@Lightbath covers all the ins and outs and special features that make Bitwig Connect more than an audio and MIDI interface, but a multi-output monitor and DAW controller complete with CV capabilities, dedicated transport buttons, and a 360-degree, touch-sensitive dial for high-resolution parameter control in Bitwig Studio.
0:00 What is Bitwig Connect 4/12?
0:49 Center Dial
1:05 Mode Buttons and Bitwig Mode
1:38 Button Combos: Linking Ins, enabling direct monitoring
2:32: Monitor Control: Alt Mode for a second pair of monitors, Dim Mode
3:35 Level Meters
3:54 Status LEDs
4:02 Transport Control
4:25 3.5 mm I/O for sending and receiving CV signals
5:36 Back Panel
6:48 Software Control
7:06 Conclusion