5 of you? That must be amazing
ОтветитьSo being someone who "falls in love" so easily, how can I effectively fight infatuation?
Moreover, I had a bad experience in my early 20s with my last gf and gave up for almost a decade.
Over the years I have matured a little and now trying to pull myself together.
However it's been so long that I've forgotten what to do or say or anything. I also don't know how to fight these fantasies from my mind and prevent from putting the next girl on a pedestal. Any advice on this?
Need prayers, I have always had trouble with dating. Either they’re too fast for me or something about them will make me feel uneasy and I have to let it go. But I struggle to believe that the Godly love that I desire can actually happen because it’s just been failed talking stages and ghosting. In 2025 this is hard to find.
ОтветитьI'm retired at 58, went from Grass to Grace. This video here reminds me of my transformation from a nobody to good home, honest wife, $75k biweekly and a good son full of love🤍🤍❤️❤️❤️❤️
ОтветитьDoesn’t God allow us to choose? I have genuinely been wondering this because I feel like I’ve received a clear sign from God we are supposed to be together and yet everything inside of me is afraid of disobeying God. So I wonder if He does choose for us. My girl and I, we are just friends now, used to date, have a history, but one day when we are in no speaking terms so I could process things with the Lord, because I couldn’t be her friend without falling in love more, I prayed in my head after being spiritually attacked with lust for other women. I hate that I don’t want that I told God that and I said in my head “Lord, the only person I ever even want to do that with is her. If it’s your will for me to be with her, please have her text me today.” We were in no speaking terms and what happens? She texted me that same day I prayed and she said she couldn’t get over me. I told Him to open my heart if He wanted me to move because I wasn’t leaving where I am and He did. He opened my heart to move to her state. But I struggle with pondering if I’m ready or not because I’m scared of disobeying God and feel like He wants my whole heart which I’m happy to give Him but also I have a desire for her. I know the Bible talks about having a divided heart. I just wanna do what He wants and I’m confused because everything in me keeps being like “you’re not supposed to be with her” but it was such a clear sign. And it’s causing me anxiety. I don’t know if the anxiety is because it’s the enemy or if it’s because I don’t wanna accept what could be true. I could use prayer too. I want to know what God wants me to do. Everybody keeps telling me to just do it n because we have the power to choose but I want to make sure I’m not idolizing a person
ОтветитьHmm. And what if you're gay? If you believe the Bible, homosexuality is a sin. So does God make you settle for a straight partner rather than the same sex one you actually love? I mean, God must have made that person gay, right? could be that there are no gods, and people need to grow up.
I just discontinued a "undefined relationship " with a guy from church. Mark you are so correct, two singles cannot be friends for a long period of time. After all dude's gestures, hours of phone calls and 7 months of talking and serving in the same church, I needed to know what this was because I developed feelings and he wasn't defining it. I took his silence as the closure and clarity I needed. I also had subtle doubts and red flags I was willing to compromise on, I know right.
I asked God for forgiveness and apologized to him for standing in the way of him getting his dudette.
Trust God's timing and His best for you. Today I am so Thankful that God said NO and NOT THIS ONE!! 🙏 🙌 🙏
Mark remember me, its me kenzo
ОтветитьNice clothes, mark.. just like celebrities, how much you bought it, 3 cent for each?
ОтветитьWow just discovered this channel and I'm so blessed! Thank you
ОтветитьThank you...better late than never, wish I knew this back in 2004! I would have definitely not married my ex husband....
You see so clear when the "LOVE" blinders are removed.
I have met the person who I believe God wants me to marry. Our obstacles are he’s working under contract and I’m waiting for him to come home. I am praying that he will come home very quickly ❤
ОтветитьI guess god chose a sociopath for me then.
ОтветитьThank you Mark, these videos are a great help for me at age 68, my husband passed away more than 2 yrs ago, we were very close but I have not connected in that way since.🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
ОтветитьOrder my steps Lord Jesus 🙏
Ответитьfor someone who is praying for a Godly wife, All your videos are really helpful to me. God bless you more!
ОтветитьMen and women can 100% be friends. There just needs to be bold and open conversations about where your feelings stand for each other. Platonic friendship is real and good but takes maturity and honesty.
ОтветитьAmen 🙏 thank you for your service it helps .
ОтветитьCould you talk about age differences, too old, too young etc.
ОтветитьMet a girl when l wasn’t looking for anyone She expected herself to be perfect before entering into a relationship. We’d been good friends since working at camp together, been fun so far and we’re only getting closer together. Living in the moment right now. 19 years old
ОтветитьWhat if he has both godly and ungodly friends? He is a born again Christian and serves the Lord but he has friends from the world whom he play games with...I need help
ОтветитьBlessings God is good he will always bless you with the right one never go looking for anyone his time is great be blessed peac prayers amen
ОтветитьOrder my steps, help me to know
ОтветитьThere’s this girl that I like we barely talk but share eye contact frequently and, we’re supposed to be sharing our testimonies with each other soon, but I’m kinda in my head because I’m usually the straight forward type I’m really tempted to tell her that I’m genuinely interested without coming on too strong, I recently just got her phone number because of information on a church event and i just want to text to start a conversation but I don’t want to regret it….ANY HELP?!!
