OpenAI CEO on Artificial Intelligence Changing Society

OpenAI CEO on Artificial Intelligence Changing Society


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@americanindeon - 02.12.2023 06:34

I agree. I know this is not really the same, but I've played Simulation games since the 90's and it's just as Sam talks about in the first few minutes.

@KingNebss - 02.12.2023 04:57

@davidkey4272 you dont even trust a fart

@SQ8warrior - 01.12.2023 23:08

Dude may be smart but he's not wise ... fact he's under the delusion that AI will bring abundance when it takes mass capital and is owned by huge companies is grade A hippie stuff...

Companies are racing for AI because they'll be able to put you out of work and own the backfill. They will capture that economic portion while you can't then get paid.
It'll put more people in biiiig poverty if anything bc your fate eill not be in your hands but the altruism of big companies... not a good track record their bud

@carlosrincones5560 - 01.12.2023 19:08

Can’t figure out if the accusations from his sister have gotten any traction and are founded, any leads on this story?

@user-zu3jx3jn3c - 01.12.2023 16:24

NO. NO. NO!!!!! Don not even float the idea of an AI government. That is pure insanity! You think the Dims have taken away your freedoms, just try putting a computer in charge. It's bad enough put the current buttholes in charge of taxation. Do you really want to put a computer in charge of taxing you and balancing the budget? You will be eating beans and rice for the next 100 years until the national debt is completely paid off. If you put a responsible entity in charge, it will make "you" responsible for the last 100 years of irresponsibility because that is the "logical" thing to do.

Technology will become oppressive at some point. When Musk's brain to computer technology becomes mainstream, it's very easy to see how you might be assigned prison time for thoughts you have. They are already talking about making cars the are incapable of speeding. You know they will build a car soon that will just shut down if your subscription fee is 5 minutes late.

@jlg23us - 01.12.2023 14:49

You can't put safe guards in, business will drive the train over whoever to integrate these changes, you as an individual will have to watch and get out of the way. It would be nice if we were delivered guidance or other opportunities so we can leap out of the way

@dizmix - 01.12.2023 06:10

AI government will be a world government

@ReconMan8654 - 01.12.2023 04:07

I’ve never envied the Amish more than I do now

@globalvillage423 - 30.11.2023 20:43

Multifunctional computer chips have evolved to do more with integrated sensors, processors, memory and other specialized components. However, as chips have expanded, the time required to move information between functional components has also grown.

"Think of it like building a house," said Sang-Hoon Bae, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering and materials science at the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. "You build out laterally and up vertically to get more function, more room to do more specialized activities, but then you have to spend more time moving or communicating between rooms."

To address this challenge, Bae and a team of international collaborators, including researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yonsei University, Inha University, Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Notre Dame, demonstrated monolithic 3D integration of layered 2D material into novel processing hardware for artificial intelligence (AI) computing.

They envision that their new approach will not only provide a material-level solution for fully integrating many functions into a single, small electronic chip, but also pave the way for advanced AI computing. Their work was published Nov. 27 in Nature Materials, where it was selected as a front cover article.

The team's monolithic 3D-integrated chip offers advantages over existing laterally integrated computer chips. The device contains six atomically thin 2D layers, each with its own function, and achieves significantly reduced processing time, power consumption, latency and footprint. This is accomplished through tightly packing the processing layers to ensure dense interlayer connectivity. As a result, the hardware offers unprecedented efficiency and performance in AI computing tasks.

This discovery offers a novel solution to integrate electronics and also opens the door to a new era of multifunctional computing hardware. With ultimate parallelism at its core, this technology could dramatically expand the capabilities of AI systems, enabling them to handle complex tasks with lightning speed and exceptional accuracy, Bae said.

"Monolithic 3D integration has the potential to reshape the entire electronics and computing industry by enabling the development of more compact, powerful and energy-efficient devices," Bae said. "Atomically thin 2D materials are ideal for this, and my collaborators and I will continue improving this material until we can ultimately integrate all functional layers on a single chip."

Bae said these devices also are more flexible and functional, making them suitable for more applications.

"From autonomous vehicles to medical diagnostics and data centers, the applications of this monolithic 3D integration technology are potentially boundless," he said. "For example, in-sensor computing combines sensor and computer functions in one device, instead of a sensor obtaining information then transferring the data to a computer. That lets us obtain a signal and directly compute data resulting in faster processing, less energy consumption and enhanced security because data isn't being transferred."

@Fordemups - 30.11.2023 19:49

Most people just want to know that their lives are stable. That’s all. Most don’t GAF about shaping the future. He might. Most just want to know they can use their talent and skill to put food on the fuckin table. These dicks need to pull their heads out their arses.

@videoettes - 30.11.2023 18:54

Tools are our greatest achievement and will be the curse that ultimately destroys us.

@marksantos2177 - 30.11.2023 14:56

this guy is evil

@andrewwarren9055 - 30.11.2023 03:13

And before you know it missile defense will be ai whoooo don’t I feel

@eSKAone- - 29.11.2023 22:43

It's inevitable. Biology is just one step of evolution.

So just chill out and enjoy life 💟

@adolfoustarez7112 - 29.11.2023 20:07

Us humans are so stupid that we are currently creating our own demise using ‘efficiency’ as an excuse

@nifokoula1 - 29.11.2023 13:10

If AI and the technological advancement (and any advancement) isn’t undergirded by the Judeo-Christian ethic … these tools can be used for harm. And ‘weak’ humans will be at the mercy of the ‘mighty’ humans

@jafetsantos5138 - 29.11.2023 01:59

i love the way he explains things, makes it easy to understand. Loving how AI is changing our society.

