The Psychology of Evil People

The Psychology of Evil People

Jordan B Peterson Clips

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Jessica Wicker
Jessica Wicker - 24.09.2023 12:15

It's more then all that you said. Yes, you said correctly, except compound your description, to genetics, and the dark traits have been passed down into the children's genes. I realized this, due to my father being married 3 times, having a combined total of 9 children. I'm number 8. There is 5 boys 4 girls...
4 boys and 1 girl- 1st marriage
1 girl and 1 boy-2nd marriage
2 girls-3rd marriage
1 boy from the 1st marriage and the 1 boy from the 2nd marriage were rapists.
All of us were highly sexual...I fought myself to regulate myself....but it has taken me all my life, until Jesus completely healed me and took it away....
There's a deep rooted, genetic aspect to this, even a family curse if you will.... and it hits and misses, which children will become a sexual deviat.
And they will hide it, very good...usually, a predator is extremely smart and resourceful.... it's a game to them😢
Jason Wicker sexually harassed my sister and I, until my dad caught him... they said he was locked up in up , Upstate New York for a serious rape crime....
What people fail to realize also, is that the laws for what is considered rape, especially of a boy or male in this country are vague at best... even here in this country, THERE US NO JUSTICE FOR RAPE VICTIMS... I believe law makers are directly responsible for the lack of justice and the degradation of American society, which we now are discovering, the top leaders go overseas to inflict suffering on children in 3rd world countries.... we need to turn our legal equipment and personnel towards the leaders, and each one of them.....I believe a new law enacted of complete transparency of office of employment of the United States offices.... we must protect ALL children at all costs.....they are our future!!!! And IF we don't stand up for them, then WE ARE JUST AS GUILTY AS THE PEDOPHILES OUT THERE, PERIOD!!!

Ed Whitmore
Ed Whitmore - 24.09.2023 00:38

Bro, you TOLD us to lol

M Moro
M Moro - 23.09.2023 21:57

What they do is evil and sick..there are many hurt people, more or less hurt who have not forgiven and have not been honest enough to start the healing process...😢

Ahbh Meh
Ahbh Meh - 23.09.2023 16:29

¡’m pro-psichology,.. so many times we need a psichologist because we are not enough alone,..

John Kemipa
John Kemipa - 23.09.2023 16:17

Ted Bundt, in tapes before getting executed, indicated that the start of all his traumas that led to unspeakable acts of him, stemmed from being exposed to pornography as a child.

John Kemipa
John Kemipa - 23.09.2023 16:15

Micro Violations of Own Consciene: bright concept. It’s what the Church Doctrine brands “silencing conscience through reiterated sinning”.

Lonely Lad
Lonely Lad - 23.09.2023 12:23

This happens on a smaller scale with addiction to ordinary pornography. Fantasies become increasingly extreme as a greater taboo or novelty is pursued because the current fantasy becomes less pleasurable each time. Thankfully I escaped the vicious cycle of pornography a while back and have been free of it ever since, thanks be to God.

Josie Lymbery
Josie Lymbery - 23.09.2023 07:50

Justification by 100 Micro Lies...... Perfect Jordan, perfectly explained..
Keep going just the way you are mate.... You're a Champion.

Rover1 - 23.09.2023 06:43

JP is describing the exact tyranny of current police in Canada and the US. Nothing short of pure, bloody, deadly violence will stop it.

sue french
sue french - 22.09.2023 18:52

He, of all people, should know

Kurt Hubbard-Beale
Kurt Hubbard-Beale - 22.09.2023 03:14

Psychology is utter Psuedo science, created in FACT by the Sabettean Frankist Messianic Talmudic Jewish Occultists. Yes, Sigmund Freud WAS a member of ultra secretive society B'nai B'rith which worships the Jewish "god" - Baal or (Lucifer)
Research is everything now. Research is essential now more than ever before 😑 🙏 😎

sufused - 22.09.2023 01:02

Funny how dude hearing it u can tell is evil

Bob Zee
Bob Zee - 21.09.2023 21:19

I think Bundy was bulshitting/trynig to find an excuse about the porn thing. You either have it in you or not.

ngaourapahoe - 21.09.2023 15:23

Another question ; probably nobody knows the answer : is evil within us or does it come from outside (???) and takes us over ?

ngaourapahoe - 21.09.2023 15:18

I would like to know why the fantasy gets darker, why does not it get shining with light ?

