The Ultimate Guide to Tbilisi, Georgia (Hospitality)

The Ultimate Guide to Tbilisi, Georgia (Hospitality)

Dating Beyond Borders

1 год назад

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Dating Beyond Borders
Dating Beyond Borders - 27.10.2022 22:09

Hey everyone! Part 2 of the Georgian series is out and it's the final one 😁 Next up: Finland 🇫🇮
Don't forget to watch Part 1 first so you're not lost in translation. What other countries do you want to see featured?

Guy - 26.09.2023 19:23

As someone who don't want to date women in the US, i found this informative as this is where i want to go to eventually marry someone

Gapa - 04.09.2023 15:29

Many Georgians in Tbilisi were unhospitable and rude 🤦🏼‍♀️ If you don't be kind to foreigners, this country will remain a developing country.

Thomas Grindberg
Thomas Grindberg - 02.08.2023 01:03

Phonies their culture is bullshit! It’s based on male dominance. Men are nothing and nothing they bring other than dominance over women!

Flingus4 [GD]
Flingus4 [GD] - 21.07.2023 23:01

you FRAUD i wwent to georgi and my dog got kikcked

Brian G
Brian G - 08.07.2023 22:23

I love that in almost every place in the world that I've been (possible exception for many parts of SE Asia), men generally have decided that they will take charge of the meat that's cooked on the fire, and take credit for the full meal that the woman in their life literally did everything else to make possible.

Bikon DaDon
Bikon DaDon - 21.06.2023 20:29

I enjoyed Georgia - but found the people rude and unpleasant- and constantly trying to rip you off… with the few exceptions of super nice people , but it wasn’t normal - just my opinion

Monique Huchet
Monique Huchet - 14.06.2023 00:23

I realized at the meal that you were communicating in Russian

Monique Huchet
Monique Huchet - 14.06.2023 00:22

Il love their music (. From France)

BbYyTtOo - 05.06.2023 01:41


mad ness
mad ness - 13.05.2023 19:32

ის მელოტი ტიპი მაგარი გალახეს ეტყობა, ისეა აღრენილი კაცებზე 🤣
კიდე არ გაგიბრიგინონ ეგ თავი, მმიხედე ცოტა ჩვენი ძმა )))

Tatia Pearce
Tatia Pearce - 19.04.2023 19:59

People are becoming less openly hospitable especially in the cities with so many foreigners coming and also modern culture infiltrating a bit. Also, it's not as common to use please and thank you often, like in the US and Canada, but they put a lot of respect and politeness opportunities in other parts of the language. For ex. თქვენ is the form of you that you would use with someone older than you or of higher statues/someone to show respect to, etc.

patgodzi - 14.04.2023 00:44

a few trio mandili's videos locations !

Nika K.
Nika K. - 13.04.2023 13:33

You made a good point at "missing thank yous at stores", I as a Georgian was also surprised at that when I went there, but you have to think these poor people are paid somewhere like 300CAD a month in best cases and life is as expensive as it is in Canada, so, you can understand people are not in their greatest shape to say thank you to every customer they serve.
If you ask me, there is no excuse for a good "good bye, thank you", but that's me, who have never experienced a life where I lacked of money for food or basic things in life,... but hey, try to put in their shoes then maybe you realize it. Try imagining working 12hrs a day for 10CAD a day when a kg of tomatoes costs 3CAD+ and try to imagine yourself smiling at everyone. Yeah, they dont do it because we Georgians don't like to be fakes, we don't like faking our feelings, which other people do daily, no, that certainly is not in our culture, to fake, and to fake smiles... In Spain where I live it's a daily affair, to fake your feelings and to fake how much you love everyone, but then become a total asshole from 0-100 in a second as soon as you are "required" to express your real feelings, then you show your true face and "believe me", it's waaay worse than a Georgian not telling you thank you at store, it feels much painful to think someone likes you and is friendly and then instantly see a change in his face when you approach a little deeper, then he might call to police haahahah yeah, I prefer honesty to a faked smiles, and Georgians hate faking smiles.

