Kenny Rogers - The Gambler 2 : The Adventure Continues (1983) [Full]

Kenny Rogers - The Gambler 2 : The Adventure Continues (1983) [Full]


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Owen Atcheson
Owen Atcheson - 02.08.2023 05:30

Rest in peace Kenny Rogers. An absolute legend.

rochelle warren
rochelle warren - 06.07.2023 07:43


claudenir de santis
claudenir de santis - 07.04.2023 04:23

Sem legenda e sem tradução não dá para assistir.

Paul Klemer
Paul Klemer - 30.03.2023 08:39

How you doing Kenny?

Eric Thorfinnson
Eric Thorfinnson - 22.03.2023 12:44

Jonny was a lot cuter in the Rifleman 😂😆 😂😆

aftab wilson
aftab wilson - 19.03.2023 22:48

Very good movie to watch 👍👍👍

Kenny Brogan
Kenny Brogan - 18.03.2023 12:06

Gracias Kenny por tu música. Me ha acompañado y aún lo hace, quede con la ganas de poder verte en vivo pero no ha podido ser. Descansa en Paz

elroy tito
elroy tito - 17.03.2023 19:29


Alan Mcmichael
Alan Mcmichael - 02.03.2023 16:40

You can't beat American brain dead garbage..

Matthew Denton
Matthew Denton - 27.02.2023 12:26

I think Kenny Rogers was absolutely terrific in these western movies...very very entertaining....I love it....great song for the movie....sorry I never see him when I was in las Vegas....big shame....

Patrick Rooney
Patrick Rooney - 25.02.2023 11:47

This is a brilliant movie.

Fatou Diene
Fatou Diene - 23.02.2023 09:26


Olumakinwa Isingbadebo
Olumakinwa Isingbadebo - 31.01.2023 21:15

Kenny Roger is a good Cowboy actor just like John Wayne

Ken Sax
Ken Sax - 29.01.2023 17:35

Thanks for posting this movie. I fell asleep last night watching the 2 parts on Grit TV channel with 45 minutes to go. Glad I got to finish watching this morning. 👍

Colleen Vantrease
Colleen Vantrease - 29.01.2023 05:53

Did it ever to anyone else 🤔 that 40 yrs have passed the gambler was made ? It's surprising how time has flew by so fast.

Mathew Thornton
Mathew Thornton - 28.01.2023 20:46

Man this movie is awesome!

André Jones
André Jones - 28.01.2023 06:19

Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhb h h b hbbhhhhhhhhh h hhhh uhu hhhhhhhh ha h ha b hhhh h hhhhhhhhhhhhhhbhbhhhhhhhhh h hbhbhhh h h bu b h h bh h bhhhhhh b bhbhhhhhhh bu b bu ha h hhbhhhhhbhhhhhhbhhhhhhhhhhb b bhhh uu uu hhhh b bhh b hhhhhhhhhhhhbhhhhh by h b haaha h ha h hhhhb b h bu hhhhhhh h b hhhhh b hhhhb b ha h hu b b b haha b ha h hhh bu b b b hhhbhhh hu h hhh by hhbb b hbhbhh by hhhhhh h ah bu ah by ha b b bhbhhhhbbbhhhhhhh haha h ha h hhhhhhhhh h bhhhhhhhhhhh b b b hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh b b bhhhhhh by haha b hhhbbbhhhhhhhhhhhhhh h h haha h hhbhhh b bhhbhhhhhhhhhhhh h ha h h h hhhhhhhh by h b h by hh b bhh by haha h bhbhbhh bu haha h haha haha by haha h hhhhh h h b hhh b hhhhh by hhh bu hhhhhhhhhhh b ah huichelachtig b h hhh by hhh by hu ha bhhhhhh uu bhbhhh huur hhb bu h b b bh h bhh h by hhhbhbhhhhhhhh b h b b b hu hhhhhh by hhhh h hhh b bhbb h hhhhhhh bu ha h hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbhhhhhhhhh y hhhhhhhhhhhhbh by hhhhhh h h haha b b b bbhb bu ha hu hh by bahbah ha b haha haha h hhb by haha b hhhh b bu haha by hhhh b b ha by hhh h hhh h hhhh hhhhhbhhhhhh b hbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh b hh h ha ha bhbhhbhhhhhhh h bahbah b haaha ha by haaha haaha hhhhh b hhhhhhhh b haha b b hhbhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhh b hhh b haha b b h b h hu hhhhhhhh by ah ah hhhh hu bbhhhhhhhhhhhhh hu by h h h b h hhhhhhhhh by hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh b ha hhhhhhhhhhhh bu aha bu haha b bah hhhhhhhhhhhhhhbhh b ha bhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbhhhhhhh b bhhhhhhhhhhhhbhhhhhh b h bhhhhhhh b h haah b hhhhhhhh b bhhh bu bhhhhhhhh h hh h haha h hbhhhhhbhhhhhhhh b h b hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbhhhbh b by bhhhhhhhhhhbhhhbhhhh hhhhhhh ha bhhhhhhhhhhhhhbhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh b bhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh by b ha b hhhh h hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh b hhhhhhhbhb b hhbbhhhhbhhhhbh b hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh b haha h hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbhhhhhbhbhhhhhhhhhh b bah h hhhh h hhhh h by hh b hhhhhhhhhhhhb h bh ha ha bhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh h hh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbhhhhhhhhhhbhbhhhhhhhh b hhh b h hhhhhh b hhhhhhh h hhhhhh h hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh b 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hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbhhhhhhhhhbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Nancy DC
Nancy DC - 24.01.2023 04:39

