First Gay Bar Experience...

First Gay Bar Experience...

Matin raeisi

5 месяцев назад

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@guyt6244 - 01.02.2024 00:39

Folks can be so forward and aggressive yikes

@mylifeasrudi8364 - 30.01.2024 22:30

The voice over was the best part 🤣

@cesarsantos1761 - 30.01.2024 04:04

Wow, I am glad you are fine after that terrible experience! Take care!

@nabuchodonosormcgalapatram6941 - 30.01.2024 01:04

I have a friend who I kinda sorta suspect wants to drag me into a gay bar and see what happens next. Not for his sake by the way, he's straight and implied several times during our conversations that he wanted to do the matchmaker or the wingman for me.
The thing is that I'm an introverted (and probably on the spectrum) guy who doesn't like crowds, noisy places, small talk, and have no idea how to flirt. Also I never set a foot into a gay bar, I probably don't belong there anyway...

But I do wonder what would happen in this situation.

@johnchukwu2697 - 30.01.2024 00:46

Omg this is embarrassing

@steves9905 - 30.01.2024 00:32

so adorable. would be surprised if he didn't have a line of stalkers, although admittedly creepy to have the power taken from you by a stranger. Not sure that the stalker was a mean gay...more like an obsessed and horny gay. thank god I'm now old and not having to rely on bars.

@marlonmalcolm1738 - 29.01.2024 22:06

Do trust those friends
They got no close

@thanhomerae - 29.01.2024 17:27

I haven't been gay bar in my life yet, I really should try at least once in my life.....(who wants to accompany me there??)

@FelipeGarica37 - 29.01.2024 15:58

Hey handsome daddy 😍😘🙌🏳️‍🌈🌈

@TysonASMR - 29.01.2024 10:17

I feel like all the gay dudes just grope me as I walk by every time I go to a gay bar 💀

@davebowker1113 - 29.01.2024 09:27

I mean he’s kinda cute

But I wouldn’t pull him
In the bathroom


No way

@freddyhoyt1849 - 29.01.2024 04:23

My first time in a gay bar was so terrible first time when I walked in so many guys were looking at me and I didn’t know how to react to it I just turned around and walked away

@spikefivefivefive - 29.01.2024 03:35

People who are critical of you are "your" people"?
The LGBTQRZ cult just recruited another member.

@MrWhitney4e - 29.01.2024 03:01

OMG, that's basically sexual harassment or an attempted oral rape! I'm glad you stood your ground. The way that guy behaved was beyond pathetic and desperate lol

@bebopjazz1972 - 28.01.2024 23:01

First off, love the lighting, etc. for the video. Looks good and you look handsome as always. Now back to the story you shared. Man that must have been awkward! Not cool that you got put into that situation but luckily dude wasn't going to be able to get you into that bathroom. I remember when I first walked into the "biggest, best" Gay bar in town when I turned 21. (Even though I was able to get in to other bars before then with my doctored ID). I was this short Twink that looked young for my age and was amazed at all that I was seeing. Within minutes of being in there I get introduced to a couple of drag queens. One of them asked me: "Do you pluck your eyebrows?", Me: "No...", Them: "B*tch!'" and just walked away. It's how I knew I was home.

@Leftatalbuquerque - 28.01.2024 15:15

You missed the great age of discos in Toronto. Chaps, Boots, Katrina's, Cornelius, Fly, The Barn... we danced all night.

@denismandic5852 - 28.01.2024 13:47

Well you are brave and good on you for standing up for yourself and to what you strongly felt about not going to the toilet , obviously you have alot more class so good for you like I always say your a Angel 😇

@tlw1950 - 28.01.2024 13:35

My bar/club period was the early 80s specifically 1982-1985.

I had a blast, several hookups, but mainly I went to dance!!! The music of that period was fabulous..... disco and hiNRGY.

@felineboy1586 - 28.01.2024 13:19

You are so pretty

@RikSpp - 28.01.2024 07:15

I love your content man! You have an awesome personality! You help make me get comfortable in my own skin.

What are the chances of me getting your number? Hahaha jk

Keep up the good work 😆

@Nima_81 - 27.01.2024 22:21

متین عشقی ❤❤❤❤

@abjo - 27.01.2024 11:44

Sumpathise.. i've had guts ffomvthe clubs gollow me home etc, truly disturbing....

@antonioelias6321 - 27.01.2024 03:54

Sad that this dude your coworker brought was so crazy...could be a really nice friend but he already ruined everything with his bad personality issues. That's why they say some people have a beautiful face but they're the opposite inside. I was once in a gay club but never wanted to go again...I felt so my body and appearance doesen't belong there. Also drugs are a major problem at gay parties cause some of those dudes can't have fun without using something. I can't understand the reason.

@finlybenyunes8385 - 27.01.2024 03:03

When is your birthday?

@Bazroshan - 26.01.2024 23:42

In my very early days I went to a pub/disco near my home; a good friend came in on his very first visit to a gay disco uand he nearly died when he saw me there. He left in a hurry before I saw him. He phoned his wife and asked her advice; she said 'Well, he's got to know eventually so you had better go back in!'.

@jimmshorts - 26.01.2024 23:32

good story - thanks - I find it refreshing to hear a young gay guy aware of his boundaries and holding himself with such a chill manner. You have much to offer and a strong sense of your Self. May these things never erode or change for you except to grow stronger and warmer; you have warm inviting presence.