Here in Spain for example, you will hear "thank you and hello and goodbye" with a great smile on their faces, but then they will not invide you even to a damn can of coke, not to mention something more "serious" than that, even they don't share nothing to their best friends, and i can tell you that by seeing it with my eyes over a span of 20 years.
I have seen how best friends loaned 20 cents for a coke and return it in 1 week and the other expand her hand to get it and accept it, that is impossible to see in Georgia. In Europe you can walk 50km and not get a damn cigarette, meanwhile in Georgia you will come back home with a full pack of cigs by just walking your small street.
In Georgia a complete stranger will invite you to a dinner that costs 1 month of salary in Georgia, meanwhile that is unbelievable and impossible to even imagine in Europe or America.

Yes, you get many great faces by europeans but then as soon as you get into serious talk and you try to connect as a human then everybody becomes a stranger, and i mean it, a complete stranger. all the smiles fade quickly hahaha
so yeah, the smiles you expect from the people are just that, fake smiles, nothing else. I prefer a poor Georgian who doesn't tell me thank you but gives me whole his heart when I get to know him, which doesnt happen in Europe.

The type of connection you can develop with a Georgian, the human soul connection you establish, the soulmateness you can achieve very easily with lots of Georgians is amazing and surprising.

I have lived in Spain for 20 years and I still cannot say that I have a friend in here. I have many acquintances but not frriends. It's not because of my lack of integration, they are exactly same fakes with their owns, with their own family, with their own so called friends, so I cannot be surprised about me not having them as friends.
Meanwhile by just living for 1 year in Georgia I met few people who still text me and ask me how I am and who I can ask for whatever I need, be it money or whatever, meanwhile in Spain asking for money or for accomodation to you "friend" is equal to you getting disappointed instantly because thats to ask too much in here.

So yeah, there is a saying in Georgia that says "a good narrator needs also a good listener", what this means? it means for you to understnd the Georgian secret gem, the blessing, you have to know these things. If you come from a place where everything is fake smiles and fake relationships and individualistic crap, and whole your life you only saw these then maybe comprehending the Georgian nature, the Georgian soul will be quite quite difficult to you, even if a Georgian completely opens his heart and treats you as his brother honestly, because you will not understand it, you will not be able to taste it.

I know many cases where me personally or other Georgians have treated and integrated Europeans as if they were their family, they treated them as nobody in their lives treated them in their home countries and still even dont say a thank you, and besides thank you (who really dont care about it) you can clearly see on their faces and their eyes they didn't catch your vibes and your true feelings, your honest love... they couldnt catch it because they dont know the taste.

So hey, those who understand it understand it. Those who don't have the JIGAR to understand it, wont understand it, what can be done, nothin...

NM - 07.03.2023 20:50

Georgian are racist I find people of Armenia very hospitable.

NM - 07.03.2023 14:50

Abkazia and Armenia are very beautiful countries, Armenia much more beautiful than Europe a true heaven on earth.

Lekso Chubinidze
Lekso Chubinidze - 01.03.2023 04:12

"Womans works in Georgia, because men are super lazy".... Marina, when you have 625K subscribers, Its your responsibility to don't share some piece of shit Lebanon guy opinion about topic which he does not know... Its just his opinion and does not has any common with reality. If you really want to show your subscribers reality you need to research more about a countries and then make a video.. its not like a get some Lebanon shit and let him to make fun about Georgia...this country don't deserve this kind of attitude from foreigners, while most of you are very welcome here... Its your shame, not this guy ( because he is Lebanon and anyways his and cow intelligence are almost same level, so his opinion not really matter ).

GV 108
GV 108 - 13.02.2023 03:12

i absolutely love this channel! I loved the "You know you're dating .. " series.
And now these series of videos feel more like travel and lifestyle videos with a splash of dating scene. Totally hooked on to your channel.
Btw, I didnt know you're Georgian, or at least you could speak it.

Variesh - 10.02.2023 16:05

I’m considering moving to Georgia in a few years. This made me like Georgia even more because I like how the people are communicating and the general vibe

FUCKPUTIN - 08.02.2023 19:29

Are Russian-Canadians Really So Ignorant? (The Reality)? Yes.

