5 Body Language Rules To Read Anyone INSTANTLY! | Robert Greene

5 Body Language Rules To Read Anyone INSTANTLY! | Robert Greene

The Diary Of A CEO Clips

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@superkb172 - 27.03.2024 02:00

Lol, the internet is filled with opinions and everyone has one:

There are many different types of nonverbal communication or body language include:
Facial expressions. The human face is extremely expressive, able to convey countless emotions without saying a word. ...
Body movement and posture. ...
Gestures. ...
Eye contact. ...
Touch. ...
Space. ...
Voice. ...

@sharonadams9721 - 27.03.2024 15:06

The best negotiators watch body language first & only listen to speech second. 80% of what we convey is done through body language.

@oliversmith7820 - 27.03.2024 18:55

You think you've got it all worked out but you don't

@ukaszpospiech3817 - 28.03.2024 01:25

The CEO's pronunciation is very poor.

@DouBBy-The-Great - 28.03.2024 10:19

I smiled too when Robert smiled 😂

@thenatureofnurture6336 - 29.03.2024 04:49

This guy is like a first year student at the bar after lecture

@Eudaimonia88 - 29.03.2024 12:07

Robert Greene - as unscientific as his argumentation is, based entirely on perception and gut instinct - fits perfectly with the theme and intellectual standard of Diary of a CEO.

@Beardybuds888 - 30.03.2024 14:10

I feel someone energy and 9/10 I’m right about them

@RecreationalUseOnly - 30.03.2024 18:39

Stay away from Pro Victims who are constantly complaining about their “ex narcs” and gossiping.

@OopsiDazie - 31.03.2024 14:38

l choose solidarity for this v reason.
In my selective view - silence has always spoken the loudest. Besides that, the truth about most is usually masked and there is no real authenticity because this mostly feels like an imposter or otherwise known as fake.
It’s uncomfortable. It also,spikes my nerves and my sensitive BS radar.

@jessejarrett8981 - 01.04.2024 15:08

As if him almost running out of the court room after the incomplete verdict wasn't all the proof needed. The body language gave it away. I was told it would be addressed there was no need to wait. Her mom and I agreed on a schedule in mediation and another schedule was introduced at some point. After having proven so many lies in original paperwork it should have been addressed. Sending a kid to spy on a parent was twisted. She said she asked what she could do to get a little more time with her mother. All she had to do was ask for one more weekend. I would have had more time to live an adult life. I didn't just drop her off at moms and do as I please.

@minkeekat - 07.04.2024 05:56

😂drama llamas, works for either genders

@mariepetterson7281 - 07.04.2024 09:54

The best way to get a genuine smile is to think of something genuinely funny.

@gretchenburton7184 - 09.04.2024 04:06

The energy of deception. I feel it in my body.

@shankarbalakrishnan2360 - 10.04.2024 21:00

So much about lying people write about genuine people haha ❤❤🎉🎉spare me

@3rty7 - 12.04.2024 07:29

Everyone got issues, even you son 🤔

@zoecoote3746 - 13.04.2024 13:46

Robert Green is a fantastic writer and has a degree in literature. It’s important when presenting people as experts that you identify that this is the persons personal opinion and not based research, education and personal experience. He is saying sone absolutes here. My neighbour could do the same thing.

@thecarolineway555 - 17.04.2024 02:36

scary how right he is and how we deny how right we are about our intuition....specially when folks who are good at at deceiving are good with smoking mirrors and creating illusions.

@a_gdia2300 - 25.04.2024 16:17

What happen to his left arm?

@essiebee3187 - 26.04.2024 09:58

People who are on the autistic spectrum find it hard to make eye contact and can be uncomfortable with one to one conversations. A friend of mine only just found out she is on the spectrum she is 61. years old. She always knew something was different and would often ask why she did things that were not 'normal'.Statistic show there are far more people who haven't been diagnosed especially those in their 40s -60s since neuro divergent conditions were not being studied like they are now. It might be wiser to consider whether someone is neuro divergent rather than anything sinister or weird.

