Video, Audio, DSP, Computer Vision, and Animations with Mitov Software with Boian Mitov - CodeRageXI

Video, Audio, DSP, Computer Vision, and Animations with Mitov Software with Boian Mitov - CodeRageXI

Embarcadero Technologies

7 лет назад

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@gbirbilis - 24.01.2022 14:41

is the designer pane also available for runtime use? Say if one wants to embed in an authoring app (ideally with the flow being persisted to the document/state file one's authoring app generates) or an app that is extensible / user scripted

@AlexanderChysti - 19.02.2019 20:55

Hi Boian.I getting error "cannot open video stream 0 , -0" when trying to add my custom video to findcontur demo .Delphi 2007. How to avoid this error?
