Ultimate Enduro Bike? First Ride Merida eONE-SIXTY

Ultimate Enduro Bike? First Ride Merida eONE-SIXTY

Electric Mountain Bike Network

6 месяцев назад

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@kentnilsson9757 - 25.08.2024 13:03

You could be a fat well trained person, than you don't need a big battery😂

@CMZPICTURES - 25.08.2024 13:06

Wow, that scenery!

@mattwoods8872 - 25.08.2024 13:07

I have the 675 in mid ..
It's a pretty decent bike spec for the money ,
Modest spec , but everything works great , geo is spot on and long travel ..
Never too much travel for trail riding , is fun n easy to pop , pedal , jump n turn ..
But point it down steeper rocky terrain and it opens up , stable, composed , fun n still poppy ..
If ya ride steep rough terrain all the time , I would get a fork that goes to 180mm , slacker the front and lengthen the front centre ..
Headset cables a pain for ergonomics, and definetly put a higher rise bar , 30mm to 40mm rise ..
Climbs like a boss , up ridiculous steep terrain , front a bit hard to keep down , but easy enough to manage ..
27.5 kg not that noticeable , the speed cut out at 25km/hr is more noticeable than the weight ..
No complaints from me so far ..
I average 35-40kms on about 50-60% battery usage , wi th plenty of up n down , I don't use boost as front lifts to much , but 4/7 or 5/7 on trail gets me up fast on the climbing I do

@nobrakes7247 - 25.08.2024 13:13

Needs belt and gearbox

@zayon0170 - 25.08.2024 13:35

160 is long travel now? 🤣

@enriquee.k3329 - 25.08.2024 14:12

Your videos are getting so great to watch bro, the beginning of the video I thought am watching National Geographic 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 Your the best and always bringing us the best of e-bikes 💪🏻
Am so enjoying my Trek Rail 9 model 23, it’s a beast on any trail or mountain or single tracks, sometimes I climb hills there is no way on a regular bike, my next e-bike will be bigger battery 💪🏻

@Oldmanenduro9r - 25.08.2024 14:31

World Cup 😂 we’ll sign me up.

- 25.08.2024 15:10

Merida should have opted for a 750 battery on the carbon E One Sixty just like on their aluminum versions...this is what other bike brands go with their big enduro bikes, so that there is no anxiety for the range or the need of a range extender, which by the way is ugly

@brianthompson1045 - 25.08.2024 15:54

Great video guys. Loved it. My kind of riding, great bike. Looks like you could have used a bike one size bigger Steve.

@paulbygrave6859 - 25.08.2024 15:57

Great bike have been on the 6000 one but the only thing that puts me off is the support from Shimano in the UK if you have a problem with the motor you could be with out your bike for weeks or months. But great video and great bike

@helicopter12345678 - 25.08.2024 16:20

Great vid guys always been a fan of Merida..what was the route range distance feet climb etc or is that to come yet 😂

@jezarnold1106 - 25.08.2024 17:04

I've got the aluminium 875 with the 750wh battery and its an awesome bike. I upgraded the stock shimano/merida wheels to dt swiss and a one up dropper post. My previous bike was the old 9000 model which is a great trail bike, but the new bike is like night and day compared. I just hope that shimano update the app so that all of the settings for the bike can be adjusted on the go instead of having to go to a dealer for certain changes.

@jeanmarc_in_Hudson - 25.08.2024 17:09

The art of drinking beer, slowly. Beautiful video and bike! 👍

@warren6891 - 25.08.2024 17:16

Looks stunning place to ride and love the bike.

@juleskayak - 25.08.2024 17:45

Enjoyed the video and as a regular rider in the Lake District was trying to work out your route, some bits were recognisable but I did wonder if the video was made from a single day's ride in a loop or sections from different days ? Guessing you had to walk some bits ;-)

@porroco - 25.08.2024 17:46

I had a trip with shimano 630wh on the bag & it even more exhausting on the slopes and when you get down of the bike to move on. Thar extra weigh kill you on the trail. Better leave the batt on the mid of the trail in any hut you can.