@BLFulle - 30.04.2024 22:25

I was first diagnosed with cancer 14 years ago. I was miserable yet the doctors found nothing wrong with me. After 2 years an allergist told me I had thyroid cancer. I was sent to have an ultrasound on what I had been told was a goiter.
I watched the young man's face go from relaxed to anxious. His lips were tight, his face was flushed, he became uneasy. He asked me to wait for a few minutes.
He came back with a doctor who was very at ease as he sat and told me I had what appeared to be tumor on my thyroid the size of a racquetball. I had surgery, radio active iodine. I lost my ability to speak for 3 months. Worse than that I lost my ability to sing. I was a vocalist. That was a big part of my identity
Two years later I was diagnoses with a very aggressive form of breast cancer. My brother was dying of liver cancer in my home state while I was at the Mayo Clinic. I came home to see him and got septic. I was repetitively given Haldol at a local hospital to calm me down. It gave me a movement disorder I still have. Now I make odd noises, I can no longer drive, I wear oxygen all the time. blah, blah, bla
What has shocked me the most is that I'm still me. But I make weird noises now so I can't sit in the main sanctuary of church. I can no longer sing so that part of my life is gone. I'm dependent on my husband for everything. I've had surgery after surgery.
I changed but so did other people. They don't want to be around a sick person. That's depressing because the sickness is so visible.
I no longer have the influence I once had. People don't want to know you when you're not going to get better.
I lost my health, beauty, and worth to others. I still hear from the ones who need money though.
I'm I hurt? Yes. I'm lonely. Now my companion is the Lord and I'm so thankful to have Him who really sees.

@allentubman8052 - 02.05.2024 05:23

He's talking about my ex....pay attention to your gutt energy when you're dealing with people. I saw this and tried to ignore it.

@JayashreeSreedharan - 15.05.2024 14:23

Double faced. Carry ing something in the mind speaking sweet things people please r. Run away from such ones

@AidanDoesStocks - 23.05.2024 22:22

He should write a whole book on body language

@FunLifeTransform - 07.06.2024 04:38

He doesn’t know anything about trauma people that suffer from CPTSD and narcissistic abuse tend to attract the same kind of abusive people until they get therapy.

They have to learn mechanisms in their belief systems that need to change to stop at those type of people. So Robert Greene is making money off of some observations, but there’s more to it than that.

@forapps9364 - 08.06.2024 19:34

I had that. I approached at a 45° angle and then quickly looked back and I saw the look of disgust. It was so heartbreaking for me because she has such a lovely personality. Everyone likes her and she seems to know the perfect thing to say in any situation. What is particularly hard for me is that she HAS everything. A good husband who makes enough to support her and their two children. A beautiful home in a beautiful neighborhood. A pretty nice family - a huge one that makes Christmas, Easter, etc, chaotic and fun. She's a gifted writer, and she's gorgeous. Beautiful blonde hair, pretty blue eyes, gorgeous smile. Me? Her coworker hired me because I was trainable, and that's true - I can learn just about anything. I struggle with writing, but I'm getting better. I learned html, access databases, the nuances of social media, and much more without taking classes (I do have 3 degrees). I don't have any family. My husband is dying and his children are mad that he left me the house. The house will be used to pay his medical bills. Anyway, I don't have a lot going for me but why this coworker that everyone likes, doesn't like me is hard to take some days. I don't have a pet that's happy to see me at the end of the day. My brother is dead, and he didn't have kids. My husband is fading away into his terminal illness. All my friends are spread out over the country because my dad and later, my first husband traveled and moved every two years. I never had children because of pcos. Like I said, I don't have anything except 1 thing. Everyone sees it too. There's nothing I can do to hide it. It's not my fault. I guess I could gain weight, wear oversized clothes, ditch makeup, not style my hair. I like these girls so much and wish I could be a part of their club but I'm missing the supportive family, the kids, the husband that's not dying and the "cool" factor. I guess my 36 DDDD breasts get in the way too. Do you think it's that- the big boobs? Maybe I'm too nice and maybe they don't want to be friends with someone who likes them.

