8 Things From the Lost Era of Star Trek

8 Things From the Lost Era of Star Trek

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@aschen - 15.05.2024 09:24

Now if only we had some kind of deep dive into the other lost era between the late 2150s until the mid 2250s. We know the coalition of planets was founded and eventually the federation proper, the romulan war, the integration of MACO into starfleet, the loss of the USS Franklin, and a glimpse of what starfleet looked like in the 2240s. I'm pretty sure that's basically all of the alpha canon we've gotten, stitched together from enterpise and the kelvin movies of all places.

@robertgaines-tulsa - 15.05.2024 04:10

I honestly think it was just laziness and cutting costs that they kept the uniforms the same for 70 years. It would have only been used in flashbacks and a couple episodes. As far as I'm concerned, they can do whatever they want to make the uniforms look more at home during certain spans of time in the lost era. I haven't been watching the new episodes. They just don't interest me.

@Rockhound6165 - 15.05.2024 01:57

We do know the launch date of the Enterprise-B. It was 2293.

@00nick7 - 15.05.2024 01:40

The LCARS on the 1701-C is the final with the blue and green interfaces.

@numberyellow - 15.05.2024 00:06

I have absolutely NO faith in the fools currently running Trek, to do anything other than an awful job with the Section 31 film....if set in the "lost era", i have no doubt they'll ruin that, like they've ruined everything else they've touched.

@maximumhate666 - 14.05.2024 23:54

The changes that the stupid studio did has nothing to do with making ships look more modern.

It’s a contractual thing.
They were forced to deviate from the original look by a certain degree.

That also applies to aliens, uniforms, etc .

Look it up.

@curtistate8524 - 14.05.2024 23:05

This is yrt another era for the Kurtzman crew to foul up

@1stprinceoflite - 14.05.2024 22:27

Don't see why they didn't have a series or two cover this time frame. I'd love to see Star Trek from the rogues point of view like Harry Mudd and his ilk. All of those outlaws just barely staying on the good side of the Federation or whatever's Empire. Banned or wanted in some star systems. They do what they have to do to survive. Even Star Trek has a seedy underbelly even if it's not talked about.

@steveogle8942 - 14.05.2024 21:56

How about a big-screen movie about the loss and subsequent finding (however many years later) of Enterprise B?

@JeffreyRandall - 14.05.2024 18:53

Course those Wool costumes were VERY uncomfortable for the actors. I'm been a fan since the 70s. Ever since the end of Voyager NO star trek has been that good. Since we get NO exploration or new frontiers. Why can't anyone at CBS/Paramont or anyone else NOTICE that Star Trek fans want a show that is after Voyager and back to the Original series of exploration. Sad. How come no one seems to understand Star Trek is about Positive future. Where the Federation of Planets (over 100) and Star Fleet would be positive and something everyone here on earth would love to join and be a part of this wonderfully positive future. Why the heck would I want a show that is Dark and sinister??? I'll watch other Science Fiction for that.

@Zarrov - 14.05.2024 18:50

Excelsior looks silly from most of angles, it was not well designed. It NEEDS changes so that it looks good from all angles. It is doable. As for Enterprise-A, I never understood why this is not default canon look. I reject nostalgia towards TOS original look. Its horrific. The look from Wrath of Khan onwards is the look that Star Trek of Kirk era should always have. ALWAYS.

@andrewz5981 - 14.05.2024 17:59

Aren’t the Enterprise C uniforms different from the TMP ones?

@commandingjudgedredd1841 - 14.05.2024 17:07

Sulu's daughter becane Captain of the Enterprise B? According to trek lore, I was under the impression that the first female Captain of the Enterprise, was Rachel Garret of the Enterprise C??

@TheBlackcredo - 14.05.2024 15:11

I love the aesthetic of TMP and the lost era. The uniforms are really stylish and the ships look so clean and futuristic.

@jimdigitalvideo - 14.05.2024 15:05

Captain Harriman didn't just have to live with the fact that James T Kirk was lost on his shift, he also had to put up with knowing he was responsible for trashing his dad's red Ferrari as a teenager.

