5 Resume Mistakes You MUST Avoid (with real examples)!

5 Resume Mistakes You MUST Avoid (with real examples)!

Jeff Su

1 год назад

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X - 27.09.2023 18:28

I have a question. For technical roles like cloud engineer or IT, do we still put our tech skills and soft skills at the bottom? TY

Scott Andrew Hutchins
Scott Andrew Hutchins - 26.09.2023 10:55

My problem is that I have no idea how to do #2 and #3 without absolute bullshit.

Maserati7200 - 25.09.2023 23:02

3.5% unemployment should not be considered "full employment". Recruiters are way too picky. There should be a shorter supply of people looking to switch jobs, or get their first one, so they can't skip over perfectly good applicants because of vibes. Why I hate corperate America and why I'm happy i'll be working at my dad's small law firm soon.

César Coelho
César Coelho - 25.09.2023 22:25

Pro Tip: Don't use the hyphen ( - ), use the middle dot ( · )

Shailesh Kumar
Shailesh Kumar - 25.09.2023 18:33

Firstly, thanks a ton! Liked your guidance,

I really liked what you presented ~3.55... which is 'So what ?', 'So what ?' .... and then comes 'impact'

This is very important point, especially for people who want to move from middle management towards senior management....

Advice well taken !
Shailesh ❤

Solomon Tibbey
Solomon Tibbey - 24.09.2023 00:26

education comes before experience 99% of the time to show to recruiters what type of person they are dealing with. If they're only taking target school candidates, having education at the top helps employers scrap who they don't want faster. In more competitive areas, they'll scrap someone immediately who doesn't reach a certain GPA criteria. It's simply not a mistake to have education first. Your goal is to make the life of the recruiter easier

Vincent Carlo Clavio
Vincent Carlo Clavio - 23.09.2023 18:01


Ruwayda Osman
Ruwayda Osman - 22.09.2023 23:20

Hope this works!

Flush Jackson
Flush Jackson - 22.09.2023 15:09

Jeff - any thoughts on work history details on the resume? Should you include details up to 10 years back, 15 years back — also would you list the company and job title(s) for the older work experience or leave it completely off the resume?

Jesse Fusco
Jesse Fusco - 22.09.2023 01:21

@jeffsu I found this extremely helpful and I will be working bettering my resume . I believe that I have a challenging resume that I would love your opinion on if you have a chance.

Hey yo
Hey yo - 19.09.2023 13:39

I would love to work under michael scott, that’s what she said

Maxfield Stanton
Maxfield Stanton - 19.09.2023 11:02

I saw a sample resume for a video editor which was filled with sensationalist language. One of the points was that the person "conducted audio mixing". If I read that as an employer, I'd know immediately that this person was bullshitting, or at least lacked authenticity and probably wouldn't know what the heck they were doing.

Sophi John
Sophi John - 18.09.2023 20:35

I couldn’t find any free resume!!

Evelyn Wang
Evelyn Wang - 18.09.2023 15:17

I have worked close to 5 years in my current job. I need tips to refresh my resume.

Iman Kassim
Iman Kassim - 18.09.2023 03:42

Hi Jeff, do experience need to be long or short and concise.

Niluka Arambawela
Niluka Arambawela - 17.09.2023 23:47

thank you so much....... your videos are so attractive

Gaming Antics
Gaming Antics - 17.09.2023 18:13

Apply to every jobs always!
Always customize your resume to the the particular job.
There is no such thing as a universal resume.
Writing a generalized resume on your profile can sometimes work against you.

Prof. IRHUMA - 17.09.2023 16:00

Thank you, I am struggling to get a copy from your updated resume - seems not free?

Vorname Nachname
Vorname Nachname - 17.09.2023 01:24

What is HR even paid for when they stop reading at a 3.8 GPA. Yeah, AI is going to replace them real fast

Jayans Paliwal
Jayans Paliwal - 16.09.2023 09:21

How should I create my resume as a fresher, kindly help, I'm just done with college.

Mich3ll3 - 15.09.2023 22:22

As a hiring manager, FORMATTING MATTERS. If you claim to have attention to detail and clear communication skills and can't be bothered to proof read your resume or cold email, I immediately don't care what you have to say after, or you at least need to be significantly more "qualified" than others in the application pool. Why take that chance?

Bela Lugosi Undead
Bela Lugosi Undead - 13.09.2023 02:32

I hate all these BS. Where the F. are we going with these crazy formal requirements ?! An employer looks for somebody that can do the job properly, then a competent candidate applies to do the job and normaly there are two o three interviews plus 6 months probation period to be evaluated by your boss and H.R. Rep. It is more than enough if you ask me. Guys don't play this game anymore, it is just made up to benefit recruitment consultants and H.R. B.S. . If you find it crazy like it really is, just start your own business as I did. Don't play stupid games. Don't give away your time and your money to people that just profit on your situation.

Chuck Nin
Chuck Nin - 13.09.2023 00:02

I hire People all the time. Very high tech firm with extreme technical requirements. If we are hiring anyone with novice experience The first section I look at is education. A quality school and excelent GPA is 100% necessary. After about 8 years experience experience starts to matter more. With our requirements relevant experience is all that matters. For high end professional jobs resumes should be bespoke for the position.

