Getting Something Off My Chest...

Getting Something Off My Chest...


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@namelessnpc6689 - 25.05.2024 21:59

Considering how much you knew the WoW token fked us over... why didn't you warn us?

@SmoothOperaturr - 23.05.2024 08:07

Buddy quit the fucking ad content scattered throughout your vids it's entirely disengaging and disrupting and comes off as ad farming for views

@ElevatedLevetator - 17.05.2024 14:12

i still dont get why people get mad if you criticize their game or whatever else they put alot of time into. I myself has put thousands of hours into guitar. I couldnt even be bothered if you say its a bad instrument or guitar is dead. Doesnt affect me at all. Same with video games. Cause im detached, i just do it but i dont make it into my identity, because that is in my eyes immature and stupid. Its the same thing over and over, us vs them. To break the cycle YOU have to make a decision to not perpetuate it, by being detached and seeing it in a birds eyes view. Seeing the bigger picture. Us vs them. Black and white. Left vs right etc etc

. Its a tale as old as humanity itself. Its the same thing that has fueled genocides and the holocaust. Just on a lesser level. Its the same principles in play. Covid REALLY brought this out of people. It was a witch hunt. It was scary. I could see the beast in peoples eyes

@Dux_Sux - 16.05.2024 03:21

Asmongold is that you

@merediso - 15.05.2024 04:42

I could listen to you like this for hours and hours...

@beanhoof2512 - 14.05.2024 09:48

go find a cliff and love yourself. just take in the view and then go home and make more videos for us :]

@Nilllan - 11.05.2024 03:11

Much love man, you are amazing

@apfelnudel - 10.05.2024 03:40

Same here! I did survival game stuff for 4 years, build up 30k subs with value Videos like tutorials and helpful opinions. So my audience was interested in my opinion on the day before.
So i made Videos about the weird stuff around the game, multiple cheap Videos per week. Within 6 weeks i made 20k subs and a crazy amount of money, it was insane. After it i stopped the Drama content, you cant build a nice community around that topics, you pull negative vybes onto your channel. But im shocked how easy it is to gain from it...

@cnh7262 - 03.05.2024 22:59

My man, always love your uploads

@redfire7106 - 03.05.2024 21:20

This is the first time I heard you online for about 2 years or so, I listened to a vid you made about a shooter game you posted a couple of hours ago. I listened to it 3 times just for the nostalgia of hearing your voice again. your voice is monotone as you know, but i think your voice is nice. and your content good.

@virkon3208 - 02.05.2024 17:03

A pessimistic person can and will find negativity in ANYTHING. It's a sad existence. I know from experience.

@sdwone - 02.05.2024 16:42

Throughout ALL of Human History, like minded Human Beings tend to group together, whilst shunning outsiders, the anti-social... And those whom they perceived to be a threat to the Collective as a Whole.

Well... Run that scenario forward to today, and in the online world, this continues, with phrases like "Don't feed the trolls" and social media features like ignoring, muting or blocking in order to shun those that wish to work against us and upset balance, cohesion and social harmony!

However, the anti socials are now firmly anonymous! Spreading bile in their mum's basements... And have formed toxic communities of their own! So the Game has changed!

Thus we need to be even MORE vigilante! And combat these groups more directly, and without mercy, if we wish to preserve what's left of the Internet! Because if these cancers win, then the Internet will simply devolve into Pure Chaos! And Everyone will lose!

This struggle is as old as the Human Species! It's just that it has evolved somewhat... But the stakes are still the same.

@slytherben - 02.05.2024 03:30

Dude, Taliesin said the blue dragonflight quest line was one of the greatest in wow's history... then admitted on his podcast that he hadn't done it yet... because it's a three hour quest line and he has kids and no time for that. Oof

@slytherben - 02.05.2024 02:43

I like ya kinda for asmr, I like when you have a crackling fire, rain, lapping water. Just throw a crackling fire in the background and I'll watch for the whole hour!!

@dommart4697 - 30.04.2024 19:38

you have a way of putting the right music in at the right times

@golvellius6855 - 30.04.2024 18:50

Can someone spoil me the tldr of this video ty

@_Ikelos - 29.04.2024 11:20

I know this isn't the main subject of the video but it does irk me intensely how every time the conversation goes to "Blizzard bad" the main subject immediately becomes the 'frat culture' and cube crawling or whatever.
I know how this sounds, but I do 100% believe that if the scandal never saw the light of day people would still suck up to Blizzard right now, despite what they did to all of their IPs and how much brazen and overt contempt they hold for their (now former) audience.
Not saying that stuff doesn't count, but why do people need some sort of sociopolitical scandal to happen before they feel like they have the right to advocate for their own interests and start finally jumping ship from WoW?
Like you need the express permission from some women's rights group before you can start to speak up about a politically driven corporate takeover destroying the biggest cultural phenomenon of the early 2000s, and then every time the subject is brought up it's these groups' qualms that are used as a shield&ram when what people really have a problem with is something else entirely.
Your own concerns about what affects you individually are inherently worthless or childish or overblown, you can only advocate for your interests through the interest of others who are in your mind are worth more than you.
Textbook slave morality.

@uverpro3598 - 26.04.2024 09:22

Your videos were cathartic to me. As someone who grew up loving Blizzard and seeing it slip into the shell of what it was today. Even as someone who never got into WoW as much a hardcore player like yourself, your videos came from a place of love, which is what makes them so. God knows it’s not the voice acting.

@Kpeevers - 24.04.2024 03:46

Wows dead again. Yay time for real life.

