Value Your Time, Value Yourself - The Andrea Engstrom Show Ep 010

Value Your Time, Value Yourself - The Andrea Engstrom Show Ep 010

Andrea Engstrom

55 лет назад

100 Просмотров

Most business owners spend more than 50% of their time doing low income-producing activities, so they are not earning what they would like to be in their business. In today’s episode, we discuss what to do to value your time - and value yourself - so you start making more money in your business.

What is the cost of doing $25 per hour activity when you’re capable of $1,000 per hour? In a year, if you generated $1,000 per hour for 20 hours per week, you would make over $1 million more than if you keep doing $25 per hour tasks for that same 20 hours. This is a MILLION reasons to prioritize your priorities in your business!

Time blocking is simply deciding in advance when you will make time to move your action items forward to accomplish your goals.

One of my best secrets to avoiding interruptions and getting things done: make appointments with yourself, then honor those appointments. Treat yourself like a highly paid professional and keep your appointments with yourself.

My Challenge for You Today:
If you struggle with finding the time to focus on high-value activities, do this: For two weeks, track where your time is going every 15 minutes.

Then, look back and see where large chunks of your time are going and identify 2-3 things you could delegate or eliminate in order to free up at least an hour per day to work on your goals and have more income-producing activities each week. Over the course of a year, this will create the equivalent of over 6 whole 40-hour work weeks to get it done!

Get Support:
If you want support on your journey to grow your business, register for my free workshop for Women Entrepreneurs.


If you’re a woman entrepreneur, join my FREE Facebook group: Bold Women in Business Sisterhood where I share strategies for Clarity, Confidence and Powerful Connections so you can build the business and the life you deserve.

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