Kent Nauman
Kent Nauman - 21.09.2023 14:53

In Florida, where I live, there is a capital sex crime law plus ordinary convicts would kill such a child abuser. Therefore such crimes must be rare because 1/2 the population is males who would immediately report the sex criminal to law enforcement. Consequently, I find the movie "Sounds of Freedom" hard to believe but rather consider Sounds of Freedom to be a diversion or distraction from the Satanic sacrifice of the uncounted missing children. Ear piercing disfigures little girls making them unfit for Satanic sacrifice just as circumcision does for little boys. Therefore all little girls should have pierced earrings and wear a cross necklace to stop their kidnapping.

Princesspeach - 21.09.2023 06:33

I wanted to start having intercourse when i was 10. I was and am most annoyed that my parents controlled me and stopped me. I should always have the freedom to use MY OWN BODY as i see fit. Child it not, I was a human being who deserved bodily autonomy.

Armin Oleg
Armin Oleg - 21.09.2023 03:09

When you are your own God you can cross any line you set for yourself assuming you have any.

Matthew Taylor
Matthew Taylor - 21.09.2023 00:14

I love JP but i wonder if he has ever heard of "run on sentences"😁 im sure he has, i only wish my vocabulary was suitable enough to absorb 1/2 of what he says, his word salads are dizzying in there complexity.

Christian Finkbeiner
Christian Finkbeiner - 20.09.2023 22:49

What kind of psychologist can't recall Ted Bundy's name?

Tam Caplan
Tam Caplan - 20.09.2023 18:23

Am trying to elevate my life then I can start dating.

Mel T
Mel T - 20.09.2023 16:19

A collaboration with Satan..literally

Aussieroth7 - 20.09.2023 15:13

… I'll never forget one pedophile who both shocked and saddened me. I asked that person "Why do you find children sexually attractive?" The person's response "Simple. I'm sick in the head. But I'm aware enough that I'm sick and I hate very second of it. I don't wanna screw kids, I wanna help them become better people. But I don't know what to do or who to turn to."

That person was, strangely enough, innocent of committing crime. That person managed to stop before doing something terrible. Yet... Didn't know where to go in terms of curing what is, straight up, a mental disorder.

That was the one pedo that actually had my sympathy, and makes me wonder how many of them are disgraceful monsters who are hunted by Tim, and those who want to be straight up cured. Obviously, do not excuse ANY monster who does such awful things to children, but those who want to be cured of it and are fortunate enough to never do anything to kids, I hope you find it. Because most of those people had it done to them when they were kids. The ones that continued the cycle, they gave themselves the rationale.

Not Loki
Not Loki - 20.09.2023 04:18

The self contains the devil and christ in union. The androgyny of christ is to integrate the devil, that's why christ isn't a full symbol of the self.

Leslie G
Leslie G - 20.09.2023 00:31

You are talking about demonic behavior.

Daniel Howe
Daniel Howe - 20.09.2023 00:19

Damn... He described my last five years...

Jason Read
Jason Read - 19.09.2023 22:13

I’ll find them all and when I do god help them all !!!

Anactaneustheeleventh - 19.09.2023 11:51

The devil is real, and God is real, porn damages, yes it does, I’ve said this a hundred times, our bodies are really incredible biological machines. They have a mind of its own, which is why God commands us to reserve ourselves is sanctification and honor, not in lust of concupisence. The devil knows our bodies, he’s being studying it since the beginning, he knows it even better than we do. We still haven’t figured out yet how to tap into that power of self control. It’s hard, and I know what I’m talking about, porn does something to you that we don’t know yet, but he does . Please God remove all porn from our hearts and from this country, make us clean again.

Joe M
Joe M - 19.09.2023 11:11

Pretty gross. You'll know the part!!

Jeremy Lindemann
Jeremy Lindemann - 19.09.2023 07:44

These two guys are professionals yet the way they talk is often so subjective and laced with religious language seems very unprofessional and possibly dangerous.

That nonsense of looking into someone's eyes and knowing who they are has been debunked as unreliable and I sincerely hope he doesn't make important decisions based on that.