@Redshirt434 - 14.05.2024 14:49

I don't trust anyone in Kurtzman Trek to make a good new Probert style starship.let alone a good show.

@TempoTronica - 14.05.2024 07:43

Anyone else want a series following Harriman and the Enterprise B?

@quillanthrasher6846 - 14.05.2024 06:47

I am totally with you, I love the Excelsior Class the most of all!!!

@williamschweikert5492 - 14.05.2024 03:30

As we say goodbye to Discovery I believe fans would enjoy a series from this era AND of course the ongoing adventures of the Enterprise G under the command of Captain seven of nine. Sadly I highly doubt Alex Kurtzman and those currently making new episodes will even THINK of a series that is from this era OMG that would make far too much sense and would give long time fans something to watch as opposed to using the franchise to support political candidates actively running for political office, a political party, or what many view as a woke ideology. I fear the days of Gene Roddenberry's hopeful vision of the future are behind us never to be seen again. 😢

@rontwentyone - 14.05.2024 02:21

Oddly, I just watched Yesterday's Enterprise again yesterday. I'd love to see what happened to the B perhaps under Demora Sulu and the launch of the C under Garrett and some missions of both. Another lost era is between 2160s and 2250s. Indeed we've never seen the launch of the original and most famous Enterprise in 2245 under Robert April.

@andersonic - 14.05.2024 02:15

I'd be happy for the Ambassador class to get a face lift in any future appearance. Its canon design reflects time and budget limits, especially the sparse repetitive detail on the saucer. Not a full retcon back to Probert's curvy model. Just a respectful more lifelike update like Strange New Worlds did for the original series ships.

@Mister_Mag00 - 14.05.2024 00:17

I hope we get a shit tonne of Kurzon Dax

@maybetoby - 13.05.2024 23:49

I want a canon explanation of what happened to the Enterprise-B. I'm already aware of attempted explanations that exist in beta canon.

Wasn't there a fan-film or 2 about Harriman? I know that ranks below beta canon, but clearly there's some love for the character.

I'm sure they'll use that uniform that alternate Captain Pike used in the Section 31 show/movie/whatever.

Excelsior is also my favorite ship class. And the Ambassador is my least favorite class, probably cuz I prefer the Probert concept i.e. STO's Narendra class.

@NoBudjetFilms - 13.05.2024 20:44

I am cautiously optimistic about the Section 31 show now... I still hate Discovery, but Strange New Worlds they knocked out of the park.

Would love to see this era on screen, keeping as much of the film era visual style as possible. Excelsior design is perfection, update the textures for modern television and that is it! I am a huge fan of the Cardassians and would absolutely love to see them return to the screen! Also watching their civilization become more nationalistic/militarized would be interesting and reflective of some of the things that are happening in our own world.

@richardchristie3203 - 13.05.2024 19:18

I would like to see the evolution of Troi’s tits

@rossrreyes - 13.05.2024 19:14

For me, as an Industrial Designer, aesthetically the Excelsior/Enterprise B was the best looking of all Enterprises. The C was the most sedate looking

@whiteboy60001 - 13.05.2024 18:28

The fact that lost era kept the uniform for 71 years. Is why i want them to not touch it so much. Let the era just be flash backs in my opinion because someone is gonna touch that cool uniform. Literally lost era and the first contact uniform were my top 2.

@ringo1029384756 - 13.05.2024 16:05

We can honestly do without any series set in the "lost era". We just need to pick up in the 25th century and explore new stuff.

@JDEhlert - 13.05.2024 15:38

Lost Era... huh?
What about the Lost Millenium??? All the years between 2401 and 3189??? All those unwritten stories... SIGHS

@albundy7718 - 13.05.2024 15:38

You mean the Kurtzman Era?!

@andrearin8383 - 13.05.2024 11:50

I absolutely love the older era uniforms worn by Kirk during his later years as Captain.

