What is Happening Inside the Republic of Gilead? (A Map Analysis)

What is Happening Inside the Republic of Gilead? (A Map Analysis)

The Alternate Historian

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Amparo B.
Amparo B. - 18.07.2023 11:18

What is skin and what is dirt?

Olivera Grujicic
Olivera Grujicic - 12.07.2023 16:15


Tanakritgutz Lapcharoen
Tanakritgutz Lapcharoen - 24.06.2023 15:15

the second Gilead forms, everyone and I mean EVERYONE (Communists, KKK, Republicans, Democrats and the Military) is gonna fight like hell since the handmaid thing isn't gonna sit well with anyone other than the people who rule Gilead, white women being used as sex birth slaves really isn't gonna sit well with anyone and the KKK thing is backed considering the south seems to have one of the stronger resistance areas

How Does it End
How Does it End - 10.06.2023 16:43

ITs not a "conservative" movement. Projecting woke totalitarianism and hatred on Christians does not hide the truth. Conservative Christians honor women giving them dignity and equality. The leftists today wont even define a women. Instead they promote men replacing women by putting on woman-face. Anyone calling men in little girls bathrooms and showers inappropriate is attacked and threatened. The leftist orgs embrace MAP's (Minor Attracted Persons) seeking to have pedophilia normalized into a "sexual orientation". They would make pedophilia a "right" so that anyone who disagrees is guilty of discrimination. Meanwhile Leftist's in government have literally turned the public school system into an indoctrination camp having the FBI spy on parents for even trying to remove Porn at school board meetings.

RealKimBea - 23.02.2023 13:51

I have an interesting theory for Florida and the South, since the US 4th Fleet is headquartered in Jacksonville, and Puerto Rico is a US dependency, it is likely that the US Government continues to have presence here, with the support of US Marines, ships and aircraft to fight against Gilead, we could also back up the theory of Baptist rebels working with Federal forces as they seek to prevent the Gilead administration.

Annabel Keith
Annabel Keith - 10.02.2023 17:32

Omg I’m so glad i found your page! Excellent video and i am OBSESSED with this book (and anything by Margaret Atwood) and the show! Thanks so much x

DEUS SALT - 02.12.2022 13:54

It's actually pretty smart for Gilead to nuke most of Missouri and Arkansas from a military perspective. Trying to invade that would go about as well as Russia or the US did against the middle east. It won't fuckin work. We know the land, we have the caves and we have more guns than half of the rest of the world combined (that's just counting the legal weapons) personally I own 77 acres. I know every hill, every tree,every animal path, bush and rock larger than a golf ball. If I know my enemy is coming it'll take 50+ soldiers to dig me out an I won't be alone. And everyone in my area will be just as dug in and determined. You wanna take my town? You're gonna need like 1000 troops for every rebel you kill. Idk but tactically 1000 soldiers to kill 1 rebel is a bad fuckin trade. Tactically speaking it's smarter to use 2-3 nukes to kill 15million rebels. Though in the process you would lose one of the worlds biggest producers of corn.cotton,soybeans and lumber. Plus one of the worlds largest consumer good distribution centers (Walmart 😆) you would poison roughly half the Mississippi,and Missouri rivers, the Gulf of Mexico and western edge of Florida. Radiation would cover most of the Midwest eventually to some extent. Gilead and the USA fucked up by going nuclear. They killed the most valuable asset they had. Natural resources and livable land. Going the way it's going the world of Gilead will probably decline to %30 of what it currently is in our time, before it sees a steady climb in human population. By that tune you'll probably see a few dozen small empires pop up over a few hundred years before 2-3 major ones who've managed to use what we leave them and conquer the world. Within about 750-1000ish years the world would be taken over by one unified system

ZiegPride! - 29.11.2022 15:18

The more disgusting and hedonistic our society becomes, the more appealing Gilead seems.

Joey Chenock
Joey Chenock - 16.11.2022 16:02

Hey this video is amazing. This is my favorite stuff about the show. I know this is three years old, but if you’ve been keeping up with season 5, I’m curious if you have any theories as to which island they are turning into New Bethlehem?

nicocba2007 - 09.11.2022 07:29

Man you forgot to mention that Texas is an independent republic.

LateNite - 30.10.2022 22:52

You started wrong in the first 23 seconds. There are zero real Christians in this show. They may identify as Christians but I can assure you they are not.

Debbie Grandview
Debbie Grandview - 05.10.2022 03:57

Gilead is not “Christian”. Notice they NEVER talk about Christ. Or the Gospel. Only ignorant people would say “a Christian sect”. It’s religious. Yes. It’s a lot more like Muslim culture than Christian.

Jnana Shakti
Jnana Shakti - 26.09.2022 04:54

Thank you for this informational. Now, may I offer... NUCLEAR = NEW-CLEE-URR. Not NEW-CUE-LER.

Rob Land
Rob Land - 20.09.2022 19:48

I prefer the whatifalhist version

Michelle Silver
Michelle Silver - 13.09.2022 21:09

Slow down. I swear you are saying counties instead of colonies. 🙄

Jorge Quinta-Nova
Jorge Quinta-Nova - 10.09.2022 04:01

2: 18 My theory is that it is a predominantly catholic area, not because it makes any particular sense outside the catholic stereotype.

Arthur Petrini
Arthur Petrini - 01.09.2022 01:18

It was declining birth rates across the world. It wasn't isolated to just white Americans.

bill gates
bill gates - 19.08.2022 00:17

He's the historian but he never mentioned the fact that in the book all black people around it up and sent to horrific reservations/concentration camps in The Dakotas

Cian - 10.08.2022 23:03

I need a spinoff about rebel Bernie Sanders

Yogi Bear1990
Yogi Bear1990 - 29.07.2022 07:04

Just finished season 2 with my wife and my god wtf America

Rogelio Lugo
Rogelio Lugo - 29.07.2022 04:15

Matt, you're beautiful.

