Why you Shouldn't use NODE JS in 2023

Why you Shouldn't use NODE JS in 2023

Stefan Mischook

7 месяцев назад

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@StefanMischook - 10.11.2023 22:41

I misspoke in the video: OOP was invented to make code less brittle.

@Phantom-pu1xn - 27.01.2024 21:43

Packages updating automatically in nodejs can be solved by using `npm ci` to install packages instead of `npm i` . Saying that NodeJS is bad because it updates it's packages automatically is probably a skill issue.

@emerald42481 - 27.01.2024 18:28

total noob here but I find these videos so clear and useful

@josephhilling8418 - 26.01.2024 17:18


@yordanpopov7080 - 26.01.2024 11:56

Please don't install wordpress, never install wordpress, do not even mention wordpress (as a person who was stuck in the wordpress hole for 2 years and barely managed to get out of the worst job ever)

@DesignDensity - 25.01.2024 03:26

I totally get where you are coming from but in all fairness I think you aren’t using Node JS properly!
Node is exceptionally fast and reliable! Big companies like Facebook, AWS, Amex are using it on a daily basis with 10k+ engineers! Do you really think they would still choose Node if these supposedly problems with Node existed! No way in million years! I have nothing against your vlog, at the end of the day it’s your channel and your opinion based on your experience!
The other reason many of us are using Node is because of JavaScript and TypeScript ecosystem and what it offers! As a full stack engineer I love writing both backend and frontend using same language, keep things so much easier and everything runs smoothly!

@milhouse8166 - 20.01.2024 22:37

What in your opinion would be the fastest back end language for high volumes of requests, mathematical calculations, and database access/manipulation out of PHP, NodeJS, and Python?

The current backend for my project is Nodejs but im strongly considering Python due to popularity and usefulness for other things but mainly I want an extremely robust backend for a highly server authoritative system (something like an MMORPGs game).

@ogedaykhan9909 - 20.01.2024 21:22

I didnt watch but. I know this is a bullshit clickbait as always. disliked. thanks

@mingli9563 - 20.01.2024 21:04

There is no lame frameworks, but lame developers. There also is 0.01% chance that you will hit the bottleneck of the nodejs framework.

@Alex-bc3xe - 19.01.2024 21:33

Don’t hate on Nodejs cause nodejs is for speed development not robust like java or great like GO but it does the job

@Knajjj - 18.01.2024 23:58

Hi Stefan,

Please, do not spread misinformation, especially if you're consider yourself a teacher and promouting some cources for novices. Such statements show you to be incompetent in the field of web development.

1. Lock-files for Node.js dependencies invented YEARS ago. It doesn't matter which package manager it is: npm, yarn, pnpm - each of these supports locking exact versions of dependencies so to make every install and bootstrap of them consistent across every run. Your service cannot break unless you explicitely change dependencies by yourself. And if you don’t keep lock files in git, then who’s to blame? The question is rhetorical.
2. It is a developer's responsibility to keep service dependencies up to date and with correct versions usage and update them when needed. It's not even difficult, by the way.

@wbkayani - 17.01.2024 03:16

You cannot compare php with node js, full stop.

@SamCoder96 - 16.01.2024 06:24

After watching this video i will develop my website using nodeJS
long live node.js

@RAZR_Channel - 15.01.2024 17:13

node falling into the mass morons and will suffer the consequences of being too popular and easy to learn. this is the same consequence that PHP paid and that it was easy to learn. Being easy to learn is actually a downside in the long run because overtime people of average intelligence get into the market and drag it down just like McDonald's. just because something is popular doesn't mean it's good. PHP… There's nothing wrong with it … It's always the people. So node will be no different in that your average moron will be on the job for cheap. the NPM stack your talking about is now full of amateurs… Sloppy… Clueless… and overall dangerous to stability as you clearly state.

@mirsad3474 - 08.01.2024 23:34

I spoke with a lead dev during an interview, and for every problem I mentioned why not to use technology X, he had a solution Y to counter it.

@nixonrulez - 03.01.2024 19:17

I just like node because it is mind-blowing fast to deploy stuff. I can release a prototype of whatever app in 5-8 hours what I can't do in anything else

@RajinderYadav - 31.12.2023 06:51

People who don't know about lock files and they throw shades on their inability to code in node.js 😂

@bogdanalexandru2976 - 22.12.2023 22:33

Stupid titles man ...

