Has Earth Already Crossed MAJOR Tipping Points? | Full Episode | Weathered: Earth’s Extremes

Has Earth Already Crossed MAJOR Tipping Points? | Full Episode | Weathered: Earth’s Extremes

PBS Terra

5 месяцев назад

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@FUNvideo-no3uw - 16.02.2025 18:34

Enjoyed the video very educational

@scottsluggosrule4670 - 16.02.2025 23:04

Why aren't more corals surviving in more northern areas as those warm up?

@markrattenbury9924 - 17.02.2025 04:56

Earth is OVER we killed our planet, u just don't know it yet!..That why the RICH are looking to the STARS! unless 7 billion suddenly expires, we got maybe 1 or 2 decades..

@unified9 - 17.02.2025 20:06

Somehow, "Conservative" politicians became the truth sayers regarding the environment and the "Liberal" scientists became the corrupted, self-serving con-artist.

@JoSeph-yp5mb - 17.02.2025 20:26

i subscribed but dont get notifications

@Brianboru-k8y - 18.02.2025 12:35

Russia and siberia are loving it.

@pauldeshon393 - 18.02.2025 22:06

The earth will replenish itself...as its doing now

@francismoran4775 - 19.02.2025 08:00

Total garbage. Propaganda.

@albertorosas3694 - 19.02.2025 15:03

Dig Baby Dig! Ya ok 👌🏽.... 👉🏽🇺🇲🤢🤑

@clarenceHudgins3rd - 19.02.2025 16:57


@Ye-Olde-Veteran-FR - 19.02.2025 23:27

Keep these TRUTHFUL stories coming, as long as you can before Der Fuhrer Trump shuts down everything real and honest.

@tonyryan43 - 20.02.2025 16:24

Drivel. Those of us who live cheek by jowl with nature know that the climate change is normal .

@tedratliff2154 - 21.02.2025 01:59

The melt in Antarctica has caused the Conveyor Belt Current to slow. This current cools the Gulf of Mexico.

@stupidkid351 - 21.02.2025 03:07

Such an amazing documentary!

@RodGin-g2j - 21.02.2025 09:39

Are. They. Going. To. Stop. It. Ok. Will. See😢

@dc523 - 21.02.2025 23:04

Has anyone heard of the phrase tipping point in this video?

@timthompson7205 - 22.02.2025 18:54

It's not a crisis and it's not man made. People like you should be banned from the media.

@ceciljones2695 - 23.02.2025 02:11

We are at the tipping point but remember if we can heat the atmosphere we can cool it also. Covid taught us what the atmosphere can do to heal our planet when we quit filling it with greenhouse gases.😉

@israelnayakallu6004 - 23.02.2025 09:44

S --->√ -->π

@joseyfuller - 23.02.2025 12:19

Well let’s fix it!

@joseyfuller - 23.02.2025 12:20

I can say this. If you really want to stop climate control. We have to evolve as people

@edwinhermanson8842 - 23.02.2025 14:36

Sky is falling

@jeffrhinesmith8261 - 23.02.2025 17:36

A lot of misinformation here

@BryanYtac-qj7kc - 24.02.2025 06:35

The planet Avery eanportunt protic in observation reacting chengeng wether evry coming year Or after years because geveng of the God in home all the people's, in the planet. Mahalaga ingatan pangalagaan at pag aralan at soriin Ang mga pag babago Ng panahon na mga lumipas at sa Pag pasok Ng panibagong taon Ng bawat bag babago Ng panahon sa bawat pag galaw at ikot Ng mga planita sa Araw. Upang. Maging handa at ma iwasan Ang ipikto O dulot Ng lakas Ng kalamidad at mapakinabangan Ang paglalaan Ng kalikasan Ng Mundo.❤👍😉

@sharonbrewer1956 - 24.02.2025 06:42

Read the Bible sweetie

@googleuser868 - 24.02.2025 21:21

Things change. Didn't we have an ice age? Why did it warm up back then? I find it hard to believe mankind controls this.

@mikegreer9041 - 25.02.2025 21:30

❤ Maiya

@ReshmaBacorisen - 25.02.2025 21:30

Broken Lagoons
Coral reef damage
Shark near the shore

@robertoveliz3385 - 25.02.2025 23:33

Jeeez. I have to get under the bed.

@Donal7668 - 26.02.2025 03:49

I wonder if ships could tow a huge iceberg and anchor it near a coral reef to cool the ocean water

@mrbigsausage6918 - 26.02.2025 12:55

Let me ask a question, We all know the environment is in trouble, Question is what are all the countries doing about it because the focus seems to be spending money on war and not fixing the serious pollution and environmental issues that affect each and every one of us across the globe including wildlife crops air water , Everyone is accountable to doing there bit for the environment but also leaders of countries need to be made accountable for their actions!! THE ENVIRONMENT IS LIFE AND ITS BEING DESTROYED.

