Things I Hate About Living in Russia

Things I Hate About Living in Russia


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@saeufernase - 10.01.2024 12:49

Well Roman, you name it! Unfortunately, this practically applies to nearly all countries of the former USSR, except for the Baltic states. I was born in the USSR (Ukraine) and left in 1996. Have since then went to Russia several times and even lived there for a while, and of course, visited my hometown in Ukraine. Marschrutkas, for example, is a common former USSR "public transport", since no one really takes care of the existing/develops new public transport. And since not everyone can afford a car and/or wants to have one, since the road infrastructure is wrecked as well, these Marschrutkas came up kind of naturally. I totally agree with you on all the other points. The centralism used to be the case in the former USSR as well. It was really "funny" that you were not able to purchase candy/sweets produced in Kharkov, in Kharkov itself, but your could easily find them in a Gastronom in Moscow. This ist just one example. I`ve lived almost 30 years in the West now and just can`t imagine to live the way you just described.

@skroll2267 - 10.01.2024 12:40

Make that dumb vid u talked about, i wanna know what u like about russia & im not giving u money, im from hungary.. i need it just as much

@kekusmaximus2832 - 10.01.2024 12:37

sad but true
btw i am from Chelyabinsk :)

@masenko4519 - 10.01.2024 12:25

Coming from the south east corner of Australia i know harsh winters and scorching summers all to well

@xferth - 10.01.2024 12:23

man the winter and summers are exatcly like where i live in Canada, Northren BC was warm so far but its gotten cold quick and its usally the same as yours

@xdayx53 - 10.01.2024 12:20

Waiting for the video about things that you like about living in Russia!!!

@kittiescorner222 - 10.01.2024 12:15

When I lived in Ukraine I was always hoping that the marshootka would make it up the hill. It always did, but very slowly and using all of it's power. There was only one time that it broke down in the six months that I lived there. The worst is those hot trains. I was on one once in the summer. It was so hot and thick that I was literally worried that all the breathable air would run out in the middle of the night. Then I saw that there was one tiny window open in the middle of the train so I knew I wasn't going to die. I know most Ukrainians believe that breezes make you sick, but to me we were all suffering for no reason.

@VirtualnomadVirtualnomad - 10.01.2024 12:11

The more you describe Russia, the more its sound like Mongolia. We also got our own Putin in the making

@peterharma8937 - 10.01.2024 12:03

Great video, thanks a lot 👏I am looking forward to seeing more of yours videos.

@lianagheorma92 - 10.01.2024 11:53

I'm originally from Romania (not as cold as Russia but winter can still bite). I moved to the US when I was 13. I lived mostly in Southern California but I also lived in North Carolina for a bit.
When it snows a tiny bit in North Carolina, everything shuts down until the snow melts.
In California, everyone loses their minds and forget how to drive when it rains. Also, I currently live in the desert part of Southern California where it is a bit colder in the winter (it can go as low as 5C/40F at night). A few nights ago we went down to -1C/30F and again, everyone was freaking out. I just laughed. I remember one winter growing up in Bucharest when we had out coldest winter ever (2003 or 2004) and it was -15C/5F out for a week or two. We still had to go to school despite the roads and sidewalks being covered in ice. Nothing shut down. No one panicked. It was what it was. I still walked half an hour to school.

@perrycomeau2627 - 10.01.2024 11:50

Putin delivered a speech at brics summit in south africa

@Sp33dGames - 10.01.2024 11:48

Annoying ah lough 😂😂😂

@NilsAusta - 10.01.2024 11:46

The only good thing from russia that I know is Blend4Web. Absolutely nothing else comes to my mind.

@lumps7836 - 10.01.2024 11:45

remember leafy? lmao

@gazzamuso - 10.01.2024 11:42

Bro, the alcohol rule is even worse in New Zealand! I get that it's there to address our problem drinking, but as a shift worker it's screwed me over plenty of times. We also can't buy spirits at the supermarket, only beer and wine. But anyway, can't wait to see where you're about to move to - congrats on the visa!

