Kevin Dobrzynski - A Constant Pursuit | Moto Spirit Ep. 6

Kevin Dobrzynski - A Constant Pursuit | Moto Spirit Ep. 6

Pete's Classic Cycle

1 год назад

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Комментарии: - 24.09.2022 01:57

Sorry, a 275 pound Norton, not buying that story.

@JMKGarage - 24.09.2022 03:39

Nice to hear your story Kevin. I envy you for following your dream and making it a career. I’ve been a gear head my whole life as well, with stacks of designs still sitting in boxes from when I was a young teenager learning to weld. Many designs of mini bikes, trikes, gokarts, choppers, etc. Worked in an auto body shop for 8 years, and ended up in school for mechanical engineering. Somehow from there I have ended up in propane distribution, but have found time and motivation (more since covid) to spend more efforts in the garage restoring and building. Keep on living the dream CMW! 🙌

@h2omotorsport - 26.09.2022 14:07


@lazmandjik9368 - 26.09.2022 17:47

Great story. Keep it rolling Kevin !

@motobrix - 02.10.2022 16:08

Love this. It's refreshing to hear honest stories about the struggle and the drive to do this type of work.