@mp37390 - 10.06.2024 08:22

If I actually tried to follow this man's analysis process, I would rapidly become deeply paranoid and probably psychotic.

@x_MrYAYA_x - 12.06.2024 19:16

@HyeinJungFlanagan - 14.06.2024 22:02

His body language. He seems like he is in pain. Poor guy.

@chachatruth - 14.06.2024 22:47

I cant lie
I tell you before conversation is over

@professorright - 15.06.2024 20:58

Perhaps they think you’re creepy and kind of whiny with an abrasive gurgaly voice. Have you asked yourself ,Is it me? Mr. creepy ginger

@BEFREE3 - 19.06.2024 03:05

Its tough, especially when you want to genuinely trust everyone. observe observe observe. I love watching people when they dont think anyone is watching. tells you everything about that person.

@claudiamanta1943 - 21.06.2024 15:20

Do NOT sneak up on me and startle me when you see me working on something. I’ve been told my look could pierce and shred your very soul. Translation of my look-
Is there anyone dying? No.
Is the building burning? No.
Then, why do you interrupt me?
No, I don’t have your loud attention span of 2 seconds and no, I am not rude like you. I, actually, desperately try to do some real work.

@poenieratqueen-hz6hu - 24.06.2024 17:23

Yall got no hobbies

@HotMessToHotMom - 08.07.2024 07:07

At first I thought this was HANK GREEN !!!!

@aryankarki7900 - 11.07.2024 11:49


@WillBrooks-h9d - 18.07.2024 05:26

People can be fake! Their face ,voice, Good Byes! Concentrate on oddities! Thanks Sir R.Greene!🙂

@austinhobson5489 - 21.07.2024 03:18

RG has completely changed my life. I’m ready Stoicism and it’s just as good as all his books.

@tpens - 17.08.2024 02:56

@sannajohanna5579 - 23.08.2024 19:23

I think that people who understand animals, also ubderystandt the humans.

I feel wonderful when I know that I can communicate with my cats. I know eacrly what they need. They ”talk” to me and I undersand it.
It is wonderful!
And I’ve met foxes nearby.
I keep my cats safe, in any way. 😮

@Sjsjhxjsdhsusydh - 25.08.2024 12:41

eye they never lie 🖤

@lorilynnahrends5464 - 26.08.2024 07:28

RG is very helpful and I appreciate him. But one thing I need to say. Please stop advising people to walk up to the side or to the back of people to ‘test’ their reaction. People who have been SA d and or abused will be triggered by that. Anyone with CPTSD will….Such as a vet who might have it. It can set them into fight, flight, or freeze. It can set off high heart rates and body shakes. Surprising/frightening someone like this is mean, bullying, and unnecessary behavior simply to ‘test’ if someone likes you or not. Thank you

@Irisseesall - 05.09.2024 21:23

People with little to no understanding of compassion/empathy can not gauge others.

Authenticity supersedes and trips up the dishonest.

@MostlySteve - 02.10.2024 17:15

Imagine meeting this guy and he's just staring at you trying to read your body language thinking he's clever...ugh

@observingsystem - 22.11.2024 05:11

Funny what he says, in Dutch we say "waar je mee omgaat, daar wordt je mee besmet", which means basically "what you associate with will infect you". Yes, very true. Some people are unlucky and have a lot of bad things happening in life and still maintain a level of optimism and kindness. Some people go around in life leaving a trail of debris in their wake and complain about how hard they have it all the time. It's important to know the difference, their attitudes often give it away and otherwise: look at the debris.

@stevenjohns-savage7024 - 22.11.2024 08:26

Predatory gaze. Like the vibration off the person 😊

@1OfAKind-e9q - 12.12.2024 23:49

The fact that nobody talks about forbidden books on Revandles is so crazyy