@louisebean9428 - 10.01.2024 11:39

Russia sounds like a crazy madhouse!

@kosike_ - 10.01.2024 11:37

I live near Moscow and the weather throughout the year is basically the same as in Chelyabinsk

@ELUnderwood - 10.01.2024 11:37

Chelyabinsk the Russian Winnipeg for real... or is Winnipeg the Canadian Chelyabinsk? Idk

@volkoent - 10.01.2024 11:36

Thailand, Australia both have the same alcohol laws... more strict even in Australia lol...

@slovene1987 - 10.01.2024 11:33

Fun Fact: I went to same high school as the guy in the thumbnail, Kurt Angle 🇷🇺❤️🇺🇸

@N55_R_55G - 10.01.2024 11:25

Good luck with your future Roman. You don't deserve what happened to you for the past 2-3 years. Hopefully one day you can return with a casual nfkrzbangerz lets play like in the older times. I miss those times.

You'll make it.

@ivanstrelnikov-ib5vg - 10.01.2024 11:19

Idk.. russia sounds like Latinoamerican countries

@impossibleisjustanopinion9898 - 10.01.2024 11:14

Aww Moscow is beautiful. Let's end this so we can visit🙏💛

@a.nelprober-rl5cf - 10.01.2024 11:11

What does Kurt Angel have to do with Russia?

@guccigame2831 - 10.01.2024 11:03

This guy is a fake Russian, he left the country only for money and hates on Russia just for views and more money

@helixsapiensis5078 - 10.01.2024 10:59

Winter in Izhevsk. it was cold and beautiful. i returned in the summer and discovered the streets are more pot hole than asphalt. a glacier like sheet of ice covered them well, cars could drive much faster. some pot holes were wide and deep as ponds. beautiful city in Udmurtia, highly recommend <3

@baconsneeze - 10.01.2024 10:56

Alcohol curfew and rules are much stricter here in Norway (and sweden) 😅 Also can relate to the cold winters.

@kinghenryxl1747 - 10.01.2024 10:56

After spending a month in Sverdlovsk in 2011, I now understand why alcoholism is so rampant and why Russian romance novels are so dark and morbid

@danskishmanski838 - 10.01.2024 10:54

Hello Roman👋 russian american born in Moscow here, living in California since i was a baby...

(comparison)What I hate about living in California:

It may only get to 2°C in the winter where I live, but we are all pussies here and i indeed still wear 2 layers of pants sometimes because the cold is uncomfortable since we are used to extremely hot ubearable weather mostly. I actually prefer winter because the long summer of heat you cant do anything besides sit around and rot in your home if you're even lucky enough to have AC that isn't broken or can afford to run it at all.

US Dollar:
The dollar may be worth 100 roubles in russia but here its essentially fuckin just as shit. No one can afford healthy organic food, its like 100 dollars for barely a week of food, way more if you live in the city. Jobs dont pay shit, rent is extremely high. I dont know anyone who isn't struggling to pay rent every month. Its absolutely soul sucking and everyones depressed because of it.

Hot water issues:
For all the places, I've lived in 14 different homes and apartments, many times with roomates(since no one can afford to have a place to themselves) hot water gets used up quick and can take 30 to and hour to heat up again, then runs for maybe 15 minutes max until youre standing there under cold water anyway, and thats all year round💀🤷🏼‍♂️ Also sometimes the plumbing is so bad you only have hot water and no cold water so thats also absolutely annoying.

Public transport: if youre not already rich and have a wealthy family that can buy you a car, you dont have one, and have to ride a bike (even in the rain i'd ride to work). public transportation is sometimes so disgusting and riddled with piss and homeless and you will often get harrassed by drug addicts.

