RFID Roundup!

RFID Roundup!

Playful Technology

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Dan Gooch
Dan Gooch - 30.06.2023 21:50

I think the long range detector is what I need for my project. What I need are small chips without any card. I once saw a man who had RFID chips in a dime sized plastic laminate. Anyone have a source compatible with that reader?

Miguel Angel Plaza Luna
Miguel Angel Plaza Luna - 10.06.2023 06:45

Wow !!! es justamente lo que necesitaba... Excelente video y muy claros.. Muchas Gracias desde Chile !!!

Chad Smith
Chad Smith - 11.01.2023 15:22

Do you have any schematics or suggestions on how to wire the PN5180? I am using an Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 - any help would be hugely appreciated!!

Jack T
Jack T - 17.12.2022 21:13

Thank you for posting the video, it made it easy to understand the differences between various readers out there.
I need to place a number of readers in a grid, let's say 10x10. Each of the 100 readers needs to have the ability to read a tag that will be brought close to it. What would be be best solution for my project? Can I make smaller atnennas like you did with the RDM6300, and then connect them to their respective board? The issue I'm having is that the readers will be pretty close to each other (around 1.5 - 2cm apart), and thereore I'm not sure what would be the best solution to solve this issue.

On a separate note, is there a way to check if the tag is still in the proximity to the reader? You mentioned that the reader only sends data once, when the tag is near the reader. Is there a way to ping the tag with the reader let's say every 10 seconds, to check if the tag is still in close proximity?

One last question, do electromagnetic fields affect the ability to read the RFID tags?

Any input would be much appreciated.

ScythaScytha - 11.12.2022 12:12

Thank you so much for explaining RFID to me. This was exactly what I was looking for. Also, the idea of using RFID as sort of puzzles is a great one. I'd like to try that as a 5th grade teacher.

José Victor Homsi
José Victor Homsi - 28.10.2022 15:52

Hi, Could you give me the code used in the PN5180, I'm looking for a simple code like the one used in the video ?

KAASGEELHEID - 19.10.2022 11:15

I started the video not knowing anything about implementing RFID with Arduino and you basically shared all the basic knowledge in a very structured manner to get started. Thanks & kudos!!!

Barış Arıkan
Barış Arıkan - 10.10.2022 13:10

Çok bilgilendirici bir video olmuş. Çok teşekkürler. Mfrc 522 kart ile bazı kartları okumada zorlanmıştık. Bulabilirsem ben de Pn5180 kartı deneyeceğim.

Luis 9916
Luis 9916 - 09.09.2022 20:58

Very good video, it helped me so much for my graduation project. I have a question tho, mounting points on the PN5180 are the same as RC522? I need to 3D print a case for it but i can't get to find the datasheet for the PN5180 module, would appreciate if you could help me with that.

The Voice
The Voice - 06.07.2022 19:16

Hi, I am using the 125khz HID INDALA card. Can I connect one of these card readers to my arduino to perform this action ?

Yusuf Sheikh
Yusuf Sheikh - 24.04.2022 23:21

Can RFID Readers read credit card information/credentials?

Muhammed DENİZ
Muhammed DENİZ - 05.04.2022 12:34

I'm looking for the "user manual documantation" for pn5180, I couldn't find it. can you help?

Aaron Mayes
Aaron Mayes - 28.03.2022 03:17

I've been trying for a few days to make this work with RC522's, I've followed the wiring diagram in the video description which includes two logic level controllers, and I can get all of the RFID chips to each work independently if I remove power from the others, but as soon as I try and have two or more RFID readers running concurrently then only one is recognized in the serial monitor and the others always produce "WARNING: Communication failure, is the MFRC522 properly connected?"

I thought it might have been an issue of bad connections so swapped to solder, that didn't help. Tried providing each reader with its own independent 3.3v power supply, that didn't help.

When turned on, all of the RFID readers have their power light on, and they never go out, I read that they should be flicking on and off as the controller selects between them, does this provide any insight as to what the problem might be?

Thanks for your help strangers :)

Rajnish Dubey
Rajnish Dubey - 14.03.2022 00:47

Great tutorial.
Thank you

sidhom amine
sidhom amine - 25.02.2022 03:57

thank you sir ,
i'm asking if there is an uhf module reader for arduino ??
i have a project , i need to read tags about 5 meters away please help me !
thank you

Chaoui - 20.02.2022 17:14

Holy shit, I finally understand why my mfrc522 captors don't work.

TechEXperience - 20.01.2022 12:11

Hi! Tell me, please! What could be the problem?

Firmware Version: 0x0 = (unknown) warning: Communication failure, whether MFRC522 is connected correctly

Joshua Olakanla
Joshua Olakanla - 23.12.2021 20:14

Please I successfully built it using the pn5180, but my range is only 10cm and I need about 20cm

Ariana Escalante Marcillo
Ariana Escalante Marcillo - 17.11.2021 03:29

Hey! I would like to know If I can use RFID RC 522 with avoidance collision. I want to read several tags at the same time and I would like to watch this collisions. It's for a college project.

Youtube Summary of Counter Reaction Videos
Youtube Summary of Counter Reaction Videos - 18.10.2021 18:56

is it possible to modify a "passive" rfid tag to detect moisture , humidity, possibly shorting some pins soldered externally to the rfid chip ?
