Crash Course in Jewish History 1. Ancient Israel Dr. Henry Abramson

Crash Course in Jewish History 1. Ancient Israel Dr. Henry Abramson

Henry Abramson

4 года назад

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VIN P - 22.09.2023 06:55

Dr. Abramson, Please create a for dummies edition for some of us with short attention span. You are good but put me to sleep despite your excellent enthsiastic and accurate ppressentation. Do keep the jokes! Let my brain fill in the blanks!

Charles Andrews
Charles Andrews - 10.09.2023 09:15

That pat you gave yourself was well deserved. Thank you

Henry Cavanagh
Henry Cavanagh - 08.07.2023 01:58

When he mentions Hellenistic culture and math there is a sudden cut! He was about to say in conjunction with arabs? Is this so? Did they censor his talk?

Walter Hatz
Walter Hatz - 27.06.2023 12:07

So sat that Hitler cillll killed so many Jews

Walter Hatz
Walter Hatz - 27.06.2023 12:02

Thank you very informativ

Walter Hatz
Walter Hatz - 27.06.2023 11:59

Thank you very interesting and informativ

A.M. Phaneuf
A.M. Phaneuf - 21.06.2023 09:31

Great use of humor. But stick to Jewish history. That so-called Jewish Christianity segment was very inaccurate, from history w/i “New Testament” account of Christianity.
But thank you for the talk.

Eliezer Batista Macedo
Eliezer Batista Macedo - 16.06.2023 11:17

Por que nas partes mais importantes foi retirada a legenda em portugues?

Alessandra Norbedo
Alessandra Norbedo - 14.06.2023 17:30

From Haifa.,. Too much russians,, no jjehudim,;.why they here?.....maspick...

Michael Carter
Michael Carter - 14.06.2023 13:50

"Only the dead scientists are wrong ".
Most archaeologists have an agenda, that does not include the Bible; it is they, that have a Blindspot...

Anvayel Ben Ephraim
Anvayel Ben Ephraim - 14.06.2023 06:58

"1 And afterward Moses and Aaron came, and said unto Pharaoh: 'Thus saith YHWH, the God of Israel: Let My people go, that they may hold a feast unto Me in the wilderness.'
2 And Pharaoh said: 'Who is YHWH, that I should hearken unto His voice to let Israel go? I know not YHWH, and moreover I will not let Israel go.'
3 And they said: 'The God of the Hebrews hath met with us. Let us go, we pray thee, three days' journey into the wilderness, and sacrifice unto YHWH our God; lest He fall upon us with pestilence, or with the sword.'"
Exodus 5
The God of Israel is the God of the Hebrews, which means that Moses led Hebrew Israelites from Egypt, which would have included the ancestors of today's Jewish people. No where is it written "I am the God of Judah", although He does refer to "My people Israel and Judah", which means that in the larger sense Judah is submerged within Israel, and not the reverse.

ajarn wordsmith
ajarn wordsmith - 06.06.2023 11:32

I was hooked from the opening of his lecture till 13.36 when Professor Abramson signals that he is about to move on from his introductory overview, a veritable tour de force of lecturing! I don't know if Dr Henry Abramson is a tenured professor but I have decided to confer a Chair upon him nevertheless. So there you have it! The Prof is an oracle without equal in his subject matter and his ability to communicate in cyberspace. More of the same, Prof.

Ríos - 05.06.2023 08:16

Dr. Douglas Petrovich has done some fairly recent and amazing archeological work proving the evidence of the Exodus and even connecting things to very specific people including Jacob, Joseph, Ephraim, and Menassah.

TheWhitehiker - 31.05.2023 21:30

Henry on the beam!

CDGMR1 - 29.05.2023 01:09

Thank you!!

Vicente Camarena
Vicente Camarena - 26.05.2023 23:10

It is imposible that more than 2 million people in the dessert for 40 years do note leave any evidence. Exodus is fiction unless the way is told. More than two million slaves could not have leaved Egypt whitout causing and economic disaster which we should be able to trace. Tanach is a faith book and has several layers on It; one layer is the historical layer which we have to isolate. Ancient people were not able to investigate their history and they used to invent It based on traditions, rememberings, and so on.

Anthony Brookes
Anthony Brookes - 18.05.2023 22:16

Read a book called The pictures history of Jewish civilisation very interesting

s.l - 08.05.2023 14:37

All you said about the rabbis are not true. On the contrery they invited the romans to take the country(&they will help them) instade the Greecs remove the jewish leaders, and to give them the authority to rule and govern the jewish nation..

sdrawkcabUK - 27.04.2023 02:03

Hebrew/Yiddish terms in English:

Kehillah - a Jewish congregation/community’s
Ehrlich - honest/genuine
Nebakh - a weak/unfortunate person
Tanakh - the Old Testament
Baruch Hashem - ‘thank god!’
Pesach - Passover (Jewish festival)
Hashkafa - philosophy/worldview
Emunah - faith/belief
Chumash - book form of Torah (first 5 books the Bible)
Ad kan - ‘enough!’
Mitzvot - a Jewish law/rule
Tachanun - type of prayer

There were others which I didn’t get as I don’t speak Hebrew or Yiddish.

Roberto C F Aguiar
Roberto C F Aguiar - 18.04.2023 03:27

You are gifted men with a nack to tell history. Thank you, will recomendo to everyone. You clarifyed so many of my questions about Judaism.