@wemakethefutureup - 26.02.2025 15:45

If modern ships didn't use sea water to cool their massive engines, we wouldn't be having a lot of these problems. Every thirty days, the ships at sea return enough warm water to the sea to cover Texas with one foot of warm water. This has been the case for more than thirty years.
We can counter this problem using Aeration and Degassing which successful Aquariums and Fish Farm use to keep their creatures healthy. If done where the air temperature is -40 F, the water quickly freezes. Done on a large scale,we could rebuild the lost Polar Ice fairly quick.

@zeljkobergovac5012 - 27.02.2025 13:13

How many of you actually know the exact year we are in, because the year we are counting is not correct!? You need to add 6500 years and add up the current years, that is 6500+2025, and you will get the answer of what happened every 9,000 to 10,000 years.

@UKindness4 - 27.02.2025 19:40

Sadly Stupid GOP republican cruel greedy Americans vote for those who deny Climate warming and change and vote to make their families unhealthy and unsafe.

@RomanPle - 27.02.2025 22:14

Nonsense and ignorance. Man has no influence on the temperatures on Earth, which are not rising dramatically at all. The Sun and cosmic radiation decide. The NOAA and UN narrative is that changes are the fault of man. Nonsense!!!

@Cladman3001 - 28.02.2025 01:23

Lady the coral have survived for Melania through cold and very hot cycles. How Stupid are you?

@rodmartin-nl8ns - 28.02.2025 09:12

Climate change is normal Man made climate change is a dream!!! We are doing fine. The sad thing is that people are worried about nothing ok

@TimRosson-y1d - 28.02.2025 09:28

There's no such thing as global warming.. Morons... The earth is going thru a cycle right now just like it has in the past...

@Michael-Humphrey - 28.02.2025 09:43

We all voted this we bought the cars we bought the technology we bought from grocery stores we all made this choice everyday so enjoy 😉

@marissarae22 - 28.02.2025 11:15

I have live in Fairbanks, Alaska my entire life until I chose to move to the Great Barrier Reef in 2024. That’s 27 years of watching the Arctic warm and watching neighborhoods fall into the ground due to permafrost melting.

I’ve said this a million times, but go see the glaciers before it’s too late. You’ll be telling your children about them - just like the reef. 🪸

@Haliotro - 28.02.2025 12:46

It's nice to see that sane people still exist in MAGA USA 2025 😫

@StevenL-sv9pn - 28.02.2025 20:16

You people really have no idea what is really going on. People are dumping buckets and buckets of pills into most lakes and ponds. Around the United States. Your future has no clean water

@agniyogabyinessa - 28.02.2025 20:48

Sun has season just like Earth. We are now seeing "July". Sun summer will last longer than 3 months. But winter will come.

@robertducharme1573 - 01.03.2025 05:12

A Climate Remediation Suggestion

There is a lot of discussion and no full agreement about Global Warming, whether it really exists, how serious a threat and the role of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. However, the following is generally agreed. Namely that a lot of CO2 has been released into the atmosphere since the start of the Industrial Revolution and a lot of it has ended up in solution in sea waters. There is at least 150 times as much CO2 in a cubic meter of sea water as there is in a cubic meter of atmosphere at NTP. This is acidifying the sea waters and possibly harming Coral Reefs and other fauna. There has also been some agreement that the Temperature of the Earth has warmed somewhat.
The Earth's rotation and the Coriolis Effect has formed several Tropical/Semi-Tropical Oceanic Gyres, within which the mass of sea water is rotating, clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counter clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. Anything floating, i.e., less dense than sea water tends to float towards the center of the Gyre. There are five main Gyres all of which are Tropical/Semitropical. They are the North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian, North Atlantic, and South Atlantic Oceans. Together they form a very large proportion of the 70% of the Earth's surface which is covered by water.
The North Pacific Gyre has a lot of floating debris, "the Great Pacific Garbage Patch", some of it being debris washed off Japan by tsunamis following the recent Fukushima Earth Quake. The Southern Hemisphere Gyres do not appear to contain much floating debris.
The North Atlantic Gyre is unique. It contains the Sargasso Sea which is characterized by the presence of two species of Sargassum which float by virtue of oxygen-filled follicles. It was discovered (first documented) by Columbus from his voyage in 1492. There is a Sargasso Sea Commission, with an Office in Washington DC, which is charged with protecting the Sargasso Sea from pollution etc. There is a website that basically describes all of the positive ecological values of the Sea.
Since 2011 the Sargassum appears to be overflowing from the Sargasso Sea and moving via the west bound currents across the north coast of South America into the Caribbean and sometimes into the Gulf of Mexico. This has been attributed to agricultural run off from the USA or Brazil but might be due to the increased levels of CO2 in solution in the sea water.
It has been washing up on beaches through out this region, as one might expect to happen. When it dies and rots it emits H2S. Since a lot of these beaches have tourism as their main industry, the weed has to be removed manually which has given Sargassum a bad name. There are several Facebook entities that keep track of Sargassum landings and there are frequent postings enquiring about Sargassum occurrence on specific tourist areas.
The occurrence of Sargassum in the Caribbean would, however, make it very easy to put live Sargassum into the Pacific off the west coast of Mexico. From there the currents would carry it all the way across the Pacific, photosynthesizing and growing all the way absorbing a lot of CO2 and heat energy, photosynthesis is an endothermic reaction. Absorbing CO2 from the Ocean would allow more CO2 from the Atmosphere to dissolve in the sea as well as reducing the amount of acidification. The Sargassum would probably stay in the North Pacific Gyre but some might drift into the South Pacific.
One might balk at the idea of covering a lot of the Oceans with Sargassum but it does have uses. It can be used to make ethanol, paper or cardboard. Some one in the Caribbean is making construction bricks from it and others are feeding it to goats..
If there appears to be some benefit from Pacific Sargassum we could easily add Sargassum to the other Gyres using ships that are transiting the Panama Canal. It seems likely that some Sargassum will eventually get into the South Atlantic Gyre, but that may take a while.

