Skyrim NPCs you must KILL

Skyrim NPCs you must KILL

Master Neloth

1 год назад

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@theoviken6046 - 12.10.2022 01:45

«id never condone murder in real life» is a weird thing to specify 😂

@AnotherOne-ny5ls - 03.01.2024 06:43

Thanks for the list!

And yes, I like the Silverbloods so I better get that letter of inheritance.

@wolfofdarkness94 - 02.01.2024 14:49

1. if you listen to nirvinors dialogue when you walk near her youll often hear her say 'if your looking for handouts, youll want to speak to my husband, if your looking for company...i could do worse', the hoe is definately getting some of helgas dibellan arts goin for her, plus i think she has a strange letter in her bedroom ;D
2. mulash is a deek through and through, the fact he needs convincing to treat his workers like people is enough of a reason
3. yup, mogral dies, doesnt need a reason, if you want one, the endless lists of thugs he sends for you for a debt that had NOTHING to do with you
4. adopt lemkels kids, better for all
5. seville stentor is the only one i dont 100% agree with, she may be a vampire but she has great shit for beginner mages that dont wanna do the tedious mages guild questline, just rob the spare archmage robes from the table in arans chambers and your golden, however she could do with learning some manners with her forehead being bounced off the queens throne a few times
6. a thalmor............says enough, behead the turd
7. thonar silverblood is good to keep around until after your put into markarth jail, you do the break out then get his rewards.........then murder him too and then you get the other rewards...... DOUBLE WINNING!!!

@nikki_niddie119 - 01.01.2024 19:01

They’re my daughters now

@mgallogical7114 - 01.01.2024 01:27

hornyhand is also an regular cheater, fuck him put him on the list with her

@user-ee1it5co7q - 30.12.2023 04:40

Ninar gets cheated by her husband,why not him and the side chick

@filiusluciferi - 29.12.2023 02:28

The only one from Whiterun that should be on the list is Braith. Unfortunately, you can't kill her.😡

@alpax3980 - 28.12.2023 20:27

Neloth deserves to die. I hate his guts

@gretathuumberg - 27.12.2023 21:55

I don't kill Nazeem.

At least not until level 50 one handed, and completely out of self defense (I use the fury spell)

@a-10warthog41 - 25.12.2023 17:57

list is FAKE! nazeem was NOT ON THIS LIST!!

@dominikarndt1238 - 25.12.2023 01:11

My top 10 would be Nazeem all the way to 1

@Alte.Kameraden - 24.12.2023 15:58

"Writs of execution" bravo. Papers of Execution, but using a semi modernized old english word instead Writ.

@carldavis1407 - 24.12.2023 00:15

Sorta seems like ordering EpicNate on Wish 😁

@Altyria - 20.12.2023 02:37

And yet you like serana, who has, guaranteed, done things dramatically worse than sybille. Just let her live her life, automatically hating people like that is why I hate the dawnguard and will NEVER side with them.

@szymongrobelski2713 - 19.12.2023 16:36

boli is cheating on his wife with helga tho ... i mean cant blame him but still XD

@TeachingsfromtheHighest - 18.12.2023 22:57

Here's my list to be killed off, The circle of the companions; they literally have a Daedra Shrine underneath the city. The Cannibals from Markrath, maven black-briar, Sybille Stendor, Mogul in Raven Rock, and Nazeen.

@alexia6761 - 14.12.2023 15:02

here's my kill list:
1. Nazzem
2. Every single Thalmor, don't care if they're peaceful

@pikazilla6405 - 14.12.2023 05:24

I killed Ondolemar, literally right after my first time speaking to him, or rather i made his goon squad kill him by using a frenzy illusion spell on him from stealth, got away with it too as i had what i think is a vokkri mod exclusive perk that makes all my magic silent

@lukeundisclosed212 - 13.12.2023 08:26

In all my files, I never ever pay the debt and that orc from Solstheim has never once sent thugs after me

@kendo2377 - 12.12.2023 13:31

Can't kill Maven Blackbrair but you sure as shit can make her Jarl of Riften and then join the Stormcloaks. Once the war is over she is exiled to Solitude which effectively removes her from the game. NO more Thieves' Guild, no more Dark Brotherhood threats; she just sits in a room in the Blue Palace with the rest of the losers.

@666onfire100101 - 10.12.2023 15:56

wow you vampaphobic dick

@nathanieljohnson5414 - 10.12.2023 04:06

I always kill Faendal & Sven in Riverwood, because I hate anyone who treats a woman like a cufking possession🤬💪🏻

@brialapoint2608 - 10.12.2023 02:26

I GeT the thalmor. Then again it would be nice to see justice for people that think that talks worship is good

@brialapoint2608 - 10.12.2023 02:18

Boli is cheating on her. See quest mark of rubella for more information.

