What It’s Like Being A Virgin On Your Wedding Night

What It’s Like Being A Virgin On Your Wedding Night

Paul and Morgan

1 год назад

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Ajay - 08.10.2023 21:15

I am getting errection just listening you guys.

Modestas Kaulinis
Modestas Kaulinis - 08.10.2023 00:13

So he was virgin ,she wasn't

Samy S
Samy S - 04.10.2023 01:27

Hi ...
Simply There are TWO Very basic reasonable reasOns that help with refuse sex before marriage :
First (Which is The Most important) :
An unplanned, wrong Pregnancy (it may happen EVEN with known contraceptive precautions !.. yeeees IT OCCURS ! ) , so the person becomes "responsible" for the REST of his life about a Child ... a Human being !!! came to the world !!! will Live and Grow and Suffer !
Yes responsible (for a child .. a human being !!) before God, before himself and before others ...
All of these are because of just a passing sexual pleasure !!! ( This is in the event that a decision is not made to have an abortion, which is worse because it kills an innocent person ! )
The Second element: Increasing the chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, such as AIDS and hepatitis viruses (OF COURSE no one performs a medical examination and tests for his friend before Every sexual act !!!...) BUT WITHIN the framework of Marriage: First: Even if an unplanned pregnancy occurs, the newborn child is inside a Fortress! Strong ! It is the "family" and baby grows safely within it ... This is why God created the family Second: The possibility of one of the spouses contracting sexually transmitted diseases is small or almost non-existent, given that they know each other well and of course neither of them has sex outside of marriage . Thanks ...

Jlm Conlon
Jlm Conlon - 04.10.2023 00:46

Morgan not a virgin on her wedding night?

ALCHEMY - 28.09.2023 14:05


ALCHEMY - 28.09.2023 14:00

Shane Brand
Shane Brand - 25.09.2023 09:55

So he doesn't count all the dicks he took up the ass?

Eduard Buchholz
Eduard Buchholz - 17.09.2023 18:19

Your are not Virgins!!

Astarr Fitness
Astarr Fitness - 05.09.2023 16:17

she is very beautiful

P - 03.09.2023 11:12

I knew a woman who's partner insisted that they wait until they were married to have sex. After they married she discovered he was impotent.

Katie Yutzy
Katie Yutzy - 27.08.2023 08:06

Nothings kept sacred anymore 🤢

Abraham Kahsai
Abraham Kahsai - 17.07.2023 03:11

I will get marring next month iam so nervous but thanks for the info guys ❤.

Lurking Arachnid
Lurking Arachnid - 16.07.2023 15:30

Sex is gonna suck on your first night

carncats07 - 15.07.2023 05:20

This is so pathetic.

worm - 15.07.2023 03:35

So he married a whore?

Miray Mind
Miray Mind - 03.07.2023 07:37

Wow you two guys looks so much in love ❤good positive vibes

Tasha - 03.06.2023 04:12

I am not going to lie.... Paul, you need to get laid by someone that is actually attracted to you. I have only watched a few videos of the two of you but she is not attracted to you. It is in her eyes. She picked you to be a good husband and good father but the spark is not there. If that is all you want, cool. But you seem to want more. And I kind of hate the way she laughs in your videos when you talk about sex. She ain't laughing with you, she is laughing at you. You seem like a fun and adventurous guy so find your match in that department.

Biscuitavenger - 25.05.2023 16:33

I'm sorry, but I have to bring up the elephant in the room here. Wedding night aside, a male being a virgin is an entirely different situation then the woman being a virgin, just from a physical sensation and biological perspective. And a woman virgin with a male virgin who has little to no clue how to properly take care of certain aspects . . . that is a worrisome proposition. And then if you fold in wedding night and all the jitters and excitement and build up? I think if you were to poll 100 couples who fit this criteria, the number of unsatisfying experiences would far out weight the positive ones.

Michael Robert
Michael Robert - 24.05.2023 04:46

The way you two are so open in communication is so so so foreign to me as a new Christian (28 y/o).

Michaela Jay
Michaela Jay - 22.05.2023 23:43

I love how his wife is looking at him like a piece of steak while he talks about foreplay haha 😂 😂

Michael Heffernan
Michael Heffernan - 10.05.2023 20:58


Sarah Twaddell
Sarah Twaddell - 09.05.2023 10:12

I am getting married in two months and greatly appreciated watching this video! There truly is such a stigma with silence in Christianity surrounding sexual intimacy between a husband and a wife, so I'm very thankful for videos like yours to help answer my questions while keeping the focus on holiness.

Benjamin Mishler
Benjamin Mishler - 15.04.2023 08:55

Rebuking our sin and donning a cross
Sharing the Gospel with the broken and poor
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Let's get spiritual!
Putting on the full armor of God
Fighting the darkness that has poisoned the world
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Let there be revival!

Callie Carter
Callie Carter - 12.04.2023 11:48

this is honestly so comforting. i am only 19, but with my fiance, we just got engaged and he is 20. we are in pre marital christian counseling, and we just started talking about sex. i have a lot of trauma due to rape from my father during my middle school years, so i am terrified of what it will be like. i love how you guys said it is ok to pause and laugh and that it wont be picture perfect because i def was scared that it wont be like movies. our pastor supports us and says our relationship with God and each other are strong, but that my trauma is something that needs to be worked out prior to marriage. i just started therapy for it! i am excited for marriage, and we are planning to get married nov 2024, so a year and a half which is a lot of time to work on my past. i know morgan has briefly mentioned having a bad past relationship, and i dont know if it had to deal with sexual assault or pressure or anything, but i would love tips on how to heal from it if thats what you went through. i love you guys dearly and yall are some of the only people who are transparent about sex in a positive and healthy way!!