@SefuBarosanu - 22.12.2023 16:57

Just like regular influencers, tech influencers only want attention. And give very bad advice. Any language is awesome, as long as it is used right.

@henriquematias1986 - 20.12.2023 07:13

wow I'm out of words to express how much i disagree with this opinion. node.js + typescript + vscode is one of the most incredible workflows in 2023 how could you argue in favour against it is beyond me.

@rogerstich7603 - 17.12.2023 23:56

I had to disagree on the point that PHP is fully OOP nowadays and enterprise ready. Its really not. There are many concepts that have made it into php but since php is a mix and match between different languages (the developers of php themselfes say they took what they find cool from other languages and integrate it) it lacks a larger concept. No type safety and no casting, no generics at all. So if you try to write your code generic you will fall over those pitfalls like simply returning the correct type. I wouldnt use PHP if the project seems to be more complex, since from my point of view, its not mature enough to be considered enterprise ready. It might be on the right path but it isnt there yet.

@evgenymikheev4462 - 17.12.2023 12:47

Long speech of saying too little. I used both PHP and NodeJS and clearly the PHP is outdated coding. I think PHP is only alive because of tons of existing code that people don't have time/money to rewrite

@mohitsharma-ep9iy - 16.12.2023 06:18

Do you have the same views about react ?

@fieryscorpion - 13.12.2023 22:32

I work with a lot of languages and frameworks and the best one so far is .NET 8.
My goodness, it's so damn simple yet so insanely fast.
There's something called Blazor that allows you to build fullstack apps and it's crazy how simple it is.
It's like day and night difference from JS world.

@sssh2001 - 06.12.2023 19:28

React is also brittle?

@user-wj1hn5ys5z - 05.12.2023 21:18

you are right but php is not intelligent.

@SuperMBARutgers2013 - 04.12.2023 17:46

I found Reactjs to be very scatter brained. Good to put php on the radar again, but i still lean towards javascript

@anandhunt1000 - 04.12.2023 12:52

useless video...

@waelgh4307 - 03.12.2023 13:35

JS, TS, Node, Vue all paid my bills for many years and it's great

@galinradev2553 - 01.12.2023 15:24

Honestly, that's why selecting packages manually is a must in nodejs. Nodejs kinda needs organized modular thinking, and perfect documentation, something you will never see in php. When I was a php intern, everyone told me care with the dependencies and that most of the companies run away from PHP updates. Nodejs is much more stable at this point, until you don't bring those packages without selecting, manually, the version you're going to use. Nodejs will obligate you to stop write spaghetti code, php won't php doesn't care until a major update comes and you must update... then u in trouble. Overall, unorganized ideas go along with PHP, PHP teams constantly change developers and a ton of projects made before nodejs came in(that's why there's a ton of open positions always requiring a lot of experience cuz the dev can't understand the code anymore or the update messed it up) nodejs in the other hand keeps you in the same place for longer because you have control and if you know what your doing, is the dream job. I don't agree that much with this video, there's always a way to use your brain and backup the stable versions of your packages or keep track of what versions of packages you're installing, and this is something that even a junior nodejs dev knows, kina bull whatever whoever told you nodejs has too many dependencies... NO! people are used to write spaghetti code, get the money, and go vacate somewhere, why should I spend time in keeping track of my dependencies or document or clean the code, it works right then f it... the PHP mentality that still with us, (luckily there is good php seniors out there they control their php project properly) but yeah both PHP and NODEJS are stable is the dev community that messes thing up and blames the technology not his habits. PHP and Nodejs are good and will stay for long. It is unarguable that PHP will keep making spaghetti code mentalities because it's way easier to deploy with it without fully understanding how the h... it works

@alexeydugnist3520 - 27.11.2023 19:19

You're talking about some ridiculous things) a junior developer couldn't figure out the code and set up an environment for himself and went to a language where you need to think less. The problem is that PHP has the most shitty code because of such "experienced defectors".
If you don't know how to use something, it doesn't mean that the tool is bad - it says a lot about you.

@alexeydugnist3520 - 27.11.2023 19:13

author: sets up the camera -> runs to the next room to pompously enter and sit on the chair 😁

@metamokmusic - 26.11.2023 21:59

Same thing with using something like composer php

@MrXperx - 25.11.2023 18:52

Don't randomly update packages. Test what you release to production. This package excuse might be good for amateur developers. Real companies test code thoroughly before release.