@user-em9ls2jp5b - 09.12.2023 18:16

kill Grelod the kind

@The_True_ - 09.12.2023 08:10

Serana simp? I can't stand her tbh. More of a Brelyna Maryon Dunmer myself, her enthusiasm and personality are endearing, plus she is a better functioning companion who can actually be wed. Just my ode to a lovely Telvanni lass! 😁

@volkov4883 - 07.12.2023 20:21

You would assume that Nazeem would be number 1 but that would be too easy

@jas0ngtroy922 - 05.12.2023 15:38

Boli cheats on that elf with Helga as discovered in that quest where you have to get them sapphires

@Commandocheif99 - 05.12.2023 08:29

I mean there is no evidence that he abuses his daughters but he does sound rather annoyed and fed up lol

@Mr.WhatzitTooya - 03.12.2023 23:11

Just don't kill Ninar in front of Boli 😂😂

@proximityclockworkx1572 - 03.12.2023 22:45

Ondolemar literally has Ondo in his name, which means sperm. Do you really need more reasons to kill him?

@oscareye7764 - 03.12.2023 17:57

Bro couldn’t kill Delphine 🥲

@thizzmonkey7846 - 02.12.2023 05:52

I am always playing an anti hero like character. So people like Nazeem get a pass cuz there just mouthy assholes. The people I go after are truly monsters hert and hern for example. I hunt the kind of monster they truly prey on others because I know I’m a monster deep down but I also can’t stand monstrous behavior so I unleash my demon upon the wicked and depraved. I’m the monster that hunts the worst kind of monsters and so far the first two can just go to prison if you ask me.

@PerfectCell1994 - 30.11.2023 21:01

Don't forget about Nazeem and that b$tch who wants you to kill Partinaax ( However it's spelled )

@katkasvobodova4003 - 30.11.2023 18:12

Sybille forever sleeping after the Potema quest is just a bug in your game dude. She is perfectly normal otherwise.

@coeal2680 - 30.11.2023 09:33

If you kill lemkil in sight of his daughters, you will get an unsigned note with a little gold from the courier...

@noob1n8or - 30.11.2023 00:19

You shouldn't kill Thonar Silverblood if you're an imperial because during peace talks you can give Markarth to the Stormcloaks which gets him exiled from the city and results in him having to live the rest of his life with nobody who loves him and nothing to show for it. It's called a cruel Mercy. Or you could trap him in a black soul gem.

@tomc9453 - 29.11.2023 21:46

Replaying atm, just got up to the part where I need Mer blood, I think I have my new targets!

@kare880 - 28.11.2023 07:22

I killed nivenor my first playthrough too after talking to Boli and then his wife and noticed she was hitting on me in one of her dialogues however i regret it because

boli is equally bad (in their marriage) not only is he a serial cheater but he also practices the "diabellan arts", so he's definitely a freak in someone elses sheets. They deserve each other.

@dalewest5379 - 28.11.2023 02:31

She is a Dunmer bro... A Bosmer is a Wood Elf.

@natsockaiser2067 - 28.11.2023 01:56

Killing a farmer because he has chronic depression. Real noble of you... psychopath lol.

@rbmj123 - 23.11.2023 09:48

you should of done Nazeem.

@baron-chan6484 - 23.11.2023 01:48

I'm one of those people who hates Mogral with a passion.. he's a piece of sh*t, which is fitting considering he is an Orc and probably worships Malacath, who is a literal Daedra's sh*t

@davidcrowther9504 - 22.11.2023 07:31

Ooo really quickly. I just want to say that I wish that I could have killed that racist @#$& in Windhelm that likes to give the dark elves a hard time. I was really disappointed to find out that he was made essential, I still don't why he's essential though.

@davidcrowther9504 - 22.11.2023 07:24

Hmm I wasn't particularly offended. I thought that you made a decent argument for all of them. I have my own list, but it's for a play through where my character becomes the yeah, obviously different. I'm still debating on whether or not to kill that child abusing farmer that you mentioned. I have to admit that he is a huge ass.

@fredbryant8165 - 21.11.2023 18:09

Elisif sends you to a Thalmor monitored Talos shrine to place the horn and does it with a smile on her face. I often wonder if she is disappointed when you return

@ashotofwhiskey219 - 20.11.2023 23:41

1 - Never thought about it, but you have a point there.
2 - He's kind of supposed to he like that, but agreed.
3 - No question. Bye bye!
4 - Absolutely; he's a douchebag.
5 - No, I like her. Plus, she's a great source of trade once you help her with that quest.
6 - Yes, but only after you "help him" out.
7 - Maybe... MAYBE... after the prison questline.

@jacobisgur9223 - 20.11.2023 22:30

Have you done a ranking for worst to best wife's to marry???