@TheNukewarfare2 - 26.01.2024 23:07

Wait. The dude wants you to go to the bathroom with him so y’all can have sex, you make it clear you’re not interested, and he grabs your arm and tries to pull you with him? Isn’t that straight up assault? You handled that way better than me, because I would have knocked him cold. Also, the fact that your straight friend conveniently “got a call” and left as soon as the other dude got there was a huge red flag that it was a setup. I’m really sorry that was your first gay bar experience! I’m too old to go clubbing anymore, but when I did, I always went with a group of close friends, that way there wasn’t any pressure or awkwardness.

@briansunday7099 - 26.01.2024 18:32

I remember my first gay bar experience! I hadn’t been out all that long, and a few acquaintances of mine took me to this one bar, propped me up on a stool and said, “Okay, just sit here awhile and observe.” They did check in on me a few times, but after 45 minutes, they asked, “So, what do you think?” I replied: “Take me home. I’ve wasted an entire evening here - I could have been practicing (I’m a pianist) or reading. I don’t belong here.” No one - aside from my acquaintances - spoke to me. No one tried to drag me off to the restroom - hey, if someone had, at least I could have told Mrs. Strakosh that things were looking up. Obviously, I never went back. Don’t do bars - don’t drink, absolutely despise small talk and can’t stand the noise. My husband’s story is rather similar. We’ve been together 22 years and legally married for 18 - and no, we didn’t meet in a bar. Oh, that bar I was taken to closed a long time ago - I would imagine the AIDS epidemic did that place in.

@rjcarter2904 - 26.01.2024 18:02

Not all gay bars are the same. They vary a LOT in clientele, themes, etc. But, in general, I love gay bars--it's really nice to be with our community. 🙂

@petersavieri - 26.01.2024 17:00

Definitely true about the heads turning to see who just walked in. But I would say the effect is somewhat increased when you’re like 7 feet tall and gorgeous

@ob3063 - 26.01.2024 15:11

110 kg
We need a full body video babe

@abdurahimahmed5183 - 26.01.2024 14:44

Please upload moreeeee talk moreee story time moreeeeeee 😩

@Alfred-ut4rn - 26.01.2024 11:56

Geez, an applause for holding values cuz it seems like many gay guys have some kind of sex obsession and lust, not love and I'm sure after that, that's all and he will take u like a cheap thing, people really need to hold themselves and behave like humans

@clayclifton3895 - 26.01.2024 09:35


@musicguy20 - 26.01.2024 09:21

Me thinking you said “He got the ji*z” but you actually said “He got the jest” after I played it again to hear better lol

@cityguyusa - 26.01.2024 05:50

A note on gay friendships. I've often thought I had close gay male friends until I depended on them. Rarely did they want to be inconvenienced when I asked them to help me out. There are always exceptions but they are rare. The other side of that coin was friends who would be dating my so-called friends seem to think it was OK to hit on me when their partner's backs were turned. I've never had a gay friend behave how I would have behaved had the situation been reversed.

@cityguyusa - 26.01.2024 05:41

Gay men have very poor boundaries here in the west.

@singstreetcar5881 - 26.01.2024 04:59

My dream is to go to a gay bar or club. I live in a violent homophobic country

@ventonventon - 26.01.2024 04:50


@pdahdouh - 26.01.2024 04:20

Where in the US do you live? I would love to date you!

@joesphtorres8151 - 26.01.2024 03:31

Cute story from a cute man although I’m way past my first Gay bar experience😊 Mine was pretty funny also😂

@MauiBran - 26.01.2024 03:11

Love your videos 🫶🏼

@borg9355 - 26.01.2024 02:58

If he really liked you he should have asked you out on a date rather than trying to get in your pants. For me the most fun thing to do at a bar is dance; because it is such a stress reliever.

@TA-vj8ex - 25.01.2024 22:38

Your story was interesting to hear. Glad you stood your ground with that guy. Any way enjoy your videos, handsome.

@brentfisher6484 - 25.01.2024 22:36

"Have encountered the 'mean gay' in his Natural Habitat." One of the most telling statements I've ever heard (on this subject) and so spot on. Thanks for sharing your encounter.

@Daragh.15.04 - 25.01.2024 22:06

Great story Matin! I can picture the guy trying to drag you to the restroom and you hanging on for dear life jaja 😁 . I have social anxiety as well and am intimidated by gay bars . So how did you find your circle of gay friends? social media?

@kernow9324 - 25.01.2024 21:40

I have never felt more judged than in a gay bar. Awful. This doesn't happen to me in straight bars, so I haven't been back to a gay bar for more than 12 years.

@Thechimeradragon-xc9tq - 25.01.2024 21:17

Oh you poor baby, you had to fight off a sexual assault, gained a stalker, and had a bad blind date all within 45 minutes. I have been to four gay bars here in NYC a handful of times, and each time it terrible experience for me. I prefer the straight bars, myself.

@mahilaksh7563 - 25.01.2024 21:10

You are amazing and inspiring for all ❤❤ you deserve lots of love n fame ❤

@mattemery9575 - 25.01.2024 20:24

Well to be honest I can’t blame that guy for trying to get you in that bathroom!!! You’re so gorgeous and great personality. Love you 😘
