Our Top 5 Multiclass Dips In Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Our Top 5 Multiclass Dips In Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Dungeon Dudes

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Lord Grim
Lord Grim - 28.09.2023 17:11

i play a rogue that took 2 lvls in trickery cleric

Alejandro Jaime
Alejandro Jaime - 28.09.2023 11:22

Twilight cleric, Peace Cleric, Bard, Rogue, Hexblade.

Max p
Max p - 02.09.2023 16:06

Disappointed you didn’t mention Con saves if you level 1 dip Cleric, and the best dip in the game War Magic Wizard -Find Familiar, Shield, Absorb Elements, and either +4 to a save once per turn or +2 AC against an attack, both after you know the rolls, at will, +Int to initiative, and then whatever else Cantrip or ritual spellcasting you need.

If you can afford the 13 Int, there isn’t a class in the game which won’t benefit from this, I would argue even more than Fighter 2, since two spellcasting levels is a big ask for a primary caster. Action Surge let’s you nova two spells once per short rest, but two more caster levels let’s you cast your highest level spells another time per day, and maybe even upcast. As for martials, for two levels you are getting Advantage to your first attack every round via your familiar, 4x per day Shield or Absorb Elements to tank damage incredibly better, and the aforementioned +4 against a failed save as often as you have reactions, and EVERYBODY benefits from a high Initiative bonus.

saltypork101 - 15.08.2023 23:16

Sorcerer is actually one of the strongest 1 level dips for self-protection. You get Shield, Silvery Barbs/Absorb Elements, and your Sorcerer subclass. Many of the best Sorcerer subclasses give you limited use reactions at level 1 which affect dice rolls. You can take your pick between removing advantage and disadvantage PB times per long rest, adding a bonus to your own saving throws (or attack rolls if you're nasty) once per short rest, or giving yourself advantage on a saving throw (or attack/ability check) a DM's number of times per long rest (minimum of 1).
Divine Soul also lets you pick up Bless on top of this, and mix and match any other Cleric spell that you want more than Absorb Elements if SB isn't available in your group.
No character doesn't want this package of protective abilities. Even a Barbarian can still use the subclass features while raging.

David Santos
David Santos - 23.07.2023 04:13

I think for me the best is going to be warlock/assasin2/fighter 2-5levels focusing on spamming eldritch blast,while dominating enemies and taking advantage of all the multi attacks with duel daggers to shread.

joey glover
joey glover - 22.07.2023 06:20

right now im playing in a game where im 2 lvls of fighter 6 lvls of blade singer and just took 2 lvls of tempest cleric and its pretty nuts, gonna go rest into wizard but the fun part is i can now ligtning bolt with the tempest cleric divinity making it do max dmg so its quite powerful and its a very good melee dpser too we did roll for stats making it much easier to get the needed stats to do it though. didnt realize that with action surge you could cast another spell Pretty OP being able to cast 2 max dmg Lbolts in 1 turn even crazier when I get chain lightning being able to double cast that at max dmg is an encounter ender i'd say. also the early game with this was easy just went 6 lvls wiz to get extra attack then grabbed the 2 lvls in fighter then 2 in cleric so the toons been quite strong the whole time and is now just getting stronger by the lvl I also choose tortle so I could have a high AC while not wearing armor so I have a quite high AC too 25 with bladesinger on Kuz i started with 17 then from magic items ect gets me to 19 or 20 then blade singer gets me to 24 or 25 think its 25 kuz i have 20 Int but even if you didnt have the plus AC magic items you'd easily have 22 ac with bladesinger as a tortle once you get 20 Int which is quite strong add shield into that and at pretty early lvl you can push 30 AC I will miss out on 9th lvl spells if we play til 20 which isnt likely but if we play that far i will have 8th lvl so dont think i missed out on much to get action surge and the cleric stuff I got all in all I'd say i love it I could see going without the cleric part next time kuz end game you'd rather have those 2 lvls in wiz but for lvl 9-14ish having max dmg on lightning or thunder dmg is pretty nuts

Dale - 20.07.2023 19:48

I'm going to try a Ranger X/ FTR 2/ Rouge 2 next.

sevenrps - 28.05.2023 03:34

petition to call a 2 level dip a double dip

Analytic System
Analytic System - 15.05.2023 18:34

My next character when I get the chance to play again is going to be a spell sword type character with primary Wizard/secondary Fighter (probably 2-3 levels)

D' Gauthreaux
D' Gauthreaux - 10.05.2023 00:26

18 levels Moon Druid, 2 levels Monk. Max Wisdom gives about +5 to AC, and 2 additional attacks as a bonus action twice per short rest.

