What Does a Project Manager Do [THE ROLE OF THE PM]

What Does a Project Manager Do [THE ROLE OF THE PM]

Adriana Girdler

4 года назад

344,869 Просмотров

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Charissa le Roux
Charissa le Roux - 19.09.2023 22:11

I’ve been thinking a lot about trying to get into Project management, and this video confirmed it! Thanks so much for sharing it.

John - 18.09.2023 01:30


Lemurai - 10.09.2023 19:23

My only gripe about this career pathway is for the companies; make sure the person who is the project manager actually knows the job(s) that they’re overseeing. I worked as a materials engineer at an industrial fabrication firm and we were processing a massive order for a well known (to the public) company. Our firm brought a project manager in from outside and immediately within the first week we began to see kinks in our processes, delays etc…By the 3rd week I’d had enough and brought it up in our production meeting and questioned the background of the project manager, quizzing them on basic things they should know as an engineer or industrial designer, the person could not answer any of my questions then came the final question, what can you do? Come to find out, this persons background was in supply chain management, and didn’t understand industrial processes & how they flowed. Long story short, the person was removed the following day and myself and other engineers had to pick up their slack on top of doing our jobs, it was absolutely horrible. I say all this because I want anyone looking into this sort of career pathway, to make sure you know the job you’re overseeing, if not you will get exposed quickly, from my experience with the previous incident I mentioned, it prompted me to look further into this field, & I found that some people look at the title arbitrarily & automatically think they can manage anything, not so in my opinion. Some projects are very technical & require judgement calls that can only come from someone skilled in that profession. I’d say be careful in choosing this job, because the onus of any failure will rest squarely on your head & reputation.

Yaroslav Ivanov
Yaroslav Ivanov - 02.09.2023 22:18

Go team!

CyanideSprinkles - 24.08.2023 01:46

so we need adults to act as parents cheering on their adult employees as children doing the right thing? this country is fucked.

rytram prophet
rytram prophet - 23.08.2023 22:34

I wouldn't mind a PM job. Mainly because it pays an extraordinary salary. That being said, There is NOTHING that motivates people more than money and attention. Pay them well and pay them attention. listen to what they think and consider it. If you do not agree, explain WHY you do not agree so that they can leave with a better understanding rather than feeling like they have just been told to F off.

Set goals, provide incentives. If you require them to go above and beyond for you, you should do the same for them, Lead by example. Don't just require them to work crunch putting in 12+ hrs a day without some light at the end of the tunnel that helps keep them going. Im not talking about Carrot dangling. We all know about that and most of us learn to not trust the carrot. Something like a company vacation as a reward, or a bonus. Something to strive for.

Your employees, despite the bull that you have been taught to believe, generally don't give 2 sh!ts about the company and the bottom line. This is because they rarely see any of that. They care about what THEY get out of it. We have to, we have our lives and families we have to consider. We have personal goals. No company should expect their employees to "care" if the company doesn't care in return. Want them to care about the company? Profit sharing and stocks. This way THEIR desires are tied to the companies desires. The better the company does, they better they do.

Moreover, If you treat employees like expendables, they will treat the job the same way.

If i ever get into a management position, PM or otherwise, This is the standards i hope to set.

Oliya - 18.08.2023 18:09

Hi. I have been appointed to be a Project Manager for a 52nd Anniversary Project at a church and I dont know how and where to start. Please can you help me? Oliya

Sean Moore
Sean Moore - 15.08.2023 19:32

Thanks, I'm glad I found you. I'm a Sales Enablement manager and I've taken on a very large re-organization / policy update "project" for my organization and we don't have access to a PM, so I'm playing the role of the PM as well as the role of the sales enablement expert hoping to get this project rolling. I can already tell I'll be leaning on your content to help with managing the project!

Adarsh - 09.08.2023 22:08

Go team

Gilberto Francisco
Gilberto Francisco - 08.08.2023 03:24

I loved to watch the lesson.

Jacky Beukes
Jacky Beukes - 04.08.2023 15:01

Enjoyed the video. Very interesting and helpful

Jacky Beukes
Jacky Beukes - 04.08.2023 14:54


Brandon Pinto
Brandon Pinto - 18.07.2023 07:31

Go team!🎉❤

Walter David Scott Nongkynrih
Walter David Scott Nongkynrih - 12.07.2023 16:07

I'm struggling with my present project are we team work!

Daniel Surles
Daniel Surles - 06.07.2023 20:19

Was hand signal was that at the end of the video

Ashley Craig
Ashley Craig - 19.06.2023 02:27

Hit that follow! Your webinar was extremely helpful! Thank you

Epic Link
Epic Link - 01.06.2023 00:05

😊 I needed this... And, oh. "Go team..."🎉

Isah Nurudeen
Isah Nurudeen - 27.05.2023 18:58

Can you show me a prove that you are a pm show pictures or videos of your work

مصرية فى كوريا
مصرية فى كوريا - 27.05.2023 09:59


mesco - 22.05.2023 13:32

Great advice ❤🙌🏻

Sethumi Ediriweera Arachchige
Sethumi Ediriweera Arachchige - 15.05.2023 05:29

GO TEAM!!!!!

david greene
david greene - 29.04.2023 20:35


Jonathan Baker
Jonathan Baker - 26.04.2023 14:10

GO TEAM! :) Great videos!

