Rimworld : Killbox guide and defensive design : Tutorial Nugget

Rimworld : Killbox guide and defensive design : Tutorial Nugget

Francis John

4 года назад

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true_blue1878 - 03.09.2023 20:58

So without reading or watching any guides whatsoever, my instinct was to make a very long (60-70) tile corridor and include alcoves at the top end for my 15+ pawns to shoot from, but I also put doors in the alcoves so that If they need to retreat, the enemy can't step into them! It has worked perfectly for a long time until something on the map must have changed and now they don't walk around to the corridor, they all scatter around the walls and dig at random sections of it. Which is an absolute nightmare to control or defend!
How thick should I make my walls so that they can't do this? And is it wise to put IEDs next to them? Also is there a trick to force them into the area you want beside just building and maintaining walls? Cheers

Gee Vee
Gee Vee - 13.08.2023 21:07

when you build walls around your base, and lets say you have a kill box on one end of the base. but you have to retrieve something outside the other end. do you go all the way around or do you have doors around your base that lead to the outside?

Gubert - 10.07.2023 02:17

How can you see that cover numbers? which mod is that?

Calvino Bambino
Calvino Bambino - 02.07.2023 23:47

Amazing tutorial. Thanks!

Squaid Ink Arts
Squaid Ink Arts - 04.06.2023 18:04

holy shit, I can tell that you've played this game for a long time... Amazingly comprehensive tutorial!

Duckie - 19.05.2023 15:05

The fact that these tutorials still works after 2 years

Steve Hi
Steve Hi - 10.05.2023 01:06

This is another tip for who ever finds this comment plant flowers in your killbox— it slows enemy’s down more than a solid floor and you will have way less mental breaks

Samuel Rodrigues
Samuel Rodrigues - 03.05.2023 23:25

I have question. I make killboxes, maybe bad but i make them. Problem is that enemies NEVER ENTER them but go somewhere and makes "new" way by breaking my triple granite wall. I don't know whats problem.

Пыня Владимир
Пыня Владимир - 16.03.2023 11:42

лучши гайд

viperbuzzard01 h
viperbuzzard01 h - 15.03.2023 18:02

rimworld no mans land, all we need now is flamethrowers and barbed wire

Kyle Lu
Kyle Lu - 19.02.2023 15:07

Yo what mod changed that character UI thing? Pretty new to the game, so looking for good quality of life mods

Quintiax - 30.01.2023 23:00

One thing I can recommend to solve the whole lagg issue surrounding the spreading out of enemies due to their combat stance is to place an unpowered turret somewhere around the entrance of the killbox and surround it with doors. The enemies will still "see" the turret and will get engaged in combat stance, spreading them out before they enter the killbox.

Lagoon - 05.01.2023 20:33

I play on mormal, and so far I had groups of like 1-5 riders some with shooting weapons but rather with primitive bows or clubs...

skud - 23.12.2022 03:27

idk how people can play a defensive building game like rimworld and think kill boxes are cheesy/exploitative

Dr.4G - 28.11.2022 20:53

can we get an updated guide for 1.4? Love the video!

Christian Laumark
Christian Laumark - 19.11.2022 23:40

Are you Father Ted?

Pollyphemeus - 18.11.2022 23:50

Am I the only Rimworld player that really dislikes the Assault rifle? I actually tend to use a lot of LMG's....first, people really underestimate the stun effect in combat. That stun gets kills. Then there's also the volley size. Assault rifle is tighter, but only fires like 3 bullets per burst. I find the front load of more bullets hitting enemies sooner results in more kills that the sustained dps of assault rifles. Plus they are better for hunting as well, more shots = faster leveling. I normally run lmg's primarily before the late game when I switch to charge rifles.

Gaming with Jam
Gaming with Jam - 15.11.2022 17:48

not as effective now with the sappers right?

Chron - 15.11.2022 13:35

Some things probably changed in new versions, but the basics are pretty sure the same. Thank you, I'll modify my killbox using these guide. I also used fences on the open ground to slow down enemies, not sure though if they provide any cover, need to check it.

CleverM - 18.09.2022 22:24

are the data said in video out dated or is it fine

Mrazi - 11.09.2022 20:01

Newbie question.
How do you force enemies to even enter the obvious murder conveyer instead of, say, going around your base and forcefully making another entrance? I'm very early in the game, have my whole base encircled by stone walls and got an open space behind sandbags in front of the only entrance. Sometimes enemies see that I have the cover and they do not (I manually removed all trees and stone chunks), so instead of engaging in a firefight they go around and punch a sidewall and I'm forced to go into close quarters skirmish.

Yifeng Chen
Yifeng Chen - 09.09.2022 15:34

is this still working?

ss A's ppn08
ss A's ppn08 - 26.08.2022 05:54

I still have some problem with sapper, any solution for that?

SHMIKE - 20.08.2022 00:48

Why do they all funnel in that one spot?

Maphew404 - 11.08.2022 22:27

Seriouse question: what pc specs would I need to have to play RimWorld without it chugging to 3fps during huge raid? I play a big world, and lately the huge raids is killing my enjoyment - but at the same time, I love those crazy raids as I live for those.

NinjaHamstor - 22.07.2022 13:56

This is a 2 year old video. I’m not 100% how much the game has changed since then. I’m very new to this game just got it today. I can’t wait to build a killbox.

Commander Boreale
Commander Boreale - 15.07.2022 19:08

Why didnt you add two EMP grenades guys?

