Understanding Type 2 Diabetes

Understanding Type 2 Diabetes

Animated Diabetes Patient

10 лет назад

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@champakalakshmi-f1s - 14.01.2025 04:50

What is the role of fructose in type 1 diabetis mellitus

@Medicare.insights - 13.01.2025 15:09

Great info, thanks !

@timwhite7127 - 03.01.2025 02:44

I don't have a clue as to why I was so lucky to develop type 2 in my late sixties without a single instance of it in my family history or a single risk factor. Well darn the bad luck...

@VitalFiberOneWellnessJourney - 17.12.2024 19:17

Type 2 diabetes can be and should be reversed only with diet and exercise, better sleep and reduced stress!

@josephtiyang4096 - 01.12.2024 14:59

Nerve dammages is the mostly effect of Diabetis.

@essentialeugene - 10.09.2021 12:31

Diabetes runs in the family but my family hasn't had it too severe.

@paisley0316 - 29.07.2020 00:05

paranoid at the moment, yesterday i had a tingling sensation on my lower back which made my arms feels tingly. it got to the point where i couldn’t focus on anything.

@adamender9092 - 27.07.2020 20:20

1 69th

@vilmer2001 - 21.07.2020 20:28


@beautyprincess2021 - 13.07.2020 11:20

It's too informative thankyou for making this video.😊😊

@hendersonnancy8694 - 11.07.2020 13:18


@bobbyhatch2307 - 21.06.2020 05:36

I am type 2 diabetic

@subrataray5147 - 19.06.2020 17:32

Good presentation,i am a indian doctor (citadel of dm)for 40years+.i like such presentation where lecture with written information are given

@AAUN - 27.05.2020 17:04

Thanks for explaining in a best way..

@jessicalee3534 - 22.05.2020 13:02

I'm so thankful for video's that are thorough! If you need help getting your body back into homeostasis so it may correct these issues on it's own, with 100% natural products your doctor will stand behind, I would be happy to help any of you. You don't have to live this way.

@jmxnoz282 - 11.05.2020 03:35

Can this cause weight loss?

@michellebutler1345 - 22.04.2020 20:33

I will use this to train school staff! Thank you so much!

@yessyroks946 - 22.04.2020 19:45

Our pancreas creates insulin, type 2 diabetes, so i think more information regarding dysfunctional pancreas should be given, like chromium deficiency that's all we need along with a class regarding good carbohydrates and bad ones

@andrealmada801 - 22.04.2020 03:49

I had Diabetes type 2 and could revert it. Check my channel i'll show what program i followed.

@thesecretofdiabetes5250 - 19.04.2020 02:09

My mom could reversed it! it's possible! with a lot of work and diet you can do it!

@sunving - 06.04.2020 20:25


@kishoree4457 - 29.03.2020 09:28

How people came to know all this

@teddee4572 - 29.03.2020 09:12

And I still don't understand ☹️

@bellorusso - 17.03.2020 20:25

Good video. Thanks

@ccdin1 - 10.03.2020 16:35

latest research shown,such disease is caused by too much PROCESSED food, DAIRY and ANIMAL fats. Going plant based diet reverses the problem.

@iwasiamiwill_ - 08.03.2020 02:54

Its a genetic mutation that was activated as an adaptation to new chemicals introduced in the body.

@Muhamm4d_MD - 08.03.2020 00:52

too thanks

@AmiraAhmed-zv6zp - 10.02.2020 14:38

Thnx am diabetes 2

@11Elma02 - 20.01.2020 01:28

I have never had the typical symptoms that showed that I had type 2 diabetes. No thirst, not much pee, just a big belly. After two years I had my blood tested and the result was: type 2. I was apparently been two years already diabetic, but my doctor had looked over the last blood test. Then I was pre-diabetes and I could have stopped it. So always request a copy of your blood test and see for yourself. You have to take care of your own health.
My good advice is: if your belly gets thicker, have your blood tested. If you are older than 45, have your blood tested every year. That way you can take the right medicines in time. You have to take it or you will get the side effects of diabetes.

@veenajain - 26.12.2019 17:27

Excellent Presentation

@aneesashimana5607 - 12.12.2019 15:15

pretty good thank you

@camboland8181 - 30.11.2019 15:10


@BaronOfHell666 - 14.11.2019 19:39

Straight forward and good info. Thanks

@prowarrior0155 - 20.10.2019 06:44

I think I have this & I'm sad about it :(

@mahasiddiqui5100 - 19.10.2019 16:31

I'm not going to lie, the people in the comments are really annoying me. Stop. Being. Rude. If you have a question, then ask nicely. If you don't know anything about this subject, stop giving out advice that could kill someone.

@ahmadalwazzan384 - 10.10.2019 19:58

who's watching this as they are drinking a soda?

@yousefalhendi2638 - 06.10.2019 21:46

it is simple to understanding diabetic type 2 , thank you

@junjosephricafrente4376 - 30.09.2019 14:45

Amazing video! My dad and my grand dad died due to complications of type to diabetes now i know what really type to diabetes are thank you so much for this video

@pienaarhendrik6503 - 28.09.2019 20:01

Excellent explanation and video, very informative.Thank you

@yeee5614 - 21.09.2019 15:39

My dad has type 2 diabetes :( but without blurred vision and weakness and drowsiness and frequent urination and possibly excessive thirst

@andreawatsonmusic - 12.07.2019 18:08

I have diabetes Thank you and you made me feel better lost 45 got 100 to go God bless ChristS love

@blakegoeppert2909 - 20.06.2019 00:10

How does hyperglycemia damage the blood vessels? Correct me if I'm wrong but is it due to hypertension or are there more complex reasons?

@MrSridharMurthy - 18.06.2019 13:53

Thank you for helping me understand my condition better !

@rauleyshar3635 - 14.06.2019 19:09

This world has an imminent problem which started in labs by modifying seeds for fruits and vegetables. In mid 1960's, so called GMO's were at its inception and started to spread domestically and later oversees. Many fruits and vegetables we eat are derived from seeds which were once modified in labs during 1960's. Example, fruits like oranges which are seedless, watermelon which are seadless are all GMO's. These seeds were artificially created and now taken over the world. One of the most toxic GMO's foods you can eat is wheat and corn. Remember one thing that controlling your sugar is the key for well-being. Stop bombarding your blood with hyperglycemia-state overwhelming your pancreas to keep producing insulin. More glucose you have in your blood; more work for pancreas. Regardless of the source of food, the quality of the food is more important. Never consume any food which exceeds 400 calories. Make that a rule of thumb. Try to eat as much as fresh fruits and vegetables although they are less of 100% natural, but at least low caloric intake is more important than bombarding your body with excessive glucose.

@LeaveYouOnRead - 14.06.2019 17:15

Intermitten fasting cures diabete.

@frauchen9864 - 10.06.2019 16:35

World should stop producing carbs

@suckyourmum4477 - 05.06.2019 16:06

That’s weird I just watched an ad about diabetes Ooooooooo😱

@wisdomsam7127 - 22.05.2019 17:19

nice and eye catching presantation