Ответить@ModelJames13 That's true to a point, I'll give you that. That said, I'm reasonably sure that I've also missed the alimony payments due to a Jezebel, Delilah, or Potiphar's Wife type. So, Proverbs 21:19 works for me.
ОтветитьI don't plan on getting married to anyone ever thanks to bad women and men ruining my trust in the opposite gender, no divorce court for me lol
ОтветитьThis is not how it works. God doesn’t put peolle together. Hes not a cosmic matchmaker lol. Its up to us to make a wise choice, or live with the consequences of a bad one
ОтветитьMy best friend, who is a man, and I have been good/close friends for five years now… There has been no romantic inclination from him. Should I let him go?
ОтветитьA tear rolls down my eye slowly. I would do anything for her. I must wait.
ОтветитьOh man that gave me some hope. About the storms.
ОтветитьThank you Mark! I'm learning so much! I will be 70 in a few months. Wish I knew the. What I know now! Keep up the good work!
ОтветитьOn point Mark!!
ОтветитьOne thing SOME people will understand is when you know through a thing called telepathy if there's something up with the other party WITHOUT them saying a word and WITHOUT ACTUALLY BEING THERE
One time my honey was coming from
an hour away with the limousine because I booked their Limousine
I started feeling like something was kind of off
I didn't know what it was until I found out the front tire had to be changed on the way over
I don't know what happened other than what was described, but let's just leave it at the tire had to be changed and all was fine
Before the limo came, I already had that feeling something was off, AND it turned out to be RIGHT
Times when on Friday I kept feeling like Something was up limo related, could someone have been preparing the limousine?
This was hours before it actually came
Then about an hour before it arrived, I felt The very moment When my honey actually got the Chauffeurs seat, it was a GOOD distinct feeling
You can actually meet someone you know is right for you, but the problem is they could be at a stage in their life when they're not suitable because maybe they might be an AVOIDANT
Sometimes avoidants can bury themselves in their work
For you, but they still have free will Comma so not only do they rob themselves, but they rob a POTENTIAL SPOUSE
When someone makes a decision like THAT, it's not your fault, but theirs if they're truly all at fault and it WASN'T YOU
If God means for you to marry and he even reveals them to you in something like a dream or vision And maybe you're not ready or maybe you don't want them, you're the one who will suffer later on
When you suffer later on in life, God knows HOW it's going to affect you, and how it's going to unfold BEFORE it actually DOES
He even knows how long you're going to go through any challenge that may come along
He'll let you go through something for so long, before he brings you out of it or helps you to come out of it
God knows before you do what's coming down the pike
You're right that God won't force you to marry, so you have free will
I can tell you that so many people who have sexual needs that aren't being met will end up masturbating
There's no sin in relieving yourself in your time of need as others have tried to lay shame on those who do what's NEEDED when there's no spouse to enjoy themselves with
I'm really struggling in my singleness and the waiting. I feel like I'm trapped in a weird groundhog day where the only thing that changes is my age, the seasons etc... So tired...
ОтветитьWhy do you insert the word “Christian “ in there every time you say the word “woman”. Do not understand?????
ОтветитьHas anyone ever felt alone in a relationship. Like you have someone but feel single at the same time. Thats wats happening
ОтветитьPray for Me Guys please 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
ОтветитьGood learning for me as I will be coming a widow sooner than later and I don't want to make a mistake!
ОтветитьOne of my guy friends is currently dating someone but never sees me in that way.His girlfriend doesn’t mind that him and I are friends.Also,another guy friend of mine got married a few months but same with the one he married doesn’t mind me talking to him every now and then.
ОтветитьAlmost 2 months ago, the girl I considered to be the love of my life and I had a mutual break up that caused every part of my life to change. One of the things that bothered her and she saw as a red flag was my close friendship with another girl. I never thought much of it but it was only after we broke up I realized how wrong and inappropriate it was to spend hours talking and hanging out with another girl when I had someone so special. I didn’t know exactly what felt wrong about it but this video gave me the clarity I was searching for. You’re right, a man and a woman simply cannot have this kind of relationship with each other ESPECIALLY when they’re with someone. I’m ashamed and wish I could tell her I’ve realized the error of my way through God but we went no contact so I guess I just have to sit with this. Thank you for this.
ОтветитьI’ve met the true love of my life
ОтветитьI hope I get to experience a "true love story " on this planet before I GO HOME 🙌🥹 JUST WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE FEELING 😢😢
ОтветитьThanks, man that was very helpful. God bless.
ОтветитьPlease pray for me. I am 45, and I have been praying for a Husband, partner etc, and yet nothing has happened. I get friendzoned, and my hope has been decreasing... mercy.
ОтветитьBeing friends could waste time for what you really want. Have to be careful with that.
Ответить2. I’ve tried explaining this to people but few rarely get it. I’ve realized that that understanding is a deal breaker for me.
ОтветитьI absolutely love this video, can you dig a little deeper on this topic. 😊
ОтветитьThank you Mark! Listening to you helps me to trust My Heavenly Father with his choice for my next wonderful Godly wife and best friend! He got it right the first time with S. who's now in Heaven! I love and miss her but I am so ready to move on! PTL! T.H.😅