Jorge RIVERA - 30.03.2023 20:11

I still don’t understand. A project manager for what type of job? I kind of understand the material covered from a military leadership perspective. But how do you fit my set of skill sets (included everything that you covered) into the actual type of project in the civilian world. Can you provide a video breaking it “Barney style”. For example, “Joe is a going to build his resume, interview and accept a job as a project manager dealing with landscaping (this area can be changed), but he provided his 5 year experience as a landscaper to now accept the task of recruiting landscapers, assigning their tasks, assessing their performance as well as understanding the future landscaping projects, getting his higher ups at ease by letting them know that you know what you are doing. Then providing them with updates on the progress of the projects, etc…” this could be applied into any other type of areas as a project to manage, right?

IGNITION HUB - 09.03.2023 19:16

Hi Adriana
I would love to start a career as a Project Manager can you be of help?

Thank You.

James Brennan
James Brennan - 06.03.2023 16:57

Enjoyed your enthusiasm!

Lekeatra Daniels
Lekeatra Daniels - 18.02.2023 05:20

Hey Adriana! I have been teaching for 6 years and I am looking to make a career change and project management sparked my interest. Do you think that my teaching skills would transfer well to this career? What advice would you have for getting started? What certifications would you suggest? Thank you for your time and I will be checking out more of your videos.

Mohammad Nabeel
Mohammad Nabeel - 06.02.2023 03:23

Hey ! Im thinking of doing the PMP certification as i find project management quite interesting. But im business student , do you think it would help be in my field or career ?

Kawal Preet
Kawal Preet - 29.01.2023 21:04

Great video ! Got to know about the major roles of a Project Manager in an organization that helps them to run successful projects.Definitely, it will also help me to be a good leader or manager in my career in project management. Also, some of these responsibilities are very useful in our day-to-day life. It is very helpful for me and others to watch such videos of yours to gain more knowledge about project management or other programs. Thank You !!!

PaperBrawl - 28.01.2023 04:55

Go twam

Shopgirl2000 - 27.01.2023 13:51

What do you do when someone just refuses to cooperate, deliver etc - and talking with them to find out whats bothering them doesnt work (theybasically just dont like you as a proj mngr and are set on getting the project to fai)?

kerri conroy
kerri conroy - 26.01.2023 23:26

I am struggling and beginning to wish I didn’t take these college courses you make it seem so easy

The Plug Atl
The Plug Atl - 24.01.2023 03:05

Go team

Mike Zero
Mike Zero - 20.01.2023 04:53

I just got certified. I am scared lol

lexiconlover - 18.01.2023 01:23

WELLL YOU'RE FUN. I can see why you succeed as a Project Manager.

Jorge Villacis
Jorge Villacis - 10.01.2023 11:12

get a life

Sean - 23.12.2022 23:39

go team

fazal gilani
fazal gilani - 16.12.2022 13:36

is project support officer a good start to get into PM, with no prior experience

Mama Jan
Mama Jan - 13.12.2022 00:27

Have been a PM for a five years and still doesn’t know what my responsibilities are lol

Document Decor
Document Decor - 12.12.2022 18:52

Go team!

Dylan Holley
Dylan Holley - 27.11.2022 18:14

They seem to cause lots of problems by getting their hands in industries they have no experience in or understanding of....

Mohsen Tabrizi
Mohsen Tabrizi - 12.11.2022 14:47

Go Team!

manikanta boyudu
manikanta boyudu - 08.11.2022 11:29

after getting thought of project management but i am bit confussing on what are the roles and responsibulities of project management this kind of questions this video genuinly help for them,like this video, moreover after watching this video i could not get thought of watch another video, thank you for sharing your knowledge on this platform, i appreciate patiancy

yuanjing - 03.11.2022 23:56

Hi Adriana, This is Jeff Lin. I used a new account because previous account had problems. I am learning your lectures. Thanks!

Привет! Это мой мир.
Привет! Это мой мир. - 01.11.2022 15:51

love those miniature look-alike lego

RODNEY WAMALA - 28.10.2022 16:48

go team

WhiteSiroi - 12.10.2022 15:01


Asha Anchatgeri
Asha Anchatgeri - 10.10.2022 20:43

I am looking for a job change as an IT project manager after pmp certified a year ago. Unfortunately I have not yet got any offer. Any suggestions from your end really helps me.

s2209johnstone - 06.10.2022 06:52

Hi Adriana, Awesome introduction video. So looking forward to learning the in's and out's of this field.

Anthony J
Anthony J - 28.09.2022 12:11

Hey, been on your channel a while now... i got my foot into health and safety no job experience or anything just been stuck in the course.. I'm just lacking guidance...been thinking to start PM but not sure if its in my personality like you