@emtb-explorer - 25.08.2024 17:56

The latest Merida E-160 (my first time on an ebike was an older model of same bike) has came a long way in terms of design, battery and motor look sleeker, well designed to handle the rough terrain out in the Lake District would probably opt for full power myself, great episode thanks for sharing EMBN Team! 😁🤙

@emotioneering - 25.08.2024 18:02

Great vid, thanks! I think we should stop obsessing about bike weight if our body weight is 2st over where it should be (and where I’m at). Could save a fortune by going on a diet and get loads more range

@tomcagle5324 - 25.08.2024 18:18


@frankiez7414 - 25.08.2024 18:56

95 kilos !! Jeez, you need to stop eating those pies

@michaelmann3636 - 25.08.2024 19:29

Not a tree in Brooklyn 😂

@johnackerlind4707 - 25.08.2024 20:01

No question Steve, pretty much everywhere you ride a full power bike is the way to go. So many places have hills that are no more 300 meters or 1000 feet in elevation. That is where the light weight ebikes really shine. With the motor off there’s no drag in the system. The bikes even though there only 3 kilos or 10 lbs lighter the feel of these bikes and there agility is so much fun. They’re so close to a regular mountain bikes.

@scottbagley7513 - 25.08.2024 20:25

Need to do this route looks ace 👍🏻 great vid as always

@stu.c - 25.08.2024 21:10

So "it's a 22kg bike" in an unspecified size - but then you slap on a hefty range extender battery and wax lyrical? What was the actual weight of the actual bike you rode?

@BrawndoDrinker - 25.08.2024 21:51

Fun fact, shimano motors are considered disposable by the manufacturer. They don't support repair or overhauls.

@HaywardFamilybuilding - 25.08.2024 22:55

Still has a derailleur...

@shannonmtb - 26.08.2024 09:04

Fantastic bike. Whats the route pls? Any gpx?

@The.JZA. - 26.08.2024 09:34

Wait so the Merida e-160 is now 174mm of rear wheel travel? Why not call it the e-170 then? Marketing people are weird.

@Nomads_Rowing - 26.08.2024 15:39

Was with you until you mentioned it had Shimano motor, then I zoned out 🥴

@andyarchitect - 26.08.2024 17:54

I have to question why its not called the eOne-Seventy😅

@chargeriderepeat7024 - 26.08.2024 23:45

Superb ride, a lot of people write embn off as as corporate front, but over the years it has produced some utterly epic and inspiring videos, if thats advertising then Im not complaining.

@monday1973 - 27.08.2024 00:40

I missed which 160 model this is. Any one know

@mtbalpinecounty - 27.08.2024 05:29


@phildavis6905 - 27.08.2024 06:22

I've recently bought a trek 9.8 axs t type gen 4 bosch. How would you compare the Shimano 8.01to bosch gen 4? Is this a enduro all mountain bike?

@simonfaux5781 - 27.08.2024 09:40

Good to see the Range Extender is avail in Britain we are still waiting in Australia, but they are great bikes and Love the review.

@mtbguides_Rich - 27.08.2024 10:38

I would of like to of seen you take it up Rossett Gill , Steak pass although sensible was cheating 😀

@50whatnomadtravelnursemtb5 - 27.08.2024 15:16

I was thinking yeah it sounds like a commercial...bingo, it's in partnership with them....about ready to cancel this channel of only money making content, none of these are reviews, just a cheap way to give them a commercial. UNSUBSRIBED, good luck bloaks...

@adammccarthy2157 - 27.08.2024 20:17

Next month there will probably be an ep8 o2 with 130 nm of torque and we’ll all feel our bikes are old again

@derekharper6031 - 30.08.2024 16:02

Ahh correction. You cant adjust those overrun settings in the phone app as yet so unless you carry a laptop as your cut to scenes shows there is no in app on trail adjustment....

@PsychoSocialBen - 30.08.2024 23:01

Electric motors go BRRR! My lower back pain would go BRRR as well, but I would love to try one of these!

@euanholmes3839 - 31.08.2024 13:25

Love the vid and review as always, but simply don't agree you need that much travel for that riding, having done those passes a number of time. Do agree about motor torque though to get up, as my 18kg (measured, with 'sturdy' kit) hasn't enough for some of the punchy climbs, but 150/160 R/F is plenty, more about geometry and good suspension rather than needing anymore travel.

@matthewdeary5851 - 01.09.2024 21:51

Shimano still trying to catch up to bosch

@rogerthompson2005 - 02.09.2024 04:06

HI, Great video on the bike, but would have liked to learn what distance you rode and what battery % remained please for each of your weights? thanks,

@robertmersey2237 - 07.09.2024 23:04

Most shops won't sell shimano motor ebikes because of importers not warranty will not be worth a damn had it happen to me twice don't waste your money

@pungarehu - 10.10.2024 09:54

Hi ho ho. When you said “allegro”, I guarantee he thought you meant “that bloody car” from the seventies

@tonygee3284 - 08.11.2024 09:30

What a nice bike from Merida
Well done guys

@burleigh604 - 20.02.2025 18:32

But you can not service the motor
