Top 11 Reasons To Choose PHP Yii2 Framework (1)

Top 11 Reasons To Choose PHP Yii2 Framework (1)

Lionel The Tech Lead

3 года назад

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Fernando - 12.12.2022 23:12

And 2022 what's is your opinion, I am expert on yii2, but I am considering Laravel for a new project

Charles B. Lim
Charles B. Lim - 06.05.2022 11:01

You guys need to try Django for real.

Kevin Florenz Daus
Kevin Florenz Daus - 10.03.2022 10:57

oh man! , I miss Yii ,
its one fo the PHP framework that I love to use .

Meda Medic
Meda Medic - 23.09.2021 12:27

Yii is the best framework sir!!! Esspeically when used with bootstrap 2, jquery, cobol and IE7

Hemant Kumar
Hemant Kumar - 18.09.2021 22:39

The view you are showing with a fab design is actually a very basic view. No one go with this view any more.

Hemant Kumar
Hemant Kumar - 18.09.2021 22:38

You haven't completed the 11 reasons in your video :(

Miqayel Ishkhanyan
Miqayel Ishkhanyan - 09.03.2021 23:14

If you know Laravel 8.x, you will understand that Yii is not the best as you know. Actually, it's PHP good, not YII1 or 2) In Yii, every solution has made by static classes which are not really OOP. They haven't even keep solid principles. When your project is large you face a lot of problems and you have to change the default architecture.

John Smith
John Smith - 03.03.2021 03:48

10. Bootstrap sucks! but I got your point if you are not designer. The first thing that I do when I install is uninstall Bootstrap and Install Tailwind.

Bulat Ashimov
Bulat Ashimov - 13.09.2020 06:57

Lionel, you nailed it. Yii has been the most underrated and underappreciated PHP framework

Phố Khang
Phố Khang - 06.07.2020 08:15

Hello, is yii 1 much different from yii2, i am using yii1, should i learn yii2

Aditya Pandey
Aditya Pandey - 01.07.2020 14:04

Hey Lionel, that was such a nice explanation of the features provided by the framework. Thanks for uploading this. Eagerly waiting for the next 8 features from you.

mnchabel - 29.06.2020 17:33

like the video but yii is just a mess to me ~ (nodejs or golang)

Allan Gitu
Allan Gitu - 29.06.2020 16:45

Thank you so much. I appreciate the time and effort you are putting into making these videos. You rock!

Said Abdellatif Said Bakr
Said Abdellatif Said Bakr - 29.06.2020 14:18

Where's the rest?

Joe Rodrigo
Joe Rodrigo - 29.06.2020 14:05

Hello sir, I saw this in yii2 fb page. Are you planning on making a series of tutorial about yii2? With js framework?

عمار - 29.06.2020 14:00

for me i like Yii so i've been using laravel(5 month) and yii(1year)
i highly recomend Yii :
-it's more secure with dektrium extension
-easy management of roles not like laravel midleware and such hard aspect for beginner
-Gii generation models and cruds and several things
-and the power of Yii comes on it's extension kartik etc
------------------------------i've found just one weakness ----------------------
some of extension are not revised some in the extension of dynamic form the id doesn't increment
so as a solution i've been using jquery to change the id of element when they are created some jquery evnet cycle but i will great if
it will be a community to making and revising yii solution for a good re usability and sharing
and a big thanks for your video i really like your explanation i consider you as sort of teacher XD and superior so wish you the best
