Elon has no replacement!. He's another kind of species. Guard him!. At this point in time, he's the only one, that can make humanity a multi planetary species. Everyone side lined electric cars , until he proved you wrong. Musk has been very consistent with himself. His end game is : Colonise mars and make all cars electric and FSD. He won't stop until he achieves his goals. Listen to his mother, Maye. Musk is a genius.
ОтветитьEngineering is in Elon's DNA. He lives it. He breathes it. It's so natural to him. His brain is wired that way.
Ответитьhe is a genius
ОтветитьSpaceX is a good idea, but creating a colony on Mars is not realistic. It would cost thousands of dollars per pound just for water, oxygen and food.
Ответитьthis is gonna be a great film someday
ОтветитьElon's first child was conceived at Burning Man?
ОтветитьI ask these humans what is the purpose. Why it is the purpose for what it is the purpose. I seen humans. What is the purpose of humanity just survival?. If humans think it is just for survival? Then they still be ignorant you all still be ignorant.
ОтветитьThis is probably the physical manifestation of stubbornness and sheer will power.
ОтветитьMusk is a corporate welfare queen -- living off tax payer money. Please. 🙄
ОтветитьWhat a bunch of nonsense. Don't believe a word of it.
ОтветитьShe sounds like AI
ОтветитьThrough corruption, lobbying, predatory business practices and worker exploitation. This video is insane corporate propaganda.
Ответитьinteresting video
ОтветитьSpace X and Musk will eventually fail. Their investors are gullible. This "report" is a marketing message. Shame on you.
ОтветитьThis has almost become satire now.
Ответить25 years later they finally landed ... At the bottom of the Caribbean 😂
ОтветитьI wonder where the Russians are 😂
ОтветитьUnderstand Elon Musk is not paying God like everyone is elaborating shows know Why he is doing this 🤫👀don't you feel like the biggest fool for thinking negative wow 🖼️🤝🌎🎯🇺🇲✍️
ОтветитьTotal scam!!!
ОтветитьHow SpaceX Became the World's Most Valuable Private Company.
Answer: Securities / wire fraud and bribing every politician and bureaucrat with a pulse.
SpaceX is doomed.
puff piece . what about ALL the tax payers /Govt contracts keeping him alive NOT really PRIVATE!!!! Blue Origin will bury musky
ОтветитьThe Russians calling Elon "Little boy, you can't afford it", thats funny because now Elon has basically stepped on their toes by taking all their business. The USA used to pay these Russians a lot of money in order to send American astronauts to space by using the Russian Soyuz. But now Elon's SpaceX does it all instead lol. Elon made those Russians the little boys who can't afford anything🤣
ОтветитьGod damn youre one of the biggest Elon glazers I've seen in a while.
ОтветитьYou can never make me hate Elon musk. The dude just works. He doesn’t believe in failure
ОтветитьThis is why I subscribed to your channel a long time ago
ОтветитьJeff Bezos & Elon Musk: The Race To Be The First Trillionaire - happines, in slavry...
ОтветитьHonestly, feeling jealous about musk accomplishments l
ОтветитьMusk is not a hero
ОтветитьHave you ever wondered Human made it to Moon back in 1960's with that tech and unbale to go to Moon with nowadays latest and advance Tech? You know why because back then you could have easily fake it but its difficult to bluff people with HD cameras and lot of eyes everywhere. Think about this and be real, see what MIT micro robots are at their max? Its a shame on Science and its fake glories through Animated videos. Just wasting money Criminals!
ОтветитьI hope it's not going to be a repeat of the Titan OceanGate, with all those cutting costs
ОтветитьEvem at $350B valuation SpaceX may still be undervalued, the possibility it opens up for not just traveling to space/sending payload at low cost but also things like space mining, which is way more valuable than the business they are currently doing
ОтветитьIt is just insane how this company and it's engineers managed to convert what for the most of us seems like a soothing dream, into reality. This video has been very nicely made to explain just that!
ОтветитьThe Ending of the shuttle started with president bush jr!
ОтветитьEvery time that I hear someone politically attack Elon Musk, I take a glance at their LinkedIn if they have one ... and with zero surprise, theirs isn't anywhere near as cool as his is.
ОтветитьMusk has now positioned himself for no-bid contracts from the US, which he paid over $200M to win the election. I wonder if others complain just like he did with Kissler, if he will change his tune on no-bid contracts.
ОтветитьSEC and Democrats cheated us out of the opportunity to invest in SpaceX when first informed. It would have been easier for Musk and many of us would be investors. That is why we voted for Trump.
ОтветитьStarLink can become the solar system’s communication utility, and then the galaxy’s, and then the local cluster, and then …. 😀
ОтветитьElon musk is truly a legend.
ОтветитьI can’t believe people still somehow question musk’s intelligence
ОтветитьSerious dickriding here
ОтветитьI Hit $32,590 today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last week. i started with 5k in last week 2025... now i just hit $32,590 thanks to Jayne
ОтветитьMy Work Most Success 🥵🤫🎯
ОтветитьFlight 8 tomorrow 3/3/25
ОтветитьI met Elon Musk in Las Vegas during 2000. He asked me if I was a gambling man or if I was just there on vacation. I said I earned that trip by volume rewards from my company. He asked me what kind of work I was involved with. I told him commercial and industrial energy savings programs but I also had a background in automotive marketing business administration. He asked me if I had millions of dollars to spend what would be the most invative business ideas that could help humanity, if I didn't mind answering a few more questions? He kept picking my brain for over an hour about many topics including how to fix the grid with solar and electric vehicles. Nicola Tesla's patents that just became available to the public, these patents would be crucial in building a high performance electric vehicle that would appeal to the masses. We also talked about commercial space exploration for the consideration of colonization. In case of an asteroid strike, another world war or any global disaster, maybe all of humanities eggs shouldn't be in one basket! NASA was looking to accelerate commercial growth for space exploration. Reason being a lot of budgets were running low for the ambitious goals NASA was trying to accomplish. He said they were all good ideas and they should be done. We also talked about ways of slingshoting your businesses forward by starting other businesses that benefit your existing ones. Lowering overhead by reducing the costs of advertising, manufacturing and distribution was also necessary to reduce the chances of failure. At the time I was stuck with other commitments so I wasn't able to assist with a lot of the startup. I have been trying to reach him for over 10 years because I have many more innovative ideas to benefit those business we talked about. Thank God it was Elon that I got to have this discussion with because he put forth all of his dedication, hard work and effort into what we talked about. He spent almost all of his money, time, blood, sweat and tears to make it this far. This type of courage and determination is a very rare combination. I would like to say congratulations Elon this might not have ever happened with out you. We all owe you a huge dept of gratitude, 🙏 thank you. I would like to assist with all of these things we talked about. Please reach me at your earliest convenience. Innovative people with integrity expect to be believed otherwise they let time prove them right. Let's shoot for the moon and Mars. Then we will live amongst the stars!