Craig J
Craig J - 19.09.2023 07:16

I honestly believe that across the globe the death penalty should be instituted for even having a sexual conversation with any person under the age of 16. and then mandated physical education "non perverted" should be introduced at a school level. and no LGBTQ crap pushed onto any child / person ! as its nothing but confusion spreading because of allowing the devil to confuse them. 😢

Sar Lewis
Sar Lewis - 19.09.2023 00:57

Western society is a great hoax....

okay - 18.09.2023 21:25


richardwildlife88 - 18.09.2023 21:24

Be careful who you are nasty towards in the real world.

Oliver Barber
Oliver Barber - 18.09.2023 12:16

There is no Satan. People are Satan.

The crumbling Cookie
The crumbling Cookie - 18.09.2023 11:53

Pedophilia is very common even today as normal practice in some cultures. Cultures with actually a wide spread international following as well.

So I don't think it's safe to say that it's a psychological disorder. Rather a proof, that human morality is a social construct that evolves, changes, and improve with Time, depending on the circumstances.

Mansukhdeep Thind
Mansukhdeep Thind - 18.09.2023 07:18

We're all still animals, some of us kore than the others that's all

Gerry Johnson
Gerry Johnson - 18.09.2023 01:52

Evil people believe their own lies. & Everyone is expendable, everyone can be thrown under the bus. There is no romance to evil. It's actually pretty boring, banal and insect-like.......

Steven Tate
Steven Tate - 17.09.2023 22:13

I reject the notion that anyone was given the option not to participate. How can get on here and say that. why would anyone humor this. if anyone is given an option it is only to get their name for a list of disloyal objectors. lots of dissidents at those camps.

Christian Palmer
Christian Palmer - 17.09.2023 17:26

I just want to know the lord again screw the world and all it has to offer there's nothing sweeter than to be in his presence

Jay •TX
Jay •TX - 17.09.2023 15:29

I do not believe Jordan Peterson is as intelligent as he projects or people believe him to be

Green Deane
Green Deane - 17.09.2023 14:28

I was a graduate student in communication who worked with Ted Bundy’s lawyers during his trial of Kimberly Leach. The question was could he a fair trial in Orlando. We developed a phone survey which included a road map of questions depending upon their answers. We called adults who were subject to jury duty. During the course of each interview They would surmise we were referring to Ted Bundy or we told them we were. And in variably younger women (under 65) would say he was handsome first and second that he was charged with some crime. Older women and men (regardless of age) first said he was charged with murder. A jury of young women was his best bet.

Melzi - 17.09.2023 09:38

That feeling u get when u look in their eyes is Evil. It should make u feel uncomfortable.

ProprietaryCurez - 17.09.2023 06:03

God didn't draw the line at 18.

oliver mampel
oliver mampel - 17.09.2023 05:17

satan is the seducer, we follow, if we don't have inner abilities to control our sins by skills and morality. the absolute abscence of love and morality, is the hell that opens up by travelling the dark path constantly. We are all closer to evil, than we think. Only god and his education, the relief of a loving person can prevent us from falling. that's why the internet is such a great danger to human minds and souls! they get dark hidden free spaces very easily without any social control on it and even the morality of society has been changed by this media very harshly. The KICK is the new goal and it is quitting any borders of moral. That has brought up a new culture of evil. a new kingdom of the devil these days. you must not hand out children the possibility to enter the internet at all! So we become a society of psychopaths and sociopaths, only the older have a protection through non digital education and relationships! god save Us!

oliver mampel
oliver mampel - 17.09.2023 05:08

emotional and sexual frustration escalating inside with no context of loving relationship.

oliver mampel
oliver mampel - 17.09.2023 05:06

evil is always a combination between miseducation, supression of anger and possibility.

oliver mampel
oliver mampel - 17.09.2023 05:05

so pornography is a big part of becoming a serial killer, a sadist, a pervert?

DtoR - 17.09.2023 04:55

Because you have to be demented to do that.

Kim Williamson
Kim Williamson - 16.09.2023 22:54

What you two just said here, is so profound on so many levels. Its like hearing the devils playbook and seeing it happen it the world right now, hidden in a utopian trogan horse of pure evil. But i would rather know, than bury my head.