I would welcome any thoughts. Robert O Ducharme PhD, MSc, BA (Oxon)

([email protected]).

@robertducharme1573 - 01.03.2025 14:44

A Climate Remediation Suggestion

There is a lot of discussion and no full agreement about Global Warming, whether it really exists, how serious a threat and the role of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. However, the following is generally agreed. Namely that a lot of CO2 has been released into the atmosphere since the start of the Industrial Revolution and a lot of it has ended up in solution in sea waters. There is at least 150 times as much CO2 in a cubic meter of sea water as there is in a cubic meter of atmosphere at NTP. This is acidifying the sea waters and possibly harming Coral Reefs and other fauna. There has also been some agreement that the Temperature of the Earth has warmed somewhat.
The Earth's rotation and the Coriolis Effect has formed several Tropical/Semi-Tropical Oceanic Gyres, within which the mass of sea water is rotating, clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counter clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. Anything floating, i.e., less dense than sea water tends to float towards the center of the Gyre. There are five main Gyres all of which are Tropical/Semitropical. They are the North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian, North Atlantic, and South Atlantic Oceans. Together they form a very large proportion of the 70% of the Earth's surface which is covered by water.
The North Pacific Gyre has a lot of floating debris, "the Great Pacific Garbage Patch", some of it being debris washed off Japan by tsunamis following the recent Fukushima Earth Quake. The Southern Hemisphere Gyres do not appear to contain much floating debris.
The North Atlantic Gyre is unique. It contains the Sargasso Sea which is characterized by the presence of two species of Sargassum which float by virtue of oxygen-filled follicles. It was discovered (first documented) by Columbus from his voyage in 1492. There is a Sargasso Sea Commission, with an Office in Washington DC, which is charged with protecting the Sargasso Sea from pollution etc. There is a website that basically describes all of the positive ecological values of the Sea.
Since 2011 the Sargassum appears to be overflowing from the Sargasso Sea and moving via the west bound currents across the north coast of South America into the Caribbean and sometimes into the Gulf of Mexico. This has been attributed to agricultural run off from the USA or Brazil but might be due to the increased levels of CO2 in solution in the sea water.
It has been washing up on beaches through out this region, as one might expect to happen. When it dies and rots it emits H2S. Since a lot of these beaches have tourism as their main industry, the weed has to be removed manually which has given Sargassum a bad name. There are several Facebook entities that keep track of Sargassum landings and there are frequent postings enquiring about Sargassum occurrence on specific tourist areas.
The occurrence of Sargassum in the Caribbean would, however, make it very easy to put live Sargassum into the Pacific off the west coast of Mexico. From there the currents would carry it all the way across the Pacific, photosynthesizing and growing all the way absorbing a lot of CO2 and heat energy, photosynthesis is an endothermic reaction. Absorbing CO2 from the Ocean would allow more CO2 from the Atmosphere to dissolve in the sea as well as reducing the amount of acidification. The Sargassum would probably stay in the North Pacific Gyre but some might drift into the South Pacific.
One might balk at the idea of covering a lot of the Oceans with Sargassum but it does have uses. It can be used to make ethanol, paper or cardboard. Some one in the Caribbean is making construction bricks from it and others are feeding it to goats..
If there appears to be some benefit from Pacific Sargassum we could easily add Sargassum to the other Gyres using ships that are transiting the Panama Canal. It seems likely that some Sargassum will eventually get into the South Atlantic Gyre, but that may take a while.

I would welcome any thoughts. Robert O Ducharme PhD, MSc, BA (Oxon) ([email protected]).

@ChuckTaylor777 - 01.03.2025 20:30

This fake bullshit has been said for the past 50 years

@MaxwellOakes-zt8ki - 03.03.2025 05:18

I live in Key Largo and it’s not looking good.. !

@monicabello1962 - 03.03.2025 19:50

Net Zero it's an utopia. Stop thinking like Tomas Malthus. The population is growing and the technology too. The total consumption of energy is growing at an unprecedented rate. So the renewable energies will never substitute the fossil ones, they just go on top of them. Every one wants always more and more well-being and richness. Otherwise we were not where we are now.