Jonathan Hammick
Jonathan Hammick - 18.07.2022 13:41

I kind of imagine this as a kind of Children of Men but female perspective in America

Mr. Imperial
Mr. Imperial - 11.07.2022 18:58

You had my curiosity...now you have my attention...lol seriously I'm now interested in this book/series

Vaxxed Nezuko
Vaxxed Nezuko - 10.07.2022 18:35

It's so weird how reality's tryina copy The Handmaid's Tale.

Jamie - 05.07.2022 06:20

Texas and the deep south held out against religious extremism? Yeah right

Katie Speed
Katie Speed - 26.06.2022 04:11

I'm gunna need Marget Atwood to lay out a whole timeline

Shane Hughes
Shane Hughes - 25.06.2022 18:05

I think it's mentioned that Texas manages to break away? So that would explain the red swathes of Texas. However I think it's also mentioned lager on Florida falls to Gilead (they want it for fruit and crop growing).

I like to think the West Coastline is under US control via stationed soldiers and militants loyal to the US. Hawaii and Alaska are likely able to station many ships and submarines along the West coast, Canada too as well as what's left of NATO, the EU and UK may have ships there too. Meaning it's hard for Gilead to annex the extreme far western coastal cities and land as they'd face resistance from the Western Allies.

Michigan and Vermont are likely getting help via Canada.

Cm O
Cm O - 25.06.2022 06:04

Well today in gilead, the Supreme Court removed women’s bodily autonomy.

John Zalesski
John Zalesski - 30.05.2022 08:40

You shift left! Right is small government and hands off. Left is all about getting ride of that pesky constitution!

KingKongChief117 - 23.05.2022 09:23

What the GOP has become now like their Christian extremism, supporting autocracies, denying people the right to vote, not separating church and state, refusing to accept losing elections and treating women like they’re not citizens…America is becoming Gilead.

Alex Radke
Alex Radke - 09.05.2022 00:28

I’d kill for a book from the perspective of a Gilliead foot soldier or a rump US Marine or Sailor

dara - 03.03.2022 15:36

who are the SONIC PEOPLE in Gilead !!??

Bob Walsh
Bob Walsh - 03.02.2022 08:04

I like your headcanon about Bernie! Feel the Bern, Gilead!!!!

rd711 - 30.01.2022 07:31

I’m just on the outskirts. Come get me, motherfuckers!! If you dare!!!

Tommy Maverick
Tommy Maverick - 26.01.2022 00:59

Right outside of San Diego we have the San Onofre nuclear power plant, which happens to look like a pair of giant boobs

Tommy Maverick
Tommy Maverick - 26.01.2022 00:52

I’ve just started this but why is St Louis nuked?

Betsy Ross
Betsy Ross - 03.12.2021 14:05

We need to fight these Zions. America is the Land of the Free! and must remain this way. Do not ever give up your guns. We will need our guns to protect ourselves from our corrupt government.

Moxi G
Moxi G - 15.11.2021 09:00

I have a theory, because of vaccinations, women will not be able to have children in the future. Also they take place in liberal states because that’s truly how it would be if they took over, cancel culture, hanging people from the wall when they dissent, same behaviors, Christians are about freedom and staying to themselves

Ной Олинский
Ной Олинский - 02.10.2021 19:53

I find it hard to believe that Texas and parts of the Southeast would be so resistant to a Christian-theocratic takeover

XRPeakyBlindAR - 27.09.2021 07:29

Ever look up gilead sciences channel

rageguy311 - 21.09.2021 07:26

Was it true that Margaret Atwood made the mormon rebels had their own territory because the mountains, loving guns, big families working together and money in her book?

Henry A
Henry A - 18.09.2021 13:26

About those areas of radioactive contamination on the map...
When it comes to having nuclear weapons go BOOM! you generally have two choices - air burst or ground burst.
Air burst is preferable for most military applications since it causes maximum structural damage with the least long-term radioactive fallout. However, the delivery systems tend to be fairly complex, e.g. ICBMs, etc.
A ground burst does not cause as much structural damage as an air burst but more material from the ground is irradiated leading to long-term contamination issues. Does not require a complex delivery system - any truck capable of hauling the nuke to its point of detonation will do.

It is entirely possible that those complete nutjobs (a.k.a. Sons of Jacob) would have contemplated the use of a "dirty" bomb. Extra radioactive material is packed around the nuke. This material is spread by the explosion rather than adding to its detonation. Setting off a nuke next to a nuclear power plant may have the same effect.

It is also possible to create a "dirty" bomb using conventional explosives to spread radioactive material over a large area. To date, no-one in our world not even the most fanatical terrorist organisations have used such a weapon even though the means to do so have existed for decades. This should give you an idea of how utterly appalling such weapons are.

dominic williamson
dominic williamson - 17.09.2021 22:07

Floroda is red cause florida man canr be tamed

rob schueller
rob schueller - 13.09.2021 03:56

It was made clear that Gilead did not maintain the safety of Nuclear reactors.

Stefan Gherman
Stefan Gherman - 10.09.2021 00:02

In my head canon, overseas US troops have remained stranded and are isolated and under the comand of the state who where stationated.

H1GHY1ELD - 05.09.2021 12:26

It makes me proud to think that the Ozark foothill had to be nukked multiple times to bring it under some form of gilead control. Those would be my boys fighting this monster
