I hope next update we can except IS4 buff?

@charlesb5007 - 06.05.2019 16:34

Type 5 is ruined I know that..Still bounces like a typical heavy as far as ration goes and now the gun is junk...and of course 3 arty a battle is more like playing wack-a-mole..Also I dont know what has changed but even with a premium account, high wn8 int the battle your making pennies compared to years ago..

@dragonpeti6511 - 08.05.2019 19:36


@FifaAndrzejiMaciek - 12.05.2019 10:26

M2 litche, remove them is annoying because when they are from a new tree they always take care of me with their magazine

@drjoci - 13.05.2019 05:37

This update is a joke. Your game is a joke.... You are a joke XD LOL

@gfhfmf - 14.05.2019 22:15

Work with OP russian tanks idiots

@anthracss - 25.05.2019 11:29

Hi, what tier X heavy is worth grinding nowadays in your opinion?

@WorldOfTanksOfficialChannel - 29.04.2019 15:59

Are you going to research these new Swedish medium tanks?
