@Halbert986 it honestly does
Ответитьhurghh can't you just do it for me :''(
Ответитьkan you keep the hook on the song but take off the verse
Ответитьthis only moves the lyrics to the left or right speaker. it doesn't cancel out the lyrics. why?
Ответитьis it possible to KEEP the vocals and REMOVE the music ??
Ответитьwill it work if you just try to isolate the voice?
ОтветитьSong: STOP! TheHowToMac: ok geez stop yelling....
Ответитьcool video......but how do you capture only the vocals? i want to do a remix of a song, and i have new background instruments, but i need to know how to get the vocals off of the original track and apply it to the new one
ОтветитьDo you know how to remove the acoustics and keep the vocals?
ОтветитьDo you know how to remove the acoustics and keep the vocals?
Ответитьyou fucking dumbass this only works on songs recorded specifically w/ vocals only on one side. Only some recordings from the 60s and 70s did that.
ОтветитьFor what it's worth
ОтветитьDid you really say "Buffalo Springsteen" ????? Buffalo Springfield !!!! DUH!
ОтветитьWhy the heck would that work? o.o
ОтветитьThank you soooo much!
ОтветитьI don't understand how this is helpful? even if it removes the vocal(which i have yet to accomplish myself) the entire instrumental is completely ruined..what could you possibly want with a horrible sounding instrumental track?
Ответитьopa lathos
ОтветитьHello, I just got my iMac today and I am wondering what is the program used to capture the screen? And thanks for this video I have some song I wanna try this with
Ответитьthanks for nothing. it did not work.
ОтветитьLol it didn't work for me, but when i put them both to the right i got just vocals... SCIENCE
ОтветитьIt doesn't work :((
Ответитьthe vocals are panned to the left in this song. when you pan the track to the right it only plays what's on the right and nothing from the left. that's why your vocals are gone. in all other songs the vocals are in the center so this might not work with other songs.
Ответитьthis is dmb as fuck get protools and then main stage, you can rip tracks in that software
ОтветитьFurther evidence that Mac users have been dumbed down to shit. In all of the mac tutorials i watch, the users don't know what the hell they're talking about or have no clue like this guy.
ОтветитьCan you make a tutorial on how to Do the opposite and more a less make the track acapella?
Ответитьomg tthanks!!! so dam simple right infront of my eyes!! lol thanks much appreciated
ОтветитьBad teacher!
Ответитьhow can I do this on an unprofessional recording that I did on my iPhone?
Ответитьbut after you separate it from the right or left side how can you get it to spread to both sides? It doesn't help if I can split it then have a sample only going into one ear
ОтветитьTrying to remove vocals from an mp3, ACC compressed song is very difficult. It is like trying to remove an egg from a loaf of bread. It can be done, but the quality of the song is substantially degraded.
Ответитьhey how to remove the vocal of misha b in rolling in the deep plsss help .. i will use it for my b-day this week im gonna sing it. plzz... reply ASAP :)) tnx ahead
ОтветитьNot sure if trolling, or really really really stupid........pretty sure its the latter. I feel bad for the people who are gonna try this with mono songs and absolutely nothing is going to change. As well as everybody else who's gonna try it and just end up hearing music in their right headphone.
Ответить@EDDlEMEDUZA fancy seeing you hear sir
Ответить@plazmotech indeed its cause not all the songs have the instrumental on the right so this dosent work unless the song have it divided
ОтветитьThis really helped me a lot! Thank you so much for the informative upload! :)
ОтветитьHa. You're so smart. I *TOTALLY* works...
Ответитьhow can u like copy the vocal and insert in another instrumental video please respond
ОтветитьI love buff springsteen
ОтветитьIt's Buffalo Springfield
Ответитьhey mate, how do you remove only a small amount of vocals from a song?
Ответитьty! good video!
ОтветитьI'm already try it but it's still a little beat hear the vocal, why? Or maybe it can only like that? Thanks
ОтветитьAfter opening the garageband. Where do you start with? What do I click or choose to do all of these?
ОтветитьWorks for any genre? How u get song on there? Please help!
ОтветитьIm trying to do this i cant. im missing something.
ОтветитьThanks man. Simple and concise