Leggo Myeggo
Leggo Myeggo - 28.03.2023 22:42

Nothing quite like two guilt ridden adults who rushed into marriage so that they could have sex, NOW providing "sex advice" for the masses. JFC... And there's almost zero chemistry between you two.

Bob Jones
Bob Jones - 27.03.2023 16:30

Paul, congrats for having such a beautiful wife! I had a question maybe you could answer. I'm a young guy but have a heart issue (fairly recently discovered) that will be my undoing faster than expected. Now I am at the point of wanting to enjoy life while I can, but knowing I will be a virgin and never experience the joy of marriage. I'm excited about heaven, but am having jealous thoughts seeing beautiful women out there specially when they are with men. Any thoughts on how I can focus on heaven and not what men love to focus on in life?

bluerazz90 - 21.03.2023 03:25

This was actually really sweet. Purity culture and the way I was raised has really kind of trashed sex. It still kind of terrifies me thinking that I am closer than I may think to it. I'm about to be 33 in August and still a virgin. Never even dated. But I am still definitely nervous about it.

Chris L
Chris L - 20.03.2023 19:48

did you finish very early?.....lol from all the excitement

Draga mea Fată
Draga mea Fată - 18.03.2023 10:37

I love you!

Maddy Brown
Maddy Brown - 16.03.2023 11:15

I am sure that no one is going to reciprocate my views, although I can understand why you are making this video, I don’t think this is very godly to share this because you never know what ages are watching, etc. this is inappropriate and should only be shared between you two. The Bible speaks on not defiling the marriage bed for a reason. Your viewers can get these details from friends/loved ones.

Zogly - 15.03.2023 07:34

"The Gift of Sex" by Jim and Joyce Penner is an excellent Christian resource to check out on this topic. Y'all's point on sex being a focus on the enjoyment of each other (and not just "penetration") is one of their main points in the book.

Em - 14.03.2023 07:55

Friendly reminder to Christian’s waiting until marriage:
Sexuality is not a switch. You can’t go your whole life repressing your sexuality and then expect yourself to have great sex on your wedding night. It takes self exploration and practice to know what you like and how to make your partner feel good

esky lent
esky lent - 11.03.2023 04:21

Ewwwwww 🤮

Luca Mackenzie
Luca Mackenzie - 10.03.2023 11:36

Hahahahah, the cat! 😅🥳

Jen Joyce
Jen Joyce - 10.03.2023 07:56

Why is Christianity so sex obsessed?

Bradley Young
Bradley Young - 09.03.2023 21:00

How long were you dating for before marriage?

Lexi Nicole
Lexi Nicole - 07.03.2023 19:56

Take it easy on yourself and your partner. Be patient. Be kind. Be loving. Communicate! Talk to each other BEFORE you start to have sex, talk to each other DURING sex about what you want and need, talk to each other AFTER sex about what you wanted/needed what was good and what wasn’t so good for you. Work as a team! Neither partner should be “just doing it” to get it done for their partner. Ever. You should both be willing, happy participants. And it’s okay for sex to be mediocre sometimes. Again. Be patient, and gentle with yourself and each other. This is uncharted, scary, exciting territory on your wedding night and it’s natural to be awkward and even scared.

Gabi Perez
Gabi Perez - 05.03.2023 20:34

Okay so I don’t really agree with anything y’all say but I laughed at:

Paul: My anxiety did affect my performance.
Morgan: … I don’t remember that 👀😏


Mitzuio0 - 05.03.2023 11:04

Tell Joshua Wesley that I'm disgusted by him and he should rot in jail for grooming and manipulating a little girl to the point she married him the moment she turned 18. Condemning homosexuality, but pedophilia is morally correct? I rather live in a world filled with non straight couple than a world with more like him.. heck I'd turn homosexual if it would mean that people like him seize to exist.

Benjamin - 05.03.2023 08:14

Honestly, this is a topic that terrifies me about marriage. I honestly have no desire to "get intimate" with my wife on day 1, 2, 3, or 90. I just want to live with the love of my life.

Amy Walsh
Amy Walsh - 05.03.2023 06:24

Paul: Change location
Next minute: Outside for neighbours to hear 😆 "here's the intimate detail".

Eleni Papamihail
Eleni Papamihail - 05.03.2023 02:42

You are precious people! 💖

Maya king bumm
Maya king bumm - 05.03.2023 00:20

Bro all y’all talk about is sex. I’m so over it

Gorgeous - 04.03.2023 19:19

I enjoy a good life when I come to your channel 😂

ES Ben
ES Ben - 04.03.2023 12:17

Which are your thoughts on wearing a veil on the wedding day when the person is no longer a virgin?

Chris Moore
Chris Moore - 04.03.2023 02:47

Morgan did WHAT at your wedding ceremony?!?! That was a much bigger shock than all the virgin sex talk 😂😂