@williamsa51 - 25.11.2023 12:33

I started a long time ago with one of Stef's early courses. Over the years I wandered off and tried to learn just about everything - I have, honest!
I'm not your typical learner. I don't want to work for a big company. I don't want a full-time job, and I'm not after a big income. All I want to do is make a modest income as a Freelancer.
I have now come full circle and realised I can do what I want with HTML, CSS, JS and PHP. So it's timely - a coincidence - that Stef posted this.
One size doesn't fit all.
Good luck all.

@williamsa51 - 24.11.2023 22:47

Thanks Uncle Stef

@user-gy9sv7fp3i - 24.11.2023 20:04

As a node developer I can say - what you're saying doesn't make any sense. This video should be removed because it's inaccurate and it's false.

Let's say you install a dependency A in node at version 3.2.2. Dependency A has its own dependency - dependency B at version 1.2.1

Once you install those packages - THEY ARE LOCKED in lock file. That's why you have package-lock.json.

If a maintainer of dependency B updates it to v 1.2.2 and it is some malicious code - I don't care. My app would still be installing 1.2.1 - it would take the data from the lock file.

Do the research about package-lock.json files in node ecosystem.

So the point that you're making is completely false.

@DawnCoder - 24.11.2023 15:48

Stop misleading old man.

@constantinci - 23.11.2023 19:01

Hi concurency application, hmmmmm, in relation to php, who don't you take a look at roadrunner? Or goland itself?

@michaelion7753 - 21.11.2023 21:19

is this why Java is constantly becoming more like javascript with each upgrade? such as Java 11 bringing in modules like we have in node javascript? or how java now has "try-with-resources" which is how js has been handling error? or how java keeps towing the line of type inference like javascript has been ? php is archaic there plenty of laughs and jokes about php lol sorry, just face it. Node is not the best or the greatest by any means, but to say you shouldn't use it discredits you. I doin't know what you are aiming for with this title.

I started out coding with php, mysql, html, css. I then learned Java, C++. Today, i can confidently say I love MERN stack. It works. Many myths about node.js like it isn't multi-threaded. In fact, node.js is multi-threaded, pure. You are talking about npm packages with are "optional". You don't need npm packages they just make work easier faster and advance the language. Node.js ends up taking the best ones and creating built-in modules of those npms. I find this incredible. For instance, node has built-in dotenv now, which was only available through npm packages before. Now, you no longer need the dotenv npm. I love C++ as my main language, but i cannot deal with Java it is so boring a bore and php is boring and old lol don't get me started on php we all know.

@autopop9679 - 20.11.2023 14:22

With correct use of package-lock.json, is node package instability still such an issue?

@AstonJay - 20.11.2023 10:24

But I need to learn node... 😑 it's popular in my area for jobs and I still need to get my first job in tech before I can move further...

@thomaswinterburn6680 - 20.11.2023 05:12

If you like working with node be sure to keep your version control game sharp, and you could achieve upwards of 99% uptime.

@aritzmetal - 19.11.2023 23:56

Well if you don`t like changing versions why don't you stick to one package version of your dependencies? That solves the whole problem, yes node is a bit meh, but not for the problem that you are exposing, that only shows your lack of knowledge about the node environment

@trap7369 - 18.11.2023 01:18

Javascript should never have left the browser, that's the truth.

@mbonuchinedu2420 - 16.11.2023 23:08

Even reactjs has similar issues with packages especially on upgrades. Also one should also note that the npm audit feature is completely flawed

@abdours22 - 16.11.2023 16:19

Do C# packages (NuGet) stable compared to NPM and PIP?

@mrswolls - 16.11.2023 01:40

So I am helping out with a project creating a React app and never touched React/node.js before. The learning curve for me really was just working within the terminal and dealing with all these errors for the packages. Apparently, I was using npm but the project packages were supposed to be installed with the pnpm package manager. It just caused all sorts of problems which were taken care of but much of the frustration could have been avoided making this site in a simpler way. React in itself is simple but the dependencies and packages just are a bit overkill for this. For small sites I really think unless you are planning on scaling to something much larger that just using plain php and js is far more than enough. It's simple and straight forward. I think only if you are planning on scaling or anticipating a really high level of traffic that then building a React app would be more suitable. So it has its place but can be overcomplicating the situation for small projects. Just my two cents take it for what its worth.
