Family's fight with HOA over pool fence

Family's fight with HOA over pool fence

KPRC 2 Click2Houston

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@mr.s2005 - 05.01.2025 11:59

join an HOA, give absolute control of their property to a inexperience board.
personally do just fine increasing the value of my home without asking permission from a bunch of karens.

@jawadarif5676 - 06.01.2025 16:06

There have more rule regarding fence then gun

@k-jackson8538 - 07.01.2025 06:13

The most dangerous thing about a pool is not having a fence around it

@GeorgeBell-fn1bc - 07.01.2025 18:13

The homeowners insurance company will tell the owner they require a 4 foot fence with locking gates. The HOA is out of control. Insurance carrier also does not want diving boards, does not like slides.

@LiquidTheory - 08.01.2025 13:34

Ruth Johnson is clearly an incompetent moron.

@bartfourie8359 - 09.01.2025 16:11

No matter which country,never live in a hoa neighborhood and fight it tooth and nail if they want to convert to an hoa controlled neighborhood

@henrygingold6549 - 12.01.2025 00:25

If you want to know where some of the NAZIs ended up, look no further than an HOA

@Alex-m1p9z - 14.01.2025 08:21

Repeat after me: "IT'S MY PROPERTY."

@Blento0404otnelB - 14.01.2025 16:41

You are all ldlots
it is YOUR home, tje fk hoa has to tell you what you can do or not?
You americans are seriously brain damaged.

@prestonzach6310 - 16.01.2025 23:37

HOA be on drugs

@BenJehovah6969 - 17.01.2025 00:08

Ive never seen or read a feel good HOA piece.

@rizzodefrank - 17.01.2025 02:03

Many municipalities require pool fencing by ordinance

@RobertAcaron - 18.01.2025 19:18

All pools in the US are requiredto have fences , 4 ft minimum. HOA cannot supersed state or on this case federal law. The HOA is in infridgement of the law. Thus criminal case.

@patmcconville4453 - 19.01.2025 19:37

Who gives these people there jobs on a HOA

@c2757 - 20.01.2025 14:37

The United States - land of the free, or at least, the free to do what your HOA tells you to do.

@jasondrummond9451 - 23.01.2025 21:59

We don't have HOA's in Canada - at least not in my area on the West Coast. I can understand restrictions when living in a condo, which is a shared building, but I am gobsmacked that anyone would put up with a bunch of neighbourhood busybodies dictating what they could and could not do in their own yard. City bylaws are one thing, but 'thou shalt not have pool fence' is unreal. I thought Americans were 'fiercely independent' - WTF??

@rafaelayala2076 - 25.01.2025 10:47

Freaking ridiculous HoA sucks, it's like not owning your property ridiculous ridiculous that's why I stayed away from HOA

@peacedude777 - 25.01.2025 21:48


@robertm348 - 26.01.2025 02:42

HOAs are criminal in nature. They need to be outlawed!

@lwaysstartinsomethin - 26.01.2025 23:48

The HOA board is trying to move people out by using petty nonsense.

@juanpsol1 - 01.02.2025 19:22

White people problems!!!😂😂😂😂

@christinefrances5598 - 01.02.2025 20:01

HOAs are all evil power trips of small minded ridiculous people. I would NEVER purchase a home with an HOA.

@JohnShelbyAnthony-bh3gc - 02.02.2025 05:38

Federal government must give HOA SOP and guidelines on how to do their work humanly.

@MattDMc84 - 02.02.2025 20:05

Benders Landing? Bite my shiny, metal pool fence

@rebel9838 - 04.02.2025 20:34

Hoa is equal to north Korea

@MiyaKutsune - 05.02.2025 08:40

Right because the homeowners association loves to have rules that could possibly get children killed from falling in the pool doesn't matter how many children drown to death as long as their rules are followed hoas could be abolished and better yet those who work for it should be arrested

@angelisa368 - 06.02.2025 04:46

What an absurd rule!! How arbitrary to make up rules about corner lots. I hope she fights this and wins. Sue this stupid HOA.

@jn.6 - 12.02.2025 13:52

Hoa is a cancer

@RenoLaringo - 12.02.2025 21:51

Such sad souls should preferably leave the earth alltogether

@The-Left-Handed-Cable-Company - 13.02.2025 09:55

I wouldn't do anything I would leave it up, and then kindly warn the "hoa" guy that next time there wont be a next time.

@maddoxyamamoto - 13.02.2025 18:08

HOA = Hell Over Anything

@mikehunt545 - 17.02.2025 00:59


@jvasenda1981 - 19.02.2025 03:54

F the HOA

@TheCherrybuster - 19.02.2025 06:50

Tel HOA to go to court

@ozloop69 - 21.02.2025 04:46

Stop fighting with a homeowner association and start fighting with your local council which sets the rules by which the home association should be operating by and if the rules that the home association are not operating by all our operating by need to be brought in line with what the council of the town council has allowed in the towns borders so the home association must comply with what the local town ordinance are or city ordinance and a home association cannot fight Townhall or City Hall for that fact because they rely on them to start their laws from but now it’s more like a race based situation Because after all they are dark skinned and that’s just being kind to the HOA

@KhairulNoir - 22.02.2025 23:03

Trump need to ban HOA.. or just make a law that HOA only can investigate if suspicious act occur or guard patrol

@Hanka6770 - 23.02.2025 21:17

Privacy fence does not protect the kids from falling in.

@BoyerzUrashima - 27.02.2025 16:51

US HOA. the creepers of the world 🌎😂

@gpenrod5221 - 28.02.2025 19:02

The main problem with HOA's is that it only takes one narcissist to ruin it for someone. Give them some authority and bam! You have stories like this. HOAs are fodder for these kinds of stories, literally thousands of them. Yet some groups still allow HOAs to be formed and people still buy into them. When last shopping for a home, first on the list of weeding them out was "is it in an HOA?" If the answer was yes we discarded even looking at them. HOAs are nice, to a point. After that they are pure control evil.

@adamsyclone7409 - 28.02.2025 19:24

Tell them to F off they obviously have it out for you I’d move

@JJ-wq9og - 01.03.2025 06:34

Lol, the board members' houses would look too nice after they did that to someone in my family.

@gothivore277 - 03.03.2025 00:38

HOAs should be illegal! I’ve never seen an HOA that I didn’t absolutely HATE

@martinsclovis33 - 03.03.2025 05:10

HOA sometimessssssss SUX

@keaton718 - 04.03.2025 06:15

HOA should be forcing people to put fences up, not taking them down.

@spfane - 05.03.2025 03:28

In this case, offense is the best defense. Sue the HOA.

@Euphria89 - 05.03.2025 11:40

These HOA people be bored. I promise. And the fence is in a back yard.

@TypicalAmericanCitizen - 07.03.2025 19:43

If you like mandatory HOA's you're a communist.

@markusparkus3382 - 08.03.2025 20:26

Hoa is bs and should be illegal.

@KaidenceKimura - 09.03.2025 23:32

It’s amazing we have made it this far as a species.

@merlinathrawes746 - 11.03.2025 07:16

Just another reason why I will never willingly live in an HOA controlled property.
