MUST HAVE Fallout 4 Stability Mods + How to Bypass The 255 Plugin Limit

MUST HAVE Fallout 4 Stability Mods + How to Bypass The 255 Plugin Limit


2 года назад

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Brian Cathey
Brian Cathey - 08.11.2023 22:58

im using the NMM is there a way to get this 1 to do the same thing with ESL ?

AnimeFanMaster - 26.10.2023 10:57

Can you update do a video update buffout 4 is a little different

raven - 24.10.2023 01:37

I did every thing he said i tried with performance mods and without them but it wont fix this fucking game the problem i have is that when sprinting every 2 or 3 seconds my frame rate drops to 0 and back to 75 again and i cant get more then 75 fps and i did every thing and i still have this problem i even deleted all of the fallout 4 ini files and then reinstalled the game it was fine at first but after about an hour i had the same problem again and my pc is not old or low end or anything like that its a decent pc i dont know what to do

lunaluvvsyou - 16.10.2023 06:18

saw this forever ago and was like "hmmm this is probably going to be useful later" and come to find out it was tysm brandy

adamndirtyape - 05.10.2023 19:23

The real mod limit is mods that load archives. If you use Vortex, you can go to the plugins tab and filter for mods that load archives. The limit is 240 approximately. Go over that and your game will crash. There is no way around this.

BigDaddy Bastion
BigDaddy Bastion - 25.09.2023 08:21

For newer modders

You can also merge plugins to save on any esps as well increasing your load order by a lot weapon mods and armour mods usually merge the best and you can do companion mods although you may have face gen issues

Tomoko Giha
Tomoko Giha - 16.09.2023 04:34

I have been modding Fallout 4 for so long and probably no other guide has helped me out this much even 2 years after being released, even more with the extra settings baka framework have that i never knew about those.
Thanks to you im now up to 450 mods, thanks a lot for the content!

livipup - 07.09.2023 01:54

Those C++ redistributables you had to download were so that your computer knows how to interpret the game code. On a Windows PC you will definitely have some already, but they could become outdated after a while, so updating them is always a good idea. the x86 and x64 refer to 32-bit and 64-bit versions respectively. That means the strings for memory addresses can be 32 ones and zeroes long or 64 ones and zeroes long depending on what your hardware and operating system support. That's a difference between something like 4 GB of memory and more than you will ever need in your lifetime. :)

I'm interested in the baka scrapheap mod you mentioned. I know about baka framework for some of the author's other mods, but I hadn't heard of that one. I wonder if increasing the memory in that way might help reduce the incidence of the settlement engine bug 🤔That's what I was searching for when I found this video, so if you have any information on that please let me know :)

P. Berg
P. Berg - 31.08.2023 14:45

Great Vid. I'm new to modding and have perfecly learned some serious issues like never let Steam install your Games in that damned Programm(x86)-Folder and run permanently in UAC-Issues. So I lost 3 Profiles with witch I had made good progress and now after changing the install-Folder and Steam as a whole to a fresh second NVMe wether Vortex nor MO2 can rebuild that three Profils as far as I know and could figure out. I copied all the folders and files into the right new place, but Vortex and MO2 doesn't recognize my 2 Profiles and the over 50 mods already installed. If you or someone have an idea how I can restore my Profiles and all the already installed mods that would be fantastic.

TheStuffedIguana - 17.08.2023 09:34

Okay, probably never going to be seen - but the guy that made the baka scrap heap mod also recently released a mod that alleviates the script lag. So worth checking out if you struggle with script load issues

Ary Sobral
Ary Sobral - 04.08.2023 06:18

My fo4 always crash

Brandon Jacobs
Brandon Jacobs - 03.08.2023 04:34

I cant change the scrapheapmult to 4 it just swaps back to 2 everytime and i cant save either as the files are not there when i go to save as but just reloads scrapheapmult back to 2 if i just save any ideas?

Aka-2Jayz - 02.08.2023 08:54

You've single Handley made me buy fallout 4 on pc, mod it to the point to where I got a black screen spend all day looking up how to fix it. Stumble across your video after deleting all my mods and realizing I could have done this and kept them. What a roller coaster of emotions You've put me through in the past 3 days and I love you for it.

Theunforgivensoldier - 01.08.2023 06:04

whats that nvg mod you got ive been in need of something that works with my enbs

UnwillingFriend - 31.07.2023 17:21

I started a channel of my own channel, and I also yell at the microphone. 😂

ReZ tech
ReZ tech - 28.07.2023 08:27


ReZ tech
ReZ tech - 28.07.2023 08:25

As a Fallout Veteran, Damn your game looks so clean with those mods.

Kilroy 5150
Kilroy 5150 - 28.07.2023 03:57

Dude, can you post your mod list? I see a few in your video i've not seen

WALN Zell - 22.07.2023 17:06

Buffout 4 has since changed. TBB Redistributables isn't there.