F_Evans_66 - 27.04.2023 18:40

I've found that a 2 level dip into bard is pretty good - you can get some healing spells to keep people from making death saves, you get a few uses of your inspiration, and you get jack of all trades at level 2

Greg Hamilton
Greg Hamilton - 11.04.2023 02:05

I’m really thinking my Paladin/Bard needs one level of Peace Domain cleric. It will really put her over the top buffing the party. The spells are awesome too of course.

Tobias Pause
Tobias Pause - 02.04.2023 05:46

There are a bunch of decent dips... 1 lvl barbarian for Rage, 2 lvl gravedomane cleric for doubledmg Meteor with Sorcerer (on one Target at least), My favorite cleric dip is order domane for healer. (free bonk on heal is hilarious), or even 1 Lvl Ranger for Tashas Archenmy feature. Is free Bonusdmg for builds which do many attachs. But the one you mentioed are indeed the best. And Hexblade clearly top it of.

Lee Cander
Lee Cander - 01.04.2023 13:39

The temptation to dip from blood Hunter to rogue… 😏

Olive! - 24.03.2023 06:38

Curious what kind of dips emerge from the int Warlock homebrew

J LH - 21.03.2023 06:44

Actually, you still can't cast 2 spell level with action surge

See PH 202

Michael Broome
Michael Broome - 12.03.2023 19:19

I really like the new philosophy that OneDnD has about subclasses. You don't get those until level 3. A one or two level dip should not give you specialization in a subclass.

Ray Perez
Ray Perez - 10.03.2023 07:05

2nd lvl Fighter+ 5th lvl Monk= 4 attacks in one turn if you think about it. Initial Attack turn lets say with spear 1d8+modifier, Extra Attack with spear another 1d8+modifier, Bonus Action Flurry of Blows basically 2 1d6+modifier, and add Action Surge for another attack of your choice…you are literally dishing out so much damage in that turn…

Azmodian - 07.03.2023 19:51

I quite like a lvl 2 druid dip - lot of flavour and options can be added as well as a decent amount of power depending on the subclass. My personal favorite is Stars druid as it's pretty insane for being a healer; chalice form can be active 4x a day with just one short rest and results in a load of extra healing power - e.g. a max roll lvl 1 healing word at someone 30 feet away with 14 wisdom would be 16 and you still have a full action to anything but a leveled spell. Could easily pair it with a martial class to make a strong Gish chr capable of physical combat and good self-sustain, or you could go with another full caster that usually struggles with healing.

Boris Kaske
Boris Kaske - 07.03.2023 09:57

So, take Fighter 2, Roge 1, Cleric 1, Paladin 2 & Warlock 1 got it.*

*this is a joke

Charrles Chervanik
Charrles Chervanik - 07.03.2023 04:09

People say that the pact of the Celestial is Mid. Watch me take two levels of palidin and go full sword and board and prove that wrong as I'm adding my Charisma to each smite (prof times per long rest)

Patrick Hamilton
Patrick Hamilton - 18.02.2023 17:06

My current campaign my party is at level 8 and I’m playing a battlesmith artificer (6) and a dip into bladesinger wizard (2). The synergy between the two has been *chef’s kiss*. The extra bonus for concentrating on spells, bonus to AC and combined with infusions like Mind Sharpener the only real downside is my bonus action at the beginning of an encounter is in higher demand.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore - 17.02.2023 20:35

I'm playing a Gnome Arcane Trickster Rogue who's multiclassing into Life Cleric. We all rolled for our stats and my lowest is a 13, so I could literally multiclass as anything but we need an extra healer so here I am. My AC and everything are so high, I'm effectively a second tank too in my studded leather armor 🤣 I am the Swiss army knife of characters and I ride our half orc barbarian into battle. It's great

ThirtytwoJ - 04.02.2023 09:58

Always thougjt paladin requirement shpulda been str and con... plenty of priest types are dumb asshles

ThirtytwoJ - 04.02.2023 09:47

I do a lot of 3 level dips esp if im mostly op already. And champion crit on 19 is quite nice on other classes like rogue or warlock or bladesinger. Or 3 levels and leave the class/sell soul,/repent or somethjng to be thematic

James Kurth
James Kurth - 11.01.2023 21:02

I like the last minute end note to artificer+wizard. I was thinking of that most of the way. Then again I've played that and loved it.