No city matters:
ALOT OF THE CITIES ARE LIKE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE super scary, left behind, dystopia, dirty, graffitied, your car will get broken into(my friends car actually got stolen last year hy meth head with all our shit in it💀) city is like a prison for the soul in america.

Ex-Meth head neighbors:
Extremely rude and harrassing, absolutely psychotic hysterical with biker gangs involved, or just plain stinky loud people with too many kids who leave there trash everywhere and dont give a single fuck about you, and they smell really bad.😂

Feeling like you matter:
Yeah i can agree definitely better than in Russia, but i still feel if i cannot make enough money slaving away minimum wage or comply with capitalism and sell myself... that I am worthless.

Thanks for reading. I fantasize about moving to Russia and living back home all the time, especially with how mentally ill everyone is here in California with the whole liberal agenda and being an absolute softy snowflake 💀💀

@reinokarvinen8845 - 10.01.2024 10:53

no please are you woke. I hope you wake up some day

@felixb6 - 10.01.2024 10:41

At least you guys have public transport lol

@dOm8 - 10.01.2024 10:31

I was n Russia for 7 months 2021 to 2022 and I was blown away on its beauty and the streets of Moscow and Saint Petersburg are full of life .. bands playing everywhere - I've travelled the world and this is in the top 3 most beautiful cities I've been to. This guy Roman just loves to bash Russia whereas theres a lot of things Russia does that make the West just feel morally ruined. I didn't once throughout my 7 months come across any aggression and the people were so lovely and genuine. Even the dress standard is much higher than the poor taste you'll find in London or throughout America. I thinkj Putin is definitely making good for Russia.

@susanm9124 - 10.01.2024 10:29

Narrow minded shill. And ironically you complain about censorship.

@Nn-3 - 10.01.2024 10:28

I guess he's in Europe now

@nexusnero - 10.01.2024 10:28

Roman i was comparing the exchange graphs of the Rublo and the Real with the Dólar and it looks the same actually, even the Won, not saying it has the same value, but you can see how the value changed at the same time so... maybe is not just the russian foreign policy...

@dOm8 - 10.01.2024 10:24

Be honest, you left Russia because you didn't want to be conscripted to fight for Russia

@PwntByEKS666 - 10.01.2024 10:23

In my current city of Pittsburgh, PA, USA, supermarkets can't even sell any alcohol, at any time, they don't have it on shelves. Have to go to beer stores or liquor stores, which have their own hours, and are never open really late. Other states in the US have similar laws about when you can't buy alcohol.

@wilberijaba1967 - 10.01.2024 10:19

sounds like finland without the freespeech and freedom problems but the alcohol curfew is that you can buy from 9am to 9pm every day but sunday you cant buy booze because government run Alco has booze monopoly and it has its own closing times like saturday at 6pm and sundays closed and ''Food'' stores can sell 5,5%max alcohol drinks kinda sucks man

Edit: Findland is one of the most meh counrtys the animals and nature is very nice :) but also kinda meh

@Briedys101 - 10.01.2024 10:17

About alcohol selling. In Lithuania you can buy alcohol until 8PM and on Sundays only until 3PM. So 11PM is not that bad :)

@andrewb8698 - 10.01.2024 10:14

Interesting we have lockout laws here in Australia where Bars and Clubs have to stop selling after a certain time in some places here.

Also there is no where in the country bar maybe the casino you can buy alcohol for home after like 9pm

@yeezusair1472 - 10.01.2024 10:12

Best video Romans done in a while now he’s free! He can start telling the truth more about Soviet Union and war

@HunterShows - 10.01.2024 10:10

I would argue many countries are the same. You have to avoid police, and you do have to watch what you do and say, or your freedom can be taken away. There's no happy free speech land where you can just live how you want. You always have to obey your society's laws.

@Pekka.Pekka.1296 - 10.01.2024 10:10

It seems to me that Russia is a totally failed state.

@aivisabele - 10.01.2024 10:06

This video is like "10 things i hate in North Korea".