Really enjoyed, so many twists and turns

B.T.S army forever 💜💜
B.T.S army forever 💜💜 - 20.01.2023 21:22

Wonderful movie

Anto_Barat76 - 09.01.2023 10:37


Michael Sinclair
Michael Sinclair - 29.12.2022 09:15

Really enjoyed this movie it has a good storyline as well as a great cast of actors and actresses which makes it worth the watch, my only regret is i didn't have any delicious Kenny Rogers Rotisserie chicken to enjoy with it.🍗😛🙄

Gary Garms
Gary Garms - 08.12.2022 14:14

Screw Kenny rogers

Jasim Samarai
Jasim Samarai - 02.11.2022 04:54

Awesome awesome awesome ❤

Ellen Malmquist
Ellen Malmquist - 16.10.2022 02:32


dominic murora
dominic murora - 11.10.2022 15:50

Nobody like you Kenny Roger's

Warren O'Leary
Warren O'Leary - 07.10.2022 17:54

Why do women who dress as cowboys always have the sleekest , sexiest menswear outfits ? It is probably a hybrid of reasons, the costume designer for the movie and the actress' imput collaborate but isn't that sexist ?

dakotail - 21.09.2022 12:44

Thanks for the GREAT upload ~~~ 9/21/2022 ~~~

Sharon McCray
Sharon McCray - 17.09.2022 00:49

The Gambler is a favorite of mine. Thanks for playing this western.

Jacquie Tremain
Jacquie Tremain - 15.08.2022 14:19

Loved the movie. But oh dear such psthetic shots. Haha

User C3PO
User C3PO - 26.07.2022 02:33

Reese was right, after Kate betrayed them they should not have let her back in. Then she corrupted him with false promises of riches. Oh and whomever made the part one video I wish they made part 2 this version has shitty quality

Right to bear arms etc.
Right to bear arms etc. - 18.07.2022 00:56

Sure and glad u put both parts in this that's how it should be ty

Right to bear arms etc.
Right to bear arms etc. - 18.07.2022 00:41

I started watching this on other channels but it kept leaveing me hanging there would be only one part then trying to find the second one sucks

marty gould
marty gould - 11.07.2022 15:26

Excellent. RIP Kenny, Johnny Crawford and Mitch Ryan.

Barbara Chatman
Barbara Chatman - 10.06.2022 20:33

I love this.. Miss you Kenny Roger's and Johnny Crawford..

MJ-Liberation - 08.05.2022 20:37

He had cross over appeal, too. "Lady" was one of the best ballads of all time, soul or pop🎵 he was awesome.

Pamela Mays
Pamela Mays - 08.05.2022 00:03

When you turn one song into a franchise.

Gersham Grant
Gersham Grant - 16.04.2022 19:24


Anne McGowan
Anne McGowan - 16.04.2022 18:31

Loved his movies and his songs.

Octavio Garcia
Octavio Garcia - 10.04.2022 09:48

go a guey...

Ronaldo Souza
Ronaldo Souza - 09.04.2022 05:56

TRADUZIDO EM PORTUGUES,LEGENDADO.Tradução em portugues digite The Gambler em pesquisa do You Tube e opte por um vídeo legendado.

Doris Burns
Doris Burns - 20.03.2022 14:16

Great singer great song as rip kenny

black mamba
black mamba - 17.03.2022 14:12

Kaibig ibig n awitin

Leia Skywalker
Leia Skywalker - 14.03.2022 16:55

I miss you Kenny Roger's! Rest In Peace.

Antonious Gindi
Antonious Gindi - 17.02.2022 13:29

I can call q

John Bernstein
John Bernstein - 07.02.2022 19:15

Just a warning: There's a tiger loose in the wild west!

L K - 06.02.2022 05:57

We did not realize it was 2 parts and missed recording part 2! So grateful to find this. Thank you. Sure a big difference in Kenny from the original movie and the next one! He lost 10 years and the bad leg.

Lucas C
Lucas C - 25.01.2022 18:16

The hanging scene ends differently in Part 1 from how it starts in Part 2 despite retracing the events of Part 1 but nobody seems to notice ... lol