Rati Pande
Rati Pande - 12.09.2023 16:25

Loving your vdos so far, I am sure I will learn something really crucial here that will turn the tables for me❤❤ going through a hard time finding a job even thoigh I know I am a highly capable person, but I also accept I need a better resume to show my work 😀

louballs - 12.09.2023 08:12

Basically, the job hiring process is BS. Of course spelling and grammar are important. HR people are generally lazy and dont put much effort into the hiring process. At the end of the day, it's about who you know, always has been. If you think having 50 different resumes created for 50 jobs is worth your time, then good luck.

Gnome - 12.09.2023 06:22

Definitely quantity over quality. I remember when I really wanted a job and took several hours Customizing my application. Didn't even get a response. Send 20 generic applications and got a few interviews.
You're just a number to them, don't treat them any different than they treat you.

Murtaza Mohseni
Murtaza Mohseni - 11.09.2023 13:57

can you explain the deal with Ali abdaal? I thought he was just another guru so i was confused when you mentioned him several times as proof/evidence/verification of your advice???

Hailey - 11.09.2023 08:18

Amazing.. Thank you so much.

How to Sober
How to Sober - 10.09.2023 23:24

How do you track metrics to put on your resume when you're in a job? It's not like anyone is giving you statistics on your impact in the company and telling you that you increased revenue by x percent etc. So what are we even doing when we're measuring impact, just making stuff up? I mean, how else do we have any idea what our impact is?

soop - 07.09.2023 09:06

Last point you mention also missed the fact that majority of your sentences do not have full stops.
Bit ironic when you think about it heheh

Oluwagbemisola  Mary
Oluwagbemisola Mary - 07.09.2023 02:45

Where are we going to add the common words in the resume?
Is it at the skills sections or work experience?

twal3 - 06.09.2023 22:31

This cements my deep, deep reverence for connections...especially nepotism.

totallysawthat - 05.09.2023 18:20

The education part is dependent on the industry you’re going to. Recruiters will not even consider you if you don’t have a state or national license for some jobs. Your job experience is irrelevant if you don’t make it clear you have these licenses or certificate because some companies require you have them and some don’t.

Samantha - 05.09.2023 17:44

Thoughts on applying for the 90/100 job posts where they have grammatical, formatting, etc. errors throughout? I saw one yesterday where the employer literally copied the entire body of an email sent to him/her, including “here is the job description we used last time we needed to fill this role….update points of contact….” So on and so forth. Even included the signature line of the email.…

Pip Bernadotte
Pip Bernadotte - 05.09.2023 15:49

Here's the best resume advice you'll never hear:


AngelBeatz92 - 05.09.2023 12:33

Is it considered alright writing pointers that are 2-3 lines long? I thought it was not a good practice and usually pointers should be a line?

Lazy Gardens
Lazy Gardens - 03.09.2023 18:14

I screened resumes for engineering hiring a few times.

No one cares about your stellar GPA because they are easily bought. And ABSOLUTELY no one cares about your SAT scores.

Avoid vague words like "assisted" - that tells me nothing. EXACTLY WHAT DID YOU DO. What were your responsibilities and deliverables.

Theresa - 03.09.2023 14:25

Okay, but what should I do when I don´t have a lot of experience and I am fresh out of university?

Peter Southwell
Peter Southwell - 02.09.2023 18:03

Your missing the obvious. Paste your resume to ChatGPT 4 and say "Chat GPT Im a ...... Can you take my resume and correct it so it reads better for recruiters"

Don't even have to spell right.

Guess what ChatGPT will do.. Re-Write your resume amazingly.

BasaMortua - 02.09.2023 02:16

Great advice, great video, but I sincerely give up.
I will never own a home; I will never be a dad. I’m too stupid to do anything technical with my IT degree and don’t have enough time to learn how to do anything else.

Even if I got a $20,000 boost to my income, I’d still be screwed.

Back to the Army it is. Good luck everyone. Goodbye.

SteelRainz1 - 01.09.2023 12:06

The easiest answer is lie everyone. Just lie. I lied my way into a 180k a year job and I'm doing fine.

Byeteaching - Career, Resume, & Interview Tips
Byeteaching - Career, Resume, & Interview Tips - 01.09.2023 10:09

When updating your resume, consider incorporating any relevant professional development or certifications you've acquired during your teaching career. Demonstrating a commitment to continuous learning and growth can make you stand out as a candidate during a career transition.

Nunya Beezwax
Nunya Beezwax - 01.09.2023 09:30

The workload is that bad because only 3-5 roles doesn't' work at ALL in today's job market.
And I'd know because you have to apply to hundreds of relevant roles as a remote or distance based applicant.
Especially as a generalist.

Tepiglover - 01.09.2023 00:52

Networking means jack shit no one helps u get a job

Luis Villa
Luis Villa - 30.08.2023 19:13

Man getting a job is like dating if they like you they will give you a chance

Mr. Teen
Mr. Teen - 29.08.2023 23:35

So much trouble just to eat some bread.