You were disappointed you didn't encounter many smiles and thank you's? Gee, how joyful do you think life in Georgia is at the moment? Spoiler: it ain't great, thanks to 'mother' Russia. Speaking Russian doesn't help either. Unfortunately there's plenty of that in Tbilisi nowadays, so no need to rub it in their faces hoping some kind Georgian will invite you for dinner.

Good day!

Kitty Snowshoe
Kitty Snowshoe - 08.02.2023 18:05

Nope they’re not hospitable at all. At least not compared with Armenians, Turks and Azeris.. no idea where this stereotype came from because from my experience it’s not true at allll

Annats 🧃
Annats 🧃 - 05.02.2023 02:05

This is why generalization is trash, I can’t relate to most of the things they say and I am very much Georgian. There are as many opinions, perspectives and “realities” as people, cause everyone has it’s own.

earth 2 ellie
earth 2 ellie - 04.02.2023 01:54

Alexandra seems so fun omg she’s also quite funny

ðcØß Kłǿşkǣ Ɖươή
ðcØß Kłǿşkǣ Ɖươή - 18.01.2023 09:14

Pregunta para los Georgianos
Muchos comentarios dicen que no les agrada mucho el hecho de que hablen Ruso, esto es cierto?, que tanto hubiera cambiado si la chava hubiera empezado la conversacion hablando en Georgiano?

Ozan Bayrak
Ozan Bayrak - 10.01.2023 02:32

Georgians are the grumpiest nation of the world. It doesn’t matter the turkish georgians or georgians of georgia.

EMS - 07.01.2023 03:25

There's way too much homophobia in Georgia. I don't recommend going. There are even murders by neonazi gangs.

FreshPrincce - 05.01.2023 16:35

No not everybody will treat you as a "gift from God'' get these weird stereotypes out of your head. And all the things that this Lebanese man said is just a form of stereotyping he acts like his own country is perfect. And why would everybody smile? Go to any eastern European country and let me know how much people smile there. And if it is such a matriarchical society then why are the women complaining so much?

Why is this Russian lady complaining about Georgian men talking to their mom? Both genders talk to their mothers and fathers what is the problem in that? I understand that Russia is a different more inhumane society and things are not as heartwarming as they should be, and for her to say ''where is this Georgian macho'' is a bit weird since she is in terms of looks not even a 3 imo. Same with that Lebanese dude, Arabs hold parents in high regards especially in comparison to Europeans so it is weird to see him react the way he did. It is kind of a weird video with moronic conclusions.

GODLOVE - 28.12.2022 04:57

Wanted to hear the rest of that conversation about the ‘trash’ in that man’s past😊

lovelife - 22.12.2022 01:07

Hi! Love your content! I would like to come to Georgia on February and March:) would you suggest it, or would you advise me another destination?:)

Ask Your Heart
Ask Your Heart - 08.12.2022 08:38

so georgian men are like assertive behaving worker bees who are actually just lazy with no real power really. this taught me a lot

David Gerliani
David Gerliani - 06.12.2022 00:56

The problem is simply that westerners don't understand our mentality. That's why there's always so much misinterpretation of things. Georgia is a country that builds on complexes and in the extreme direction (honor, shame, misfortune, tragedy, motherly love, family cohesion, marriage)

Robot Basketball
Robot Basketball - 02.12.2022 08:19

Thank you for your very informative and well done videos! You have a great way of talking to and interviewing the locals! Fascinating! I would love to travel more, but until I do, I will watch your videos! If you are ever in the Philadelphia, southeastern Pennsylvania area let me know , will gladly show you around the history and beauty of the Delaware valley. Valley Forge, Longwood Gardens and the Brandywine River Museum!

Neeeeeck - 26.11.2022 11:54

To anyone saying "Georgia is just christian dagestan/Arabia", honestly, thanks for undermining 3000+ years of history and culture, these videos you see here will not even give you 1% of understanding of Georgian culture, its unique and has nothing similar on the planet. To really understand it you have to either be Georgian or live for many years here and have a lot of connection between all generations and kinds of Georgians.