Michael - 13.07.2022 04:00

"Killboxes are against game mechanics."

I'll use bullshit to defeat bullshit. The game throws ridiculous shit at you sometimes. "It makes a good story" fuck you, it's my story.

Will H
Will H - 19.06.2022 16:38

rimworld combat is by far the worst part of the game, even with the pretty damn good medical system

Євген Великий
Євген Великий - 18.06.2022 22:37

Also. Mechanoids tend to attack walls to breach thru, so killboxes are pointless in current game.

Євген Великий
Євген Великий - 18.06.2022 22:35

Why you not considering bolt riffles? With 37 range with excellent quality they are amazing at any distance in any hands. 1.5 stopping power is an argument!

mkdr - 09.06.2022 00:15

Not sure why people buy kill boxes, it ruines the game. It is like cheating. Do you like to cheat in every game?

cryzz0n - 22.05.2022 04:22

I often like to build killboxes around lakes. This forces enemies to walk in shallow water or mud to go around deep water.
As a bonus missed bullets from your side are not hitting same area all the time so there is less need for plasteel walls.
But sometimes they simply stop looking for cover, stop and shoot.

I also like to reconnect damaged turrets to dead power to limit loses.
And it's good idea to have strong anti-melee option, for example fall back position with one door that is left open and plasteel walls next to it ;)

Sullyvan Bastien
Sullyvan Bastien - 17.05.2022 10:14

What is the mode for those barricades ?

Per Shop
Per Shop - 27.04.2022 16:52

what happens if they drop-ship down inside the kill area or even behind your walls where you didn't think to protect yourself because you thought they are coming through the kill box area?

Denner Freire
Denner Freire - 23.04.2022 07:07

Fantastic video.

Thank you for all the contribution!

A Barbarian Horde
A Barbarian Horde - 29.03.2022 02:17

Killbox masterclass! Excellent work, 750 hours in and I still hadn't figured out why I had to keep moving people to get them to target the entrance. Thanks for improving my game.

Henry Du
Henry Du - 14.03.2022 11:24

Great tutorial!:)

The Peaceful Netch
The Peaceful Netch - 10.03.2022 23:03

Incredibly useful introduction to kill boxes. As someone who built a farming hotel on peaceful my first time through, I learned, and enjoyed,a lot of mechanics... but not combating raids. Having watched a ton of videos and hearing everyone mentioning kill boxes, I knew I wanted to be able to build them but didn't have much of a place to start.

Thank you for focusing on the logic of the choices you make -- that's a lot more helpful to me than "here's the perfect kill box design". I want to be able to logic my way through and customize, not just cut and paste, and this is a great introduction to what kinds of things to take into consideration.

I am curious why you don't use traps in your snaking phase. Do you consider them too resource-expensive to replace? Too dangerous for pawns to go in to replace? Are there other considerations?

The Wudarian
The Wudarian - 07.03.2022 02:32

killboxes rarly work. they just break the walls or wait outside now.

thehooligan129 - 23.02.2022 02:33

I'm sorry if I missed it in the comments or vid but I'm very new. How does one make enemies go to kill box? Is it walling off all of bass and leaving kill boxes open like no doors?

Joe Carr
Joe Carr - 18.02.2022 01:25

Is all of this based on vanilla or CE? I'd be curious how useful the LMG and HMGs are with the suppression mechanic especially since that's their real world purpose.

Evering Hall
Evering Hall - 14.02.2022 02:04

I sometimes use a "no man's land" around my base with choke points blocked up by melee pawns.
I dont personally like killboxes, but if you're inexperienced I would suggest learning how to fight without them, because you cant bring a killbox when you raid another settlement, and successful raids can be very rewarding.
My preferred method is to buy consumables like animal pulsers and berserk lances.
Also, a high level psycaster, I have never seen an ai pawn use a psycast outside of rimworld of magic, so no matter what you have a distinct advantage.

That said, a newer play wouldn't even survive most mid game raids without a killbox of some sort

Dan Bell
Dan Bell - 13.02.2022 18:44

Gread video, learning a few things to try on my setup. As for the SMG vs AR damage thing, it somewhat makes sense. Within their range, larger caliber smgs like the UMP pack quite a punch. .45ACP is a shorter range round, but hits like a truck, esp. with special ammo. AR ammo like 5.56 or 5.45 is a compromise. It's meant to be controllable on full auto, at longer ranges, so it relies on a fast, light round. It trades a lot of stopping power for lower recoil and longer range. If you look at the history of the m16/m4, and the complaints about it, one of them has always been poor stopping power vs other calibers.

sam pson
sam pson - 11.02.2022 07:30

How do you show the percentage to hit?

Derek Ogilvie
Derek Ogilvie - 06.02.2022 21:30

Over 500 hours in the game and I still learn new things. This video is awesome, thank you. I subscribed immediately

Cow_Mangler - 06.02.2022 11:23

Hey people, I've come with a solution to bases without killboxes! Combat Extended

Anton - 29.01.2022 12:13

My pawn keeps missing with charge rifles but hits a lot with assault rifles.. She's 19 in shooting.. (deadshot trait) What's going on here?

Kiri Seraph
Kiri Seraph - 26.01.2022 12:32

If you put a barricade in front of the grenadier door it makes it a bit safer :D

Катя Мышка
Катя Мышка - 24.01.2022 18:50

Thank you