@raindrop_pilot2196 - 23.04.2024 06:33

Hey man, long term viewer and I've been playing WoW since 2007. This Raxx guy and you both play a game for thousands of hours more than the average person. While I might be lucky to get 200 or 300 hours out of expansion, you most likely multiple-thousands of hours. You need to keep perspective on how that changes your perception and access to the game. While you were making back-to-back videos about how bad TBC Classic was because of the token I hadn't even done a single heroic yet. I truly believe that you need to keep your viewers in mind and where they are at because introducing so much negativity and remember that the issues that effect you as a power user don't impact everybody else.

@skivvy3565 - 21.04.2024 22:52

in diablo you can buy in-game items with real world currency in the game’s auction house

@skivvy3565 - 21.04.2024 22:49

I want you to know that your videos pointing out some of the errors, flaws and outright greed that blizz was doing are some of my favorite videos of all time. Because it felt like someone was saying what I had been thinking when I quit.
It came from a place of love and nostalgia and treating a cherished thing with as much respect and fairness and objectivity yet constructional criticism that it earned and knew it was earning . For no reason other than to make a viewpoint that many didn’t consider or understand or ever will appreciate.

@Swaggiemonster312 - 21.04.2024 19:49

theres always going to be haters just dont mind them and you keep on doing you, your doing amazing job and your views are awesome.. those haters are just having a bad day or having a bad life.

@boxboxerson991 - 16.04.2024 22:17

I mean, you are the guy who passionately made wow videos, stood as a shining beacon of positivity in perhaps the worst era of the game in BFA, but then as soon as classic launched you did a 180 and became quite insufferably anti-retail. You're within your rights to do that of course, if you don't like a game you shouldn't be supporting it, but it was quite clear that you were revelling in the opportunity to profit from wow but also hate on it as well. It was calculated, sudden, and contrasting your earlier videos to your mid-life videos, I think some criticism towards you was earned.

@rashid2898 - 16.04.2024 18:20

Hello Mad Season still play Era?

@imppaco - 15.04.2024 16:23

You're voice is relaxing. Those out there that can only watch the cookie-cutter Sale-pitch voiced YT video's need to stfu. If you don't like the content, change the channel.
Keep making great stuff, bro!

@jrod9178 - 14.04.2024 20:52

Sup Madseason,

I watched every second of this video, it was very enlightening and took the words right out of my mouth, agreed with everything that was talked about; because I’ve played blizz games since 07 and some time after wow classic came out, that’s when I said I really need to part ways.

Content creators like yourself and Raxx are an absolute treasure, just amazing content that really reflects on the good and honest community, the guides are perfection.

This video is a stepping stone bringing the nostalgic game experience that we had, old wow expansions, the release of d3 and the community it had at the beginning, priceless memories; by raising awareness. Providing quality feedback that nobody is absolutely doing—the nobodies being the tribalistics or the ones that just wanna complain because they need a punching bag due to errors developers have made.

Another great video! 🎉

@Deiwulf - 14.04.2024 17:41

Honestly it's baffling how people defend and even encourage outright lazy, toxic or predatory/greedy practices nowadays. One theory is that they don't know better, the newer gens without standards born with phones brainwashed and entirely unaware how it used to be, how it could be. That or being entirely masochistic or otherwise in need of psychological evaluation lmao
The only way we can have better things is if we push it that way, with growing standards and constructive criticism.

@theladyrachel - 14.04.2024 07:40

I love it for quit

@theladyrachel - 14.04.2024 07:40

im happy for you to quit

@theladyrachel - 14.04.2024 07:40

quit quit quit quit

@theladyrachel - 14.04.2024 07:39

he wanted to get something his chest? hes been lying to us all for years and is nothing more than a grifter

@justin-md4xm - 13.04.2024 22:57

I think hate views are good for short term only.

@Ninnjette- - 13.04.2024 19:32

If the game is good, people will give it praise. Creators made videos praising Elden Ring, because its good. Very few, negative Elden Ring videos. I think people are just trying to cope when they know a game is bad, by blaming the creator by bringing up the truth. Its not "hate", its being honest.

@Kintzugi - 13.04.2024 15:25

There is no longer “Agree or Disagree” but instead “Right or Wrong”

And this has been especially magnified in present day gaming.

@wowtheresnonames2use - 13.04.2024 10:12

I quit WOW again after constant in game currencies being released and the constant redundant gear grind. Now, while playing OSRS, I still enjoy watching any content you put out. It gives me something to do while grinding 8 hours to gain 1% of a mining level. Really enjoyed the reaction video too. The toxic people have no purpose in the real world, so take it out by screeching at anyone. especially successful people, online. Your content is always solid and I'm glad to see you active again.

@personalyeti5122 - 13.04.2024 08:39

Anyone who actually watches your videos can see that you genuinely care about the game <3

@A_C_M - 13.04.2024 01:28

Did you got backlash for "The Diablo 3 Dumpster fire" video ? Well, its well deserved. D3 is a really good game for what it is.

@GuillermoViguera - 12.04.2024 13:34

I keep hearing femboy instead of fanboy

@silvernode - 12.04.2024 12:15

I know Madseason would probably lose 99% of his viewers if he even touched ffxiv but it would be cool to see him go through the game in an analytical way and find the issues from a wow player perspective. It will never happen but would be fun for at least me to watch (maybe many others)

@Devistator16 - 12.04.2024 07:17

Appreciate your take , but plz keep doing WoW videos, it is what got people loving you, you are more than WoW, but WoW players need you.

@NatoRadeX - 12.04.2024 04:56

If I hear "I told you so" in this vid I get 5$ to save for WoW tokens

@Derekdoz - 12.04.2024 01:12

It seems to be.. that the old, dark ways of society intends to be the informed part of the media.