Carlos - 25.11.2022 06:19

As a Latin American man I can see that unfortunately is not a good place for dating a girl but anyway is one of those destinations I’m looking forward to visit it

Eliza G.
Eliza G. - 17.11.2022 22:58

Mimino!! Omg iconic movie 🥹❤️ the main character teamed up with our very own Frunzik Mkrtchyan 🇦🇲❤️

dunnowy123 - 10.11.2022 17:42

Is it just me, or is the generation most desperate to be Western the LEAST friendly? I don't think all that glitters is gold with Western social norms, and this desire to be "European" seems to correlate with being less friendly. I've noticed it myself when I travel.

Niko Chitashvili
Niko Chitashvili - 06.11.2022 19:21

Where did you dig out the Lebanese dude named Roy from?! 100% of what he says is pure horseshit as he obviously hates non-muslims and particularly everything about Georgia. Real cunt! Swear to god, should I see him in Tbilisi, gonna give a piece of my mind. As to you as a vlogger, gotta choose interviewees wisely, avoiding too biased ones at all costs.

Давид Гурджиани
Давид Гурджиани - 06.11.2022 16:36

Позор -это брюхо выпячивать и курить в лицо!!!
Якобы у грузин есть какая то культура застолья? Супра типа...Да пашли вы на ХЛЭ!!!!
С такой культурой!!!!
Как можно кушать и тут же курить за столом?

arian1754 - 06.11.2022 00:38

I would be interested to know who is matching this Russian girl on tinder

Србомбоница 🇷🇸
Србомбоница 🇷🇸 - 04.11.2022 20:45

Одвратна нација ,срам ме је што су Православни народ ,тешки комплексаши ,огавни

SteakOnSpear - 31.10.2022 10:18

I had the most amazing time in Georgia 7 years ago, was lucky to meet the right people who were insanely hospitable, you can definently date there. Everyone seem very cold, no smiles like you said but once you get to know them they are super friendly

silveryfeather208 - 28.10.2022 23:46

I would be curious about your reaction if you ever go to Taiwan.

Derneval Ribeiro
Derneval Ribeiro - 28.10.2022 21:38

Good documentary. At first I did not understand. Then it hit me, I think you might be helping a lot of russian people who are escaping from mobilization in Russia. For those guys, this video is a big help. On the other hand, your videos are improving in quality. Very good.

Shamil Rzayev
Shamil Rzayev - 28.10.2022 20:14

Did I heard right that the Lebanese guy said that the men in Georgia are super lazy?

Slapshot 007
Slapshot 007 - 28.10.2022 19:11

Really enjoy these videos Marina. Observation - aren't most capital city folk less friendly than the countryside regardless of country? Maybe that contributed to the slightly underwhelming hospitality.

emZee1994 - 28.10.2022 13:17

One cool thing about Georgia I noticed, is that it shows the somewhat unique culutres of the Caucasus are not a product of Islam. A Islamic Georgia would be very similar to somewhere like Dagestan and a Christian Dagestan would be like Gerogia. Very interesting

emZee1994 - 28.10.2022 13:14

After watching both parts I'll say, notice how the best people were the older generations. They were more romantic, more hospitable, more happy, more fun and more moral

Georgia being influenced by western liberalism has decayed their culutre to a noticeable degree. Anything touched by liberalism loses its uniqueness and its charm and just becomes flattened and lifeless

Nan B. Leenaerts
Nan B. Leenaerts - 28.10.2022 12:45

Georgia is very hospitable country but when you speak Russian there, when you expect to be hugged & welcomed, don’t forget two wars in two decades the country suffered, thanks to Russia. Every person processes trauma differently and lot of people in Georgia are scarred. Especially the youth - most of them witnessed the war in 2008 & recent events in Ukraine show there is no end to this, so they are re-victimized. I would not judge the speed by which each person processes trauma. There is lot of healing that various generations have to go though in Georgia, thanks to Russia.

Nancy Florida
Nancy Florida - 28.10.2022 08:29

I know two people who went to Georgia and were treated incredibly well. The reason was because they were a "guest" of someone during the course of their entire stay. One person went there with a Georgian life-long friend. So, I think you have to have an "in." But the shopkeepers and sellers were not overly friendly. So, I think your experience is par for the course. Also, I would think that the tensions are high right now due to the influx of people from russia which among other things raised the cost of living for the locals. P.S. This was an eye-opening video because it seems like when it comes to Georgia, YMMV.
