Piano Duo Festival for improvised and experimental music
DAY 1: 22.10.24 - 20:30h
DUO 1: Christoph Baumann - piano & Anto Pett - prepared piano
October 22. I 23. I 24. I 25.
Open Doors: 19:30h I Concert: 20:30h
16 pianists with a wide variety of musical, cultural backgrounds and inspirations. Some of the pianists already played together, others are meeting each other for the first time. The focus of the festival is that the pianists face each other in a unconventional and non-competitive situation. And to have a musical dialogue without predetermined stylistics in a purely improvisational context.
On each of the four evenings, two piano duos play with a break in between.
More infos and online tickets:
Open Doors: 19:30h I Concert: 20:30h
10-20 Euro (SLIDING SCALE/ On Donation)
filmed by: Claudia Bachmann
Trailer by: Isabel Anders
Fotocredits: Anto Pett: Egert Kamenik
Christoph Baumann: Rene Mosele