Mark Matherne
Mark Matherne - 10.01.2023 08:07

A fighter combined with arcane trickster can sneak attack cast a spell and still dash,hide or disengage on a turn

Miami Beach Workshop
Miami Beach Workshop - 31.12.2022 06:59

I’m currently playing a Fighter with the Gunslinger subclass, then took a 2 level dip into Artificer. It’s broken, with the Repeating Shot infusion on my Bad News gun, 2D12 damage on every attack. At 5th level fighter with extra attack and action surge, 8xD12 in a round! If you use a grit point for each attack with violent shot that adds another 4xD12…..

VanderPants1984 - 31.12.2022 05:16

I am playing in Curse of Strahd and was allowed to build a Hexblood Artificer. I went battle smith and I am considering to take two levels of wizard (for the war magic subclass). Would that be worth it, given that I have a 20 int, observant feat and only getting to level 10 in this campaign?

Draven Darkholm
Draven Darkholm - 22.12.2022 21:19

Tell me if this is a horrible idea 5 levels of gloomstalker ranger 2 lvls fighter and rest rogue assassin

Poncho Vargas
Poncho Vargas - 15.12.2022 13:22

Building a bare knuckle brawler ( think Incredible Hulk that knows MMA) 1 level- Barbarian for Rage and unarmed defense, 1 level Monk for martial arts and the rest will be Champion fighter with the Unarmed Fighting style in Tashas for the D8 damage. First feat is Tavern Brawler for flavor. For race I'm using Half Orc

AbyssalDragon42 - 13.12.2022 07:36

I like taking 5 rogue levels for uncanny dodge. It's fun because your halving the damage of attacks without taking 3 barbarian levels and dropping spellcasting and it still works on top of things like that.

Dirmus Loner
Dirmus Loner - 13.12.2022 03:24

In a corner is a character I played not long ago an Oath of Vengeance Paladin /fighter (battlemaster) silently drinking his beer

Andrew H.
Andrew H. - 30.11.2022 00:47

A level of War domain cleric for a ranger can get them more attacks with their bonus action for a number of times equal to their wisdom modifier. Being able to do three attacks for 2-5 rounds along with some spells that go with your spell modifier is a nice boost.

Stoaty Stoat
Stoaty Stoat - 05.11.2022 00:26

I like the thought of a theif with a couple of levels of druid so they can turn into a cat, cat burgler, or squirrel for climbing wals or a wolf for running away. Or level three druid with circle of the land - coast, so you get misty step and mirror image (which might be good in fights with your high Dex to keep the images alive)

Rapunzl75 - 18.10.2022 00:02

Paladin with a dip in sauce were for extra free spell slots and a lot better spells so you have four extra Smith’s

Sali Koko
Sali Koko - 15.10.2022 19:49

Concerning the Warlock/Bard, what is you opinion concerning this text, "Spell Slots: The Warlock table shows how many spell slots you have. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your spell slots are the same level. To cast one of your warlock spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a short or long rest."

Leo Goodman
Leo Goodman - 12.10.2022 04:38

What about two levels of Chronurgy wizard for any martial class? Armor, Find familiar, shield, absorb elements, and the ability twice a day to look at a natural 20 rolled against you and say “nope, rewind.” Now that’s a freakin’ tank.
Push one more level and you got Blur and Misty Step.

giggityguy - 11.10.2022 04:02

I'm planning to take 3 levels of Rogue on my Hunter Ranger. Hunter scales ludicrously quickly in single target damage at early levels, especially when dual wielding or after you get two attacks, but starts to fall off a bit, at which point I'll pick up Swashbuckler so that I can get a sneak attack every turn to keep the burst damage scaling up. Fancy Footwork is also an amazingly good feature for a martial class, and synergizes well with dual wielding since you don't have to worry about saving your bonus action to Disengage.
After that you can keep going into Rogue for Uncanny Dodge, Evasion, and bonus sneak attack damage, or into Ranger for more utility features and spell slots.