@moepharmo - 28.11.2023 23:47

World of abundance dictated by rich people that’s Never going to happen. Business have 2 objective make money at low cost

@spikepit7256 - 28.11.2023 21:43

Artificial intelligence. Is exactly what it sounds like fake intelligence would u rather have artificial orange juice or organic natural juice some can’t afford organic that’s ok if u want to settle for fake go right ahead 😂

@jreeberg - 28.11.2023 20:51

Blade Runner, that's what's coming..

@tatianapotinga5173 - 28.11.2023 17:19

Are you comfortable handing over the nuclear codes to AI? 😮

@FrancisE.Dec.Esquire - 28.11.2023 10:55

One of OpenAI's biggest rivals played an elaborate prank on the AI startup by sending thousands of paper clips to its offices.

The paper clips in the shape of OpenAI's distinctive spiral logo were sent to the AI startup's San Francisco offices last year by an employee at rival Anthropic, in a subtle jibe suggesting that the company's approach to AI safety could lead to the extinction of humanity, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal.

They were a reference to the famous "paper clip maximizer" scenario, a thought experiment from philosopher Nick Bostrom, which hypothesized that an AI given the sole task of making as many paper clips as possible might unintentionally wipe out the human race in order to achieve its goal.

"We need to be careful about what we wish for from a superintelligence, because we might get it," Bostrom wrote.

Anthropic was founded by former OpenAI employees who left the company in 2021 over disagreements on developing AI safely.

Since then, OpenAI has rapidly accelerated its commercial offerings, launching ChatGPT last year to record-breaking success and striking a multibillion-dollar investment deal with Microsoft in January.

AI safety concerns have come back to haunt the company in recent weeks, however, with the chaotic firing and subsequent reinstatement of CEO Sam Altman.

Reports have suggested that concerns over the speed of AI development within the company, and fears that this could hasten the arrival of superintelligent AI that could threaten humanity, were reasons why OpenAI's non-profit board chose to fire Altman in the first place.

OpenAI's chief scientist Ilya Sutskever, who took part in the board coup against Altman before dramatically joining calls for him to be reinstated, has been outspoken about the existential risks artificial general intelligence could pose to humanity, and reportedly clashed with Altman on the issue.

According to The Atlantic, Sutskever commissioned and set fire to a wooden effigy representing "unaligned" AI at a recent company retreat, and he reportedly also led OpenAI's employees in a chant of "feel the AGI" at the company's holiday party, after saying: "Our goal is to make a mankind-loving AGI."

@rainerkrammconsulting227 - 28.11.2023 07:26

No matter how smart someone is or what they do, still you hear howa person says in one sentence that his prediction was wrong and in the next "I don't think so... I think what will happen is...". We don't know anything about that Future thing 😅

@denno445 - 28.11.2023 05:07

he talks like he either hasn't thought things through at all and is just going with the flow but with a shit ton of cognitive dissonance, or he has a hidden agenda.

@denno445 - 28.11.2023 05:03

most ai engineers just went straight to tainting the human sanctity of art and creating tools for easy deception, rather than yknow putting all energy into solving issues that cause suffering.

@jammin1055 - 28.11.2023 04:38

Cat is out of the bag.

@alexquevedo831 - 28.11.2023 03:46

All Data can and will be manipulated

@alexquevedo831 - 28.11.2023 03:36

They are turning America into China with a social credit system 😢

@hastalavista567 - 28.11.2023 02:47

I don’t like ai because it externalizes and eliminates the need for human evolution.

@davide8982 - 28.11.2023 01:55

A DAO assisted AGI?

@louisguillen9590 - 27.11.2023 19:29

This guy speaks very weirdly. Also contradict myself quite a bit. I see him as an Elon Musk wannabe.

@adkid683 - 27.11.2023 08:25

This guy is very uninspiring and like Zuckerberg sounds like a robot

@TimeSpace1 - 27.11.2023 07:53

Joe missed him say knowledge workers are first on the chopping block

@uliks2434 - 27.11.2023 05:17

A Jew again. The West has fallen.

@afifkhaja - 26.11.2023 22:22

Love it!

@axbxcxdx - 26.11.2023 18:34

Sam is modern day Oppenheimer

He is the man who has given us the power to destroy ourselves and the world is not prepared.

Now that he is fired, it's his time to deal with the consequences of his achievements.

@MichaelErnest666 - 26.11.2023 06:25

I Do Trust This Guy 🌹

@918Boyz - 26.11.2023 04:37

this CEO is super sketchy

@LeeFall - 25.11.2023 22:51

AI technology is like nuclear bomb technology, just because you can does not mean you should.

@eduardtarniceriu102 - 25.11.2023 10:58

Sam is a snake , i didn’t like him

@ElektroKinetik - 25.11.2023 08:57

If ai ran government, then what would ego maniacs do? They would be out of a job

@PBHorrorGaming - 25.11.2023 05:09

Isn't it inevitable that at some point in the future there'll be a simulation product available to the mass public, like The SIMS, times 1 billion. Procedurally generated earth like planet with artificial humans identical in nature to us, with full lives, families, jobs, friends, enemies, hobbies, etc. Just zoom in on a planet and pick a random person to follow around for a half hour, like watching a tv show thats totally unique to your simulation for your personal entertainment. It would possibly be the most entertaining media content ever created to consume, over scripted movies or shows.. it'd be insanely addictive.

@neway20045 - 25.11.2023 03:58

Start with AI drawing Congressional boundaries.

@AnamarieJensen-rt5fi - 24.11.2023 21:22

Who care about Ai we are Americans dont need any robot to affect us and i dont think so is betters real cuz people's working jobs never connect to the AI is better the real humans get real