@highlandergunn9240 - 13.05.2024 09:34

Harman had a starship
A vehicle that took IMMENSE ammounts of material not to mention thousands of years of developement by multiple alien civilizations and he only managed to save 47 individuals

@justinbecker6270 - 13.05.2024 09:00

I agree, I absolutely love the excelsior class and the uniforms, both are my favourite too... but this is new trek. Unless someone like Terry Matalas is on board to keep it canonical, they'll stuff it up.

@jeffkardosjr.3825 - 13.05.2024 08:39

The maroon uniforms are great.

@charliesthill4790 - 13.05.2024 07:22

Sisko's dad looked older because of his health problems.

@marvelboy74 - 13.05.2024 06:50

It would be wonderful if we could get an appearance by Alan Ruck and/or Jacqueline Kim (Demora Sulu) in Section 31. The actors' ages would probably line up as well.

@mendodsoregonbackroads6632 - 13.05.2024 06:03

FWIW The Navy Dungaree uniform was introduced in 1913 and was around until at least 2000, so some 90ish years.

@jonasklose6472 - 13.05.2024 05:09

I wish you the best of luck with your hopes for unmodified ships. The community has proven over and over again that TOS style ships can look beautiful when rendered. Yet the creators of Discovery have shown over and over again that they don't care about the style of the original series.

I also have high doubts that they at least use the well-established computer / terminal UI styles from the Excelsior (ENT B) that we all know and love.

@blacktronpavel - 13.05.2024 04:27

I hope all this is true and would love to see content from the "Lost Era". My recommendation is to set it 30 or so years after The Undiscovered Country. Then guest-starring original cast members would be feasible. Admiral Sulu, Admiral Chekov... I also would like to see Harriman return. The Fan Film Of Gods and Men did a good job evolving his character.

@rickjohnston2667 - 13.05.2024 04:01

I think there were 3 Captains of the Enterprise-B. John Harriman, followed by Pavel Chekov and then Demora Sulu, who would have served as Chekov's First Officer, before becoming Captain herself.

@willjohnson846 - 13.05.2024 02:02

When did Starfleet encounter the Breen, during this time period?

@SciFiGuy72 - 13.05.2024 01:56

My only hope is that we can finally put all of that Non-canon "discovery" BS behind us and get back to real Star Trek.

@the7percentsolution - 13.05.2024 01:46

Didn't know that Section 31 show is supposedly set in that era. Of course it won't even matter because I'm sure visually it will not fit in that era at all. With Discovery claiming to be a mere decade before TOS and looking far more advanced than anything we ever saw in the TNG era I'm sure they'll just double down on the Lost Era being even MORE advanced. Love how they just tossed all the consistent world building we got from TOS to Enterprise right out the airlock and then call the fans stupid for pointing it out.

@johnfitzgeraldii1952 - 13.05.2024 01:39

Rick, I agree with you about the Uniforms and the Constitution and Excelsior Class Starships.

But, for the late 23rd Century, my favorite classes were the Soyuz Class and the Constellation Class Starships.

@johnfitzgeraldii1952 - 13.05.2024 01:27

Rick, if you ever truly look at Doug Grexler's Enterprise-B MSD, you'll find that the ridiculously oversized Engines, which were useless, were supposed to be the Saucer Section Shuttle Bays.

@JLRules - 13.05.2024 00:48

I don't want the Lost Era to be touched at all, because NuTrek's complete lack of Giving a Shit has convinced me there should NEVER be prequels in Trek again. Ever.

@scottfitzpatrick1939 - 13.05.2024 00:21

I consider the lost era of star trek to be 2009 to current when JJ and Krutzman hack writing took hold.

@maxwaller734 - 13.05.2024 00:12

❤🎉 ¡StarDate 7 - 9, . 02 - Max Rafael Waller has a StarDate with Her an interstellar intrastellar outer and inner natural born hembra fraulein femme female to PerForm! ❤🎉 - 2:11 pm Pacific DayLight Savings Time on Sunday, 12 May 2024 leap year ❤🎉

@bpercival2413 - 13.05.2024 00:09

Picard trained on the Leondegrance?
Stewart played Leondegrance in Excalibur. :)