Skillus Eclasius II
Skillus Eclasius II - 08.10.2022 16:34

OH. Now that you mention it. Battlesmith artificer + bladesinger wizard sounds like it could work

OpenWorldAddict - 06.10.2022 17:43

A 2 level dip into Wizard for thhose subclass features is amazing for Artificers, Eldritch Knight Fighters, and Arcane Trickster Rogues.

BeatFaceHorde - 03.10.2022 22:54

Bladesinger is good on any artificer, but it's not universal.

Adventure Seeker
Adventure Seeker - 02.10.2022 19:43

2 fighter, 2 paladin, rest hexblade lock. Maybe if sneak attack from rouge works with spells then dip into that class instead.

Will Leigh
Will Leigh - 02.10.2022 00:43

My bard in Strixhaven is a natural born werewolf. One session, she lost control of her anger, transformed, and almost turned on the party (we were low enough level where it would have been a TPK). She was so humiliated by this that she started learning how to direct and control her anger. The result? A dip into barbarian.

harrald schmitt
harrald schmitt - 01.10.2022 21:30

I just read a into the themes of the world of Drakkenheim document and was intrigued, until i got to the content warning. Very disappointed, will not be backing you, keep your politics out of your products.

hunter beach
hunter beach - 28.09.2022 20:47

My personal favorite combo is a dex fighter that has meh charisma, multiclassing with sorcerer, but only taking spells that target int, or dont require a save/attack. (shadow sorcerer/echo knight is my current characters build and its so much fun).

Samoht - 28.09.2022 20:11

I've been trying to figure out the classes for a character design I thought of. Basically a Rogue/Wizard that specializes in Illusion magic. He'll steal your purse while casting a spell so you think it's still there. lol I was looking at the sub class for the Rogue that is a spellcaster, but I think maybe a Wizard with a few levels in Rogue might be better.

The Great and Powerful Aahz
The Great and Powerful Aahz - 28.09.2022 01:46

5 levels Bear Totem Barbarian, 15 levels Ascendant Dragon Monk. Emerald Dragonborn. Take all dragon feats except aberrant dragon mark. Take tough.

Paul Johnson
Paul Johnson - 27.09.2022 02:29

I'm currently playing a Druid/ Barbarian. Circle of the Moon, Path of the Beast. "Goliath" water Genasi. Not the "best Meta", but chock full of roll- playing opportunities!
Started as a Pirate Druid, ships' cook for roll playing; uses water- based animal forms as often as possible. Took Chef as a Feat at 4th lvl. to boost healing with herbalism (can make healing potions).
Here's the kicker: My DM is allowing me to "stack" an ability that both classes share. SIXTH lvl of either subclass allows "natural weapons" to count as magical for damage reduction. So when I reach SIX total lvls between these two classes, I'll have "magic" claws.
Also, the Druid of the Moon can burn a spell slot to heal in animal form as a bonus action, while a Beast Barbarian can heal d8 while raging with his bite bonus action. I've created a "weak hitter", but one HELL of a Tank!
Small heal spells from Druid, Goodberry (applied as potion) prevents death saves, Chef provides small HP buffer, Herbalist provides healing potions, and Raging animal form means I can take about 250HP of damage at 4th lvl!!! (1/2 dmg from most attacks while raging, 2 shape changes, and high constitution). I'm your punching-bag!

M LEET - 27.09.2022 02:23

I'm playing a Paladin and I'm level 4. I've noticed that I really struggle with range, so I'm thinking about getting level 5 paladin for extra attack, then for level 6, dip into Warlock for two levels to get me Eldritch Blast...since I already have an 18 Charisma.

Edit* I totally made this comment before your last point. I don't think the books I have in my playgroup have the hexblade so I'm not as familiar with it. I went paladin as a protector.