Thomas Huth
Thomas Huth - 15.04.2023 01:45

„For very intelligent people“! So, I didnt watch, this is not for me. Came here just to inform you.

Lilbendem - 10.04.2023 08:09

As a Muslim all I have to say is thank you!

Dwight Thomas
Dwight Thomas - 10.03.2023 13:25

I love you and am proud of you brother, Baruch Hashem.

George Paul
George Paul - 21.02.2023 12:40

Good / excellent historical presentation. Very informative for better understanding the role the Jews played between Mesopotamia and Mediterranean Semitic presence.

George Paul
George Paul - 21.02.2023 12:19

Can you explain why Jewish historians are preoccupied with Jewish or Hebrew historical presence in the Mediterranean regions without mention of Mesopotamian origins of Hebrews or pre-Judaic semites which includes many peoples who may not have much to do with early exodus ending as Mediterranean Jews or Hebrews in later times.

Eleanor M
Eleanor M - 21.02.2023 09:40


Vindem - 18.02.2023 06:54

Here come the lies

oscar eduardo ruiz salguero
oscar eduardo ruiz salguero - 11.02.2023 15:03

Jews help nazis in Ukraine

Momin - 04.02.2023 17:54

Be it albort einestien , karl Marx , anne frank , arts , literature , science ❤️

Momin - 04.02.2023 17:53

I am a kashmir muslim history student abraham sir is too much intelligent indeed israel has command on education ❤️

Michael Anthony Alberta
Michael Anthony Alberta - 19.01.2023 23:22

Dr Abramson, can you cover the Amorites?

Parrot Raiser
Parrot Raiser - 15.01.2023 19:56

Some remarkably familiar and constant themes there. If Jews could stop fighting each other, what could they achieve? It's hard not to think of "The Life of Brian" at some points.

Todd Kallenbach
Todd Kallenbach - 15.01.2023 05:14

fun facts:
Abram (Abraham) not Jewish
Isaac not Jewish
Jacob not Jewish (named changed to Israel...not Judah)
11 of the twelve tribes not Jewish
Judah only Jewish tribe of the 12
Moses not Jewish (Levite)
Aaron not Jewish (Levite)

I could go on and on......

Lagolop - 14.01.2023 23:40

Is there an actual Rabbi Trump. What was the relevance for you to mention him?

Clarence Rainey
Clarence Rainey - 13.01.2023 15:48

You people are not the real Jews you are imposters

Wade Stikman
Wade Stikman - 09.01.2023 00:47

I'm sorry but it's hilarious to me that in nearly every religion there's a sect that's just like, "You're not religious enough for us, we're gonna find a new place to live," and move into a desert or something. Sometimes it's caves, sometimes it's forests, sometimes they just merge with other places, but it always gives me a chuckle.

jean-jean - 07.01.2023 15:18

Fertility in Israel is not due to nature but to the way of serving H'. It does not come from the rain but from the Dew... No archaeological speculation is therefore possible from factual data...!

RIJU SIVANAND - 21.12.2022 21:22

How can you conclude ancient Jewish history without haplogroup L( mtdna)?In human mitochondrial genetics, L is the mitochondrial DNA macro-haplogroup that is at the root of the anatomically modern human (Homo sapiens) mtDNA phylogenetic tree. As such, it represents the most ancestral mitochondrial lineage of all currently living modern humans, also dubbed "Mitochondrial Eve".

Pininfarina - 19.12.2022 04:26

Disable your monetary settings- getting an ad every 2 minutes. Un- watchable.

Jon J
Jon J - 17.12.2022 07:01

Very good lecture with an occasional joke.

Jeanne Amato
Jeanne Amato - 14.12.2022 05:10


Gables Park 17
Gables Park 17 - 07.12.2022 10:44

It isnt ironic that you began with there is no such thing as Jewish history, because this entire presentation is a farce. At its best, propaganda. So many people cannot identify evil. We are in a time when people have embraced something they cannot identify any longer. All they know is that their beliefs feel good because they get empowered to feel superior and special, chosen for special treatment. The mindfuk is so complete. Yet, many more people have embraced the Roman fix without even knowing it. When evil wins, all the loser can do is use the fixes provided throughout history for those who lost, to be able to find peace and acceptance. Let the zealots go crazy in their own personal hells. Yes, God exists. God doesn’t micro manage. Good luck! Many falsehoods and misrepresentations. Never once showed a colored Jew, yet spoke about the persecution of Jews. These Jews he is speaking of are not the original Jews. They're converts piggybacking on a whole race, religion and culture. When you showed pictures of the "seeds", you only showed white people. You cannot convert your race.

Pauline H
Pauline H - 01.12.2022 01:18

Just discovered your lecture series 🙌, thanks for making these available!

Heather Winer
Heather Winer - 27.11.2022 04:29

i am 49%European Jewish and 1% Anatolia which is primarily the middle east area. Jewish father

Ingemeyer Tjejamba
Ingemeyer Tjejamba - 17.11.2022 12:01


Michelle G
Michelle G - 12.11.2022 06:29

It was also for relieving pressure in the skull from an injury for trepanation

seeking warrior
seeking warrior - 10.11.2022 09:15

Love how you describe the religious books = archeology "equation". Than you
